[gnome-continuous-yocto/gnomeostree-3.28-rocko: 8186/8267] oe-build-perf-report-email.py: add images as MIME objects

commit 852c71956be60225191c45357fb85e8feafadb1c
Author: Markus Lehtonen <markus lehtonen linux intel com>
Date:   Wed Oct 25 14:39:38 2017 +0300

    oe-build-perf-report-email.py: add images as MIME objects
    Add images as separate MIME objects instead of directly embedding images
    in the html (as base64 encoded pngs). This makes the emails better
    suited for certain email servers/clients.
    (From OE-Core rev: fbbc84d9919d9cc18add03fc617637330721f5d9)
    Signed-off-by: Markus Lehtonen <markus lehtonen linux intel com>
    Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross burton intel com>
    Signed-off-by: Armin Kuster <akuster mvista com>
    Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard purdie linuxfoundation org>

 scripts/contrib/oe-build-perf-report-email.py |   42 ++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/contrib/oe-build-perf-report-email.py b/scripts/contrib/oe-build-perf-report-email.py
index 64e85c2..913847b 100755
--- a/scripts/contrib/oe-build-perf-report-email.py
+++ b/scripts/contrib/oe-build-perf-report-email.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import socket
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import tempfile
+from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
 from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
 from email.mime.text import MIMEText
@@ -111,15 +112,6 @@ def decode_png(infile, outfile):
     subprocess.check_output(['optipng', outfile], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-def encode_png(pngfile):
-    """Encode png into a <img> html element"""
-    with open(pngfile, 'rb') as f:
-        data = f.read()
-    b64_data = base64.b64encode(data)
-    return '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' + b64_data.decode('utf-8') + '">\n'
 def mangle_html_report(infile, outfile, pngs):
     """Mangle html file into a email compatible format"""
     paste = True
@@ -144,9 +136,7 @@ def mangle_html_report(infile, outfile, pngs):
                     # Replace charts with <img> elements
                     match = re.match('<div id="(?P<id>\w+)"', stripped)
                     if match and match.group('id') in pngs:
-                        #f_out.write('<img src="{}">\n'.format(match.group('id') + '.png'))
-                        png_file = os.path.join(png_dir, match.group('id') + '.png')
-                        f_out.write(encode_png(png_file))
+                        f_out.write('<img src="cid:{}"\n'.format(match.group('id')))
@@ -170,7 +160,7 @@ def scrape_html_report(report, outdir, phantomjs_extra_args=None):
         pngs = []
-        attachments = []
+        images = []
         for fname in os.listdir(tmpdir):
             base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
             if ext == '.png':
@@ -178,7 +168,7 @@ def scrape_html_report(report, outdir, phantomjs_extra_args=None):
                 decode_png(os.path.join(tmpdir, fname),
                            os.path.join(outdir, fname))
-                attachments.append(fname)
+                images.append(fname)
             elif ext in ('.html', '.htm'):
                 report_file = fname
@@ -188,11 +178,13 @@ def scrape_html_report(report, outdir, phantomjs_extra_args=None):
         log.debug("Mangling html report file %s", report_file)
         mangle_html_report(os.path.join(tmpdir, report_file),
                            os.path.join(outdir, report_file), pngs)
-        return report_file, attachments
+        return (os.path.join(outdir, report_file),
+                [os.path.join(outdir, i) for i in images])
-def send_email(text_fn, html_fn, subject, recipients, copy=[], blind_copy=[]):
+def send_email(text_fn, html_fn, image_fns, subject, recipients, copy=[],
+               blind_copy=[]):
     """Send email"""
     # Generate email message
     text_msg = html_msg = None
@@ -201,8 +193,16 @@ def send_email(text_fn, html_fn, subject, recipients, copy=[], blind_copy=[]):
             text_msg = MIMEText("Yocto build performance test report.\n" +
                                 f.read(), 'plain')
     if html_fn:
+        html_msg = msg = MIMEMultipart('related')
         with open(html_fn) as f:
-            html_msg = MIMEText(f.read(), 'html')
+            html_msg.attach(MIMEText(f.read(), 'html'))
+        for img_fn in image_fns:
+            # Expect that content id is same as the filename
+            cid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_fn))[0]
+            with open(img_fn, 'rb') as f:
+                image_msg = MIMEImage(f.read())
+            image_msg['Content-ID'] = '<{}>'.format(cid)
+            html_msg.attach(image_msg)
     if text_msg and html_msg:
         msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ def main(argv=None):
         log.debug("Storing email parts in %s", outdir)
-        html_report = None
+        html_report = images = None
         if args.html:
-            scrape_html_report(args.html, outdir, args.phantomjs_args)
-            html_report = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(args.html))
+            html_report, images = scrape_html_report(args.html, outdir,
+                                                     args.phantomjs_args)
         if args.to:
             log.info("Sending email to %s", ', '.join(args.to))
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ def main(argv=None):
                 log.info("Copying to %s", ', '.join(args.cc))
             if args.bcc:
                 log.info("Blind copying to %s", ', '.join(args.bcc))
-            send_email(args.text, html_report, args.subject,
+            send_email(args.text, html_report, images, args.subject,
                        args.to, args.cc, args.bcc)
     except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
         log.error("%s, with output:\n%s", str(err), err.output.decode())

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