[gnome-software/wip/ubuntu-3-22: 12/25] ubuntu-review: Re-prompt for authentication if request fails due to 401

commit d5042a85b059c0398938b33a68475d16be11f6f0
Author: Robert Ancell <robert ancell canonical com>
Date:   Tue Nov 8 10:51:39 2016 +1300

    ubuntu-review: Re-prompt for authentication if request fails due to 401

 src/plugins/gs-plugin-ubuntu-reviews.c |   50 ++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-ubuntu-reviews.c b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-ubuntu-reviews.c
index f4be0be..663f3ef 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gs-plugin-ubuntu-reviews.c
+++ b/src/plugins/gs-plugin-ubuntu-reviews.c
@@ -301,27 +301,6 @@ parse_review_entries (GsPlugin *plugin, JsonParser *parser, GError **error)
        return TRUE;
-static gboolean
-get_ubuntuone_token (GsPlugin *plugin,
-                    gchar **consumer_key, gchar **consumer_secret,
-                    gchar **token_key, gchar **token_secret,
-                    GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error)
-       GsAuth *auth = gs_plugin_get_auth_by_id (plugin, "ubuntuone");
-       if (auth == NULL) {
-               g_set_error_literal (error,
-                                    GS_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                    GS_PLUGIN_ERROR_FAILED,
-                                    "No UbuntuOne authentication provider");
-               return FALSE;
-       }
-       *consumer_key = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "consumer-key"));
-       *consumer_secret = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "consumer-secret"));
-       *token_key = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "token-key"));
-       *token_secret = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "token-secret"));
-       return *consumer_key != NULL && *consumer_secret != NULL && *token_key != NULL && *token_secret != 
 static void
 sign_message (SoupMessage *message, OAuthMethod method,
              const gchar *consumer_key, const gchar *consumer_secret,
@@ -363,15 +342,16 @@ send_review_request (GsPlugin *plugin,
        g_autofree gchar *uri = NULL;
        g_autoptr(SoupMessage) msg = NULL;
-       if (do_sign && !get_ubuntuone_token (plugin,
-                                            &consumer_key, &consumer_secret,
-                                            &token_key, &token_secret,
-                                            cancellable, NULL)) {
-               g_set_error_literal (error,
-                                    GS_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                    GS_PLUGIN_ERROR_AUTH_REQUIRED,
-                                    "Requires authentication with @ubuntuone");
-               return FALSE;
+       if (do_sign) {
+               GsAuth *auth = gs_plugin_get_auth_by_id (plugin, "ubuntuone");
+               if (auth != NULL) {
+                       consumer_key = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "consumer-key"));
+                       consumer_secret = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "consumer-secret"));
+                       token_key = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "token-key"));
+                       token_secret = g_strdup (gs_auth_get_metadata_item (auth, "token-secret"));
+               }
+               else
+                       g_warning ("No UbuntuOne authentication provider");
        uri = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s",
@@ -389,7 +369,7 @@ send_review_request (GsPlugin *plugin,
                soup_message_set_request (msg, "application/json", SOUP_MEMORY_TAKE, data, length);
-       if (do_sign)
+       if (consumer_key != NULL && consumer_secret != NULL && token_key != NULL && token_secret != NULL)
                sign_message (msg,
                              consumer_key, consumer_secret,
@@ -397,6 +377,14 @@ send_review_request (GsPlugin *plugin,
        *status_code = soup_session_send_message (gs_plugin_get_soup_session (plugin), msg);
+       if (*status_code == SOUP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED) {
+               g_set_error_literal (error,
+                                    GS_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                    GS_PLUGIN_ERROR_AUTH_REQUIRED,
+                                    "Requires authentication with @ubuntuone");
+               return FALSE;
+       }
        if (result != NULL) {
                g_autoptr(JsonParser) parser = NULL;
                const gchar *content_type;

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