[gparted] Create new method GParted_Core::set_device_from_disk() (#771244)

commit fd426cf36e2bfa1f2e21cb52ed396f8f7afe01ef
Author: Mike Fleetwood <mike fleetwood googlemail com>
Date:   Thu Dec 22 07:57:02 2016 +0000

    Create new method GParted_Core::set_device_from_disk() (#771244)
    Move code from GParted_Core::set_devices_thread() performing top level
    population of each Device object during the scan of the drives into new
    set_device_from_disk() method.
    Bug 771244 - gparted does not recognize the iso9660 file system in
                 cloned Ubuntu USB boot drives

 include/GParted_Core.h |    1 +
 src/GParted_Core.cc    |  244 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/GParted_Core.h b/include/GParted_Core.h
index 88ff7ec..0fe09a0 100644
--- a/include/GParted_Core.h
+++ b/include/GParted_Core.h
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ private:
        void set_thread_status_message( Glib::ustring msg ) ;
        static Glib::ustring get_partition_path( PedPartition * lp_partition );
+       void set_device_from_disk( Device & device, const Glib::ustring & device_path );
        void set_device_serial_number( Device & device );
        void set_device_partitions( Device & device, PedDevice* lp_device, PedDisk* lp_disk ) ;
        void set_device_one_partition( Device & device, PedDevice * lp_device, FILESYSTEM fstype,
diff --git a/src/GParted_Core.cc b/src/GParted_Core.cc
index 46bcda3..b0f8f2f 100644
--- a/src/GParted_Core.cc
+++ b/src/GParted_Core.cc
@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ void GParted_Core::set_devices_thread( std::vector<Device> * pdevices )
        std::vector<Device> &devices = *pdevices;
        devices .clear() ;
-       Device temp_device ;
        BlockSpecial::clear_cache();            // MUST BE FIRST.  Cache of name to major, minor
                                                // numbers incrementally loaded when BlockSpecial
                                                // objects are created in the following caches.
@@ -260,125 +259,9 @@ void GParted_Core::set_devices_thread( std::vector<Device> * pdevices )
                /*TO TRANSLATORS: looks like Searching /dev/sda partitions */ 
                set_thread_status_message( String::ucompose ( _("Searching %1 partitions"), device_paths[ t ] 
) ) ;
-               PedDevice* lp_device = NULL ;
-               PedDisk* lp_disk = NULL ;
-               if ( get_device_and_disk( device_paths[ t ], lp_device, lp_disk, false, true ) )
-               {
-                       temp_device .Reset() ;
-                       //device info..
-                       temp_device.set_path( device_paths[t] );
-                       temp_device .model      =       lp_device ->model ;
-                       temp_device .length     =       lp_device ->length ;
-                       temp_device .sector_size        =       lp_device ->sector_size ;
-                       temp_device .heads      =       lp_device ->bios_geom .heads ;
-                       temp_device .sectors    =       lp_device ->bios_geom .sectors ;
-                       temp_device .cylinders  =       lp_device ->bios_geom .cylinders ;
-                       temp_device .cylsize    =       temp_device .heads * temp_device .sectors ; 
-                       set_device_serial_number( temp_device );
-                       //make sure cylsize is at least 1 MiB
-                       if ( temp_device .cylsize < (MEBIBYTE / temp_device .sector_size) )
-                               temp_device .cylsize = (MEBIBYTE / temp_device .sector_size) ;
-                       std::vector<Glib::ustring> messages;
-                       FILESYSTEM fstype = detect_filesystem( lp_device, NULL, messages );
-                       // FS_Info (blkid) recognised file system signature on whole disk
-                       // device.  Need to detect before libparted reported partitioning
-                       // to avoid bug in libparted 1.9.0 to 2.3 inclusive which
-                       // recognised FAT file systems as MSDOS partition tables.  Fixed
-                       // in parted 2.4 by commit:
-                       //     616a2a1659d89ff90f9834016a451da8722df509
-                       //     libparted: avoid regression when processing a whole-disk FAT partition
-                       if ( fstype != FS_UNKNOWN )
-                       {
-                               // Clear the possible "unrecognised disk label" message
-                               libparted_messages.clear();
-                               temp_device.disktype = "none";
-                               temp_device.max_prims = 1;
-                               set_device_one_partition( temp_device, lp_device, fstype, messages );
-                       }
-                       // Partitioned drive (excluding "loop"), as recognised by libparted
-                       else if ( lp_disk && lp_disk->type && lp_disk->type->name &&
-                                 strcmp( lp_disk->type->name, "loop" ) != 0         )
-                       {
-                               temp_device .disktype = lp_disk ->type ->name ;
-                               temp_device .max_prims = ped_disk_get_max_primary_partition_count( lp_disk ) ;
-                               // Determine if partition naming is supported.
-                               if ( ped_disk_type_check_feature( lp_disk->type, PED_DISK_TYPE_PARTITION_NAME 
) )
-                               {
-                                       temp_device.enable_partition_naming(
-                                                       Utils::get_max_partition_name_length( 
temp_device.disktype ) );
-                               }
-                               set_device_partitions( temp_device, lp_device, lp_disk ) ;
-                               if ( temp_device .highest_busy )
-                               {
-                                       temp_device.readonly = ! commit_to_os( lp_disk, 
-                                       //Clear libparted messages.  Typically these are:
-                                       //  The kernel was unable to re-read the partition table...
-                                       libparted_messages .clear() ;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       // Drive just containing libparted "loop" signature and nothing
-                       // else.  (Actually any drive reported by libparted as "loop" but
-                       // not recognised by blkid on the whole disk device).
-                       else if ( lp_disk && lp_disk->type && lp_disk->type->name &&
-                                 strcmp( lp_disk->type->name, "loop" ) == 0         )
-                       {
-                               temp_device.disktype = lp_disk->type->name;
-                               temp_device.max_prims = 1;
-                               // Create virtual partition covering the whole disk device
-                               // with unknown contents.
-                               Partition * partition_temp = new Partition();
-                               partition_temp->Set( temp_device.get_path(),
-                                                    lp_device->path,
-                                                    1,
-                                                    TYPE_PRIMARY,
-                                                    true,
-                                                    FS_UNKNOWN,
-                                                    0LL,
-                                                    temp_device.length - 1LL,
-                                                    temp_device.sector_size,
-                                                    false,
-                                                    false );
-                               // Place unknown file system message in this partition.
-                               partition_temp->append_messages( messages );
-                               temp_device.partitions.push_back_adopt( partition_temp );
-                       }
-                       // Unrecognised, unpartitioned drive.
-                       else
-                       {
-                               temp_device.disktype =
-                                       /* TO TRANSLATORS:  unrecognized
-                                        * means that the partition table for this
-                                        * disk device is unknown or not recognized.
-                                        */
-                                       _("unrecognized") ;
-                               temp_device.max_prims = 1;
-                               Partition * partition_temp = new Partition();
-                               partition_temp->Set_Unallocated( temp_device.get_path(),
-                                                                true,
-                                                                0LL,
-                                                                temp_device.length - 1LL,
-                                                                temp_device.sector_size,
-                                                                false );
-                               // Place libparted messages in this unallocated partition
-                               partition_temp->append_messages( libparted_messages );
-                               libparted_messages.clear();
-                               temp_device.partitions.push_back_adopt( partition_temp );
-                       }
-                       devices .push_back( temp_device ) ;
-                       destroy_device_and_disk( lp_device, lp_disk) ;
-               }
+               Device temp_device;
+               set_device_from_disk( temp_device, device_paths[t] );
+               devices.push_back( temp_device );
        set_thread_status_message("") ;
@@ -986,6 +869,125 @@ Glib::ustring GParted_Core::get_partition_path( PedPartition * lp_partition )
        return partition_path ;
+void GParted_Core::set_device_from_disk( Device & device, const Glib::ustring & device_path )
+       PedDevice* lp_device = NULL;
+       PedDisk* lp_disk = NULL;
+       if ( get_device_and_disk( device_path, lp_device, lp_disk, false, true ) )
+       {
+               device.Reset();
+               // Device info ...
+               device.set_path( device_path );
+               device.model       = lp_device->model;
+               device.length      = lp_device->length;
+               device.sector_size = lp_device->sector_size;
+               device.heads       = lp_device->bios_geom.heads;
+               device.sectors     = lp_device->bios_geom.sectors;
+               device.cylinders   = lp_device->bios_geom.cylinders;
+               device.cylsize     = device.heads * device.sectors;
+               set_device_serial_number( device );
+               // Make sure cylsize is at least 1 MiB
+               if ( device.cylsize < (MEBIBYTE / device.sector_size) )
+                       device.cylsize = MEBIBYTE / device.sector_size;
+               std::vector<Glib::ustring> messages;
+               FILESYSTEM fstype = detect_filesystem( lp_device, NULL, messages );
+               // FS_Info (blkid) recognised file system signature on whole disk device.
+               // Need to detect before libparted reported partitioning to avoid bug in
+               // libparted 1.9.0 to 2.3 inclusive which recognised FAT file systems as
+               // MSDOS partition tables.  Fixed in parted 2.4 by commit:
+               //     616a2a1659d89ff90f9834016a451da8722df509
+               //     libparted: avoid regression when processing a whole-disk FAT partition
+               if ( fstype != FS_UNKNOWN )
+               {
+                       // Clear the possible "unrecognised disk label" message
+                       libparted_messages.clear();
+                       device.disktype = "none";
+                       device.max_prims = 1;
+                       set_device_one_partition( device, lp_device, fstype, messages );
+               }
+               // Partitioned drive (excluding "loop"), as recognised by libparted
+               else if ( lp_disk && lp_disk->type && lp_disk->type->name &&
+                         strcmp( lp_disk->type->name, "loop" ) != 0         )
+               {
+                       device.disktype = lp_disk->type->name;
+                       device.max_prims = ped_disk_get_max_primary_partition_count( lp_disk );
+                       // Determine if partition naming is supported.
+                       if ( ped_disk_type_check_feature( lp_disk->type, PED_DISK_TYPE_PARTITION_NAME ) )
+                       {
+                               device.enable_partition_naming(
+                                               Utils::get_max_partition_name_length( device.disktype ) );
+                       }
+                       set_device_partitions( device, lp_device, lp_disk );
+                       if ( device.highest_busy )
+                       {
+                               device.readonly = ! commit_to_os( lp_disk, 
+                               // Clear libparted messages.  Typically these are:
+                               //     The kernel was unable to re-read the partition table...
+                               libparted_messages.clear();
+                       }
+               }
+               // Drive just containing libparted "loop" signature and nothing else.
+               // (Actually any drive reported by libparted as "loop" but not recognised
+               // by blkid on the whole disk device).
+               else if ( lp_disk && lp_disk->type && lp_disk->type->name &&
+                         strcmp( lp_disk->type->name, "loop" ) == 0         )
+               {
+                       device.disktype = lp_disk->type->name;
+                       device.max_prims = 1;
+                       // Create virtual partition covering the whole disk device with
+                       // unknown contents.
+                       Partition * partition_temp = new Partition();
+                       partition_temp->Set( device.get_path(),
+                                            lp_device->path,
+                                            1,
+                                            TYPE_PRIMARY,
+                                            true,
+                                            FS_UNKNOWN,
+                                            0LL,
+                                            device.length - 1LL,
+                                            device.sector_size,
+                                            false,
+                                            false );
+                       // Place unknown file system message in this partition.
+                       partition_temp->append_messages( messages );
+                       device.partitions.push_back_adopt( partition_temp );
+               }
+               // Unrecognised, unpartitioned drive.
+               else
+               {
+                       device.disktype =
+                               /* TO TRANSLATORS:  unrecognized
+                                * means that the partition table for this disk device is
+                                * unknown or not recognized.
+                                */
+                               _("unrecognized");
+                       device.max_prims = 1;
+                       Partition * partition_temp = new Partition();
+                       partition_temp->Set_Unallocated( device.get_path(),
+                                                        true,
+                                                        0LL,
+                                                        device.length - 1LL,
+                                                        device.sector_size,
+                                                        false );
+                       // Place libparted messages in this unallocated partition
+                       partition_temp->append_messages( libparted_messages );
+                       libparted_messages.clear();
+                       device.partitions.push_back_adopt( partition_temp );
+               }
+               destroy_device_and_disk( lp_device, lp_disk);
+       }
 void GParted_Core::set_device_serial_number( Device & device )
        if ( ! hdparm_found )
@@ -3953,7 +3955,7 @@ bool GParted_Core::get_disk( PedDevice *& lp_device, PedDisk *& lp_disk, bool st
                // if ! disk and writable it's probably a HD without disklabel.
                // We return true here and deal with them in
-               // GParted_Core::set_devices_thread().
+               // GParted_Core::set_device_from_disk().
                if ( lp_disk || ( ! strict && ! lp_device ->read_only ) )
                        return true;

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