[network-manager-openvpn/th/chroot-rh1377708: 5/7] service: cleanup nesting of loop in nm_openvpn_start_openvpn_binary()

commit ed9f34c2c92408a7d0b8c742e3f6f712d5500400
Author: Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>
Date:   Tue Sep 20 16:28:09 2016 +0200

    service: cleanup nesting of loop in nm_openvpn_start_openvpn_binary()

 src/nm-openvpn-service.c |   93 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/nm-openvpn-service.c b/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
index 404f1b5..11fccd6 100644
--- a/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
+++ b/src/nm-openvpn-service.c
@@ -1170,53 +1170,54 @@ nm_openvpn_start_openvpn_binary (NMOpenvpnPlugin *plugin,
                tmp_remaining = tmp_clone = g_strdup (tmp);
                while ((tok = strsep (&tmp_remaining, " \t,")) != NULL) {
-                       if (*tok) {
-                               port = strchr (tok, ':');
-                               proto = port ? strchr (port + 1, ':') : NULL;
-                               if (port)
-                                       *port++ = '\0';
-                               if (proto)
-                                       *proto++ = '\0';
-                               add_openvpn_arg (args, "--remote");
-                               add_openvpn_arg (args, tok);
-                               if (port) {
-                                       if (!add_openvpn_arg_int (args, port)) {
-                                               g_set_error (error,
-                                                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                                            _("Invalid port number '%s'."), port);
-                                               return FALSE;
-                                       }
-                               } else if (defport) {
-                                       if (!add_openvpn_arg_int (args, defport)) {
-                                               g_set_error (error,
-                                                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                                            _("Invalid port number '%s'."),
-                                                            defport);
-                                               return FALSE;
-                                       }
-                               } else
-                                       add_openvpn_arg (args, "1194"); /* default IANA port */
-                               if (proto) {
-                                       if (!strcmp (proto, "udp"))
-                                                       add_openvpn_arg (args, proto);
-                                       else if (!strcmp (proto, "tcp"))
-                                                       add_openvpn_arg (args, "tcp-client");
-                                       else {
-                                               g_set_error (error,
-                                                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
-                                                            NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
-                                                            _("Invalid proto '%s'."), proto);
-                                               return FALSE;
-                                       }
-                               } else if (proto_tcp && !strcmp (proto_tcp, "yes"))
+                       if (!*tok)
+                               continue;
+                       port = strchr (tok, ':');
+                       proto = port ? strchr (port + 1, ':') : NULL;
+                       if (port)
+                               *port++ = '\0';
+                       if (proto)
+                               *proto++ = '\0';
+                       add_openvpn_arg (args, "--remote");
+                       add_openvpn_arg (args, tok);
+                       if (port) {
+                               if (!add_openvpn_arg_int (args, port)) {
+                                       g_set_error (error,
+                                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                                    _("Invalid port number '%s'."), port);
+                                       return FALSE;
+                               }
+                       } else if (defport) {
+                               if (!add_openvpn_arg_int (args, defport)) {
+                                       g_set_error (error,
+                                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                                    _("Invalid port number '%s'."),
+                                                    defport);
+                                       return FALSE;
+                               }
+                       } else
+                               add_openvpn_arg (args, "1194"); /* default IANA port */
+                       if (proto) {
+                               if (!strcmp (proto, "udp"))
+                                       add_openvpn_arg (args, proto);
+                               else if (!strcmp (proto, "tcp"))
                                        add_openvpn_arg (args, "tcp-client");
-                               else
-                                       add_openvpn_arg (args, "udp");
-                       }
+                               else {
+                                       g_set_error (error,
+                                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR,
+                                                    NM_VPN_PLUGIN_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS,
+                                                    _("Invalid proto '%s'."), proto);
+                                       return FALSE;
+                               }
+                       } else if (proto_tcp && !strcmp (proto_tcp, "yes"))
+                               add_openvpn_arg (args, "tcp-client");
+                       else
+                               add_openvpn_arg (args, "udp");

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