[gnome-documents] overview: also move toolbar/searchbar subclasses here
- From: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-documents] overview: also move toolbar/searchbar subclasses here
- Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 03:49:46 +0000 (UTC)
commit f2a0912eb1fd02f89455f89f79330e39ad0942c3
Author: Cosimo Cecchi <cosimoc gnome org>
Date: Sun Oct 23 18:56:56 2016 -0700
overview: also move toolbar/searchbar subclasses here
src/mainToolbar.js | 245 ------------------------------
src/overview.js | 418 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
src/searchbar.js | 170 ---------------------
3 files changed, 417 insertions(+), 416 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mainToolbar.js b/src/mainToolbar.js
index 98e3186..9c0c8e0 100644
--- a/src/mainToolbar.js
+++ b/src/mainToolbar.js
@@ -110,248 +110,3 @@ const MainToolbar = new Lang.Class({
return backButton;
-const OverviewToolbar = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'OverviewToolbar',
- Extends: MainToolbar,
- _init: function(stack) {
- this._collBackButton = null;
- this._collectionId = 0;
- this._selectionChangedId = 0;
- this._viewMenuButton = null;
- this._viewSettingsId = 0;
- this._activeCollection = null;
- this._infoUpdatedId = 0;
- this._countChangedId = 0;
- this.parent();
- let builder = new Gtk.Builder();
- builder.add_from_resource('/org/gnome/Documents/ui/selection-menu.ui');
- let selectionMenu = builder.get_object('selection-menu');
- this._selectionMenu = new Gtk.MenuButton({ menu_model: selectionMenu });
- this._selectionMenu.get_style_context().add_class('selection-menu');
- this._stackSwitcher = new Gtk.StackSwitcher({ no_show_all: true,
- stack: stack });
- this._stackSwitcher.show();
- // setup listeners to mode changes that affect the toolbar layout
- let selectionModeId = Application.selectionController.connect('selection-mode-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._resetToolbarMode));
- this._resetToolbarMode();
- this._activeCollection = Application.documentManager.getActiveCollection();
- if (this._activeCollection)
- this._activeCollection.connect('info-updated', Lang.bind(this, this._setToolbarTitle));
- this.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- if (this._infoUpdatedId != 0)
- this._activeCollection.disconnect(this._infoUpdatedId);
- this._clearStateData();
- Application.selectionController.disconnect(selectionModeId);
- }));
- },
- _addViewMenuButton: function() {
- let builder = new Gtk.Builder();
- builder.add_from_resource('/org/gnome/Documents/ui/view-menu.ui');
- let viewMenu = builder.get_object('viewMenu');
- // Translators: this is the menu to change view settings
- this._viewMenuButton = new Gtk.MenuButton({ tooltip_text: _("View Menu"),
- popover: viewMenu });
- this.toolbar.pack_end(this._viewMenuButton);
- this._viewSettingsId = Application.settings.connect('changed::view-as',
- Lang.bind(this, this._updateViewMenuButton));
- this._updateViewMenuButton();
- },
- _updateViewMenuButton: function() {
- let viewType = Application.settings.get_enum('view-as');
- let iconName = viewType == Gd.MainViewType.ICON ? 'view-grid-symbolic' : 'view-list-symbolic';
- this._viewMenuButton.image = new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: iconName, pixel_size: 16 })
- },
- _setToolbarTitle: function() {
- let selectionMode = Application.selectionController.getSelectionMode();
- let activeCollection = Application.documentManager.getActiveCollection();
- let primary = null;
- if (!selectionMode) {
- if (activeCollection)
- primary = activeCollection.name;
- } else {
- let length = Application.selectionController.getSelection().length;
- let label = null;
- if (length == 0)
- label = _("Click on items to select them");
- else
- label = Gettext.ngettext("%d selected",
- "%d selected",
- length).format(length);
- if (activeCollection)
- primary = ("<b>%s</b> (%s)").format(activeCollection.name, label);
- else
- primary = label;
- }
- if (selectionMode) {
- if (primary) {
- this._selectionMenu.set_label(primary);
- this._selectionMenu.get_child().use_markup = true;
- }
- } else {
- this.toolbar.set_title(primary);
- }
- },
- _populateForSelectionMode: function() {
- this.toolbar.get_style_context().add_class('selection-mode');
- this.toolbar.set_custom_title(this._selectionMenu);
- let selectionButton = new Gtk.Button({ label: _("Cancel") });
- this.toolbar.pack_end(selectionButton);
- selectionButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- Application.selectionController.setSelectionMode(false);
- }));
- // connect to selection changes while in this mode
- this._selectionChangedId =
- Application.selectionController.connect('selection-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._setToolbarTitle));
- this.addSearchButton('app.search');
- },
- _checkCollectionWidgets: function() {
- let customTitle;
- let item = Application.documentManager.getActiveCollection();
- if (item) {
- customTitle = null;
- if (!this._collBackButton) {
- this._collBackButton = this.addBackButton();
- this._collBackButton.show();
- this._collBackButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- Application.documentManager.activatePreviousCollection();
- }));
- }
- } else {
- customTitle = this._stackSwitcher;
- if (this._collBackButton) {
- this._collBackButton.destroy();
- this._collBackButton = null;
- }
- }
- this.toolbar.set_custom_title(customTitle);
- },
- _onActiveCollectionChanged: function(manager, activeCollection) {
- if (activeCollection) {
- this._infoUpdatedId = activeCollection.connect('info-updated', Lang.bind(this,
- } else {
- if (this._infoUpdatedId != 0) {
- this._activeCollection.disconnect(this._infoUpdatedId);
- this._infoUpdatedId = 0;
- }
- }
- this._activeCollection = activeCollection;
- this._checkCollectionWidgets();
- this._setToolbarTitle();
- },
- _populateForOverview: function() {
- this.toolbar.set_show_close_button(true);
- this.toolbar.set_custom_title(this._stackSwitcher);
- this._checkCollectionWidgets();
- let selectionButton = new Gtk.Button({ image: new Gtk.Image ({ icon_name: 'object-select-symbolic'
- tooltip_text: _("Select Items") });
- this.toolbar.pack_end(selectionButton);
- selectionButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- Application.selectionController.setSelectionMode(true);
- }));
- this._addViewMenuButton();
- this.addSearchButton('app.search');
- // connect to active collection changes while in this mode
- this._collectionId =
- Application.documentManager.connect('active-collection-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveCollectionChanged));
- },
- _clearStateData: function() {
- this._collBackButton = null;
- this._viewMenuButton = null;
- this.toolbar.set_custom_title(null);
- if (this._countChangedId != 0) {
- Application.offsetDocumentsController.disconnect(this._countChangedId);
- this._countChangedId = 0;
- }
- if (this._collectionId != 0) {
- Application.documentManager.disconnect(this._collectionId);
- this._collectionId = 0;
- }
- if (this._selectionChangedId != 0) {
- Application.selectionController.disconnect(this._selectionChangedId);
- this._selectionChangedId = 0;
- }
- if (this._viewSettingsId != 0) {
- Application.settings.disconnect(this._viewSettingsId);
- this._viewSettingsId = 0;
- }
- },
- _clearToolbar: function() {
- this._clearStateData();
- this.toolbar.set_show_close_button(false);
- this.toolbar.get_style_context().remove_class('selection-mode');
- let children = this.toolbar.get_children();
- children.forEach(function(child) { child.destroy(); });
- },
- _resetToolbarMode: function() {
- this._clearToolbar();
- let selectionMode = Application.selectionController.getSelectionMode();
- if (selectionMode)
- this._populateForSelectionMode();
- else
- this._populateForOverview();
- this._setToolbarTitle();
- this.toolbar.show_all();
- this._countChangedId = Application.offsetDocumentsController.connect('item-count-changed',
- function(controller, count) {
- this.toolbar.foreach(Lang.bind(this,
- function(child) {
- child.set_sensitive(count != 0);
- }));
- }));
- if (Application.searchController.getString() != '')
- Application.application.change_action_state('search', GLib.Variant.new('b', true));
- },
- createSearchbar: function() {
- return new Searchbar.OverviewSearchbar();
- }
diff --git a/src/overview.js b/src/overview.js
index 9cefe28..068a0c4 100644
--- a/src/overview.js
+++ b/src/overview.js
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ const Application = imports.application;
const ErrorBox = imports.errorBox;
const MainToolbar = imports.mainToolbar;
const Search = imports.search;
+const Searchbar = imports.searchbar;
const WindowMode = imports.windowMode;
const Utils = imports.utils;
@@ -332,6 +333,421 @@ const EmptyResultsBox = new Lang.Class({
+const OverviewSearchbar = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'OverviewSearchbar',
+ Extends: Searchbar.Searchbar,
+ _init: function() {
+ this.parent();
+ let sourcesId = Application.sourceManager.connect('active-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveSourceChanged));
+ let searchTypeId = Application.searchTypeManager.connect('active-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveTypeChanged));
+ let searchMatchId = Application.searchMatchManager.connect('active-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveMatchChanged));
+ let collectionId = Application.documentManager.connect('active-collection-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveCollectionChanged));
+ this._onActiveSourceChanged();
+ this._onActiveTypeChanged();
+ this._onActiveMatchChanged();
+ this.connect('notify::search-mode-enabled', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ let searchEnabled = this.search_mode_enabled;
+ Application.application.change_action_state('search', GLib.Variant.new('b', searchEnabled));
+ }));
+ // connect to the search action state for visibility
+ let searchStateId = Application.application.connect('action-state-changed::search',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onActionStateChanged));
+ this._onActionStateChanged(Application.application, 'search',
+ this.searchEntry.set_text(Application.searchController.getString());
+ this.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ Application.sourceManager.disconnect(sourcesId);
+ Application.searchTypeManager.disconnect(searchTypeId);
+ Application.searchMatchManager.disconnect(searchMatchId);
+ Application.documentManager.disconnect(collectionId);
+ Application.application.disconnect(searchStateId);
+ Application.application.change_action_state('search', GLib.Variant.new('b', false));
+ }));
+ },
+ createSearchWidget: function() {
+ // create the search entry
+ this.searchEntry = new Gd.TaggedEntry({ width_request: 500 });
+ this.searchEntry.connect('tag-clicked',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onTagClicked));
+ this.searchEntry.connect('tag-button-clicked',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onTagButtonClicked));
+ this._sourceTag = new Gd.TaggedEntryTag();
+ this._typeTag = new Gd.TaggedEntryTag();
+ this._matchTag = new Gd.TaggedEntryTag();
+ // connect to search string changes in the controller
+ this._searchChangedId = Application.searchController.connect('search-string-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onSearchStringChanged));
+ this.searchEntry.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ Application.searchController.disconnect(this._searchChangedId);
+ }));
+ // create the dropdown button
+ let dropdown = new Searchbar.Dropdown();
+ this._dropdownButton = new Gtk.MenuButton({ popover: dropdown });
+ let box = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
+ halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
+ box.get_style_context().add_class('linked');
+ box.add(this.searchEntry);
+ box.add(this._dropdownButton);
+ box.show_all();
+ return box;
+ },
+ entryChanged: function() {
+ let currentText = this.searchEntry.get_text();
+ Application.searchController.disconnect(this._searchChangedId);
+ Application.searchController.setString(currentText);
+ // connect to search string changes in the controller
+ this._searchChangedId = Application.searchController.connect('search-string-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onSearchStringChanged));
+ },
+ _onSearchStringChanged: function(controller, string) {
+ this.searchEntry.set_text(string);
+ },
+ _onActiveCollectionChanged: function(manager, collection) {
+ if (!collection)
+ return;
+ let searchType = Application.searchTypeManager.getActiveItem();
+ if (Application.searchController.getString() != '' ||
+ searchType.id != 'all') {
+ Application.searchTypeManager.setActiveItemById('all');
+ this.searchEntry.set_text('');
+ }
+ },
+ _onActiveChangedCommon: function(id, manager, tag) {
+ let item = manager.getActiveItem();
+ if (item.id == 'all') {
+ this.searchEntry.remove_tag(tag);
+ } else {
+ tag.set_label(item.name);
+ this.searchEntry.add_tag(tag);
+ }
+ this.searchEntry.grab_focus_without_selecting();
+ },
+ _onActiveSourceChanged: function() {
+ this._onActiveChangedCommon('source', Application.sourceManager, this._sourceTag);
+ },
+ _onActiveTypeChanged: function() {
+ this._onActiveChangedCommon('type', Application.searchTypeManager, this._typeTag);
+ },
+ _onActiveMatchChanged: function() {
+ this._onActiveChangedCommon('match', Application.searchMatchManager, this._matchTag);
+ },
+ _onTagButtonClicked: function(entry, tag) {
+ let manager = null;
+ if (tag == this._matchTag) {
+ manager = Application.searchMatchManager;
+ } else if (tag == this._typeTag) {
+ manager = Application.searchTypeManager;
+ } else if (tag == this._sourceTag) {
+ manager = Application.sourceManager;
+ }
+ if (manager) {
+ manager.setActiveItemById('all');
+ }
+ },
+ _onTagClicked: function() {
+ this._dropdownButton.set_active(true);
+ },
+ _onActionStateChanged: function(source, actionName, state) {
+ if (state.get_boolean())
+ this.reveal();
+ else
+ this.conceal();
+ },
+ conceal: function() {
+ this._dropdownButton.set_active(false);
+ Application.searchTypeManager.setActiveItemById('all');
+ Application.searchMatchManager.setActiveItemById('all');
+ Application.sourceManager.setActiveItemById('all');
+ this.parent();
+ }
+const OverviewToolbar = new Lang.Class({
+ Name: 'OverviewToolbar',
+ Extends: MainToolbar.MainToolbar,
+ _init: function(stack) {
+ this._collBackButton = null;
+ this._collectionId = 0;
+ this._selectionChangedId = 0;
+ this._viewMenuButton = null;
+ this._viewSettingsId = 0;
+ this._activeCollection = null;
+ this._infoUpdatedId = 0;
+ this._countChangedId = 0;
+ this.parent();
+ let builder = new Gtk.Builder();
+ builder.add_from_resource('/org/gnome/Documents/ui/selection-menu.ui');
+ let selectionMenu = builder.get_object('selection-menu');
+ this._selectionMenu = new Gtk.MenuButton({ menu_model: selectionMenu });
+ this._selectionMenu.get_style_context().add_class('selection-menu');
+ this._stackSwitcher = new Gtk.StackSwitcher({ no_show_all: true,
+ stack: stack });
+ this._stackSwitcher.show();
+ // setup listeners to mode changes that affect the toolbar layout
+ let selectionModeId = Application.selectionController.connect('selection-mode-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._resetToolbarMode));
+ this._resetToolbarMode();
+ this._activeCollection = Application.documentManager.getActiveCollection();
+ if (this._activeCollection)
+ this._activeCollection.connect('info-updated', Lang.bind(this, this._setToolbarTitle));
+ this.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ if (this._infoUpdatedId != 0)
+ this._activeCollection.disconnect(this._infoUpdatedId);
+ this._clearStateData();
+ Application.selectionController.disconnect(selectionModeId);
+ }));
+ },
+ _addViewMenuButton: function() {
+ let builder = new Gtk.Builder();
+ builder.add_from_resource('/org/gnome/Documents/ui/view-menu.ui');
+ let viewMenu = builder.get_object('viewMenu');
+ // Translators: this is the menu to change view settings
+ this._viewMenuButton = new Gtk.MenuButton({ tooltip_text: _("View Menu"),
+ popover: viewMenu });
+ this.toolbar.pack_end(this._viewMenuButton);
+ this._viewSettingsId = Application.settings.connect('changed::view-as',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._updateViewMenuButton));
+ this._updateViewMenuButton();
+ },
+ _updateViewMenuButton: function() {
+ let viewType = Application.settings.get_enum('view-as');
+ let iconName = viewType == Gd.MainViewType.ICON ? 'view-grid-symbolic' : 'view-list-symbolic';
+ this._viewMenuButton.image = new Gtk.Image({ icon_name: iconName, pixel_size: 16 })
+ },
+ _setToolbarTitle: function() {
+ let selectionMode = Application.selectionController.getSelectionMode();
+ let activeCollection = Application.documentManager.getActiveCollection();
+ let primary = null;
+ if (!selectionMode) {
+ if (activeCollection)
+ primary = activeCollection.name;
+ } else {
+ let length = Application.selectionController.getSelection().length;
+ let label = null;
+ if (length == 0)
+ label = _("Click on items to select them");
+ else
+ label = Gettext.ngettext("%d selected",
+ "%d selected",
+ length).format(length);
+ if (activeCollection)
+ primary = ("<b>%s</b> (%s)").format(activeCollection.name, label);
+ else
+ primary = label;
+ }
+ if (selectionMode) {
+ if (primary) {
+ this._selectionMenu.set_label(primary);
+ this._selectionMenu.get_child().use_markup = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.toolbar.set_title(primary);
+ }
+ },
+ _populateForSelectionMode: function() {
+ this.toolbar.get_style_context().add_class('selection-mode');
+ this.toolbar.set_custom_title(this._selectionMenu);
+ let selectionButton = new Gtk.Button({ label: _("Cancel") });
+ this.toolbar.pack_end(selectionButton);
+ selectionButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ Application.selectionController.setSelectionMode(false);
+ }));
+ // connect to selection changes while in this mode
+ this._selectionChangedId =
+ Application.selectionController.connect('selection-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._setToolbarTitle));
+ this.addSearchButton('app.search');
+ },
+ _checkCollectionWidgets: function() {
+ let customTitle;
+ let item = Application.documentManager.getActiveCollection();
+ if (item) {
+ customTitle = null;
+ if (!this._collBackButton) {
+ this._collBackButton = this.addBackButton();
+ this._collBackButton.show();
+ this._collBackButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ Application.documentManager.activatePreviousCollection();
+ }));
+ }
+ } else {
+ customTitle = this._stackSwitcher;
+ if (this._collBackButton) {
+ this._collBackButton.destroy();
+ this._collBackButton = null;
+ }
+ }
+ this.toolbar.set_custom_title(customTitle);
+ },
+ _onActiveCollectionChanged: function(manager, activeCollection) {
+ if (activeCollection) {
+ this._infoUpdatedId = activeCollection.connect('info-updated', Lang.bind(this,
+ } else {
+ if (this._infoUpdatedId != 0) {
+ this._activeCollection.disconnect(this._infoUpdatedId);
+ this._infoUpdatedId = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ this._activeCollection = activeCollection;
+ this._checkCollectionWidgets();
+ this._setToolbarTitle();
+ },
+ _populateForOverview: function() {
+ this.toolbar.set_show_close_button(true);
+ this.toolbar.set_custom_title(this._stackSwitcher);
+ this._checkCollectionWidgets();
+ let selectionButton = new Gtk.Button({ image: new Gtk.Image ({ icon_name: 'object-select-symbolic'
+ tooltip_text: _("Select Items") });
+ this.toolbar.pack_end(selectionButton);
+ selectionButton.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this,
+ function() {
+ Application.selectionController.setSelectionMode(true);
+ }));
+ this._addViewMenuButton();
+ this.addSearchButton('app.search');
+ // connect to active collection changes while in this mode
+ this._collectionId =
+ Application.documentManager.connect('active-collection-changed',
+ Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveCollectionChanged));
+ },
+ _clearStateData: function() {
+ this._collBackButton = null;
+ this._viewMenuButton = null;
+ this.toolbar.set_custom_title(null);
+ if (this._countChangedId != 0) {
+ Application.offsetDocumentsController.disconnect(this._countChangedId);
+ this._countChangedId = 0;
+ }
+ if (this._collectionId != 0) {
+ Application.documentManager.disconnect(this._collectionId);
+ this._collectionId = 0;
+ }
+ if (this._selectionChangedId != 0) {
+ Application.selectionController.disconnect(this._selectionChangedId);
+ this._selectionChangedId = 0;
+ }
+ if (this._viewSettingsId != 0) {
+ Application.settings.disconnect(this._viewSettingsId);
+ this._viewSettingsId = 0;
+ }
+ },
+ _clearToolbar: function() {
+ this._clearStateData();
+ this.toolbar.set_show_close_button(false);
+ this.toolbar.get_style_context().remove_class('selection-mode');
+ let children = this.toolbar.get_children();
+ children.forEach(function(child) { child.destroy(); });
+ },
+ _resetToolbarMode: function() {
+ this._clearToolbar();
+ let selectionMode = Application.selectionController.getSelectionMode();
+ if (selectionMode)
+ this._populateForSelectionMode();
+ else
+ this._populateForOverview();
+ this._setToolbarTitle();
+ this.toolbar.show_all();
+ this._countChangedId = Application.offsetDocumentsController.connect('item-count-changed',
+ function(controller, count) {
+ this.toolbar.foreach(Lang.bind(this,
+ function(child) {
+ child.set_sensitive(count != 0);
+ }));
+ }));
+ if (Application.searchController.getString() != '')
+ Application.application.change_action_state('search', GLib.Variant.new('b', true));
+ },
+ createSearchbar: function() {
+ return new OverviewSearchbar();
+ }
const ViewContainer = new Lang.Class({
Name: 'ViewContainer',
Extends: Gtk.Stack,
@@ -784,6 +1200,6 @@ const OverviewStack = new Lang.Class({
createToolbar: function() {
- return new MainToolbar.OverviewToolbar(this);
+ return new OverviewToolbar(this);
diff --git a/src/searchbar.js b/src/searchbar.js
index be68599..e8fe077 100644
--- a/src/searchbar.js
+++ b/src/searchbar.js
@@ -122,173 +122,3 @@ const Dropdown = new Lang.Class({
-const OverviewSearchbar = new Lang.Class({
- Name: 'OverviewSearchbar',
- Extends: Searchbar,
- _init: function() {
- this.parent();
- let sourcesId = Application.sourceManager.connect('active-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveSourceChanged));
- let searchTypeId = Application.searchTypeManager.connect('active-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveTypeChanged));
- let searchMatchId = Application.searchMatchManager.connect('active-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveMatchChanged));
- let collectionId = Application.documentManager.connect('active-collection-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onActiveCollectionChanged));
- this._onActiveSourceChanged();
- this._onActiveTypeChanged();
- this._onActiveMatchChanged();
- this.connect('notify::search-mode-enabled', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- let searchEnabled = this.search_mode_enabled;
- Application.application.change_action_state('search', GLib.Variant.new('b', searchEnabled));
- }));
- // connect to the search action state for visibility
- let searchStateId = Application.application.connect('action-state-changed::search',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onActionStateChanged));
- this._onActionStateChanged(Application.application, 'search',
- this.searchEntry.set_text(Application.searchController.getString());
- this.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- Application.sourceManager.disconnect(sourcesId);
- Application.searchTypeManager.disconnect(searchTypeId);
- Application.searchMatchManager.disconnect(searchMatchId);
- Application.documentManager.disconnect(collectionId);
- Application.application.disconnect(searchStateId);
- Application.application.change_action_state('search', GLib.Variant.new('b', false));
- }));
- },
- createSearchWidget: function() {
- // create the search entry
- this.searchEntry = new Gd.TaggedEntry({ width_request: 500 });
- this.searchEntry.connect('tag-clicked',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onTagClicked));
- this.searchEntry.connect('tag-button-clicked',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onTagButtonClicked));
- this._sourceTag = new Gd.TaggedEntryTag();
- this._typeTag = new Gd.TaggedEntryTag();
- this._matchTag = new Gd.TaggedEntryTag();
- // connect to search string changes in the controller
- this._searchChangedId = Application.searchController.connect('search-string-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onSearchStringChanged));
- this.searchEntry.connect('destroy', Lang.bind(this,
- function() {
- Application.searchController.disconnect(this._searchChangedId);
- }));
- // create the dropdown button
- let dropdown = new Dropdown();
- this._dropdownButton = new Gtk.MenuButton({ popover: dropdown });
- let box = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
- halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
- box.get_style_context().add_class('linked');
- box.add(this.searchEntry);
- box.add(this._dropdownButton);
- box.show_all();
- return box;
- },
- entryChanged: function() {
- let currentText = this.searchEntry.get_text();
- Application.searchController.disconnect(this._searchChangedId);
- Application.searchController.setString(currentText);
- // connect to search string changes in the controller
- this._searchChangedId = Application.searchController.connect('search-string-changed',
- Lang.bind(this, this._onSearchStringChanged));
- },
- _onSearchStringChanged: function(controller, string) {
- this.searchEntry.set_text(string);
- },
- _onActiveCollectionChanged: function(manager, collection) {
- if (!collection)
- return;
- let searchType = Application.searchTypeManager.getActiveItem();
- if (Application.searchController.getString() != '' ||
- searchType.id != 'all') {
- Application.searchTypeManager.setActiveItemById('all');
- this.searchEntry.set_text('');
- }
- },
- _onActiveChangedCommon: function(id, manager, tag) {
- let item = manager.getActiveItem();
- if (item.id == 'all') {
- this.searchEntry.remove_tag(tag);
- } else {
- tag.set_label(item.name);
- this.searchEntry.add_tag(tag);
- }
- this.searchEntry.grab_focus_without_selecting();
- },
- _onActiveSourceChanged: function() {
- this._onActiveChangedCommon('source', Application.sourceManager, this._sourceTag);
- },
- _onActiveTypeChanged: function() {
- this._onActiveChangedCommon('type', Application.searchTypeManager, this._typeTag);
- },
- _onActiveMatchChanged: function() {
- this._onActiveChangedCommon('match', Application.searchMatchManager, this._matchTag);
- },
- _onTagButtonClicked: function(entry, tag) {
- let manager = null;
- if (tag == this._matchTag) {
- manager = Application.searchMatchManager;
- } else if (tag == this._typeTag) {
- manager = Application.searchTypeManager;
- } else if (tag == this._sourceTag) {
- manager = Application.sourceManager;
- }
- if (manager) {
- manager.setActiveItemById('all');
- }
- },
- _onTagClicked: function() {
- this._dropdownButton.set_active(true);
- },
- _onActionStateChanged: function(source, actionName, state) {
- if (state.get_boolean())
- this.reveal();
- else
- this.conceal();
- },
- conceal: function() {
- this._dropdownButton.set_active(false);
- Application.searchTypeManager.setActiveItemById('all');
- Application.searchMatchManager.setActiveItemById('all');
- Application.sourceManager.setActiveItemById('all');
- this.parent();
- }
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