[gnome-maps] (28 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/mlundblad/transit-routing

The branch 'wip/mlundblad/transit-routing' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  def66d3... routeQuery: Add support for setting time and arrival/depart
  0e190a3... transitOptions: Add class holding options for transit routi
  4213a17... routeQuery: Add ability to set options for transit routing
  a8e55f4... routeQuery: Move routequery to the Application module
  3b1a179... routeService: Enable querying GraphHopper externally
  f10fa97... Add module to handle HVT codes (hierachical vehicle types)
  c531feb... WIP: Add module to query an OpenTripPlanner instance
  d99250c... routeQuery: Add support for transit mode
  dae59d4... application: Add initialization of the OpenTripPlanner inst
  1074d82... Add transit mode icons
  c1552ae... utils: Add color luminance and contrast functions
  77521ac... Add label widget for route labels
  a39ba8a... Add list box row class for representing transit itineraries
  7d1bed2... Add list box row to display a leg of a transit itinerary
  f5b1e08... Add a list box row to show the arrival of a transit itinera
  dca8fc8... Add list box row for loading more transit results
  0be3c46... sidebar: WIP, Hook up a new transit mode button
  a19363b... Add map marker to mark start of walking transit legs
  d5a0cd3... Add map marker to mark end of transit itineraries
  8dd93bb... Add map marker for marking boarding points in transit itine
  411c165... Add list box row class for transit stops
  c78102c... turnPointMarker: Add support for showing markers for transi
  25f2d55... mapView: WIP, implement showing transit routes
  8cadebd... mapView: Add a view property to indicate showing a route
  000ea89... mainWindow: Show the print button when a route is rendered
  90b5f4d... WIP: Add print layout for transit
  8886d65... printOperation: Use transit print layout when requested

Commits added to the branch:

  5f3a0b8... Release 3.23.1 (*)
  5af9248... routeQuery: Add support for setting time and arrival/depart
  2d19ccb... transitOptions: Add class holding options for transit routi
  a993fc3... routeQuery: Add ability to set options for transit routing
  68cf3d6... routeQuery: Move routequery to the Application module
  9e68023... routeService: Enable querying GraphHopper externally
  04cc4f5... Add module to handle HVT codes (hierachical vehicle types)
  3869832... WIP: Add module to query an OpenTripPlanner instance
  8d3534b... routeQuery: Add support for transit mode
  92f347b... application: Add initialization of the OpenTripPlanner inst
  7856634... Add transit mode icons
  9869c43... utils: Add color luminance and contrast functions
  4e4f463... Add label widget for route labels
  2967665... Add list box row class for representing transit itineraries
  dabf206... Add list box row to display a leg of a transit itinerary
  498e922... Add a list box row to show the arrival of a transit itinera
  085877a... Add list box row for loading more transit results
  5a37a6e... sidebar: WIP, Hook up a new transit mode button
  f20144d... Add map marker to mark start of walking transit legs
  7449264... Add map marker to mark end of transit itineraries
  418d659... Add map marker for marking boarding points in transit itine
  96aa600... Add list box row class for transit stops
  f68a39c... turnPointMarker: Add support for showing markers for transi
  b87d885... mapView: WIP, implement showing transit routes
  35b0031... mapView: Add a view property to indicate showing a route
  a1fa53a... mainWindow: Show the print button when a route is rendered
  f1fb83a... WIP: Add print layout for transit
  7c259c2... printOperation: Use transit print layout when requested

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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