[gnome-continuous-yocto/gnomeostree-3.28-rocko: 6449/8267] libxml2: Avoid reparsing and simplify control flow in xmlParseStartTag2

commit 6765fcec154b1c81250c124fcb46414dcac9be12
Author: Andrej Valek <andrej valek siemens com>
Date:   Wed Jun 14 14:38:35 2017 +0200

    libxml2: Avoid reparsing and simplify control flow in xmlParseStartTag2
    (From OE-Core rev: 4651afdd457eca06da07331186bf28b98df2eeff)
    Signed-off-by: Andrej Valek <andrej valek siemens com>
    Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard purdie linuxfoundation org>

 ...ibxml2-fix_and_simplify_xmlParseStartTag2.patch |  590 ++++++++++++++++++++
 meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.4.bb          |    1 +
 2 files changed, 591 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml2-fix_and_simplify_xmlParseStartTag2.patch 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..faa5770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2/libxml2-fix_and_simplify_xmlParseStartTag2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,590 @@
+libxml2-2.9.4: Avoid reparsing and simplify control flow in xmlParseStartTag2
+[No upstream tracking]
+parser: Avoid reparsing in xmlParseStartTag2
+The code in xmlParseStartTag2 must handle the case that the input
+buffer was grown and reallocated which can invalidate pointers to
+attribute values. Before, this was handled by detecting changes of
+the input buffer "base" pointer and, in case of a change, jumping
+back to the beginning of the function and reparsing the start tag.
+The major problem of this approach is that whether an input buffer is
+reallocated is nondeterministic, resulting in seemingly random test
+failures. See the mailing list thread "runtest mystery bug: name2.xml
+error case regression test" from 2012, for example.
+If a reallocation was detected, the code also made no attempts to
+continue parsing in case of errors which makes a difference in
+the lax "recover" mode.
+Now we store the current input buffer "base" pointer for each (not
+separately allocated) attribute in the namespace URI field, which isn't
+used until later. After the whole start tag was parsed, the pointers to
+the attribute values are reconstructed using the offset between the
+new and the old input buffer. This relies on arithmetic on dangling
+pointers which is technically undefined behavior. But it seems like
+the easiest and most efficient fix and a similar approach is used in
+This changes the error output of several tests, typically making it
+more verbose because we try harder to continue parsing in case of errors.
+(Another possible solution is to check not only the "base" pointer
+but the size of the input buffer as well. But this would result in
+even more reparsing.)
+Remove some goto labels and deduplicate a bit of code after handling
+There were two bugs where parameter-entity references could lead to an
+unexpected change of the input buffer in xmlParseNameComplex and
+xmlDictLookup being called with an invalid pointer.
+Upstream-Status: Backport
+ - [https://git.gnome.org/browse/libxml2/commit/?id=07b7428b69c368611d215a140fe630b2d1e61349]
+ - [https://git.gnome.org/browse/libxml2/commit/?id=855c19efb7cd30d927d673b3658563c4959ca6f0]
+Signed-off-by: Andrej Valek <andrej valek siemens com>
+diff --git a/parser.c b/parser.c
+index 609a270..74016e3 100644
+--- a/parser.c
++++ b/parser.c
+@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
+ #include <limits.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdarg.h>
++#include <stddef.h>
+ #include <libxml/xmlmemory.h>
+ #include <libxml/threads.h>
+ #include <libxml/globals.h>
+@@ -9377,8 +9378,7 @@ xmlParseStartTag2(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar **pref,
+     const xmlChar **atts = ctxt->atts;
+     int maxatts = ctxt->maxatts;
+     int nratts, nbatts, nbdef;
+-    int i, j, nbNs, attval, oldline, oldcol, inputNr;
+-    const xmlChar *base;
++    int i, j, nbNs, attval;
+     unsigned long cur;
+     int nsNr = ctxt->nsNr;
+@@ -9392,13 +9392,8 @@ xmlParseStartTag2(xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar **pref,
+      *       The Shrinking is only possible once the full set of attribute
+      *       callbacks have been done.
+      */
+     SHRINK;
+-    base = ctxt->input->base;
+     cur = ctxt->input->cur - ctxt->input->base;
+-    inputNr = ctxt->inputNr;
+-    oldline = ctxt->input->line;
+-    oldcol = ctxt->input->col;
+     nbatts = 0;
+     nratts = 0;
+     nbdef = 0;
+@@ -9422,8 +9417,6 @@ reparse:
+      */
+     GROW;
+-    if ((ctxt->input->base != base) || (inputNr != ctxt->inputNr))
+-        goto base_changed;
+     while (((RAW != '>') &&
+          ((RAW != '/') || (NXT(1) != '>')) &&
+@@ -9434,203 +9427,174 @@ reparse:
+       attname = xmlParseAttribute2(ctxt, prefix, localname,
+                                    &aprefix, &attvalue, &len, &alloc);
+-      if ((ctxt->input->base != base) || (inputNr != ctxt->inputNr)) {
+-          if ((attvalue != NULL) && (alloc != 0))
+-              xmlFree(attvalue);
+-          attvalue = NULL;
+-          goto base_changed;
+-      }
+-        if ((attname != NULL) && (attvalue != NULL)) {
+-          if (len < 0) len = xmlStrlen(attvalue);
+-            if ((attname == ctxt->str_xmlns) && (aprefix == NULL)) {
+-              const xmlChar *URL = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, attvalue, len);
+-              xmlURIPtr uri;
+-                if (URL == NULL) {
+-                  xmlErrMemory(ctxt, "dictionary allocation failure");
+-                  if ((attvalue != NULL) && (alloc != 0))
+-                      xmlFree(attvalue);
+-                  return(NULL);
+-              }
+-                if (*URL != 0) {
+-                  uri = xmlParseURI((const char *) URL);
+-                  if (uri == NULL) {
+-                      xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI,
+-                               "xmlns: '%s' is not a valid URI\n",
+-                                         URL, NULL, NULL);
+-                  } else {
+-                      if (uri->scheme == NULL) {
+-                          xmlNsWarn(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI_RELATIVE,
+-                                    "xmlns: URI %s is not absolute\n",
+-                                    URL, NULL, NULL);
+-                      }
+-                      xmlFreeURI(uri);
+-                  }
+-                  if (URL == ctxt->str_xml_ns) {
+-                      if (attname != ctxt->str_xml) {
+-                          xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
+-                       "xml namespace URI cannot be the default namespace\n",
+-                                   NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-                      }
+-                      goto skip_default_ns;
+-                  }
+-                  if ((len == 29) &&
+-                      (xmlStrEqual(URL,
+-                               BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";))) {
+-                      xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
+-                           "reuse of the xmlns namespace name is forbidden\n",
+-                               NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-                      goto skip_default_ns;
+-                  }
+-              }
+-              /*
+-               * check that it's not a defined namespace
+-               */
+-              for (j = 1;j <= nbNs;j++)
+-                  if (ctxt->nsTab[ctxt->nsNr - 2 * j] == NULL)
+-                      break;
+-              if (j <= nbNs)
+-                  xmlErrAttributeDup(ctxt, NULL, attname);
+-              else
+-                  if (nsPush(ctxt, NULL, URL) > 0) nbNs++;
+-              if ((attvalue != NULL) && (alloc != 0)) {
+-                  xmlFree(attvalue);
+-                  attvalue = NULL;
+-              }
+-              if ((RAW == '>') || (((RAW == '/') && (NXT(1) == '>'))))
+-                  break;
+-              if (!IS_BLANK_CH(RAW)) {
+-                  xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED,
+-                                 "attributes construct error\n");
+-                  break;
+-              }
+-              SKIP_BLANKS;
+-              if ((ctxt->input->base != base) || (inputNr != ctxt->inputNr))
+-                  goto base_changed;
+-              continue;
+-          }
+-            if (aprefix == ctxt->str_xmlns) {
+-              const xmlChar *URL = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, attvalue, len);
+-              xmlURIPtr uri;
+-                if (attname == ctxt->str_xml) {
+-                  if (URL != ctxt->str_xml_ns) {
+-                      xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
+-                               "xml namespace prefix mapped to wrong URI\n",
+-                               NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-                  }
+-                  /*
+-                   * Do not keep a namespace definition node
+-                   */
+-                  goto skip_ns;
+-              }
++        if ((attname == NULL) || (attvalue == NULL))
++            goto next_attr;
++      if (len < 0) len = xmlStrlen(attvalue);
++        if ((attname == ctxt->str_xmlns) && (aprefix == NULL)) {
++            const xmlChar *URL = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, attvalue, len);
++            xmlURIPtr uri;
++            if (URL == NULL) {
++                xmlErrMemory(ctxt, "dictionary allocation failure");
++                if ((attvalue != NULL) && (alloc != 0))
++                    xmlFree(attvalue);
++                return(NULL);
++            }
++            if (*URL != 0) {
++                uri = xmlParseURI((const char *) URL);
++                if (uri == NULL) {
++                    xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI,
++                             "xmlns: '%s' is not a valid URI\n",
++                                       URL, NULL, NULL);
++                } else {
++                    if (uri->scheme == NULL) {
++                        xmlNsWarn(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI_RELATIVE,
++                                  "xmlns: URI %s is not absolute\n",
++                                  URL, NULL, NULL);
++                    }
++                    xmlFreeURI(uri);
++                }
+                 if (URL == ctxt->str_xml_ns) {
+-                  if (attname != ctxt->str_xml) {
+-                      xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
+-                               "xml namespace URI mapped to wrong prefix\n",
+-                               NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-                  }
+-                  goto skip_ns;
+-              }
+-                if (attname == ctxt->str_xmlns) {
+-                  xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
+-                           "redefinition of the xmlns prefix is forbidden\n",
+-                           NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-                  goto skip_ns;
+-              }
+-              if ((len == 29) &&
+-                  (xmlStrEqual(URL,
+-                               BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";))) {
+-                  xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
+-                           "reuse of the xmlns namespace name is forbidden\n",
+-                           NULL, NULL, NULL);
+-                  goto skip_ns;
+-              }
+-              if ((URL == NULL) || (URL[0] == 0)) {
+-                  xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
+-                           "xmlns:%s: Empty XML namespace is not allowed\n",
+-                                attname, NULL, NULL);
+-                  goto skip_ns;
+-              } else {
+-                  uri = xmlParseURI((const char *) URL);
+-                  if (uri == NULL) {
+-                      xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI,
+-                           "xmlns:%s: '%s' is not a valid URI\n",
+-                                         attname, URL, NULL);
+-                  } else {
+-                      if ((ctxt->pedantic) && (uri->scheme == NULL)) {
+-                          xmlNsWarn(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI_RELATIVE,
+-                                    "xmlns:%s: URI %s is not absolute\n",
+-                                    attname, URL, NULL);
+-                      }
+-                      xmlFreeURI(uri);
+-                  }
+-              }
+-              /*
+-               * check that it's not a defined namespace
+-               */
+-              for (j = 1;j <= nbNs;j++)
+-                  if (ctxt->nsTab[ctxt->nsNr - 2 * j] == attname)
+-                      break;
+-              if (j <= nbNs)
+-                  xmlErrAttributeDup(ctxt, aprefix, attname);
+-              else
+-                  if (nsPush(ctxt, attname, URL) > 0) nbNs++;
+-              if ((attvalue != NULL) && (alloc != 0)) {
+-                  xmlFree(attvalue);
+-                  attvalue = NULL;
+-              }
+-              if ((RAW == '>') || (((RAW == '/') && (NXT(1) == '>'))))
+-                  break;
+-              if (!IS_BLANK_CH(RAW)) {
+-                  xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_SPACE_REQUIRED,
+-                                 "attributes construct error\n");
+-                  break;
+-              }
+-              SKIP_BLANKS;
+-              if ((ctxt->input->base != base) || (inputNr != ctxt->inputNr))
+-                  goto base_changed;
+-              continue;
+-          }
++                    if (attname != ctxt->str_xml) {
++                        xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
++                     "xml namespace URI cannot be the default namespace\n",
++                                 NULL, NULL, NULL);
++                    }
++                    goto next_attr;
++                }
++                if ((len == 29) &&
++                    (xmlStrEqual(URL,
++                             BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";))) {
++                    xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
++                         "reuse of the xmlns namespace name is forbidden\n",
++                             NULL, NULL, NULL);
++                    goto next_attr;
++                }
++            }
++            /*
++             * check that it's not a defined namespace
++             */
++            for (j = 1;j <= nbNs;j++)
++                if (ctxt->nsTab[ctxt->nsNr - 2 * j] == NULL)
++                    break;
++            if (j <= nbNs)
++                xmlErrAttributeDup(ctxt, NULL, attname);
++            else
++                if (nsPush(ctxt, NULL, URL) > 0) nbNs++;
++        } else if (aprefix == ctxt->str_xmlns) {
++            const xmlChar *URL = xmlDictLookup(ctxt->dict, attvalue, len);
++            xmlURIPtr uri;
++            if (attname == ctxt->str_xml) {
++                if (URL != ctxt->str_xml_ns) {
++                    xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
++                             "xml namespace prefix mapped to wrong URI\n",
++                             NULL, NULL, NULL);
++                }
++                /*
++                 * Do not keep a namespace definition node
++                 */
++                goto next_attr;
++            }
++            if (URL == ctxt->str_xml_ns) {
++                if (attname != ctxt->str_xml) {
++                    xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
++                             "xml namespace URI mapped to wrong prefix\n",
++                             NULL, NULL, NULL);
++                }
++                goto next_attr;
++            }
++            if (attname == ctxt->str_xmlns) {
++                xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
++                         "redefinition of the xmlns prefix is forbidden\n",
++                         NULL, NULL, NULL);
++                goto next_attr;
++            }
++            if ((len == 29) &&
++                (xmlStrEqual(URL,
++                             BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";))) {
++                xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
++                         "reuse of the xmlns namespace name is forbidden\n",
++                         NULL, NULL, NULL);
++                goto next_attr;
++            }
++            if ((URL == NULL) || (URL[0] == 0)) {
++                xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_NS_ERR_XML_NAMESPACE,
++                         "xmlns:%s: Empty XML namespace is not allowed\n",
++                              attname, NULL, NULL);
++                goto next_attr;
++            } else {
++                uri = xmlParseURI((const char *) URL);
++                if (uri == NULL) {
++                    xmlNsErr(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI,
++                         "xmlns:%s: '%s' is not a valid URI\n",
++                                       attname, URL, NULL);
++                } else {
++                    if ((ctxt->pedantic) && (uri->scheme == NULL)) {
++                        xmlNsWarn(ctxt, XML_WAR_NS_URI_RELATIVE,
++                                  "xmlns:%s: URI %s is not absolute\n",
++                                  attname, URL, NULL);
++                    }
++                    xmlFreeURI(uri);
++                }
++            }
+-          /*
+-           * Add the pair to atts
+-           */
+-          if ((atts == NULL) || (nbatts + 5 > maxatts)) {
+-              if (xmlCtxtGrowAttrs(ctxt, nbatts + 5) < 0) {
+-                  if (attvalue[len] == 0)
+-                      xmlFree(attvalue);
+-                  goto failed;
+-              }
+-              maxatts = ctxt->maxatts;
+-              atts = ctxt->atts;
+-          }
+-          ctxt->attallocs[nratts++] = alloc;
+-          atts[nbatts++] = attname;
+-          atts[nbatts++] = aprefix;
+-          atts[nbatts++] = NULL; /* the URI will be fetched later */
+-          atts[nbatts++] = attvalue;
+-          attvalue += len;
+-          atts[nbatts++] = attvalue;
+-          /*
+-           * tag if some deallocation is needed
+-           */
+-          if (alloc != 0) attval = 1;
+-      } else {
+-          if ((attvalue != NULL) && (attvalue[len] == 0))
+-              xmlFree(attvalue);
+-      }
++            /*
++             * check that it's not a defined namespace
++             */
++            for (j = 1;j <= nbNs;j++)
++                if (ctxt->nsTab[ctxt->nsNr - 2 * j] == attname)
++                    break;
++            if (j <= nbNs)
++                xmlErrAttributeDup(ctxt, aprefix, attname);
++            else
++                if (nsPush(ctxt, attname, URL) > 0) nbNs++;
++        } else {
++            /*
++             * Add the pair to atts
++             */
++            if ((atts == NULL) || (nbatts + 5 > maxatts)) {
++                if (xmlCtxtGrowAttrs(ctxt, nbatts + 5) < 0) {
++                    goto next_attr;
++                }
++                maxatts = ctxt->maxatts;
++                atts = ctxt->atts;
++            }
++            ctxt->attallocs[nratts++] = alloc;
++            atts[nbatts++] = attname;
++            atts[nbatts++] = aprefix;
++            /*
++             * The namespace URI field is used temporarily to point at the
++             * base of the current input buffer for non-alloced attributes.
++             * When the input buffer is reallocated, all the pointers become
++             * invalid, but they can be reconstructed later.
++             */
++            if (alloc)
++                atts[nbatts++] = NULL;
++            else
++                atts[nbatts++] = ctxt->input->base;
++            atts[nbatts++] = attvalue;
++            attvalue += len;
++            atts[nbatts++] = attvalue;
++            /*
++             * tag if some deallocation is needed
++             */
++            if (alloc != 0) attval = 1;
++            attvalue = NULL; /* moved into atts */
++        }
++        if ((attvalue != NULL) && (alloc != 0)) {
++            xmlFree(attvalue);
++            attvalue = NULL;
++        }
+       GROW
+         if (ctxt->instate == XML_PARSER_EOF)
+             break;
+-      if ((ctxt->input->base != base) || (inputNr != ctxt->inputNr))
+-          goto base_changed;
+       if ((RAW == '>') || (((RAW == '/') && (NXT(1) == '>'))))
+           break;
+       if (!IS_BLANK_CH(RAW)) {
+@@ -9646,8 +9610,20 @@ failed:
+           break;
+       }
+         GROW;
+-      if ((ctxt->input->base != base) || (inputNr != ctxt->inputNr))
+-          goto base_changed;
++    }
++    /* Reconstruct attribute value pointers. */
++    for (i = 0, j = 0; j < nratts; i += 5, j++) {
++        if (atts[i+2] != NULL) {
++            /*
++             * Arithmetic on dangling pointers is technically undefined
++             * behavior, but well...
++             */
++            ptrdiff_t offset = ctxt->input->base - atts[i+2];
++            atts[i+2]  = NULL;    /* Reset repurposed namespace URI */
++            atts[i+3] += offset;  /* value */
++            atts[i+4] += offset;  /* valuend */
++        }
+     }
+     /*
+@@ -9804,34 +9780,6 @@ failed:
+     }
+     return(localname);
+-    /*
+-     * the attribute strings are valid iif the base didn't changed
+-     */
+-    if (attval != 0) {
+-      for (i = 3,j = 0; j < nratts;i += 5,j++)
+-          if ((ctxt->attallocs[j] != 0) && (atts[i] != NULL))
+-              xmlFree((xmlChar *) atts[i]);
+-    }
+-    /*
+-     * We can't switch from one entity to another in the middle
+-     * of a start tag
+-     */
+-    if (inputNr != ctxt->inputNr) {
+-        xmlFatalErrMsg(ctxt, XML_ERR_ENTITY_BOUNDARY,
+-                  "Start tag doesn't start and stop in the same entity\n");
+-      return(NULL);
+-    }
+-    ctxt->input->cur = ctxt->input->base + cur;
+-    ctxt->input->line = oldline;
+-    ctxt->input->col = oldcol;
+-    if (ctxt->wellFormed == 1) {
+-      goto reparse;
+-    }
+-    return(NULL);
+ }
+ /**
+diff --git a/result/errors/759398.xml.err b/result/errors/759398.xml.err
+index e08d9bf..f6036a3 100644
+--- a/result/errors/759398.xml.err
++++ b/result/errors/759398.xml.err
+@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
+ ./test/errors/759398.xml:210: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name
+ need to worry about parsers whi<! don't expand PErefs finding
+                                 ^
+-./test/errors/759398.xml:309: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: spec line 50 and termdef
++./test/errors/759398.xml:309: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: 
 line 308 and termdef
+ and provide access to their content and structure.</termdef> <termdef
+                                                             ^
+-./test/errors/759398.xml:309: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
+-and provide access to their content and structure.</termdef> <termdef
+-                                                             ^
++./test/errors/759398.xml:314: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: spec line 50 and p
++data and the information it must provide to the application.</p>
++                                                                ^
++./test/errors/759398.xml:316: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
++<div2 id='sec-origin-goals'>
+diff --git a/result/errors/attr1.xml.err b/result/errors/attr1.xml.err
+index 4f08538..c4c4fc8 100644
+--- a/result/errors/attr1.xml.err
++++ b/result/errors/attr1.xml.err
+@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+ ./test/errors/attr1.xml:2: parser error : AttValue: ' expected
+ ^
+-./test/errors/attr1.xml:1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
+-<foo foo="oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
+- ^
++./test/errors/attr1.xml:2: parser error : attributes construct error
++./test/errors/attr1.xml:2: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag foo line 1
+diff --git a/result/errors/attr2.xml.err b/result/errors/attr2.xml.err
+index c8a9c7d..77e342e 100644
+--- a/result/errors/attr2.xml.err
++++ b/result/errors/attr2.xml.err
+@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+ ./test/errors/attr2.xml:2: parser error : AttValue: ' expected
+ ^
+-./test/errors/attr2.xml:1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
+-<foo foo=">ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
+- ^
++./test/errors/attr2.xml:2: parser error : attributes construct error
++./test/errors/attr2.xml:2: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag foo line 1
+diff --git a/result/errors/name2.xml.err b/result/errors/name2.xml.err
+index a6649a1..8a6acee 100644
+--- a/result/errors/name2.xml.err
++++ b/result/errors/name2.xml.err
+@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+ ./test/errors/name2.xml:2: parser error : Specification mandate value for attribute 
+ ^
+-./test/errors/name2.xml:1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
+-<foo foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
+- ^
++./test/errors/name2.xml:2: parser error : attributes construct error
++./test/errors/name2.xml:2: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag foo line 1
diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.4.bb b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.4.bb
index 4f60781..0577ad6 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.4.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/libxml/libxml2_2.9.4.bb
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ SRC_URI = "ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-${PV}.tar.gz;name=libtar \
            file://libxml2-CVE-2016-5131.patch \
            file://libxml2-CVE-2016-4658.patch \
            file://libxml2-fix_NULL_pointer_derefs.patch \
+           file://libxml2-fix_and_simplify_xmlParseStartTag2.patch \
            file://CVE-2016-9318.patch \
            file://0001-Make-ptest-run-the-python-tests-if-python-is-enabled.patch \

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