[gnome-contacts/wip/nielsdg/flatpak] Added a Flatpak manifest.

commit 023656e5cca562eb15915c87d4a94b20762b6ca9
Author: Niels De Graef <nielsdegraef gmail com>
Date:   Tue Aug 22 16:32:03 2017 +0200

    Added a Flatpak manifest.

 org.gnome.Contacts.json |  207 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 207 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/org.gnome.Contacts.json b/org.gnome.Contacts.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e70993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.gnome.Contacts.json
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+    "app-id": "org.gnome.Contacts",
+    "runtime": "org.gnome.Platform",
+    "runtime-version": "master",
+    "sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk",
+    "command": "gnome-contacts",
+    "tags": ["devel"],
+    "desktop-file-name-prefix": "(Development) ",
+    "rename-icon": "gnome-contacts",
+    "copy-icon": true,
+    "finish-args": [
+        /* X11 + XShm access */
+        "--share=ipc", "--socket=x11",
+        /* Wayland access */
+        "--socket=wayland",
+        /* Bus access */
+        "--socket=session-bus",
+        /* Needs to talk to the network: */
+        "--share=network",
+        /* Notification access */
+        "--talk-name=org.freedesktop.Notifications",
+        /* Evolution Data server */
+        "--talk-name=org.gnome.evolution.dataserver.AddressBook9",
+        /* Needed for dconf to work */
+        "--filesystem=xdg-run/dconf", "--filesystem=~/.config/dconf:ro",
+        "--talk-name=ca.desrt.dconf", "--env=DCONF_USER_CONFIG_DIR=.config/dconf"
+    ],
+    "build-options" : {
+        "cflags": "-O2 -g",
+        "cxxflags": "-O2 -g",
+        "env": {
+            "V": "1"
+        }
+    },
+    "cleanup": ["/include", "/lib/pkgconfig",
+                "/share/pkgconfig", "/share/aclocal",
+                "/man", "/share/man", "/share/gtk-doc",
+                "/share/vala",
+                "*.la", "*.a"],
+    "modules": [
+        {
+            "name": "gnome-doc-utils",
+            "build-options": {
+                "arch" : {
+                    /* Lie about our arch - no actual compilation happens here. */
+                    "arm": {
+                        "config-opts": [ "--build=amd64" ]
+                    },
+                    "aarch64": {
+                        "config-opts": [ "--build=amd64" ]
+                    }
+                }            },
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "archive",
+                    "url": 
+                    "sha256": "cb0639ffa9550b6ddf3b62f3b1add92fb92ab4690d351f2353cffe668be8c4a6"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "telepathy-glib",
+            "config-opts": [
+              "--disable-static",
+              "--enable-vala-bindings=yes"
+            ],
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "archive",
+                    "url": 
+                    "sha256": "9e0df1d8f857e0270cf0b32e2d1ca5a24aa7282873361785d573f72ad7f7d5eb"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "libgee",
+            "build-options" : {
+                "env": {
+                    "PKG_CONFIG_GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_1_0_GIRDIR": "/app/share/gir-1.0",
+                    "PKG_CONFIG_GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_1_0_TYPELIBDIR": "/app/lib/girepository-1.0"
+                }
+            },
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "https://git.gnome.org/browse/libgee";
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            /* Needed by g-o-a */
+            /* we need rest-0.7 so we use a tarball for it */
+            "name": "librest",
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "archive",
+                    "url": "https://git.gnome.org/browse/librest/snapshot/librest-librest-0.7.12.tar.xz";,
+                    "sha256": "570917e570e6e8bf55572eb04902d4cf3975c2629df9df96c21be2059d71dab9"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "gnome-online-accounts",
+            "cleanup": [ "/bin", "/share/GConf" ],
+            "config-opts": ["--disable-telepathy", "--disable-documentation", "--disable-backend"],
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "git://git.gnome.org/gnome-online-accounts"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "libical",
+            "cleanup": [ "/lib/cmake"],
+            "cmake": true,
+            "config-opts": [ "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH=/app/lib",
+                             "-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON" ],
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "archive",
+                    "url": 
+                    "sha256": "654c11f759c19237be39f6ad401d917e5a05f36f1736385ed958e60cf21456da"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "evolution-data-server",
+            "cleanup": [
+                "/lib/cmake",
+                "/lib/evolution-data-server/*-backends",
+                "/libexec",
+                "/share/dbus-1/services"
+            ],
+            "config-opts": [
+                "-DENABLE_GTK=ON",
+                "-DENABLE_GOA=ON",
+                "-DENABLE_UOA=OFF",
+                "-DENABLE_GOOGLE_AUTH=OFF",
+                "-DENABLE_GOOGLE=OFF",
+                "-DENABLE_VALA_BINDINGS=ON",
+                "-DENABLE_WEATHER=OFF",
+                "-DWITH_OPENLDAP=OFF",
+                "-DENABLE_INTROSPECTION=ON",
+                "-DENABLE_INSTALLED_TESTS=OFF",
+                "-DENABLE_GTK_DOC=OFF",
+                "-DENABLE_EXAMPLES=OFF"
+            ],
+            "cmake": true,
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "https://git.gnome.org/browse/evolution-data-server";
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "folks",
+            "cleanup": [ "/bin", "/share/GConf" ],
+            "config-opts": [ "--disable-fatal-warnings" ],
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "git://git.gnome.org/folks"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "libchamplain",
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "git://git.gnome.org/libchamplain"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "geocode-glib",
+            "config-opts": ["--disable-static"],
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "git://git.gnome.org/geocode-glib"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "gnome-desktop",
+            "config-opts": ["--disable-debug-tools", "--disable-udev"],
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "git://git.gnome.org/gnome-desktop"
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "gnome-contacts",
+            "sources": [
+                {
+                    "type": "git",
+                    "url": "https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-contacts";
+                }
+            ]
+        }
+    ]

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