[chronojump] minor fix
- From: Xavier Padullés <xpadulles src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump] minor fix
- Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 11:22:43 +0000 (UTC)
commit 949b90de179bfa918938cba6cc01a4edb273fc08
Author: Xavier Padullés <x padulles gmail com>
Date: Wed Apr 19 13:20:56 2017 +0200
minor fix
r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R | 65 ++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
index befd189..a063a06 100644
--- a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
+++ b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@
prepareGraph <- function(os, pngFile, width, height)
- if(os == "Windows")
- Cairo(width, height, file = pngFile, type="png", bg="white")
- else
- png(pngFile, width=width, height=height)
- #pdf(file = "/tmp/maxIsomForce.pdf", width=width, height=height)
+ if(os == "Windows")
+ Cairo(width, height, file = pngFile, type="png", bg="white")
+ else
+ png(pngFile, width=width, height=height)
+ #pdf(file = "/tmp/maxIsomForce.pdf", width=width, height=height)
endGraph <- function()
- dev.off()
+ dev.off()
assignOptions <- function(options)
@@ -70,14 +70,15 @@ options <- scan(optionsFile, comment.char="#", what=character(), sep="\n")
#-------------- assign options -------------
op <- assignOptions(options)
#Fits the data to the model f = fmax*(1 - exp(-K*t))
#Important! It fits the data with the axes moved to initf and startTime. The real maximum force is fmax +
getForceModel <- function(time, force, startTime, # startTime is the instant when the force start to increase
- fmaxi, # fmaxi is the initial value for the force. For numeric purpouses
- initf) # initf is the sustained force before the increase
- {
+ fmaxi, # fmaxi is the initial value for the force. For numeric purpouses
+ initf) # initf is the sustained force before the increase
timeTrimmed = time[which(time == startTime):length(time)]
forceTrimmed = force[which(time == startTime):length(time)]
timeTrimmed = timeTrimmed - startTime
@@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(inputFile, averageLength = 0.1, percentC
#Instantaneous RFD
rfd = getRFD(originalTest)
+ print(originalTest)
+ print(rfd)
#Finding the decrease of the foce to detect the end of the maximum voluntary force
trimmingSamples = getTrimmingSamples(originalTest, rfd, averageLength = averageLength, percentChange
= percentChange)
@@ -110,16 +113,14 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(inputFile, averageLength = 0.1, percentC
fmax.raw = max(originalTest$force)
#Trimming the data before and after contraction
- print(paste("StartSample :", startSample))
- print(paste("EndSample :", endSample))
test = originalTest[startSample:endSample,]
f.smoothed = getMovingAverageForce(originalTest, averageLength = averageLength) #Running average
with equal weight averageLength seconds
fmax.smoothed = max(f.smoothed, na.rm =T)
model = getForceModel(test$time, test$force, startTime, fmax.smoothed, initf)
f.fitted = initf + model$fmax*(1-exp(-model$K*(originalTest$time - startTime)))
f0.raw = test$force[1] #Force at t=0ms.
ATENTION. This value is different than initf
f100.raw = test$force[which.min(abs(test$time - (startTime + 0.1)))] #Force at t=100ms
@@ -176,11 +177,10 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFile <- function(inputFile, averageLength = 0.1, percentC
endTime = endTime))
-#drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(dynamics, pdfFilename = "/tmp/loadCellsMaxIsomForce.pdf", vlineT0=T,
vline50fmax.raw=F, vline50fmax.fitted=F, hline50fmax.raw=F, hline50fmax.fitted=F,
drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
- dynamics, vlineT0=T, vline50fmax.raw=F, vline50fmax.fitted=F,
- hline50fmax.raw=F, hline50fmax.fitted=F,
- rfdDrawingOptions, xlimits = NA)
+ dynamics, vlineT0=T, vline50fmax.raw=F, vline50fmax.fitted=F,
+ hline50fmax.raw=F, hline50fmax.fitted=F,
+ rfdDrawingOptions, xlimits = NA)
par(mar = c(5, 4, 6, 4))
@@ -255,10 +255,7 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
print(paste("op$drawRfdOptions =", op$drawRfdOptions))
for (n in 1:length(rfdDrawingOptions))
- print("----------------------------------------")
- print(paste("n =", n))
options = readRFDOptions(op$drawRfdOptions[n])
- print(options)
sample2 = NA
@@ -300,9 +297,8 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
RFD = dynamics$fmax.fitted*(exp( -dynamics$k.fitted * options$start) - exp(
-dynamics$k.fitted * options$end)) / (options$end - options$start)
#Y coordinate of a point of the line
pointForce1 = dynamics$fmax.fitted*(1 - exp( -dynamics$k.fitted *
options$start)) + dynamics$initf
} else if(options$rfdFunction == "raw")
- {
+ {
sample1 = which.min(abs(dynamics$time - dynamics$startTime - options$start))
sample2 = which.min(abs(dynamics$time - dynamics$startTime - options$end))
@@ -320,17 +316,16 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
#Force that is the % of the raw fmax
fpfmax = dynamics$fmax.raw*options$start/100
- print(paste("fpfmax =", fpfmax))
#Translating options$start to time in seconds
options$start = dynamics$time[which.min(abs(dynamics$f.fitted - fpfmax))] -
- #dynamics$tfmax.raw * options$start / 100 - dynamics$startTime
+ #RFD at the point with a % of the fmax.raw
RFD = dynamics$fmax.fitted * dynamics$k.fitted * exp(-dynamics$k.fitted *
#Y coordinate of a point of the line
pointForce1 = dynamics$fmax.fitted*(1 - exp(-dynamics$k.fitted *
options$start)) + dynamics$initf
} else if(options$rfdFunction == "raw")
#Calculing at which sample force is equal to the percent of fmax specified
in options$start
@@ -349,6 +344,7 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
if (options$rfdFunction == "fitted")
+ #max is always in the initial point.
} else if(options$rfdFunction == "raw")
@@ -371,7 +367,6 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
#The Y coordinate of the line at t=0
intercept = pointForce1 - RFD * (dynamics$startTime + options$start)
- print(paste("Intercept =", intercept))
#The slope of the line seen in the screen(pixels units), NOT in the time-force units
windowSlope = RFD*(plotHeight/yHeight)/(plotWidth/xWidth)
@@ -383,10 +378,6 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(
srt=atan(windowSlope)*180/pi, pos = 2, col = color)
#Drawing the points where the line touch the function
points(x = c(options$start + dynamics$startTime, options$end), y = c(pointForce1,
pointForce2), col = color)
- print(paste("startTime =", dynamics$startTime))
- print(paste("options$start =", options$start))
- print(paste("RFD :", RFD))
- print(paste("PointForce1 =", pointForce1))
#Plotting instantaneous RFD
@@ -437,7 +428,7 @@ getDynamicsFromLoadCellFolder <- function(folderName, resultFileName, export2Pdf
-#Finds the sample in which thpercentChangee force decrease a given percentage of the maximum force.
+#Finds the sample in which the force decrease a given percentage of the maximum force.
#The maximum force is calculed from the moving average of averageLength seconds
getTrimmingSamples <- function(test, rfd, movingAverageForce, averageLength = 0.1, percentChange = 5)
@@ -469,7 +460,6 @@ getRFD <- function(test)
#Instantaneous RFD
rfd = rep(NA, length(test$time))
- print(paste("RFD length :",length(test$time)))
for (n in 2:(length(test$time) - 1))
rfd[n] = (test$force[n + 1] - test$force[n - 1])/(test$time[n + 1] - test$time[n - 1])
@@ -490,11 +480,12 @@ readRFDOptions <- function(optionsStr)
options = unlist(strsplit(optionsStr, "\\;"))
- rfdFunction = options[1], # raw or fitted
- type = options[2], # instantaeous, average, %fmax, rfdmax
- start = as.numeric(options[3]), # second at which the analysis starts
- end = as.numeric(options[4]) # second at which the analysis ends
+ rfdFunction = options[1], # raw or fitted
+ type = options[2], # instantaeous, average, %fmax, rfdmax
+ #start and end can be in seconds (instant and average RFD), percentage (%fmax) or -1 if not
+ start = as.numeric(options[3]), # instant at which the analysis starts
+ end = as.numeric(options[4]) # instant at which the analysis ends
+ ))
prepareGraph(op$os, pngFile, op$graphWidth, op$graphHeight)
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