[gtk+/wip/baedert/gl: 89/94] gl renderer: Move declarations to the beginning of the block

commit 19611ecbecb8df1b77f9cdb1f29ae659d4f1e3fd
Author: Timm Bäder <mail baedert org>
Date:   Sat Dec 9 16:21:19 2017 +0100

    gl renderer: Move declarations to the beginning of the block

 gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.c |   20 ++++++++++----------
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.c b/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.c
index c71d065..9f76a7e 100644
--- a/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.c
+++ b/gsk/gl/gskglrenderer.c
@@ -384,18 +384,18 @@ render_text_node (GskGLRenderer   *self,
       ops_set_texture (builder, gsk_gl_glyph_cache_get_glyph_image (&self->glyph_cache,
-      {
-        tx  = glyph->tx;
-        ty  = glyph->ty;
-        tx2 = tx + glyph->tw;
-        ty2 = ty + glyph->th;
+      tx  = glyph->tx;
+      ty  = glyph->ty;
+      tx2 = tx + glyph->tw;
+      ty2 = ty + glyph->th;
-        glyph_x = x + cx + glyph->draw_x;
-        glyph_y = y + cy + glyph->draw_y;
-        glyph_w = glyph->draw_width;
-        glyph_h = glyph->draw_height;
+      glyph_x = x + cx + glyph->draw_x;
+      glyph_y = y + cy + glyph->draw_y;
+      glyph_w = glyph->draw_width;
+      glyph_h = glyph->draw_height;
-        GskQuadVertex vertex_data[GL_N_VERTICES] = {
+      {
+        const GskQuadVertex vertex_data[GL_N_VERTICES] = {
           { { glyph_x,           glyph_y           }, { tx,  ty  }, },
           { { glyph_x,           glyph_y + glyph_h }, { tx,  ty2 }, },
           { { glyph_x + glyph_w, glyph_y           }, { tx2, ty  }, },

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