[gnome-maps/wip/mlundblad/transit-routing: 3/13] sidebar: Add functionallity for transit routing
- From: Marcus Lundblad <mlundblad src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-maps/wip/mlundblad/transit-routing: 3/13] sidebar: Add functionallity for transit routing
- Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 20:54:48 +0000 (UTC)
commit 0b79a2835cdf3c6896ff8335d9d99a0c7e89e94f
Author: Marcus Lundblad <ml update uu se>
Date: Thu Mar 17 21:34:11 2016 +0100
sidebar: Add functionallity for transit routing
Adds a new mode button (enabled when the service file
indicates an OpenTripPlanner instance, or if explicitly
pointed out via an env variable).
Adds showing transit itineraries in addition to regular
turn-by-turn-based routes, and options for transit route
data/gnome-maps.css | 5 +
data/ui/sidebar.ui | 298 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
src/sidebar.js | 252 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
3 files changed, 489 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/gnome-maps.css b/data/gnome-maps.css
index 5f500fe..bde40bf 100644
--- a/data/gnome-maps.css
+++ b/data/gnome-maps.css
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@
color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
+.shaded {
+ background-color: alpha(black, 0.1);
+ border-bottom: 1px solid alpha(black, 0.2);
.route-label {
padding-left: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
diff --git a/data/ui/sidebar.ui b/data/ui/sidebar.ui
index 77347ed..41da44d 100644
--- a/data/ui/sidebar.ui
+++ b/data/ui/sidebar.ui
@@ -94,6 +94,29 @@
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkRadioButton" id="modeTransitToggle">
+ <property name="name">mode-transit-toggle</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="sensitive">False</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+ <property name="draw_indicator">False</property>
+ <property name="group">modeCarToggle</property>
+ <property name="height-request">32</property>
+ <property name="width-request">42</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkImage" id="mode-transit-image">
+ <property name="visible">False</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="icon-name">route-transit-symbolic</property>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <style>
+ <class name="transportation-mode-button"/>
+ </style>
+ </object>
+ </child>
<class name="linked"/>
@@ -140,55 +163,276 @@
- <object class="GtkStack" id="instructionStack">
+ <object class="GtkGrid">
<property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="valign">fill</property>
+ <property name="vexpand">True</property>
+ <property name="hexpand_set">True</property>
+ <style>
+ <class name="frame"/>
+ </style>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkRevealer" id="transitRevealer">
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkStack" id="transitHeader">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="transition-type">GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_LEFT_RIGHT</property>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left_attach">0</property>
+ <property name="top_attach">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
- <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="instructionWindow">
- <property name="name">instruction-window</property>
+ <object class="GtkStack" id="instructionStack">
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="can_focus">False</property>
- <property name="valign">fill</property>
- <property name="vexpand">True</property>
- <property name="margin">1</property>
- <property name="hscrollbar_policy">never</property>
- <object class="GtkListBox" id="instructionList">
- <property name="name">instruction-list</property>
+ <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="instructionWindow">
+ <property name="name">instruction-window</property>
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="can_focus">False</property>
<property name="valign">fill</property>
- <style>
- <class name="frame"/>
- </style>
+ <property name="vexpand">True</property>
+ <property name="margin">1</property>
+ <property name="hscrollbar_policy">never</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkListBox" id="instructionList">
+ <property name="name">instruction-list</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="valign">fill</property>
+ <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="transitWindow">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="valign">fill</property>
+ <property name="vexpand">True</property>
+ <property name="margin">1</property>
+ <property name="hscrollbar_policy">never</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkStack" id="transitListStack">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkListBox" id="transitOverviewListBox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can-focus">False</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="name">overview</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkListBox" id="transitItineraryListBox">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can-focus">False</property>
+ <property name="selection-mode">GTK_SELECTION_NONE</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="name">itinerary</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkSpinner" id="instructionSpinner">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="active">True</property>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left_attach">0</property>
+ <property name="top_attach">1</property>
+ </packing>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkStack" id="linkButtonStack">
- <object class="GtkSpinner" id="instructionSpinner">
+ <object class="GtkLinkButton" id="graphHopperLinkButton">
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Route search by GraphHopper</property>
<property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="can_focus">False</property>
- <property name="active">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+ <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property>
+ <property name="relief">none</property>
+ <property name="uri">https://graphhopper.com</property>
+ <style>
+ <class name="small-label"/>
+ </style>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="name">graphHopper</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkGrid">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="halign">GTK_ALIGN_END</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLinkButton" id="openTripPlannerLinkButton">
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Route search by OpenTripPlanner</property>
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+ <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+ <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property>
+ <property name="relief">none</property>
+ <!-- opentripplanner.org uses an SSL cert only valid for github
+ domains... -->
+ <property name="uri">http://www.opentripplanner.org</property>
+ <style>
+ <class name="small-label"/>
+ </style>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left-attach">0</property>
+ <property name="top-attach">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkMenuButton">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="popover">openTripPlannerDisclaimerPopover</property>
+ <property name="halign">GTK_ALIGN_END</property>
+ <property name="margin-top">5</property>
+ <property name="margin-bottom">5</property>
+ <property name="margin-end">5</property>
+ <property name="margin-start">5</property>
+ <style>
+ <class name="flat"/>
+ </style>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkGrid">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="valign">GTK_ALIGN_CENTER</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkImage">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+ <property name="halign">GTK_ALIGN_CENTER</property>
+ <property name="hexpand">False</property>
+ <property name="icon-name">dialog-information-symbolic</property>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left-attach">1</property>
+ <property name="top-attach">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="name">openTripPlanner</property>
+ </packing>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </template>
+ <object class="GtkPopover" id="openTripPlannerDisclaimerPopover">
+ <property name="visible">False</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkGrid">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
- <object class="GtkLinkButton" id="linkbutton1">
- <property name="label" translatable="yes">Route search by GraphHopper</property>
+ <object class="GtkLabel">
<property name="visible">True</property>
- <property name="can_focus">True</property>
- <property name="receives_default">True</property>
- <property name="use_action_appearance">False</property>
- <property name="relief">none</property>
- <property name="uri">https://graphhopper.com</property>
- <style>
- <class name="small-label"/>
- </style>
+ <property name="margin-top">5</property>
+ <property name="margin-bottom">5</property>
+ <property name="margin-start">5</property>
+ <property name="margin-end">5</property>
+ <property name="label" translatable="yes">Routing itineraries for public transit is provided by
+using timetable data obtained from transit companies or agencies.
+The companies and agencies can not be held responsible for the results shown.
+GNOME can not guarantee correctness of the itineraries and schedules shown.
+Names and brands shown are to be considered as registred trademarks when applicable.</property>
- </template>
+ </object>
+ <object class="GtkGrid" id="transitItineraryHeader">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can-focus">False</property>
+ <style>
+ <class name="shaded"/>
+ </style>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkButton" id="transitItineraryBackButton">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="margin-start">6</property>
+ <property name="margin-end">6</property>
+ <property name="margin-top">4</property>
+ <property name="margin-bottom">4</property>
+ <property name="halign">GTK_ALIGN_START</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkGrid">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="valign">GTK_ALIGN_CENTER</property>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkImage">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="can-focus">False</property>
+ <property name="hexpand">False</property>
+ <property name="icon-name">go-previous-symbolic</property>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ </child>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left-attach">0</property>
+ <property name="top-attach">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="transitItineraryTimeLabel">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="margin-start">6</property>
+ <property name="margin-end">6</property>
+ <property name="margin-top">4</property>
+ <property name="margin-bottom">4</property>
+ <property name="hexpand">False</property>
+ <property name="halign">GTK_ALIGN_START</property>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left-attach">1</property>
+ <property name="top-attach">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ <child>
+ <object class="GtkLabel" id="transitItineraryDurationLabel">
+ <property name="visible">True</property>
+ <property name="margin-start">6</property>
+ <property name="margin-end">6</property>
+ <property name="margin-top">4</property>
+ <property name="margin-bottom">4</property>
+ <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+ <property name="halign">GTK_ALIGN_START</property>
+ <style>
+ <class name="dim-label"/>
+ </style>
+ </object>
+ <packing>
+ <property name="left-attach">2</property>
+ <property name="top-attach">0</property>
+ </packing>
+ </child>
+ </object>
diff --git a/src/sidebar.js b/src/sidebar.js
index 64ec5e6..9ad76f5 100644
--- a/src/sidebar.js
+++ b/src/sidebar.js
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ const PlaceStore = imports.placeStore;
const RouteEntry = imports.routeEntry;
const RouteQuery = imports.routeQuery;
const StoredRoute = imports.storedRoute;
+const TransitArrivalRow = imports.transitArrivalRow;
+const TransitItineraryRow = imports.transitItineraryRow;
+const TransitLegRow = imports.transitLegRow;
+const TransitMoreRow = imports.transitMoreRow;
+const TransitOptionsPanel = imports.transitOptionsPanel;
const Utils = imports.utils;
const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
@@ -48,40 +53,72 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
- 'timeInfo' ],
+ 'modeTransitToggle',
+ 'timeInfo',
+ 'linkButtonStack',
+ 'transitWindow',
+ 'transitRevealer',
+ //'transitOptionsPanel',
+ 'transitHeader',
+ 'transitListStack',
+ 'transitOverviewListBox',
+ 'transitItineraryHeader',
+ 'transitItineraryListBox',
+ 'transitItineraryBackButton',
+ 'transitItineraryTimeLabel',
+ 'transitItineraryDurationLabel'],
_init: function(mapView) {
this.parent({ transition_type: Gtk.RevealerTransitionType.SLIDE_LEFT });
this._mapView = mapView;
+ this._query = Application.routeQuery;
- this._modeCarToggle);
- this._initQuerySignals();
+ this._modeCarToggle,
+ this._modeTransitToggle);
- let query = Application.routeService.query;
- query.addPoint(0);
- query.addPoint(1);
+ this._initQuerySignals();
+ this._query.addPoint(0);
+ this._query.addPoint(1);
+ this._switchRoutingMode(RouteQuery.Transportation.CAR);
+ /* enable/disable transit mode switch based on the presence of
+ * OpenTripPlanner
+ */
+ if (Application.routingDelegator.openTripPlanner.enabled)
+ this._modeTransitToggle.sensitive = true;
+ /* I could not get the custom GTK+ template widget to init properly
+ * from the UI file, we also need to manually insert the transit
+ * itinerary header widget into the GtkStack to get the correct
+ * animation direction.
+ */
+ this._transitOptionsPanel =
+ new TransitOptionsPanel.TransitOptionsPanel({ visible: true });
+ this._transitHeader.add_named(this._transitOptionsPanel, 'options');
+ this._transitHeader.add_named(this._transitItineraryHeader,
+ 'itinerary-header');
- _initTransportationToggles: function(pedestrian, bike, car) {
- let query = Application.routeService.query;
+ _initTransportationToggles: function(pedestrian, bike, car, transit) {
let transport = RouteQuery.Transportation;
let onToggle = function(mode, button) {
- if (button.active && query.transportation !== mode)
- query.transportation = mode;
+ let previousMode = this._query.transportation;
+ if (button.active && previousMode !== mode) {
+ this._switchRoutingMode(mode);
+ this._query.transportation = mode;
+ }
pedestrian.connect('toggled', onToggle.bind(this, transport.PEDESTRIAN));
car.connect('toggled', onToggle.bind(this, transport.CAR));
bike.connect('toggled', onToggle.bind(this, transport.BIKE));
+ transit.connect('toggled', onToggle.bind(this, transport.TRANSIT))
let setToggles = function() {
- switch(query.transportation) {
+ switch(Application.routeQuery.transportation) {
case transport.PEDESTRIAN:
pedestrian.active = true;
@@ -91,21 +128,39 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
case transport.BIKE:
bike.active = true;
+ case transport.TRANSIT:
+ transit.active = true;
+ break;
+ this._switchRoutingMode(Application.routeQuery.transportation);
- setToggles();
- query.connect('notify::transportation', setToggles);
+ setToggles.bind(this)();
+ this._query.connect('notify::transportation', setToggles.bind(this));
- _initQuerySignals: function() {
- let query = Application.routeService.query;
+ _switchRoutingMode: function(mode) {
+ if (mode === RouteQuery.Transportation.TRANSIT) {
+ Application.routingDelegator.useTransit = true;
+ this._linkButtonStack.visible_child_name = 'openTripPlanner';
+ this._transitOptionsPanel.reset();
+ this._transitRevealer.reveal_child = true;
+ this._clearInstructions();
+ } else {
+ Application.routingDelegator.useTransit = false;
+ this._linkButtonStack.visible_child_name = 'graphHopper';
+ this._transitRevealer.reveal_child = false;
+ Application.routingDelegator.openTripPlanner.plan.deselectItinerary();
+ }
+ },
- query.connect('point-added', (function(obj, point, index) {
+ _initQuerySignals: function() {
+ this._query.connect('point-added', (function(obj, point, index) {
this._createRouteEntry(index, point);
- query.connect('point-removed', (function(obj, point, index) {
+ this._query.connect('point-removed', (function(obj, point, index) {
let row = this._entryList.get_row_at_index(index);
@@ -133,40 +188,55 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
if (type === RouteEntry.Type.FROM) {
routeEntry.button.connect('clicked', (function() {
let lastIndex = this._entryList.get_children().length;
- Application.routeService.query.addPoint(lastIndex - 1);
+ this._query.addPoint(lastIndex - 1);
routeEntry.entry, 'has_focus',
} else if (type === RouteEntry.Type.VIA) {
- routeEntry.button.connect('clicked', function() {
+ routeEntry.button.connect('clicked', (function() {
let row = routeEntry.get_parent();
- Application.routeService.query.removePoint(row.get_index());
- });
+ this._query.removePoint(row.get_index());
+ }).bind(this));
_initInstructionList: function() {
- let route = Application.routeService.route;
- let query = Application.routeService.query;
+ let route = Application.routingDelegator.graphHopper.route;
+ let transitPlan = Application.routingDelegator.openTripPlanner.plan;
route.connect('reset', (function() {
let length = this._entryList.get_children().length;
for (let index = 1; index < (length - 1); index++) {
- query.removePoint(index);
+ this._query.removePoint(index);
- query.connect('notify', (function() {
- if (query.isValid())
+ transitPlan.connect('reset', (function() {
+ this._clearTransitOverview();
+ this._showTransitOverview();
+ this._instructionStack.visible_child = this._transitWindow;
+ /* don't remove query points as with the turn-based routing,
+ * since we might get "no route" because of the time selected
+ * and so on */
+ }).bind(this));
+ this._query.connect('notify', (function() {
+ if (this._query.isValid()) {
this._instructionStack.visible_child = this._instructionSpinner;
- else
- this._clearInstructions();
+ } else {
+ if (this._query.transportation === RouteQuery.Transportation.TRANSIT) {
+ this._clearTransitOverview();
+ this._showTransitOverview();
+ } else {
+ this._clearInstructions();
+ }
+ }
if (this._storeRouteTimeoutId)
@@ -181,11 +251,11 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
this._storeRouteTimeoutId = Mainloop.timeout_add(5000, (function() {
let placeStore = Application.placeStore;
- let places = query.filledPoints.map(function(point) {
+ let places = this._query.filledPoints.map(function(point) {
return point.place;
let storedRoute = new StoredRoute.StoredRoute({
- transportation: query.transportation,
+ transportation: this._query.transportation,
route: route,
places: places,
geoclue: Application.geoclue
@@ -213,8 +283,114 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
if (row)
+ transitPlan.connect('update', (function() {
+ this._clearTransitOverview();
+ this._showTransitOverview();
+ this._populateTransitItineraryOverview();
+ }).bind(this));
+ /* use list separators for the transit itinerary overview list */
+ this._transitOverviewListBox.set_header_func(function(row, prev) {
+ if (prev)
+ row.set_header(new Gtk.Separator());
+ });
+ this._transitOverviewListBox.connect('row-activated',
+ this._onItineraryOverviewRowActivated.bind(this));
+ this._transitItineraryBackButton.connect('clicked',
+ this._showTransitOverview.bind(this));
+ _clearTransitOverview: function() {
+ let listBox = this._transitOverviewListBox;
+ listBox.forall(listBox.remove.bind(listBox));
+ this._instructionStack.visible_child = this._transitWindow;
+ this._timeInfo.label = '';
+ this._distanceInfo.label = '';
+ },
+ _clearTransitItinerary: function() {
+ let listBox = this._transitItineraryListBox;
+ listBox.forall(listBox.remove.bind(listBox));
+ },
+ _showTransitOverview: function() {
+ let plan = Application.routingDelegator.openTripPlanner.plan;
+ this._transitListStack.visible_child_name = 'overview';
+ this._transitHeader.visible_child_name = 'options';
+ plan.deselectItinerary();
+ },
+ _showTransitItineraryView: function() {
+ this._transitListStack.visible_child_name = 'itinerary';
+ this._transitHeader.visible_child_name = 'itinerary-header';
+ },
+ _populateTransitItineraryOverview: function() {
+ let plan = Application.routingDelegator.openTripPlanner.plan;
+ plan.itineraries.forEach((function(itinerary) {
+ let row =
+ new TransitItineraryRow.TransitItineraryRow({ visible: true,
+ itinerary: itinerary });
+ this._transitOverviewListBox.add(row);
+ }).bind(this));
+ /* add the "load more" row */
+ this._transitOverviewListBox.add(
+ new TransitMoreRow.TransitMoreRow({ visible: true }));
+ /* add an empty list row to get a final separator */
+ this._transitOverviewListBox.add(new Gtk.ListBoxRow({ visible: true }));
+ },
+ _onItineraryActivated: function(itinerary) {
+ let plan = Application.routingDelegator.openTripPlanner.plan;
+ this._populateTransitItinerary(itinerary);
+ this._showTransitItineraryView();
+ plan.selectItinerary(itinerary);
+ },
+ _onMoreActivated: function(row) {
+ row.startLoading();
+ Application.routingDelegator.openTripPlanner.fetchMoreResults();
+ },
+ _onItineraryOverviewRowActivated: function(listBox, row) {
+ this._transitOverviewListBox.unselect_all();
+ if (row.itinerary)
+ this._onItineraryActivated(row.itinerary);
+ else
+ this._onMoreActivated(row);
+ },
+ _populateTransitItinerary: function(itinerary) {
+ this._transitItineraryTimeLabel.label =
+ itinerary.prettyPrintTimeInterval();
+ this._transitItineraryDurationLabel.label =
+ itinerary.prettyPrintDuration();
+ this._clearTransitItinerary();
+ for (let i = 0; i < itinerary.legs.length; i++) {
+ let leg = itinerary.legs[i];
+ let row = new TransitLegRow.TransitLegRow({ leg: leg,
+ start: i === 0,
+ mapView: this._mapView });
+ this._transitItineraryListBox.add(row);
+ }
+ /* insert the additional arrival row, showing the arrival place and time */
+ this._transitItineraryListBox.add(
+ new TransitArrivalRow.TransitArrivalRow({ itinerary: itinerary,
+ mapView: this._mapView }));
+ },
_clearInstructions: function() {
let listBox = this._instructionList;
@@ -226,8 +402,7 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
// Iterate over points and establish the new order of places
_reorderRoutePoints: function(srcIndex, destIndex) {
- let query = Application.routeService.query;
- let points = query.points;
+ let points = this._query.points;
let srcPlace = this._draggedPoint.place;
// Determine if we are swapping from "above" or "below"
@@ -235,19 +410,18 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
// Hold off on notifying the changes to query.points until
// we have re-arranged the places.
- query.freeze_notify();
+ this._query.freeze_notify();
for (let i = destIndex; i !== (srcIndex + step); i += step) {
// swap
[points[i].place, srcPlace] = [srcPlace, points[i].place];
- query.thaw_notify();
+ this._query.thaw_notify();
_onDragDrop: function(row, context, x, y, time) {
- let query = Application.routeService.query;
- let srcIndex = query.points.indexOf(this._draggedPoint);
+ let srcIndex = this._query.points.indexOf(this._draggedPoint);
let destIndex = row.get_index();
this._reorderRoutePoints(srcIndex, destIndex);
@@ -352,4 +526,4 @@ const Sidebar = new Lang.Class({
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