[librsvg] pattern.rs: Beginning of the Pattern code in Rust
- From: Federico Mena Quintero <federico src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [librsvg] pattern.rs: Beginning of the Pattern code in Rust
- Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 04:01:35 +0000 (UTC)
commit 728466f88ce7fe27e357d528ee4c4d07cd0682bb
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date: Wed Feb 1 21:53:05 2017 -0600
pattern.rs: Beginning of the Pattern code in Rust
rust/src/pattern.rs | 328 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 328 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rust/src/pattern.rs b/rust/src/pattern.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0073671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/src/pattern.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+extern crate libc;
+extern crate cairo;
+extern crate cairo_sys;
+extern crate glib;
+use self::glib::translate::*;
+use length::*;
+use drawing_ctx;
+use drawing_ctx::RsvgDrawingCtx;
+use drawing_ctx::RsvgNode;
+use bbox::*;
+use util::*;
+use viewbox::*;
+use self::cairo::MatrixTrait;
+use self::cairo::enums::Content;
+pub struct Pattern {
+ pub obj_bbox: Option<bool>,
+ pub obj_cbbox: Option<bool>,
+ pub vbox: Option<RsvgViewBox>,
+ pub preserve_aspect_ratio: Option<u32>,
+ pub affine: Option<cairo::Matrix>,
+ pub fallback: Option<String>,
+ pub x: Option<RsvgLength>,
+ pub y: Option<RsvgLength>,
+ pub width: Option<RsvgLength>,
+ pub height: Option<RsvgLength>
+impl Pattern {
+ fn is_resolved (&self) -> bool {
+ self.obj_bbox.is_some () &&
+ self.obj_cbbox.is_some () &&
+ self.vbox.is_some () &&
+ self.preserve_aspect_ratio.is_some () &&
+ self.affine.is_some () &&
+ self.x.is_some () &&
+ self.y.is_some () &&
+ self.width.is_some () &&
+ self.height.is_some ()
+ // FIXME: which fallback contains the children?
+ }
+ fn resolve_from_defaults (&mut self) {
+ /* FIXME: check the spec */
+ /* These are per the spec */
+ if self.obj_bbox.is_none () { self.obj_bbox = Some (true); }
+ if self.obj_cbbox.is_none () { self.obj_cbbox = Some (false); }
+ if self.vbox.is_none () { self.vbox = Some (RsvgViewBox::new_inactive ()); }
+ // FIXME: this is RSVG_ASPECT_RATIO_XMID_YMID; use a constant, not a number. Spec says "xMidYMid
+ if self.preserve_aspect_ratio.is_none () { self.preserve_aspect_ratio = Some (1 << 4); }
+ if self.affine.is_none () { self.affine = Some (cairo::Matrix::identity ()); }
+ self.fallback = None;
+ if self.x.is_none () { self.x = Some (RsvgLength::parse ("0",
LengthDir::Horizontal)); }
+ if self.y.is_none () { self.y = Some (RsvgLength::parse ("0",
LengthDir::Horizontal)); }
+ if self.width.is_none () { self.width = Some (RsvgLength::parse ("0",
LengthDir::Horizontal)); }
+ if self.height.is_none () { self.height = Some (RsvgLength::parse ("0",
LengthDir::Horizontal)); }
+ }
+ fn resolve_from_fallback (&mut self, fallback: &Pattern) {
+ if self.obj_bbox.is_none () { self.obj_bbox = fallback.obj_bbox; }
+ if self.obj_cbbox.is_none () { self.obj_cbbox = fallback.obj_cbbox; }
+ if self.vbox.is_none () { self.vbox = fallback.vbox; }
+ if self.preserve_aspect_ratio.is_none () { self.preserve_aspect_ratio =
fallback.preserve_aspect_ratio; }
+ if self.affine.is_none () { self.affine = fallback.affine; }
+ if self.x.is_none () { self.x = fallback.x; }
+ if self.y.is_none () { self.y = fallback.y; }
+ if self.width.is_none () { self.width = fallback.width; }
+ if self.height.is_none () { self.height = fallback.height; }
+ if self.fallback.is_none () {
+ self.fallback = clone_fallback_name (&fallback.fallback);
+ }
+ }
+impl Clone for Pattern {
+ fn clone (&self) -> Self {
+ Pattern {
+ obj_bbox: self.obj_bbox,
+ obj_cbbox: self.obj_cbbox,
+ vbox: self.vbox,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio: self.preserve_aspect_ratio,
+ affine: self.affine,
+ fallback: clone_fallback_name (&self.fallback),
+ x: self.x,
+ y: self.y,
+ width: self.width,
+ height: self.height,
+ }
+ }
+trait FallbackSource {
+ fn get_fallback (&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<Box<Pattern>>;
+fn resolve_pattern (pattern: &Pattern, fallback_source: &mut FallbackSource) -> Pattern {
+ let mut result = pattern.clone ();
+ while !result.is_resolved () {
+ let mut opt_fallback: Option<Box<Pattern>> = None;
+ if let Some (ref fallback_name) = result.fallback {
+ opt_fallback = fallback_source.get_fallback (&**fallback_name);
+ }
+ if let Some (fallback_pattern) = opt_fallback {
+ result.resolve_from_fallback (&*fallback_pattern);
+ } else {
+ result.resolve_from_defaults ();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ result
+struct NodeFallbackSource {
+ draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+ acquired_nodes: Vec<*mut RsvgNode>
+impl NodeFallbackSource {
+ fn new (draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx) -> NodeFallbackSource {
+ NodeFallbackSource {
+ draw_ctx: draw_ctx,
+ acquired_nodes: Vec::<*mut RsvgNode>::new ()
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for NodeFallbackSource {
+ fn drop (&mut self) {
+ while let Some (node) = self.acquired_nodes.pop () {
+ drawing_ctx::release_node (self.draw_ctx, node);
+ }
+ }
+extern "C" {
+ fn rsvg_pattern_node_to_rust_pattern (node: *const RsvgNode) -> *mut Pattern;
+impl FallbackSource for NodeFallbackSource {
+ fn get_fallback (&mut self, name: &str) -> Option<Box<Pattern>> {
+ let fallback_node = drawing_ctx::acquire_node (self.draw_ctx, name);
+ if fallback_node.is_null () {
+ return None;
+ }
+ self.acquired_nodes.push (fallback_node);
+ let raw_fallback_pattern = unsafe { rsvg_pattern_node_to_rust_pattern (fallback_node) };
+ if raw_fallback_pattern.is_null () {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let fallback_pattern = unsafe { Box::from_raw (raw_fallback_pattern) };
+ return Some (fallback_pattern);
+ }
+fn set_pattern_on_draw_context (pattern: &Pattern,
+ draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+ opacity: u8,
+ bbox: &RsvgBbox) {
+ assert! (pattern.is_resolved ());
+ let obj_bbox = pattern.obj_bbox.unwrap ();
+ if obj_bbox {
+ drawing_ctx::push_view_box (draw_ctx, 1.0, 1.0);
+ }
+ let pattern_x = pattern.x.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+ let pattern_y = pattern.y.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+ let pattern_width = pattern.width.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+ let pattern_height = pattern.height.unwrap ().normalize (draw_ctx);
+ if obj_bbox {
+ drawing_ctx::pop_view_box (draw_ctx);
+ }
+ // Work out the size of the rectangle so it takes into account the object bounding box
+ let bbwscale: f64;
+ let bbhscale: f64;
+ if obj_bbox {
+ bbwscale = bbox.rect.width;
+ bbhscale = bbox.rect.height;
+ } else {
+ bbwscale = 1.0;
+ bbhscale = 1.0;
+ }
+ let taffine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&pattern.affine.unwrap (), &drawing_ctx::get_current_state_affine
+ let mut scwscale = (taffine.xx * taffine.xx + taffine.xy * taffine.xy).sqrt ();
+ let mut schscale = (taffine.yx * taffine.yx + taffine.yy * taffine.yy).sqrt ();
+ let pw = pattern_width * bbwscale * scwscale;
+ let ph = pattern_height * bbhscale * schscale;
+ let scaled_width = pattern_width * bbwscale;
+ let scaled_height = pattern_height * bbhscale;
+ if scaled_width.abs () < DBL_EPSILON || scaled_height.abs () < DBL_EPSILON {
+ return
+ }
+ scwscale = pw / scaled_width;
+ schscale = ph / scaled_height;
+ let cr = drawing_ctx::get_cairo_context (draw_ctx);
+ let surface = cr.get_target ().create_similar (Content::ColorAlpha, pw as i32, ph as i32);
+ let cr_pattern = cairo::Context::new (&surface);
+ let mut affine: cairo::Matrix = cairo::Matrix::identity ();
+ // Create the pattern coordinate system
+ if obj_bbox {
+ affine.translate (bbox.rect.x + pattern_x * bbox.rect.width,
+ bbox.rect.y + pattern_y * bbox.rect.height);
+ } else {
+ affine.translate (pattern_x, pattern_y);
+ }
+ // Apply the pattern transform
+ affine = cairo::Matrix::multiply (&affine, pattern.affine.as_ref ().unwrap ());
+ // Create the pattern contents coordinate system
+ if pattern.vbox.unwrap ().active {
+ // If there is a vbox, use that
+ let w = pattern_width * bbwscale;
+ let h = pattern_height * bbhscale;
+ let mut x: f64 = 0.0;
+ let mut y: f64 = 0.0;
+ }
+pub unsafe extern fn pattern_new (x: *const RsvgLength,
+ y: *const RsvgLength,
+ width: *const RsvgLength,
+ height: *const RsvgLength,
+ obj_bbox: *const bool,
+ obj_cbbox: *const bool,
+ vbox: *const RsvgViewBox,
+ affine: *const cairo::Matrix,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio: *const u32,
+ fallback_name: *const libc::c_char) -> *mut Pattern {
+ let my_x = { if x.is_null () { None } else { Some (*x) } };
+ let my_y = { if y.is_null () { None } else { Some (*y) } };
+ let my_width = { if width.is_null () { None } else { Some (*width) } };
+ let my_height = { if height.is_null () { None } else { Some (*height) } };
+ let my_obj_bbox = { if obj_bbox.is_null () { None } else { Some (*obj_bbox) } };
+ let my_obj_cbbox = { if obj_cbbox.is_null () { None } else { Some (*obj_cbbox) } };
+ let my_vbox = { if vbox.is_null () { None } else { Some (*vbox) } };
+ let my_affine = { if affine.is_null () { None } else { Some (*affine) } };
+ let my_preserve_aspect_ratio = { if preserve_aspect_ratio.is_null () { None } else { Some
(*preserve_aspect_ratio) } };
+ let my_fallback_name = { if fallback_name.is_null () { None } else { Some (String::from_glib_none
(fallback_name)) } };
+ let pattern = Pattern {
+ obj_bbox: my_obj_bbox,
+ obj_cbbox: my_obj_cbbox,
+ vbox: my_vbox,
+ preserve_aspect_ratio: my_preserve_aspect_ratio,
+ affine: my_affine,
+ fallback: my_fallback_name,
+ x: my_x,
+ y: my_y,
+ width: my_width,
+ height: my_height
+ };
+ let boxed_pattern = Box::new (pattern);
+ Box::into_raw (boxed_pattern)
+pub unsafe extern fn pattern_destroy (raw_pattern: *mut Pattern) {
+ assert! (!raw_pattern.is_null ());
+ let _ = Box::from_raw (raw_pattern);
+pub extern fn pattern_resolve_fallbacks_and_set_pattern (raw_pattern: *mut Pattern,
+ draw_ctx: *mut RsvgDrawingCtx,
+ opacity: u8,
+ bbox: RsvgBbox) {
+ assert! (!raw_pattern.is_null ());
+ let pattern: &mut Pattern = unsafe { &mut (*raw_pattern) };
+ let mut fallback_source = NodeFallbackSource::new (draw_ctx);
+ let resolved = resolve_pattern (pattern, &mut fallback_source);
+ set_pattern_on_draw_context (&resolved,
+ draw_ctx,
+ opacity,
+ &bbox);
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