[extensions-web] extensions.js: reformatted, added header

commit a4ba31c5538f048dda0515d37c2f8897d22f3377
Author: Yuri Konotopov <ykonotopov gnome org>
Date:   Sun Feb 12 10:13:19 2017 +0400

    extensions.js: reformatted, added header

 sweettooth/static/js/extensions.js |  704 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 318 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sweettooth/static/js/extensions.js b/sweettooth/static/js/extensions.js
index dae5b5a..9b11da4 100644
--- a/sweettooth/static/js/extensions.js
+++ b/sweettooth/static/js/extensions.js
@@ -1,321 +1,389 @@
-// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-define(['jquery', 'messages', 'dbus!_', 'extensionUtils', 'templates',
-        'paginator', 'switch'],
-function($, messages, dbusProxy, extensionUtils, templates) {
-    "use strict";
-    var ExtensionState = extensionUtils.ExtensionState;
-    $.fn.buildShellVersionsInfo = function () {
-        return this.each(function() {
-            var $table = $(this);
-            var $tbody = $table.find('tbody');
-            var $extension = $table.parents('.extension');
-            $tbody.children().remove();
-            var svm = $extension.data('svm');
-            for (var version in svm) {
-                if (!svm.hasOwnProperty(version))
-                    continue;
-                var vpk = extensionUtils.grabProperExtensionVersion(svm, version);
-                var $tr = $('<tr>').appendTo($tbody);
-                $('<td>').append($('<code>').text(version)).appendTo($tr);
-                $('<td>').text(vpk.version).appendTo($tr);
-            }
-        });
-    };
-    // While technically we shouldn't have mismatched API versions,
-    // the plugin doesn't check whether the Shell matches, so if someone
-    // is running with an old Shell version but a newer plugin, error out.
-    if (dbusProxy.IsDummy) {
-        // We don't have a proper DBus proxy -- it's probably an old
-        // version of GNOME3 or the Shell.
-        messages.addError(templates.get('messages/dummy_proxy')());
-        $.fn.addExtensionSwitch = function() {
-            // Don't show our switches -- CSS styles define a clickable
-            // area even with no content.
-            return this.find('.switch').hide();
-        };
-        $.fn.addLocalExtensions = function() {
-            return this.append(templates.get('messages/cannot_list_local')());
-        };
-        $.fn.fillInErrors = function() {
-            var $textarea = this.find('textarea[name=error]');
-            var $hidden = this.find('input:hidden[name=has_errors]');
-            $textarea.text(templates.get('messages/cannot_list_errors')()).
-                addClass('no-errors').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
-            $hidden.val('');
-            return this;
-        };
-        $.fn.grayOutIfOutOfDate = function() {
-            return this;
-        };
-        return;
-    }
-    // uuid => elem
-    var elems = {};
-    function extensionStateChanged(uuid, newState) {
-        if (elems[uuid] !== undefined)
-            elems[uuid].trigger('state-changed', newState);
-    }
-    dbusProxy.extensionStateChangedHandler = extensionStateChanged;
-    dbusProxy.shellRestartHandler = function() {
-        dbusProxy.ListExtensions().then(function(extensions) {
-            $.each(extensions, function() {
-                extensionStateChanged(this.uuid, this.state);
-            });
-        });
-    };
-    function addExtensionSwitch(uuid, $elem, meta) {
-        var $switch = $elem.find('.switch');
-        var _state;
-        if (meta && meta.state)
-            _state = meta.state;
-        else
-            _state = ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED;
-        $elem.find('.configure-button').on('click', function() {
-            dbusProxy.LaunchExtensionPrefs(uuid);
-        });
-        $elem.find('.upgrade-button').on('click', function() {
-            $elem.removeClass('upgradable');
-            dbusProxy.UninstallExtension(uuid).then(function(result) {
-                // If we weren't able to uninstall the extension, don't
-                // do anything more.
-                if (!result)
-                    return;
-                dbusProxy.InstallExtension(uuid).then(function(result) {
-                    if (result === 'cancelled') {
-                        // WELP. We can't really do anything except leave the
-                        // thing uninstalled.
-                        $switch.switchify('activate', false);
-                    }
-                });
-            });
-        });
-        $elem.find('.uninstall-button').on('click', function () {
-                       dbusProxy.UninstallExtension(uuid).then(function (result) {
-                               if (result)
+    GNOME Shell extensions repository
+    Copyright (C) 2011-2012  Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
+    Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Yuri Konotopov <ykonotopov gnome org>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+define(['jquery', 'messages', 'dbus!_', 'extensionUtils', 'templates', 'paginator', 'switch'],
+       function ($, messages, dbusProxy, extensionUtils, templates) {
+               "use strict";
+               var ExtensionState = extensionUtils.ExtensionState;
+               $.fn.buildShellVersionsInfo = function () {
+                       return this.each(function () {
+                               var $table = $(this);
+                               var $tbody = $table.find('tbody');
+                               var $extension = $table.parents('.extension');
+                               $tbody.children().remove();
+                               var svm = $extension.data('svm');
+                               for (var version in svm)
+                               {
+                                       if (!svm.hasOwnProperty(version))
+                                       {
+                                               continue;
+                                       }
+                                       var vpk = extensionUtils.grabProperExtensionVersion(svm, version);
+                                       var $tr = $('<tr>').appendTo($tbody);
+                                       $('<td>').append($('<code>').text(version)).appendTo($tr);
+                                       $('<td>').text(vpk.version).appendTo($tr);
+                               }
+                       });
+               };
+               // While technically we shouldn't have mismatched API versions,
+               // the plugin doesn't check whether the Shell matches, so if someone
+               // is running with an old Shell version but a newer plugin, error out.
+               if (dbusProxy.IsDummy)
+               {
+                       // We don't have a proper DBus proxy -- it's probably an old
+                       // version of GNOME3 or the Shell.
+                       messages.addError(templates.get('messages/dummy_proxy')());
+                       $.fn.addExtensionSwitch = function () {
+                               // Don't show our switches -- CSS styles define a clickable
+                               // area even with no content.
+                               return this.find('.switch').hide();
+                       };
+                       $.fn.addLocalExtensions = function () {
+                               return this.append(templates.get('messages/cannot_list_local')());
+                       };
+                       $.fn.fillInErrors = function () {
+                               var $textarea = this.find('textarea[name=error]');
+                               var $hidden = this.find('input:hidden[name=has_errors]');
+                               $hidden.val('');
+                               return this;
+                       };
+                       $.fn.grayOutIfOutOfDate = function () {
+                               return this;
+                       };
+                       return;
+               }
+               // uuid => elem
+               var elems = {};
+               function extensionStateChanged(uuid, newState) {
+                       if (elems[uuid] !== undefined)
+                       {
+                               elems[uuid].trigger('state-changed', newState);
+                       }
+               }
+               dbusProxy.extensionStateChangedHandler = extensionStateChanged;
+               dbusProxy.shellRestartHandler = function () {
+                       dbusProxy.ListExtensions().then(function (extensions) {
+                               $.each(extensions, function () {
+                                       extensionStateChanged(this.uuid, this.state);
+                               });
+                       });
+               };
+               function addExtensionSwitch(uuid, $elem, meta) {
+                       var $switch = $elem.find('.switch');
+                       var _state;
+                       if (meta && meta.state)
+                       {
+                               _state = meta.state;
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               _state = ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED;
+                       }
+                       $elem.find('.configure-button').on('click', function () {
+                               dbusProxy.LaunchExtensionPrefs(uuid);
+                       });
+                       $elem.find('.upgrade-button').on('click', function () {
+                               $elem.removeClass('upgradable');
+                               dbusProxy.UninstallExtension(uuid).then(function (result) {
+                                       // If we weren't able to uninstall the extension, don't
+                                       // do anything more.
+                                       if (!result)
+                                       {
+                                               return;
+                                       }
+                                       dbusProxy.InstallExtension(uuid).then(function (result) {
+                                               if (result === 'cancelled')
+                                               {
+                                                       // WELP. We can't really do anything except leave the
+                                                       // thing uninstalled.
+                                                       $switch.switchify('activate', false);
+                                               }
+                                       });
+                               });
+                       });
+                       $elem.find('.uninstall-button').on('click', function () {
+                               dbusProxy.UninstallExtension(uuid).then(function (result) {
+                                       if (result)
+                                       {
+                                               $elem.fadeOut({queue: false}).slideUp({queue: false});
+                                               messages.addInfo(templates.get('extensions/uninstall')(meta));
+                                       }
+                               });
+                       });
+                       if ([ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED, ExtensionState.DOWNLOADING].indexOf(_state) == -1)
+                       {
+                               $elem.addClass('installed');
+                       }
+                       $elem.data({
+                               'elem': $elem,
+                               'state': _state
+                       });
+                       $switch.data('elem', $elem);
+                       $switch.switchify();
+                       var svm = meta.shell_version_map || $elem.data('svm');
+                       var latest = extensionUtils.grabProperExtensionVersion(svm, dbusProxy.ShellVersion);
+                       if (_state !== ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED && latest !== null &&
+                               (!meta.version || latest.version > meta.version || _state === 
+                       {
+                               $elem.addClass('upgradable');
+                       }
+                       function sendPopularity(action) {
+                               $.ajax({
+                                       url: '/ajax/adjust-popularity/',
+                                       type: 'POST',
+                                       data: {
+                                               uuid: uuid,
+                                               action: action
+                                       }
+                               });
+                       }
+                       // When the user flips the switch...
+                       $switch.on('changed', function (e, newValue) {
+                               var oldState = $elem.data('state');
+                               if (newValue)
+                               {
+                                       if (oldState == ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED)
+                                       {
+                                               // If the extension is uninstalled and we
+                                               // flick the switch on, install.
+                                               dbusProxy.InstallExtension(uuid).then(function (result) {
+                                                       if (result === 'succeeded')
+                                                       {
+                                                               sendPopularity('enable');
+                                                       }
+                                                       else if (result === 'cancelled')
+                                                       {
+                                                               $switch.switchify('activate', false);
+                                                       }
+                                               });
+                                       }
+                                       else if (oldState == ExtensionState.DISABLED ||
+                                               oldState == ExtensionState.INITIALIZED)
+                                       {
+                                               dbusProxy.EnableExtension(uuid);
+                                               sendPopularity('enable');
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       if (oldState == ExtensionState.ENABLED)
+                                       {
+                                               dbusProxy.DisableExtension(uuid);
+                                               sendPopularity('disable');
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       });
+                       // When the extension changes state...
+                       $elem.on('state-changed', function (e, newState) {
+                               $elem.data('state', newState);
+                               var hasPrefs = !!(meta.hasPrefs && newState !== ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE);
+                               $elem.toggleClass('configurable', hasPrefs);
+                               if (newState == ExtensionState.DISABLED ||
+                                       newState == ExtensionState.INITIALIZED ||
+                                       newState == ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED)
+                               {
+                                       $switch.switchify('activate', false);
+                               }
+                               else if (newState == ExtensionState.ENABLED)
+                               {
+                                       $switch.switchify('activate', true);
+                                       $elem.removeClass('out-of-date');
+                               }
+                               else if (newState == ExtensionState.ERROR)
+                               {
+                                       $switch.switchify('customize', "ERROR", 'error');
+                               }
+                               else if (newState == ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE)
+                               {
+                                       $elem.addClass('out-of-date');
+                                       $switch.switchify('customize', "OUTDATED", 'outdated');
+                               }
+                       });
+                       $elem.trigger('state-changed', _state);
+                       elems[uuid] = $elem;
+               }
+               $.fn.addLocalExtensions = function () {
+                       return this.each(function () {
+                               var $container = $(this);
+                               dbusProxy.ListExtensions().then(function (extensions) {
+                                       if (extensions && !$.isEmptyObject(extensions))
+                                       {
+                                               var extensionValues = [];
+                                               for (var uuid in extensions)
+                                               {
+                                                       extensionValues.push(extensions[uuid]);
+                                               }
+                                               extensionValues.sort(function (a, b) {
+                                                       if (a.name === undefined)
+                                                       {
+                                                               return 0;
+                                                       }
+                                                       if (b.name === undefined)
+                                                       {
+                                                               return 0;
+                                                       }
+                                                       return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
+                                               });
+                                               extensionValues.forEach(function (extension) {
+                                                       var uuid = extension.uuid;
+                                                       // Give us a dummy element that we'll replace when
+                                                       // rendering below, to keep renderExtension simple.
+                                                       var $elem = $('<a>');
+                                                       function renderExtension() {
+                                                               // 
+                                                               // ExtensionType.SYSTEM = 1
+                                                               if (extension.type === 1)
+                                                               {
+                                                                       extension.system = true;
+                                                               }
+                                                               if (extension.description)
+                                                               {
+                                                                       extension.first_line_of_description = 
+                                                               }
+                                                               $elem = 
+                                                               addExtensionSwitch(uuid, $elem, extension);
+                                                       }
+                                                       $.ajax({
+                                                               url: "/ajax/detail/",
+                                                               dataType: "json",
+                                                               data: {
+                                                                       uuid: extension.uuid,
+                                                                       version: extension.version
+                                                               },
+                                                               type: "GET",
+                                                       }).done(function (result) {
+                                                               $.extend(extension, result);
+                                                               renderExtension();
+                                                       }).fail(function (error) {
+                                                               // Had an error looking up the data for the
+                                                               // extension -- that's OK, just render it 
+                                                               renderExtension();
+                                                       });
+                                                       $container.append($elem);
+                                               });
+                                       }
+                                       else
+                                       {
+                                               $container.append("You don't have any extensions installed.");
+                                       }
+                               })
+                       });
+               };
+               $.fn.fillInErrors = function () {
+                       return this.each(function () {
+                               var $form = $(this);
+                               var uuid = $form.data('uuid');
+                               var $textarea = $form.find('textarea');
+                               dbusProxy.GetExtensionInfo(uuid).then(function (meta) {
+                                       dbusProxy.GetErrors($form.data('uuid')).then(function (errors) {
+                                               var context = {
+                                                       sv: dbusProxy.ShellVersion,
+                                                       ev: (meta && meta.version) ? meta.version : null,
+                                                       errors: errors
+                                               };
+                                       });
+                               });
+                       });
+               };
+               $.fn.addExtensionSwitch = function () {
+                       return this.each(function () {
+                               var $extension = $(this);
+                               var uuid = $extension.data('uuid');
+                               $extension.on('out-of-date', function () {
+                                       var svm = $extension.data('svm');
+                                       var nhvOperation = extensionUtils.findNextHighestVersion(svm, 
+                                       if (nhvOperation.operation === 'upgrade' &&
+                                               nhvOperation.stability === 'stable')
+                                       {
+                                               messages.addError("This extension is incompatible with your 
version of GNOME. Please upgrade to GNOME " + nhvOperation.version);
+                                       }
+                                       else if (nhvOperation.operation === 'upgrade' &&
+                                               nhvOperation.stability === 'unstable')
+                                       {
+                                               messages.addError("This extension is incompatible with your 
version of GNOME. This extension supports the GNOME unstable release, " + nhvOperation.version);
+                                       }
+                                       else if (nhvOperation.operation === 'downgrade')
+                                       {
+                                               messages.addError("This extension is incompatible with your 
version of GNOME.");
+                                       }
+                               });
+                               dbusProxy.GetExtensionInfo(uuid).then(function (meta) {
+                                       addExtensionSwitch(uuid, $extension, meta);
+                               });
+                       });
+               };
+               $.fn.grayOutIfOutOfDate = function () {
+                       return this.each(function () {
+                               var $elem = $(this);
+                               var svm = $elem.data('svm');
+                               if (!svm)
+                               {
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               var vpk = extensionUtils.grabProperExtensionVersion(svm, 
+                               if (vpk === null)
-                                       $elem.fadeOut({queue: false}).slideUp({queue: false});
-                                       messages.addInfo(templates.get('extensions/uninstall')(meta));
+                                       $elem.addClass('out-of-date');
-               });
-        if([ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED, ExtensionState.DOWNLOADING].indexOf(_state) == -1)
-        {
-            $elem.addClass('installed');
-        }
-        $elem.data({'elem': $elem,
-                    'state': _state});
-        $switch.data('elem', $elem);
-        $switch.switchify();
-        var svm = meta.shell_version_map || $elem.data('svm');
-        var latest = extensionUtils.grabProperExtensionVersion(svm, dbusProxy.ShellVersion);
-        if (_state !== ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED && latest !== null &&
-            (!meta.version || latest.version > meta.version || _state === ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE))
-        {
-            $elem.addClass('upgradable');
-        }
-        function sendPopularity(action) {
-            $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/adjust-popularity/',
-                     type: 'POST',
-                     data: { uuid: uuid,
-                             action: action } });
-        }
-        // When the user flips the switch...
-        $switch.on('changed', function(e, newValue) {
-            var oldState = $elem.data('state');
-            if (newValue) {
-                if (oldState == ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED) {
-                    // If the extension is uninstalled and we
-                    // flick the switch on, install.
-                    dbusProxy.InstallExtension(uuid).then(function(result) {
-                        if (result === 'succeeded') {
-                            sendPopularity('enable');
-                        } else if (result === 'cancelled') {
-                            $switch.switchify('activate', false);
-                        }
-                    });
-                } else if (oldState == ExtensionState.DISABLED ||
-                           oldState == ExtensionState.INITIALIZED) {
-                    dbusProxy.EnableExtension(uuid);
-                    sendPopularity('enable');
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (oldState == ExtensionState.ENABLED) {
-                    dbusProxy.DisableExtension(uuid);
-                    sendPopularity('disable');
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        // When the extension changes state...
-        $elem.on('state-changed', function(e, newState) {
-            $elem.data('state', newState);
-            var hasPrefs = !!(meta.hasPrefs && newState !== ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE);
-            $elem.toggleClass('configurable', hasPrefs);
-            if (newState == ExtensionState.DISABLED ||
-                newState == ExtensionState.INITIALIZED ||
-                newState == ExtensionState.UNINSTALLED) {
-                $switch.switchify('activate', false);
-            } else if (newState == ExtensionState.ENABLED) {
-                $switch.switchify('activate', true);
-                $elem.removeClass('out-of-date');
-            } else if (newState == ExtensionState.ERROR) {
-                $switch.switchify('customize', "ERROR", 'error');
-            } else if (newState == ExtensionState.OUT_OF_DATE) {
-                $elem.addClass('out-of-date');
-                $switch.switchify('customize', "OUTDATED", 'outdated');
-            }
-        });
-        $elem.trigger('state-changed', _state);
-        elems[uuid] = $elem;
-    }
-    $.fn.addLocalExtensions = function () {
-        return this.each(function() {
-            var $container = $(this);
-            dbusProxy.ListExtensions().then(function(extensions) {
-                if (extensions && !$.isEmptyObject(extensions)) {
-                    var extensionValues = [];
-                    for (var uuid in extensions) {
-                        extensionValues.push(extensions[uuid]);
-                    }
-                    extensionValues.sort(function(a, b) {
-                        if (a.name === undefined)
-                            return 0;
-                        if (b.name === undefined)
-                            return 0;
-                        return a.name.localeCompare(b.name);
-                    });
-                    extensionValues.forEach(function(extension) {
-                        var uuid = extension.uuid;
-                        // Give us a dummy element that we'll replace when
-                        // rendering below, to keep renderExtension simple.
-                        var $elem = $('<a>');
-                        function renderExtension() {
-                            // https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-shell/tree/js/misc/extensionUtils.js#n16
-                            // ExtensionType.SYSTEM = 1
-                            if (extension.type === 1) {
-                                extension.system = true;
-                            }
-                            if (extension.description)
-                                extension.first_line_of_description = extension.description.split('\n')[0];
-                            $elem = $(templates.get('extensions/info')(extension)).replaceAll($elem);
-                            addExtensionSwitch(uuid, $elem, extension);
-                        }
-                        $.ajax({
-                            url: "/ajax/detail/",
-                            dataType: "json",
-                            data: { uuid: extension.uuid,
-                                    version: extension.version },
-                            type: "GET",
-                        }).done(function(result) {
-                            $.extend(extension, result);
-                            renderExtension();
-                        }).fail(function(error) {
-                            // Had an error looking up the data for the
-                            // extension -- that's OK, just render it anyway.
-                            renderExtension();
-                        });
-                        $container.append($elem);
-                    });
-                } else {
-                    $container.append("You don't have any extensions installed.");
-                }
-            })
-        });
-    };
-    $.fn.fillInErrors = function () {
-        return this.each(function() {
-            var $form = $(this);
-            var uuid = $form.data('uuid');
-            var $textarea = $form.find('textarea');
-            dbusProxy.GetExtensionInfo(uuid).then(function(meta) {
-                dbusProxy.GetErrors($form.data('uuid')).then(function(errors) {
-                    var context = { sv: dbusProxy.ShellVersion,
-                                    ev: (meta && meta.version) ? meta.version : null,
-                                    errors: errors };
-                    $textarea.text(templates.get('extensions/error_report_template')(context));
-                });
-            });
-        });
-    };
-    $.fn.addExtensionSwitch = function () {
-        return this.each(function() {
-            var $extension = $(this);
-            var uuid = $extension.data('uuid');
-            $extension.on('out-of-date', function() {
-                var svm = $extension.data('svm');
-                var nhvOperation = extensionUtils.findNextHighestVersion(svm, dbusProxy.ShellVersion);
-                if (nhvOperation.operation === 'upgrade' &&
-                    nhvOperation.stability === 'stable') {
-                    messages.addError("This extension is incompatible with your version of GNOME. Please 
upgrade to GNOME " + nhvOperation.version);
-                } else if (nhvOperation.operation === 'upgrade' &&
-                           nhvOperation.stability === 'unstable') {
-                    messages.addError("This extension is incompatible with your version of GNOME. This 
extension supports the GNOME unstable release, " + nhvOperation.version);
-                } else if (nhvOperation.operation === 'downgrade') {
-                    messages.addError("This extension is incompatible with your version of GNOME.");
-                }
-            });
-            dbusProxy.GetExtensionInfo(uuid).then(function(meta) {
-                addExtensionSwitch(uuid, $extension, meta);
-            });
-        });
-    };
-    $.fn.grayOutIfOutOfDate = function() {
-        return this.each(function() {
-            var $elem = $(this);
-            var svm = $elem.data('svm');
-            if (!svm)
-                return;
-            var vpk = extensionUtils.grabProperExtensionVersion(svm, dbusProxy.ShellVersion);
-            if (vpk === null)
-                $elem.addClass('out-of-date');
-        });
-    };
+               };
+       }

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