[gnome-photos/wip/uajain/master-fixes] item-manager: Remove assertion while hiding

commit 6c4c981d879af32897262c3fdcc86187665ad9e0
Author: Umang Jain <mailumangjain gmail com>
Date:   Sat Sep 3 05:10:34 2016 +0530

    item-manager: Remove assertion while hiding
    This assertion will definitely break because on "window-mode-changed" signal
    as tracker-controller will clear the item-manager's mode-specific child and
    repopulate it with it's cursor by calling item_manager_add_item_for_mode.
    While clearing, the item is still present in other item_mngr_chldrn. The
    photos_item_manager_clear will remove items from item_mngr_chldrn[0] and
    the mode specific child_mngr itself. The other child mngrs (in which the
    item may be still present with same id) are untouched. Therefore, the same
    id will give two different pointers in the assertion and it will break.

 src/photos-item-manager.c |    5 +----
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/photos-item-manager.c b/src/photos-item-manager.c
index 09e089d..099549f 100644
--- a/src/photos-item-manager.c
+++ b/src/photos-item-manager.c
@@ -984,10 +984,7 @@ photos_item_manager_hide_item (PhotosItemManager *self, PhotosBaseItem *item)
       item1 = PHOTOS_BASE_ITEM (photos_base_manager_get_object_by_id (self->item_mngr_chldrn[i], id));
       if (item1 != NULL)
-        {
-          g_assert_true (item == item1);
-          hidden_item->modes[i] = TRUE;
-        }
+        hidden_item->modes[i] = TRUE;
   g_hash_table_insert (self->hidden_items, g_strdup (id), hidden_item);

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