[glibmm] RefPtr: Make this an alias for shared_ptr<> instead.

commit 62e5b60a7f9c353a5198354ec9ac12b312e326ee
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date:   Sun Apr 10 11:59:00 2016 +0200

    RefPtr: Make this an alias for shared_ptr<> instead.
    Specifying a Deleter in make_refptr_for_instance().
    And changing RefPtr::cast_dynamic<>() to std::dynamic_pointer_cast<>().
    The glibmm_refptr test then becomes rather silly, and should maybe
    just be removed.

 glib/glibmm/refptr.h           |  464 +++-------------------------------------
 glib/glibmm/weakref.h          |    2 -
 tests/giomm_tls_client/main.cc |    2 +-
 tests/glibmm_refptr/main.cc    |   38 ++--
 4 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 458 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glib/glibmm/refptr.h b/glib/glibmm/refptr.h
index bdcc921..eee7f17 100644
--- a/glib/glibmm/refptr.h
+++ b/glib/glibmm/refptr.h
@@ -20,11 +20,22 @@
 #include <glibmmconfig.h>
 #include <glib.h>
-#include <utility>
+#include <memory>
 namespace Glib
+class ObjectBase;
+template <class T_CppObject>
+void RefPtrDeleter(T_CppObject* object)
+  if (!object)
+    return;
+  object->unreference();
 /** RefPtr<> is a reference-counting shared smartpointer.
  * Some objects in gtkmm are obtained from a shared
@@ -49,452 +60,27 @@ namespace Glib
  * book for further information.
 template <class T_CppObject>
-class RefPtr
-  /** Helper class for disallowing use of Glib::RefPtr with certain classes.
-   *
-   * Disallow for instance in Gtk::Widget and its subclasses.
-   * Glib::RefPtr<T>::is_allowed_type::value is false if
-   * T:dont_allow_use_in_glib_refptr_ is a public type, else it's true.
-   * Example:
-   * @code
-   * using dont_allow_use_in_glib_refptr_ = int;
-   * @endcode
-   */
-  class is_allowed_type
-  {
-  private:
-    struct big
-    {
-      int memory[64];
-    };
-    static big check(...);
-    // If X::dont_allow_use_in_glib_refptr_ is not a type, this check() overload
-    // is ignored because of the SFINAE rule (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error).
-    template <typename X>
-    static typename X::dont_allow_use_in_glib_refptr_ check(X* obj);
-  public:
-    static const bool value = sizeof(check(static_cast<T_CppObject*>(nullptr))) == sizeof(big);
-  };
-  static_assert(is_allowed_type::value, "Glib::RefPtr must not be used with this class.");
-  /** Default constructor
-   *
-   * Afterwards it will be null and use of -> will cause a segmentation fault.
-   */
-  inline RefPtr() noexcept;
-  /// Destructor - decrements reference count.
-  inline ~RefPtr() noexcept;
-  /// For use only by the \::create() methods.
-  explicit inline RefPtr(T_CppObject* pCppObject) noexcept;
-  /** Copy constructor
-   *
-   * This increments the shared reference count.
-   */
-  inline RefPtr(const RefPtr& src) noexcept;
-  /** Move constructor
-   */
-  inline RefPtr(RefPtr&& src) noexcept;
-  /** Move constructor (from different, but castable type).
-   */
-  template <class T_CastFrom>
-  inline RefPtr(RefPtr<T_CastFrom>&& src) noexcept;
-  /** Copy constructor (from different, but castable type).
-   *
-   * Increments the reference count.
-   */
-  template <class T_CastFrom>
-  inline RefPtr(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept;
-  /** Swap the contents of two RefPtr<>.
-   * This method swaps the internal pointers to T_CppObject.  This can be
-   * done safely without involving a reference/unreference cycle and is
-   * therefore highly efficient.
-   */
-  inline void swap(RefPtr& other) noexcept;
-  /// Copy from another RefPtr:
-  inline RefPtr& operator=(const RefPtr& src) noexcept;
-  /// Move assignment operator:
-  inline RefPtr& operator=(RefPtr&& src) noexcept;
-  /// Move assignment operator (from different, but castable type):
-  template <class T_CastFrom>
-  inline RefPtr& operator=(RefPtr<T_CastFrom>&& src) noexcept;
-  /** Copy from different, but castable type).
-   *
-   * Increments the reference count.
-   */
-  template <class T_CastFrom>
-  inline RefPtr& operator=(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept;
-  /// Tests whether the RefPtr<> point to the same underlying instance.
-  inline bool operator==(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept;
-  /// See operator==().
-  inline bool operator!=(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept;
-  /** Dereferencing.
-   *
-   * Use the methods of the underlying instance like so:
-   * <code>refptr->memberfun()</code>.
-   */
-  inline T_CppObject* operator->() const noexcept;
-  /** Test whether the RefPtr<> points to any underlying instance.
-   *
-   * Mimics usage of ordinary pointers:
-   * @code
-   *   if (ptr)
-   *     do_something();
-   * @endcode
-   */
-  inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
-  /** Set underlying instance to nullptr, decrementing reference count of existing instance
-   * appropriately.
-   * @newin{2,16}
-   */
-  inline void reset() noexcept;
-  /** Release the ownership of underlying instance.
-   *
-   * RefPtr's underlying instance is set to nullptr, therefore underlying object can't be accessed
-   * through this RefPtr anymore.
-   * @return an underlying instance.
-   *
-   * Most users should not use release(). It can spoil the automatic destruction
-   * of the managed object. A legitimate use is if you immediately give RefPtr's
-   * reference to another object.
-   */
-  inline T_CppObject* release() noexcept G_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
-  /** Dynamic cast to derived class.
-   *
-   * The RefPtr can't be cast with the usual notation so instead you can use
-   * @code
-   *   ptr_derived = RefPtr<Derived>::cast_dynamic(ptr_base);
-   * @endcode
-   */
-  template <class T_CastFrom>
-  static inline RefPtr cast_dynamic(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept;
-  /** Static cast to derived class.
-   *
-   * Like the dynamic cast; the notation is
-   * @code
-   *   ptr_derived = RefPtr<Derived>::cast_static(ptr_base);
-   * @endcode
-   */
-  template <class T_CastFrom>
-  static inline RefPtr cast_static(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept;
-  /** Cast to non-const.
-   *
-   * The RefPtr can't be cast with the usual notation so instead you can use
-   * @code
-   *   ptr_unconst = RefPtr<UnConstType>::cast_const(ptr_const);
-   * @endcode
-   */
-  template <class T_CastFrom>
-  static inline RefPtr cast_const(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept;
-  /** Compare based on the underlying instance address.
-   *
-   * This is needed in code that requires an ordering on
-   * RefPtr<T_CppObject> instances, e.g. std::set<RefPtr<T_CppObject> >.
-   *
-   * Without these, comparing two RefPtr<T_CppObject> instances
-   * is still syntactically possible, but the result is semantically
-   * wrong, as p1 REL_OP p2 is interpreted as (bool)p1 REL_OP (bool)p2.
-   */
-  inline bool operator<(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept;
-  /// See operator<().
-  inline bool operator<=(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept;
-  /// See operator<().
-  inline bool operator>(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept;
-  /// See operator<().
-  inline bool operator>=(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept;
-  T_CppObject* pCppObject_;
-// RefPtr<>::operator->() comes first here since it's used by other methods.
-// If it would come after them it wouldn't be inlined.
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline T_CppObject* RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator->() const noexcept
-  return pCppObject_;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::RefPtr() noexcept : pCppObject_(nullptr)
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::~RefPtr() noexcept
-  if (pCppObject_)
-    pCppObject_->unreference(); // This could cause pCppObject to be deleted.
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::RefPtr(T_CppObject* pCppObject) noexcept : pCppObject_(pCppObject)
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::RefPtr(const RefPtr& src) noexcept : pCppObject_(src.pCppObject_)
-  if (pCppObject_)
-    pCppObject_->reference();
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::RefPtr(RefPtr&& src) noexcept : pCppObject_(src.pCppObject_)
-  src.pCppObject_ = nullptr;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-template <class T_CastFrom>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::RefPtr(RefPtr<T_CastFrom>&& src) noexcept : pCppObject_(src.release())
-// The templated ctor allows copy construction from any object that's
-// castable.  Thus, it does downcasts:
-//   base_ref = derived_ref
-template <class T_CppObject>
-template <class T_CastFrom>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::RefPtr(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept :
-  // A different RefPtr<> will not allow us access to pCppObject_.  We need
-  // to add a get_underlying() for this, but that would encourage incorrect
-  // use, so we use the less well-known operator->() accessor:
-  pCppObject_(src.operator->())
-  if (pCppObject_)
-    pCppObject_->reference();
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline void
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::swap(RefPtr& other) noexcept
-  T_CppObject* const temp = pCppObject_;
-  pCppObject_ = other.pCppObject_;
-  other.pCppObject_ = temp;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>&
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator=(const RefPtr& src) noexcept
-  // In case you haven't seen the swap() technique to implement copy
-  // assignment before, here's what it does:
-  //
-  // 1) Create a temporary RefPtr<> instance via the copy ctor, thereby
-  //    increasing the reference count of the source object.
-  //
-  // 2) Swap the internal object pointers of *this and the temporary
-  //    RefPtr<>.  After this step, *this already contains the new pointer,
-  //    and the old pointer is now managed by temp.
-  //
-  // 3) The destructor of temp is executed, thereby unreferencing the
-  //    old object pointer.
-  //
-  // This technique is described in Herb Sutter's "Exceptional C++", and
-  // has a number of advantages over conventional approaches:
-  //
-  // - Code reuse by calling the copy ctor.
-  // - Strong exception safety for free.
-  // - Self assignment is handled implicitely.
-  // - Simplicity.
-  // - It just works and is hard to get wrong; i.e. you can use it without
-  //   even thinking about it to implement copy assignment whereever the
-  //   object data is managed indirectly via a pointer, which is very common.
-  RefPtr<T_CppObject> temp(src);
-  this->swap(temp);
-  return *this;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>&
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator=(RefPtr&& src) noexcept
-  RefPtr<T_CppObject> temp(std::move(src));
-  this->swap(temp);
-  src.pCppObject_ = nullptr;
-  return *this;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-template <class T_CastFrom>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>&
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator=(RefPtr<T_CastFrom>&& src) noexcept
-  if (pCppObject_)
-    pCppObject_->unreference();
-  pCppObject_ = src.release();
-  return *this;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-template <class T_CastFrom>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>&
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator=(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept
-  RefPtr<T_CppObject> temp(src);
-  this->swap(temp);
-  return *this;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline bool
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator==(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept
-  return (pCppObject_ == src.pCppObject_);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline bool
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator!=(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept
-  return (pCppObject_ != src.pCppObject_);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator bool() const noexcept
-  return (pCppObject_ != nullptr);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline void
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::reset() noexcept
-  RefPtr<T_CppObject> temp; // swap with an empty RefPtr<> to clear *this
-  this->swap(temp);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline T_CppObject*
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::release() noexcept
-  T_CppObject* tmp = pCppObject_;
-  pCppObject_ = nullptr;
-  return tmp;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-template <class T_CastFrom>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::cast_dynamic(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept
-  T_CppObject* const pCppObject = dynamic_cast<T_CppObject*>(src.operator->());
-  if (pCppObject)
-    pCppObject->reference();
-  return RefPtr<T_CppObject>(pCppObject);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-template <class T_CastFrom>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::cast_static(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept
-  T_CppObject* const pCppObject = static_cast<T_CppObject*>(src.operator->());
-  if (pCppObject)
-    pCppObject->reference();
-  return RefPtr<T_CppObject>(pCppObject);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-template <class T_CastFrom>
-inline RefPtr<T_CppObject>
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::cast_const(const RefPtr<T_CastFrom>& src) noexcept
-  T_CppObject* const pCppObject = const_cast<T_CppObject*>(src.operator->());
-  if (pCppObject)
-    pCppObject->reference();
-  return RefPtr<T_CppObject>(pCppObject);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline bool
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator<(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept
-  return (pCppObject_ < src.pCppObject_);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline bool
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator<=(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept
-  return (pCppObject_ <= src.pCppObject_);
+using RefPtr = std::shared_ptr<T_CppObject>;
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline bool
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator>(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept
-  return (pCppObject_ > src.pCppObject_);
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline bool
-RefPtr<T_CppObject>::operator>=(const RefPtr& src) const noexcept
-  return (pCppObject_ >= src.pCppObject_);
-/** @relates Glib::RefPtr */
-template <class T_CppObject>
-inline void
-swap(RefPtr<T_CppObject>& lhs, RefPtr<T_CppObject>& rhs) noexcept
+/** This would not be useful,
+ * because application code should not new these objects anyway.
+ * And it is not useful inside glibmm or gtkmm code because
+ * the constructors are protected, so can't be called from this utilility
+ * function.
+ *
+template <class T_CppObject, class... T_Arg>
+make_refptr(T_Arg... arg)
-  lhs.swap(rhs);
+  return RefPtr<T_CppObject>(new T_CppObject(arg...));
 template <class T_CppObject>
 make_refptr_for_instance(T_CppObject* object)
-  return RefPtr<T_CppObject>(object);
+  return RefPtr<T_CppObject>(object, &RefPtrDeleter<T_CppObject>);
 } // namespace Glib
diff --git a/glib/glibmm/weakref.h b/glib/glibmm/weakref.h
index f4226cf..628d110 100644
--- a/glib/glibmm/weakref.h
+++ b/glib/glibmm/weakref.h
@@ -287,8 +287,6 @@ template <typename T_CppObject>
 WeakRef<T_CppObject>::operator=(WeakRef&& src) noexcept
-  // See RefPtr for an explanation of the swap() technique to implement
-  // copy assignment and move assignment.
   // This technique is inefficient for copy assignment of WeakRef,
   // because it involves copy construction + destruction, i.e. in a typical
   // case g_weak_ref_init() + g_weak_ref_clear(), when a g_weak_ref_set()
diff --git a/tests/giomm_tls_client/main.cc b/tests/giomm_tls_client/main.cc
index 5f13325..beedd4c 100644
--- a/tests/giomm_tls_client/main.cc
+++ b/tests/giomm_tls_client/main.cc
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ main(int, char**)
               << address->get_port() << "." << std::endl;
-  auto conn = Glib::RefPtr<Gio::TcpConnection>::cast_dynamic(Gio::SocketConnection::create(socket));
+  auto conn = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Gio::TcpConnection>(Gio::SocketConnection::create(socket));
   if (!conn || !conn->is_connected())
diff --git a/tests/glibmm_refptr/main.cc b/tests/glibmm_refptr/main.cc
index 793f8af..050db35 100644
--- a/tests/glibmm_refptr/main.cc
+++ b/tests/glibmm_refptr/main.cc
@@ -101,16 +101,18 @@ test_refptr_copy_constructor()
   g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
+    //The reference count should not change,
+    //because we only take and release a single reference:
     Glib::RefPtr<Something> refSomething2(refSomething);
-    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 2);
-    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething2->ref_count(), ==, 2);
-    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 2);
+    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 1);
+    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething2->ref_count(), ==, 1);
+    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
   // Test the refcount after other references should have been released
   // when other RefPtrs went out of scope:
   g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 1);
-  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 2);
+  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
 static void
@@ -121,16 +123,18 @@ test_refptr_assignment_operator()
   g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
+    //The reference count should not change,
+    //because we only take and release a single reference:
     Glib::RefPtr<Something> refSomething2 = refSomething;
-    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 2);
-    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething2->ref_count(), ==, 2);
-    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 2);
+    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 1);
+    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething2->ref_count(), ==, 1);
+    g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
   // Test the refcount after other references should have been released
   // when other RefPtrs went out of scope:
   g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 1);
-  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 2);
+  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
 static Glib::RefPtr<Something>
@@ -148,23 +152,25 @@ static void
   // We use get_something() because test_refptr_with_parent_move_constructor() does.
+  //The reference count should not change,
+  //because we only take and release a single reference:
   Glib::RefPtr<Something> refSomething = get_something();
-  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 2); // 1 here and 1 inside get_something()
-  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 2);
+  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 1);
+  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
     Parent parent(refSomething);
-      parent.something_ref_count(), ==, 3); // 1 here, 1 in parent, and 1 inside get_something()
-    g_assert_cmpint(parent.something_max_ref_count(), ==, 3);
+      parent.something_ref_count(), ==, 1);
+    g_assert_cmpint(parent.something_max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
   // Test the refcount after other references should have been released
   // when other RefPtrs went out of scope:
-  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 2); // 1 here and 1 inside get_something()
-  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 3);
+  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->ref_count(), ==, 1);
+  g_assert_cmpint(refSomething->max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
 static void
@@ -173,8 +179,8 @@ test_refptr_with_parent_move_constructor()
   Parent parent(get_something());
-  g_assert_cmpint(parent.something_ref_count(), ==, 2); // 1 in parent and 1 inside get_something()
-  g_assert_cmpint(parent.something_max_ref_count(), ==, 2);
+  g_assert_cmpint(parent.something_ref_count(), ==, 1);
+  g_assert_cmpint(parent.something_max_ref_count(), ==, 1);
 static void

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