[extensions-web] diff.js: formatted, added header.

commit 45eb30cf10422c6b4cc650dd2306223851de8ce8
Author: Yuri Konotopov <ykonotopov gnome org>
Date:   Sat Aug 26 01:29:53 2017 +0400

    diff.js: formatted, added header.

 sweettooth/static/js/diff.js |  392 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 206 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sweettooth/static/js/diff.js b/sweettooth/static/js/diff.js
index ba637a1..e4c7ca9 100644
--- a/sweettooth/static/js/diff.js
+++ b/sweettooth/static/js/diff.js
@@ -1,187 +1,207 @@
-// -*- mode: js; js-indent-level: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
-define(['jquery'], function($) {
-    "use strict";
-    var exports = {};
-    // Each table row has three columns:
-    // ===================================================================
-    // | Old Line Number | New Line Number | Diff |
-    //
-    // Each "buildChunk" function below should build full row(s).
-    // For some reason it's hard to turn an array of jQuery objects into
-    // one jQuery object.
-    function flatten(list) {
-        var $elems = $();
-        $.each(list, function() {
-            $elems = $elems.add(this);
-        });
-        return $elems;
-    }
-    function buildEqualChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
-        function triggerCollapse() {
-            // show() and hide() don't work on table-rows - jQuery
-            // will set the row back to 'display: block'. Unsure if it's
-            // a jQuery or browser bug.
-            if (collapsed) {
-                $triggerRow.removeClass('collapsed');
-                $collapsable.css('display', 'table-row');
-                $triggers.text('-');
-            } else {
-                $triggerRow.addClass('collapsed');
-                $collapsable.css('display', 'none');
-                $triggers.text('+');
-            }
-            collapsed = !collapsed;
-        }
-        var $triggerRow;
-        var $triggers = $();
-        var $collapsable = $();
-        var collapsed = false;
-        var $elems = $.map(chunk.lines, function(line, i) {
-            var contents = oldContents[line.oldindex];
-            var $row = $('<tr>', {'class': 'diff-line equal'}).
-                append($('<td>', {'class': 'old linum'}).text(line.oldlinenum)).
-                append($('<td>', {'class': 'new linum'}).text(line.newlinenum)).
-                append($('<td>', {'class': 'new contents'}).text(contents));
-            if (chunk.collapsable) {
-                if (i == 0) {
-                    $triggerRow = $row;
-                    $row.addClass('collapsable-trigger-row').find('.contents').each(function() {
-                        var $trigger = $('<a>', {'class': 'collapsable-trigger'}).click(triggerCollapse);
-                        $triggers = $triggers.add($trigger);
-                        $(this).append($trigger);
-                    });
-                } else {
-                    $row.addClass('collapsable-collapsed-row');
-                    $collapsable = $collapsable.add($row);
-                }
-            }
-            return $row;
-        });
-        if (chunk.collapsable)
-            triggerCollapse($collapsable);
-        return $elems;
-    }
-    // This is called for changes within lines in a 'replace' chunk,
-    // one half-row at a time.  'contents' here is the line's contents
-    //
-    // If we replace:
-    //     "this is a long, long line."
-    //
-    // with:
-    //     "this is yet another long, long line."
-    //
-    // then we get regions that look like:
-    //     [8, 9]  ,  [8, 13]
-    // Our job is to highlight the replaced regions on the respective
-    // half-row.
-    function buildReplaceRegions(regions, contents) {
-        function span(tag, text) {
-            return $('<span>', {'class': 'diff-inline'}).addClass(tag).text(text);
-        }
-        function unchanged(text) { return span('unchanged', text); }
-        function changed(text) { return span('changed', text); }
-        // If there's no region, then SequentialMatcher failed to
-        // find something useful, or we're in a regular delete/inserted
-        // chunk. Highlight the entire region as unchanged.
-        if (!regions || regions.length === 0)
-            return unchanged(contents);
-        var regionElems = [];
-        var lastEnd = 0;
-        $.each(regions, function() {
-            var start = this[0], end = this[1];
-            // The indexes in the 'regions' are the changed regions. We
-            // can expect that the regions in between the indexes are
-            // unchanged regions, so build those.
-            regionElems.push(unchanged(contents.slice(lastEnd, start)));
-            regionElems.push(changed(contents.slice(start, end)));
-            lastEnd = end;
-        });
-        // We may have an unchanged region left over at the end of a row.
-        if (contents.slice(lastEnd))
-            regionElems.push(unchanged(contents.slice(lastEnd)));
-        return regionElems;
-    }
-    function buildInsertLine(line, contents) {
-        return $('<tr>', {'class': 'diff-line inserted'}).
-            append($('<td>', {'class': 'linum'})).
-            append($('<td>', {'class': 'new linum'}).text(line.newlinenum)).
-            append($('<td>', {'class': 'new contents'}).
-                     append(flatten(buildReplaceRegions(line.newregion, contents[line.newindex]))));
-    }
-    function buildInsertChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
-        return $.map(chunk.lines, function(line) { return buildInsertLine(line, newContents); });
-    }
-    function buildDeleteLine(line, contents) {
-        return $('<tr>', {'class': 'diff-line deleted'}).
-            append($('<td>', {'class': 'old linum'}).text(line.oldlinenum)).
-            append($('<td>', {'class': 'linum'})).
-            append($('<td>', {'class': 'old contents'}).
-                   append(flatten(buildReplaceRegions(line.oldregion, contents[line.oldindex]))));
-    }
-    function buildDeleteChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
-        return $.map(chunk.lines, function(line) { return buildDeleteLine(line, oldContents); });
-    }
-    function buildReplaceChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
-        // Replace chunks are built up of a delete chunk and
-        // an insert chunk, with special inline replace regions
-        // for the inline modifications.
-        var deleteChunk = [], insertChunk = [];
-        $.each(chunk.lines, function() {
-            var line = this;
-            deleteChunk.push(buildDeleteLine(line, oldContents));
-            insertChunk.push(buildInsertLine(line, newContents));
-        });
-        return [flatten(deleteChunk), flatten(insertChunk)];
-    }
-    var operations = {
-        'equal': buildEqualChunk,
-        'insert': buildInsertChunk,
-        'delete': buildDeleteChunk,
-        'replace': buildReplaceChunk
-    };
-    exports.buildDiffTable = function(chunks, oldContents, newContents) {
-        var $table = $('<table>', {'class': 'code'});
-        $.each(chunks, function() {
-            $table.append(flatten(operations[this.change](this, oldContents, newContents)));
-        });
-        return $table;
-    };
-    return exports;
+    GNOME Shell extensions repository
+    Copyright (C) 2012  Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net>
+    Copyright (C) 2017  Yuri Konotopov <ykonotopov gnome org>
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+define(['jquery'], function ($) {
+       "use strict";
+       var exports = {};
+       // Each table row has three columns:
+       // ===================================================================
+       // | Old Line Number | New Line Number | Diff |
+       //
+       // Each "buildChunk" function below should build full row(s).
+       // For some reason it's hard to turn an array of jQuery objects into
+       // one jQuery object.
+       function flatten(list) {
+               var $elems = $();
+               $.each(list, function () {
+                       $elems = $elems.add(this);
+               });
+               return $elems;
+       }
+       function buildEqualChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
+               function triggerCollapse() {
+                       // show() and hide() don't work on table-rows - jQuery
+                       // will set the row back to 'display: block'. Unsure if it's
+                       // a jQuery or browser bug.
+                       if (collapsed)
+                       {
+                               $triggerRow.removeClass('collapsed');
+                               $collapsable.css('display', 'table-row');
+                               $triggers.text('-');
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               $triggerRow.addClass('collapsed');
+                               $collapsable.css('display', 'none');
+                               $triggers.text('+');
+                       }
+                       collapsed = !collapsed;
+               }
+               var $triggerRow;
+               var $triggers = $();
+               var $collapsable = $();
+               var collapsed = false;
+               var $elems = $.map(chunk.lines, function (line, i) {
+                       var contents = oldContents[line.oldindex];
+                       var $row = $('<tr>', {'class': 'diff-line equal'}).append($('<td>', {'class': 'old 
linum'}).text(line.oldlinenum)).append($('<td>', {'class': 'new 
linum'}).text(line.newlinenum)).append($('<td>', {'class': 'new contents'}).text(contents));
+                       if (chunk.collapsable)
+                       {
+                               if (i == 0)
+                               {
+                                       $triggerRow = $row;
$row.addClass('collapsable-trigger-row').find('.contents').each(function () {
+                                               var $trigger = $('<a>', {'class': 
+                                               $triggers = $triggers.add($trigger);
+                                               $(this).append($trigger);
+                                       });
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       $row.addClass('collapsable-collapsed-row');
+                                       $collapsable = $collapsable.add($row);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return $row;
+               });
+               if (chunk.collapsable)
+               {
+                       triggerCollapse($collapsable);
+               }
+               return $elems;
+       }
+       // This is called for changes within lines in a 'replace' chunk,
+       // one half-row at a time.  'contents' here is the line's contents
+       //
+       // If we replace:
+       //     "this is a long, long line."
+       //
+       // with:
+       //     "this is yet another long, long line."
+       //
+       // then we get regions that look like:
+       //     [8, 9]  ,  [8, 13]
+       // Our job is to highlight the replaced regions on the respective
+       // half-row.
+       function buildReplaceRegions(regions, contents) {
+               function span(tag, text) {
+                       return $('<span>', {'class': 'diff-inline'}).addClass(tag).text(text);
+               }
+               function unchanged(text) {
+                       return span('unchanged', text);
+               }
+               function changed(text) {
+                       return span('changed', text);
+               }
+               // If there's no region, then SequentialMatcher failed to
+               // find something useful, or we're in a regular delete/inserted
+               // chunk. Highlight the entire region as unchanged.
+               if (!regions || regions.length === 0)
+               {
+                       return unchanged(contents);
+               }
+               var regionElems = [];
+               var lastEnd = 0;
+               $.each(regions, function () {
+                       var start = this[0], end = this[1];
+                       // The indexes in the 'regions' are the changed regions. We
+                       // can expect that the regions in between the indexes are
+                       // unchanged regions, so build those.
+                       regionElems.push(unchanged(contents.slice(lastEnd, start)));
+                       regionElems.push(changed(contents.slice(start, end)));
+                       lastEnd = end;
+               });
+               // We may have an unchanged region left over at the end of a row.
+               if (contents.slice(lastEnd))
+               {
+                       regionElems.push(unchanged(contents.slice(lastEnd)));
+               }
+               return regionElems;
+       }
+       function buildInsertLine(line, contents) {
+               return $('<tr>', {'class': 'diff-line inserted'}).append($('<td>', {'class': 
'linum'})).append($('<td>', {'class': 'new linum'}).text(line.newlinenum)).append($('<td>', {'class': 'new 
contents'}).append(flatten(buildReplaceRegions(line.newregion, contents[line.newindex]))));
+       }
+       function buildInsertChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
+               return $.map(chunk.lines, function (line) {
+                       return buildInsertLine(line, newContents);
+               });
+       }
+       function buildDeleteLine(line, contents) {
+               return $('<tr>', {'class': 'diff-line deleted'}).append($('<td>', {'class': 'old 
linum'}).text(line.oldlinenum)).append($('<td>', {'class': 'linum'})).append($('<td>', {'class': 'old 
contents'}).append(flatten(buildReplaceRegions(line.oldregion, contents[line.oldindex]))));
+       }
+       function buildDeleteChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
+               return $.map(chunk.lines, function (line) {
+                       return buildDeleteLine(line, oldContents);
+               });
+       }
+       function buildReplaceChunk(chunk, oldContents, newContents) {
+               // Replace chunks are built up of a delete chunk and
+               // an insert chunk, with special inline replace regions
+               // for the inline modifications.
+               var deleteChunk = [], insertChunk = [];
+               $.each(chunk.lines, function () {
+                       var line = this;
+                       deleteChunk.push(buildDeleteLine(line, oldContents));
+                       insertChunk.push(buildInsertLine(line, newContents));
+               });
+               return [flatten(deleteChunk), flatten(insertChunk)];
+       }
+       var operations = {
+               'equal': buildEqualChunk,
+               'insert': buildInsertChunk,
+               'delete': buildDeleteChunk,
+               'replace': buildReplaceChunk
+       };
+       exports.buildDiffTable = function (chunks, oldContents, newContents) {
+               var $table = $('<table>', {'class': 'code'});
+               $.each(chunks, function () {
+                       $table.append(flatten(operations[this.change](this, oldContents, newContents)));
+               });
+               return $table;
+       };
+       return exports;

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