[gnome-shell] workspace: Don't restrict title width to window preview

commit b3b30f239d43611466c89559bc1d90155b54bacf
Author: Florian MĂźllner <fmuellner gnome org>
Date:   Thu Jun 1 16:36:10 2017 +0200

    workspace: Don't restrict title width to window preview
    Now that only one window title is visible at any time, it no longer
    matters if a title extends into other window previews, so we can
    always show the full title.

 js/ui/workspace.js |   21 +++++----------------
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/js/ui/workspace.js b/js/ui/workspace.js
index 7399a6e..37425d3 100644
--- a/js/ui/workspace.js
+++ b/js/ui/workspace.js
@@ -538,24 +538,13 @@ var WindowOverlay = new Lang.Class({
             button.set_position(Math.floor(buttonX), Math.floor(buttonY));
-        // Clutter.Actor.get_preferred_width() will return the fixed width if one
-        // is set, so we need to reset the width by calling set_width(-1), to forward
-        // the call down to StLabel.
-        // We also need to save and restore the current width, otherwise the animation
-        // starts from the wrong point.
-        let prevTitleWidth = title.width;
-        title.set_width(-1);
-        let [titleMinWidth, titleNatWidth] = title.get_preferred_width(-1);
-        let titleWidth = Math.max(titleMinWidth, Math.min(titleNatWidth, cloneWidth));
-        title.width = prevTitleWidth;
-        let titleX = cloneX + (cloneWidth - titleWidth) / 2;
+        let titleX = cloneX + (cloneWidth - title.width) / 2;
         let titleY = cloneY + cloneHeight - (title.height - this.borderSize) / 2;
-        if (animate)
-            this._animateOverlayActor(title, Math.floor(titleX), Math.floor(titleY), titleWidth);
-        else {
-            title.width = titleWidth;
+        if (animate) {
+            this._animateOverlayActor(title, Math.floor(titleX), Math.floor(titleY), title.width);
+        } else {
+            title.width = title.width;
             title.set_position(Math.floor(titleX), Math.floor(titleY));

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