[chrome-gnome-shell] i18n: regenerate locales
- From: Yuri Konotopov <ykonotopov src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chrome-gnome-shell] i18n: regenerate locales
- Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 19:04:59 +0000 (UTC)
commit 9ceb638d67e93ec6debe6b9f0eef62401c453be5
Author: Yuri Konotopov <ykonotopov gnome org>
Date: Sun Feb 12 23:04:39 2017 +0400
i18n: regenerate locales
contrib/chrome-web-store/da | 4 +-
contrib/chrome-web-store/de | 2 +
contrib/chrome-web-store/sk | 17 +++
extension/_locales/da/messages.json | 2 +-
extension/_locales/de/messages.json | 2 +-
extension/_locales/sk/messages.json | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
po/sk.po | 10 +-
po/template.pot | 2 +-
8 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contrib/chrome-web-store/da b/contrib/chrome-web-store/da
index 81bb470..7f5aa89 100644
--- a/contrib/chrome-web-store/da
+++ b/contrib/chrome-web-store/da
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Du SKAL installere en oprindelig forbindelseskomponent før denne udvidelse virker.
-Til Arch Linux findes der en PKGBUILD tilgængelig i AUR:
+Til Arch Linux findes der en PKGBUILD i AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/chrome-gnome-shell-git
+Til Debian Linux er der en pakke i Sid og Stretch: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/chrome-gnome-shell
Til Fedora Linux er der en pakke i Copr: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/region51/chrome-gnome-shell
diff --git a/contrib/chrome-web-store/de b/contrib/chrome-web-store/de
index 8889bd3..fef35dc 100644
--- a/contrib/chrome-web-store/de
+++ b/contrib/chrome-web-store/de
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Sie müssen den Nativen Host-Connector installieren, damit diese Erweiterung fun
Für Archlinux ist ein PKGBUILD im AUR verfügbar: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/chrome-gnome-shell-git
+Für Debian Linux ist ein Paket in Sid und Stretch verfügbar:
Für Fedora Linux ist ein Paket in einer Copr-Quelle verfügbar:
In Gentoo Linux können Sie den Connector mit folgendem Befehl installieren:
diff --git a/contrib/chrome-web-store/sk b/contrib/chrome-web-store/sk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6b90a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/chrome-web-store/sk
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Aby toto rozšírenie mohlo fungovať, MUSÍTE nainštalovať natívny konektor.
+Pre systém Arch Linux je dostupný balík PKGBUILD v repozitári AUR:
+Pre systém Debian Linux je dostupný balík vo vydaniach Sid a Stretch:
+Pre systém Fedora Linux je dostupný balík v repozitári Copr:
+V systéme Gentoo Linux môžete nainštalovať konektor pomocou príkazu:
+emerge gnome-extra/chrome-gnome-shell
+Pre systém Ubuntu Linux je dostupný balík v repozitári ne0sight/chrome-gnome-shell PPA. Na inštaláciu
+sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ne0sight/chrome-gnome-shell
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell
+Konektor môžete tiež nainštalovať ručne. Pokyny na inštaláciu nájdete na adrese
diff --git a/extension/_locales/da/messages.json b/extension/_locales/da/messages.json
index 43d1b03..f55d7b6 100644
--- a/extension/_locales/da/messages.json
+++ b/extension/_locales/da/messages.json
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
"warning_apis_missing": {
"description": "$$1 is a placeholder for a list of missing APIs",
- "message": "Your native host connector do not support following APIs: $$1. Probably you
should upgrade native host connector or install plugins for missing APIs. Refer <a
href='https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShellIntegrationForChrome/Installation'>documentation</a> for
+ "message": "Din oprindelige forbindelseskomponent underst\u00f8tter ikke f\u00f8lgende
API'er: $$1. Du skal sandsynligvis opgradere den oprindelige forbindelseskomponent eller installere
udvidelsesmoduler til de manglende API'er. Se instruktioner i <a
"yes": {
"message": "Ja"
diff --git a/extension/_locales/de/messages.json b/extension/_locales/de/messages.json
index 72e78d4..fe32920 100644
--- a/extension/_locales/de/messages.json
+++ b/extension/_locales/de/messages.json
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
"warning_apis_missing": {
"description": "$$1 is a placeholder for a list of missing APIs",
- "message": "Your native host connector do not support following APIs: $$1. Probably you
should upgrade native host connector or install plugins for missing APIs. Refer <a
href='https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShellIntegrationForChrome/Installation'>documentation</a> for
+ "message": "Ihr Nativer Host-Connector unterst\u00fctzt die folgenden APIs nicht: $$1.
Wahrscheinlich sollten Sie den Nativen Host-Connector aktualisieren oder fehlende Erweiterungen oder APIs
installieren. In der <a
href='https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeShellIntegrationForChrome/Installation'>Dokumentation</a> finden
Sie Anweisungen zum Installieren des Connectors."
"yes": {
"message": "Ja"
diff --git a/extension/_locales/sk/messages.json b/extension/_locales/sk/messages.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..464cba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extension/_locales/sk/messages.json
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ "_DO_NOT_EDIT": {
+ "description": "This file is auto generated with po2chrome-messages tool from sk.po.",
+ "message": ""
+ },
+ "close": {
+ "message": "Zavrie\u0165"
+ },
+ "error_extension_response": {
+ "description": "Shown to user when response of extension API call does not follow known
+ "message": "Prijat\u00e1 nespr\u00e1vna odpove\u010f od roz\u0161\u00edrenia"
+ },
+ "extension_enabled": {
+ "description": "Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'Does GNOME Shell extension
+ "message": "Povolen\u00e9"
+ },
+ "extension_installed": {
+ "description": "Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'Does GNOME Shell extension
+ "message": "Nain\u0161talovan\u00e9"
+ },
+ "extension_name": {
+ "description": "Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'GNOME Shell extension name'.",
+ "message": "Roz\u0161\u00edrenie"
+ },
+ "extension_status_downgrade": {
+ "description": "This is a part of phrase like 'Extension Top Icons must be downgraded'.",
+ "message": "mus\u00ed prejs\u0165 na star\u0161iu verziu"
+ },
+ "extension_status_upgrade": {
+ "description": "This is a part of phrase like 'Extension Top Icons can be upgraded'.",
+ "message": "m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 aktualizovan\u00e9"
+ },
+ "extension_synchronized": {
+ "description": "Used as title, eg in table header. Means 'Does GNOME Shell extension status
synchronized with remote browser storage?'",
+ "message": "Synchronizovan\u00e9"
+ },
+ "gs_chrome": {
+ "description": "This is a project title. Used as extension name in Chrome Store and in some
+ "message": "Integr\u00e1cia do Shellu prostredia GNOME"
+ },
+ "hours": {
+ "description": "This is a part of phrase 'Update check period: xx hours'",
+ "message": "hod\u00edn"
+ },
+ "manifest_description": {
+ "description": "Used as extension description in Chrome Store",
+ "message": "Toto roz\u0161\u00edrenie poskytuje integr\u00e1ciu do Shellu prostredia GNOME a
pr\u00edslu\u0161n\u00fd repozit\u00e1r roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed https://extensions.gnome.org"
+ },
+ "native_request_failed": {
+ "description": "$REQUEST$ is a placeholder for technical name of request that web extension
make via native messaging host application.",
+ "message": "Nat\u00edvna po\u017eiadavka \u00ab$REQUEST$\u00bb zlyhala",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "request": {
+ "content": "$1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "network_error": {
+ "message": "Vyskytla sa sie\u0165ov\u00e1 chyba. Pros\u00edm, skontrolujte va\u0161e
pripojenie k Internetu a/alebo nastavenia sprostredkovate\u013ea proxy."
+ },
+ "never": {
+ "description": "This is a part of phrase 'Last check: never'",
+ "message": "nikdy"
+ },
+ "no": {
+ "message": "Nie"
+ },
+ "no_host_connector": {
+ "message": "Napriek tomu, \u017ee roz\u0161\u00edrenie pre integr\u00e1ciu do Shellu
prostredia GNOME je spusten\u00e9, konektor nat\u00edvneho hostite\u013ea nebol rozpoznan\u00fd. Pokyny ako
nain\u0161talova\u0165 konektor n\u00e1jdete v <a
+ },
+ "no_host_response": {
+ "description": "Means 'Web extension does not received answer from native messaging host
+ "message": "\u017diadna odpove\u010f od hostite\u013ea"
+ },
+ "options_check_period": {
+ "description": "Option name. Allow to set interval between GNOME Shell extensions update
+ "message": "Interval kontroly aktualiz\u00e1ci\u00ed"
+ },
+ "options_last_check": {
+ "description": "This is a start of phrase (followed by date/time) of last GNOME Shell
extensions update check.",
+ "message": "Posledn\u00e1 kontrola d\u0148a"
+ },
+ "options_link": {
+ "description": "Link name for options tab.",
+ "message": "Vo\u013eby"
+ },
+ "options_next_check": {
+ "description": "This is a start of phrase (followed by date/time) of next GNOME Shell
extensions update check.",
+ "message": "Nasleduj\u00faca kontrola d\u0148a"
+ },
+ "options_saved": {
+ "description": "Means 'Options were saved successfully after user clicked Save button'",
+ "message": "Vo\u013eby ulo\u017een\u00e9."
+ },
+ "options_show_network_errors": {
+ "description": "Option name. By default Chrome do not reveal exact network error in case of
request failure. Allow enable/disable extended error information.",
+ "message": "Zobrazi\u0165 inform\u00e1cie o sie\u0165ov\u00fdch chyb\u00e1ch"
+ },
+ "options_show_network_errors_notice": {
+ "description": "This is a notice under option name. Warns user that additional browser
permission is required if option will be enabled.",
+ "message": "Po\u017eaduje sa opr\u00e1vnenie \u00abwebRequest\u00bb prehliada\u010da Chrome."
+ },
+ "options_show_release_notes": {
+ "description": "Option name. Allow to enable/disable popup with release notes when Web
extension is updated.",
+ "message": "Zobrazi\u0165 pozn\u00e1mky k vydaniu po aktualizovan\u00ed roz\u0161\u00edrenia"
+ },
+ "options_synchronize_extensions": {
+ "description": "Option name. Allow to enable/disable synchronization of GNOME Shell
extensions with remote browser storage.",
+ "message": "Synchronizova\u0165 zoznam roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed"
+ },
+ "options_synchronize_extensions_notice": {
+ "description": "This is a notice under option name.",
+ "message": "Ak je t\u00e1to vo\u013eba povolen\u00e1 v\u00e1\u0161 zoznam
roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed Shellu prostredia GNOME bude synchronizovan\u00fd s va\u0161\u00edm \u00fa\u010dtom
+ },
+ "options_title": {
+ "description": "$GS_CHROME$ is placeholder for 'GNOME Shell integration' string. This string
used as title for Options page. This title is not shown in Chrome, but may be shown in other browsers.",
+ "message": "$GS_CHROME$ - vo\u013eby",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "gs_chrome": {
+ "content": "$1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "options_update_check": {
+ "description": "Option name. Allow enable/disable update check for GNOME Shell extensions.",
+ "message": "Kontrolova\u0165 aktualiz\u00e1cie roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed"
+ },
+ "platform_not_supported": {
+ "message": "Konektor nat\u00edvneho hostite\u013ea nie je podporovan\u00fd va\u0161ou
+ },
+ "retry": {
+ "message": "Sk\u00fasi\u0165 znovu"
+ },
+ "save": {
+ "message": "Ulo\u017ei\u0165"
+ },
+ "synchronization": {
+ "description": "Link name for synchronization tab in options dialog.",
+ "message": "Synchroniz\u00e1cia"
+ },
+ "synchronization_cancel": {
+ "message": "Nepovoli\u0165 synchroniz\u00e1ciu."
+ },
+ "synchronization_failed": {
+ "description": "$CAUSE$ is placeholder for error that caused synchronization failure.",
+ "message": "Zlyhala synchroniz\u00e1cia roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed: $CAUSE$",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "cause": {
+ "content": "$1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "synchronization_storage_exists": {
+ "message": "Va\u0161e vzdialen\u00e9 synchroniza\u010dn\u00e9 \u00falo\u017eisko u\u017e
obsahuje zoznam roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed."
+ },
+ "synchronization_use_local": {
+ "message": "Pou\u017ei\u0165 miestny zoznam roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed a prep\u00edsa\u0165
+ },
+ "synchronization_use_remote": {
+ "message": "Pou\u017ei\u0165 vzdialen\u00fd zoznam roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed a
prep\u00edsa\u0165 miestny."
+ },
+ "translation_credits": {
+ "description": "This is content of 'About translation' tab in Options dialog. Thank you for
translation and feel free to add yourself here. HTML markup enabled for this string. New line character is
treated as line break (<br />)",
+ "message": "Du\u0161an Kazik <prescott66 gmail com>"
+ },
+ "translation_credits_title": {
+ "description": "Link name for translation credits tab in options dialog.",
+ "message": "O preklade"
+ },
+ "unknown_error": {
+ "description": "This should newer be shown to user. However better safe than sorry.",
+ "message": "nezn\u00e1ma chyba"
+ },
+ "update_available": {
+ "message": "S\u00fa dostupn\u00e9 aktualiz\u00e1cie roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed pre Shell
prostredia GNOME"
+ },
+ "update_check_failed": {
+ "description": "$CAUSE$ is placeholder for error that caused update failure.",
+ "message": "Zlyhala kontrola aktualiz\u00e1ci\u00ed roz\u0161\u00edren\u00ed: $CAUSE$",
+ "placeholders": {
+ "cause": {
+ "content": "$1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "warning_apis_missing": {
+ "description": "$$1 is a placeholder for a list of missing APIs",
+ "message": "V\u00e1\u0161 konektor nat\u00edvneho hostite\u013ea nepodporuje nasledovn\u00e9
rozhrania API: $$1. Pravdepodobne budete musie\u0165 aktualizova\u0165 konektor nat\u00edvneho
hostite\u013ea, alebo nain\u0161talova\u0165 z\u00e1suvn\u00e9 moduly pre ch\u00fdbaj\u00face rozhrania API.
Pokyny n\u00e1jdete v <a
+ },
+ "yes": {
+ "message": "\u00c1no"
+ }
diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po
index 3f829ca..cce16cf 100644
--- a/po/sk.po
+++ b/po/sk.po
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: chrome-gnome-shell master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ykonotopov gnome org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 06:47+0000\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-12 19:03+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-23 21:42+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Dušan Kazik <prescott66 gmail com>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovak <gnome-sk-list gnome org>\n"
"Language: sk\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 1 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 2 : 0;\n"
-"Last-Translator: Dušan Kazik <prescott66 gmail com>\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n"
#: chrome-gnome-shell-key-close:1
diff --git a/po/template.pot b/po/template.pot
index 086ae42..61d8d1a 100644
--- a/po/template.pot
+++ b/po/template.pot
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: 1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ykonotopov gnome org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-04 06:47+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-12 19:03+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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