[meld] dirdiff: Refactoring and shortening of state setting

commit 9f63abf7113b9a1d0944dd322d8c51cabd6054ee
Author: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>
Date:   Sun Oct 23 14:03:11 2016 +1000

    dirdiff: Refactoring and shortening of state setting

 meld/dirdiff.py | 22 +++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meld/dirdiff.py b/meld/dirdiff.py
index 7b85bcff..6e05e54c 100644
--- a/meld/dirdiff.py
+++ b/meld/dirdiff.py
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ def _files_same(files, regexes, comparison_args):
     return result
+EMBLEM_NEW = "emblem-meld-newer-file"
         range(tree.COL_END, tree.COL_END + 5)
@@ -1303,23 +1305,17 @@ class DirDiff(melddoc.MeldDoc, gnomeglade.Component):
         one_isdir = [None for i in range(self.model.ntree)]
         for j in range(self.model.ntree):
+            column_index = functools.partial(self.model.column_index, pane=j)
             if mod_times[j]:
                 isdir = os.path.isdir(files[j])
-                self.model.set_path_state(it, j, state, isdir)
-                emblem = "emblem-meld-newer-file" if j in newest else None
-                self.model.set_value(
-                    it, self.model.column_index(COL_EMBLEM, j), emblem)
                 one_isdir[j] = isdir
+                emblem = EMBLEM_NEW if j in newest else None
-                TIME = self.model.column_index(COL_TIME, j)
-                self.model.set_value(it, TIME, mod_times[j])
-                SIZE = self.model.column_index(COL_SIZE, j)
-                self.model.set_value(it, SIZE, sizes[j])
-                PERMS = self.model.column_index(COL_PERMS, j)
-                self.model.set_value(it, PERMS, perms[j])
+                self.model.set_path_state(it, j, state, isdir)
+                self.model.set_value(it, column_index(COL_EMBLEM), emblem)
+                self.model.set_value(it, column_index(COL_TIME), mod_times[j])
+                self.model.set_value(it, column_index(COL_SIZE), sizes[j])
+                self.model.set_value(it, column_index(COL_PERMS), perms[j])
         for j in range(self.model.ntree):
             if not mod_times[j]:

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