[gnome-continuous-yocto/gnomeostree-3.28-rocko: 416/8267] bitbake: toaster: handle multiple imagefs types

commit c81d03e8a30d9ac62e7162794b41f7e0c21e0a61
Author: Sujith H <sujith h gmail com>
Date:   Thu May 19 11:43:30 2016 +0100

    bitbake: toaster: handle multiple imagefs types
    This functionality helps users to add custom
    image fs types available other than the checkboxes
    in the UI. User can add imagefs types in the text
    box and use them in the build.
    [YOCTO #7828]
    (Bitbake rev: c14cbb026598be064f08f46bb513456c7a3089f5)
    Signed-off-by: Sujith H <sujith h gmail com>
    Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <elliot smith intel com>
    Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard purdie linuxfoundation org>

 .../toaster/toastergui/templates/projectconf.html  |  111 ++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastergui/templates/projectconf.html 
index 27a898b..c007859 100644
--- a/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastergui/templates/projectconf.html
+++ b/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastergui/templates/projectconf.html
@@ -62,12 +62,16 @@
                 <span id="image_fstypes">{{fstypes}}</span>
                 <i class="icon-pencil" id="change-image_fstypes-icon"></i>
                 <form id="change-image_fstypes-form" style="display:none;">
+                    <div class="input-append" id="validate-image_fstypes">
+                        <input type="text" class="input-xlarge" id="new-imagefs_types">
+                        <button id="apply-change-image_fstypes" type="button" class="btn">Save</button>
+                        <button id="cancel-change-image_fstypes" type="button" class="btn 
+                    </div>
+                    </br><span class="help-block error" style="display:none;" id="hintError-image-fs_type">A 
valid image type cannot include underscores.</span>
+                    <p>Choose from known image types</p>
                     <input id="filter-image_fstypes" type="text" placeholder="Search image types" 
                     <div id="all-image_fstypes" class="scrolling">
-                    <span class="help-block" id="fstypes-error-message">You must select at least one image 
-                    <button id="apply-change-image_fstypes" type="button" class="btn">Save</button>
-                    <button id="cancel-change-image_fstypes" type="button" class="btn 
             {% endif %}
@@ -322,22 +326,6 @@
             return true;
-        // Test to insure at least one FS Type is checked
-        function enableFsTypesSave() {
-            var any_checked = 0;
-            $(".fs-checkbox-fstypes:checked").each(function(){
-                any_checked = 1;
-            });
-            if ( 0 == any_checked ) {
-                $("#apply-change-image_fstypes").attr("disabled","disabled");
-                $('#fstypes-error-message').show();
-            }
-            else {
-                $("#apply-change-image_fstypes").removeAttr("disabled");
-                $('#fstypes-error-message').hide();
-            }
-        }
         // Preset or reset the Package Class checkbox labels
         function updatePackageClassCheckboxes() {
             $('#package_class_1, #package_class_2').hide();
@@ -603,6 +591,46 @@
             {% if fstypes_defined %}
             // change IMAGE_FSTYPES variable
+            // get value of fstypes and add to the textbox
+            $("#new-imagefs_types").val("{{fstypes}}");
+            // If value of new-imagefs_types is empty disable save button
+            $("#new-imagefs_types").on("input", function() {
+              $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/\s+/g,' '));
+              if ($(this).val().length === 0) {
+                //$('#apply-change-image_fstypes').prop('disabled', true);
+                $('#apply-change-image_fstypes').attr("disabled", "disabled");
+              } else {
+                //$('#apply-change-image_fstypes').prop('disabled', false);
+                $('#apply-change-image_fstypes').removeAttr("disabled");
+              }
+              /*If user types imagefs do the action on checkboxes.
+                Lets say if an imagefstype typed by user and the same
+                imagefs is unchecked in the checkbox, then checkbox needs
+                to get checked. Similarly when user deletes imagefs from
+                textbox the checkbox which is checked gets unchecked.
+              */
+              $('#all-image_fstypes input').each(function(){
+                var imagefs_userval = $('#new-imagefs_types').val();
+                if( imagefs_userval.indexOf($(this).val()) > -1) {
+                   $(this).prop('checked', true);
+                } else {
+                   $(this).prop('checked', false);
+                }
+              });
+              // Validate underscore in image fs types
+              if ($(this).val().indexOf('_') > -1) {
+                $('#validate-image_fstypes').addClass('control-group error');
+                $('#hintError-image-fs_type').show();
+                $("#apply-change-image_fstypes").prop("disabled", true);
+              } else {
+                $('#validate-image_fstypes').removeClass('control-group error');
+                $('#hintError-image-fs_type').hide();
+              }
+            });
             $('#change-image_fstypes-icon').click(function() {
                 $('#change-image_fstypes-icon, #image_fstypes').hide();
@@ -630,19 +658,33 @@
                 document.getElementById("all-image_fstypes").innerHTML = html;
-                // Watch elements to disable Save when none are checked
-                $(".fs-checkbox-fstypes").each(function(){
-                    $(this).click(function() {
-                        enableFsTypesSave();
-                    });
-                });
                 // clear the previous filter values and warning messages
-                $('#fstypes-error-message').hide();
+            });
+            // When checkbox is checked/unchecked kindly update the text
+            $(document).on("change", "#all-image_fstypes :checkbox", function() {
+              var imagefs = $(this);
+              var imagefs_obj = $('#new-imagefs_types');
+              var imagefs_userval = imagefs_obj.val();
+              if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
+                if (imagefs_userval.indexOf($(imagefs).val()) === -1) {
+                  imagefs_obj.val(imagefs_userval + " " + $(imagefs).val());
+                }
+              } else {
+                if (imagefs_userval.indexOf($(imagefs).val()) > -1) {
+                  imagefs_obj.val(imagefs_userval.replace($(imagefs).val(), '').trim());
+                }
+              }
+              if ($('#new-imagefs_types').val().length === 0) {
+                $("#apply-change-image_fstypes").prop("disabled", true);
+              } else {
+                $("#apply-change-image_fstypes").prop("disabled", false);
+              }
+                $("#new-imagefs_types").val("{{fstypes}}");
                 $("#change-image_fstypes-form").slideUp(function() {
                     $('#image_fstypes, #change-image_fstypes-icon').show();
@@ -670,20 +712,7 @@
-                // extract the selected fstypes and sort them
-                var fstypes_array = [];
-                var checkboxes = document.getElementsByClassName('fs-checkbox-fstypes');
-                $(".fs-checkbox-fstypes:checked").each(function(){
-                       fstypes_array.push($(this).val());
-                });
-                fstypes_array.sort();
-                // now make a string of them
-                var fstypes = '';
-                for (var i = 0, length = fstypes_array.length; i < length; i++) {
-                    fstypes += fstypes_array[i] + ' ';
-                }
-                fstypes = fstypes.trim();
+                var fstypes = $('#new-imagefs_types').val();
                 postEditAjaxRequest({"configvarChange" : 'IMAGE_FSTYPES:'+fstypes});

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