[gnome-continuous-yocto/gnomeostree-3.28-rocko: 3527/8267] bitbake: toaster: buildinfohelper Simplify layer event to toaster layer function

commit 439f3da1a1737fe111f77b13c8c20718bfe91f49
Author: Michael Wood <michael g wood intel com>
Date:   Thu Nov 24 11:20:04 2016 +0000

    bitbake: toaster: buildinfohelper Simplify layer event to toaster layer function
    Simplify the layer event information to layer version object in toaster
    function. Previously this attempted many different methods of trying to
    obtain the correct layer from toaster by manipulating the data from the
    event or the data from the known layers to try and match them together.
    We speed up and simplify this process by making better use of django's
    orm methods and by working down the most likely matching methods in order
    of accuracy.
    [YOCTO #10220]
    (Bitbake rev: 6935cc06974ea94c9971ede89b6e8f0eae9c195b)
    Signed-off-by: Michael Wood <michael g wood intel com>
    Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard purdie linuxfoundation org>

 bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py |   71 ++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py b/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
index e96e934..43a1411 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
+++ b/bitbake/lib/bb/ui/buildinfohelper.py
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ from orm.models import Project, CustomImagePackage
 from orm.models import signal_runbuilds
 from bldcontrol.models import BuildEnvironment, BuildRequest
+from bldcontrol.models import BRLayer
+from bldcontrol import bbcontroller
 from bb.msg import BBLogFormatter as formatter
 from django.db import models
@@ -436,48 +438,33 @@ class ORMWrapper(object):
             br_id, be_id = brbe.split(":")
-            # find layer by checkout path;
-            from bldcontrol import bbcontroller
-            bc = bbcontroller.getBuildEnvironmentController(pk = be_id)
-            # we might have a race condition here, as the project layers may change between the build 
trigger and the actual build execution
-            # but we can only match on the layer name, so the worst thing can happen is a mis-identification 
of the layer, not a total failure
-            # note that this is different
-            buildrequest = BuildRequest.objects.get(pk = br_id)
-            for brl in buildrequest.brlayer_set.all():
-                if brl.local_source_dir:
-                    localdirname = os.path.join(brl.local_source_dir,
-                                                brl.dirpath)
-                else:
-                    localdirname = os.path.join(bc.getGitCloneDirectory(brl.giturl, brl.commit), brl.dirpath)
-                # we get a relative path, unless running in HEAD mode where the path is absolute
-                if not localdirname.startswith("/"):
-                    localdirname = os.path.join(bc.be.sourcedir, localdirname)
-                #logger.debug(1, "Localdirname %s lcal_path %s" % (localdirname, 
-                if localdirname.startswith(layer_information['local_path']):
-                  # If the build request came from toaster this field
-                  # should contain the information from the layer_version
-                  # That created this build request.
-                    if brl.layer_version:
-                        return brl.layer_version
-                # This might be a local layer (i.e. no git info) so try
-                # matching local_source_dir
-                if brl.local_source_dir and brl.local_source_dir == layer_information["local_path"]:
-                    return brl.layer_version
-                    # we matched the BRLayer, but we need the layer_version that generated this BR; reverse 
of the Project.schedule_build()
-                    #logger.debug(1, "Matched %s to BRlayer %s" % (pformat(layer_information["local_path"]), 
-                    for pl in buildrequest.project.projectlayer_set.filter(layercommit__layer__name = 
-                        if pl.layercommit.layer.vcs_url == brl.giturl :
-                            layer = pl.layercommit.layer
-                            layer.save()
-                            return layer
-            raise NotExisting("Unidentified layer %s" % pformat(layer_information))
+            # Find the layer version by matching the layer event information
+            # against the metadata we have in Toaster
+            try:
+                br_layer = BRLayer.objects.get(req=br_id,
+                                               name=layer_information['name'])
+                return br_layer.layer_version
+            except (BRLayer.MultipleObjectsReturned, BRLayer.DoesNotExist):
+                # There are multiple of the same layer name or the name
+                # hasn't been determined by the toaster.bbclass layer
+                # so let's filter by the local_path
+                bc = bbcontroller.getBuildEnvironmentController(pk=be_id)
+                for br_layer in BRLayer.objects.filter(req=br_id):
+                    if br_layer.giturl and \
+                       layer_information['local_path'].endswith(
+                           bc.getGitCloneDirectory(br_layer.giturl,
+                                                   br_layer.commit)):
+                            return br_layer.layer_version
+                    if br_layer.local_source_dir == \
+                            layer_information['local_path']:
+                        return br_layer.layer_version
+        # We've reached the end of our search and couldn't find the layer
+        # we can continue but some data may be missing
+        raise NotExisting("Unidentified layer %s" %
+                          pformat(layer_information))
     def save_target_file_information(self, build_obj, target_obj, filedata):
         assert isinstance(build_obj, Build)

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