[vala] (107 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/transform

The branch 'wip/transform' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  328d84b... Analyze nodes after they are inserted into the tree
  e0b0722... Make the semantic analyzer be stateless
  fd9b092... Collect error_types on demand to allow transformations
  e97757e... Code transformer
  ab0acae... Move WhileStatement transformation into the code transforme
  df78ab4... Move DoStatement transformation into the code transformer
  2379555... Move ForStatement transformation into the code transformer
  63cb788... Move ConditionalExpression transformation into the code tra
  32c5ab4... GVariant transformer
  9306b07... Add ConditionalExpression.replace_expression plus other fix
  a09c011... Add missing replace_expression to code nodes
  368ef2f... Code builder
  e58307d... Parse expressions from string
  478dd94... Serialize structs
  5ea1827... Serialize hash table
  a5bf5aa... Basic gvariant deserialization
  e188735... Deserialize arrays
  57d69aa... Deserialize structs
  b466819... Deserialize hash tables
  3c77703... Wrapper methods
  d3e7327... Cache wrapper methods
  0d5ba1a... Use wrapper method for serializing hash table and structs
  bb7b7a6... Resolve symbols during transformation
  ab5a781... Add more to_string() methods to expressions
  e4d1058... Let the transformer handle recursive transformations
  725a2b1... Simplify some code
  45e70a9... Move gvariant helper methods down to CodeTransformer
  57303b2... Drop serialize_expression
  6401249... Use wrapper methods for deserializing gvariants
  0dfea52... Complete the gvariant transformer
  c36cca2... GDBus client transformer
  987dd8d... GDBus server transformer
  0f2910b... Drop unnecessary code
  343fca7... Drop build_context from CodeBuilder
  cfe525d... Fix nested Variant (de)serialization
  8836fd2... Move ForeachStatement transformation into the code transfor
  b511b1d... Split CodeTrasformer into CCodeTransformer
  ee327da... Move BinaryExpression transformation to the code transforme
  c868203... Move ObjectCreationExpression transformation to the code tr
  c1f358b... Drop GVariant stuff from CCodeBaseModule
  4e99a23... Preserve the cast when unboxing gvariant
  1fe3fb9... DOM-like linked list of statements
  79d173d... Don't navigate the resolver tree if a node has been checked
  b17fc21... Use builder for the while statements
  7791ace... Allow floating temp variables with CodeBuilder
  4a2b3fb... Do not handle binary expressions without parent statement
  5760678... Fix for statement and foreach on GList
  146fc40... Fix unary expression and active locals
  72b47ad... dbus: Require gio-2.0
  9fc4016... Fix build after rebase
  9cdbf92... Access SemanticAnalyzer.get_data_type_for_symbol in a stati
  da74e48... Fix some code-style issues
  a45124d... Report error for unsupported GVariant (de)serialization
  8705063... Fix deserialiation of hash tables
  e2c39ef... codegen: Fix capture of compiler-generated internal temp va
  9235074... transformer: Clear wrapper cache for every file
  60c2b26... dbus: Copy type when declaring temporary variables
  e5c98a6... codegen: Fix making local variables and constants active
  0d7a21c... Added TraverseVisitor for traversing the tree with a callba
  37f1f0c... Convert get_used_variables to TraverseVisitor
  51e1db0... Make Method.yield_count be stateless
  3c596d0... Drop visit_expression from Traverse to avoid checking twice
  238eec3... Visit assignment and reference transfer in traverse
  ebdbf44... Set parent_node when replacing expressions
  273d92b... Set parent_node to properties defult value
  bcc9451... Don't set source ref in Block.get_error_types
  9ee31e0... Fix get_current_* methods in the semantic analyzer
  f7ef52a... Fix result var for pre/post conditions
  e5b320c... Fix passing BusName and manage unhandled GErrors
  ac7a727... Copy types in transformer
  df67295... Use qualified names in transformed expressions
  73e8a7e... Make gdbus work, temp commit
  dba210c... Allow symbol_from_string to return null
  aa3a3c0... Fix coalescing operator
  2c39c2f... Visit all nodes for transformation, not only the source one
  b7b5fce... Cleanup generated empty blocks
  27fa819... Return (owned) for temp variables when possible to avoid us
  e6799fa... Use return_temp_access in conditional expression
  dd805c7... Use return_temp_access in coalescing expression
  608d10f... Move Template transformation to the code transformer
  4c56b15... Use _ctmp%d_ for compiler variables since they are globally
  c93f864... Move postfix transformation from the codegen to the transfo
  992c9df... Set the scope of the codebuilder block for symbol resolutio
  15e2860... Factorize some common code with convenient api. Fix do-whil
  e882227... Parse statements from a string
  fc2cbbd... Fix parsing temporary variables. Use statements()
  1515eac... Accept method call children
  17989e1... Use %? in the parser rather than stringifying expressions
  3aa3093... Rename CodeBuilder.replaced to data
  a3dc707... Use more statements()
  86f4abc... Visit more expressions in the transformer
  c96de5c... Recurse arguments when getting error types for method calls
  e8f60a5... Make CodeTransformer pluggable
  0fb69dd... Load plugins with GModule
  2051b81... Do not load plugins from libdir. Issue a warning when using
  1db957f... Add more get_error_types
  b65c235... Fix string templates

Commits added to the branch:

  f1ddd5a... valaparser: Allow casts of pointer expressions without encl (*)
  ad87c4e... codegen: Support deprecating properties and their accessors (*)
  88e5aab... ccode: Add missing newline after gnuc deprecations attribut (*)
  a18ad0f... girparser: Avoid fatal handling of nameless unions (*)
  aa8a394... vapi: Update GIR-based bindings (*)
  c80be97... gio-unix-2.0: Fix "g_unix_mount_at" binding (*)
  8b5e415... gio-unix-2.0: Add "g_unix_mounts_for" binding (*)
  ab31efd... glib-2.0: Add "g_utf8_make_valid" binding (*)
  b18a779... glib-2.0: Some nullable arguments in GLib.Test.* (*)
  f52b484... gdk-pixbuf-2.0: Use metadata instead of custom defintions f (*)
  37d9505... Analyze nodes after they are inserted into the tree
  63e3f11... Make the semantic analyzer be stateless
  be971f0... Collect error_types on demand to allow transformations
  e488f25... Code transformer
  fc14334... Move WhileStatement transformation into the code transforme
  17d0a1a... Move DoStatement transformation into the code transformer
  9fe9f61... Move ForStatement transformation into the code transformer
  57686ec... Move ConditionalExpression transformation into the code tra
  fc7e4e1... GVariant transformer
  e54ecc1... Add ConditionalExpression.replace_expression plus other fix
  19e0824... Add missing replace_expression to code nodes
  5bd6cf2... Code builder
  2684ec3... Parse expressions from string
  3083983... Serialize structs
  990cb42... Serialize hash table
  ecc8c44... Basic gvariant deserialization
  11945af... Deserialize arrays
  1b1882b... Deserialize structs
  d9197e2... Deserialize hash tables
  6104dde... Wrapper methods
  604a11d... Cache wrapper methods
  3821b8a... Use wrapper method for serializing hash table and structs
  c39ab16... Resolve symbols during transformation
  906c9b5... Add more to_string() methods to expressions
  34695f0... Let the transformer handle recursive transformations
  dc1a8a7... Simplify some code
  38bddaa... Move gvariant helper methods down to CodeTransformer
  d425ea1... Drop serialize_expression
  2cc9e77... Use wrapper methods for deserializing gvariants
  c2b876f... Complete the gvariant transformer
  4543a6f... GDBus client transformer
  80f308a... GDBus server transformer
  acd00d4... Drop unnecessary code
  f3bb60d... Drop build_context from CodeBuilder
  62bd946... Fix nested Variant (de)serialization
  9f35146... Move ForeachStatement transformation into the code transfor
  9d395ba... Split CodeTrasformer into CCodeTransformer
  71dbbf5... Move BinaryExpression transformation to the code transforme
  92e6261... Move ObjectCreationExpression transformation to the code tr
  6d34598... Drop GVariant stuff from CCodeBaseModule
  4ed3b78... Preserve the cast when unboxing gvariant
  437f57d... DOM-like linked list of statements
  f8a7d2f... Don't navigate the resolver tree if a node has been checked
  b52bd71... Use builder for the while statements
  1b91295... Allow floating temp variables with CodeBuilder
  5ad2c8f... Do not handle binary expressions without parent statement
  f3e36c6... Fix for statement and foreach on GList
  9ec6379... Fix unary expression and active locals
  3386edf... dbus: Require gio-2.0
  c6674cc... Fix build after rebase
  f396595... Access SemanticAnalyzer.get_data_type_for_symbol in a stati
  8bd1417... Fix some code-style issues
  ff8e835... Report error for unsupported GVariant (de)serialization
  e1d68b1... Fix deserialiation of hash tables
  e3964e3... codegen: Fix capture of compiler-generated internal temp va
  38af716... transformer: Clear wrapper cache for every file
  3a1676d... dbus: Copy type when declaring temporary variables
  b234165... codegen: Fix making local variables and constants active
  b2a0826... Added TraverseVisitor for traversing the tree with a callba
  203b2d6... Convert get_used_variables to TraverseVisitor
  34ecb3a... Make Method.yield_count be stateless
  b6cb86d... Drop visit_expression from Traverse to avoid checking twice
  b5c5c3f... Visit assignment and reference transfer in traverse
  f2f807d... Set parent_node when replacing expressions
  3b27465... Set parent_node to properties defult value
  c6265e9... Don't set source ref in Block.get_error_types
  715e4b7... Fix get_current_* methods in the semantic analyzer
  2a56493... Fix result var for pre/post conditions
  8e34142... Fix passing BusName and manage unhandled GErrors
  52e7d09... Copy types in transformer
  be75471... Use qualified names in transformed expressions
  37a460d... Make gdbus work, temp commit
  c1542ac... Allow symbol_from_string to return null
  249f4be... Fix coalescing operator
  86ba2ec... Visit all nodes for transformation, not only the source one
  a045d95... Cleanup generated empty blocks
  b881fb4... Return (owned) for temp variables when possible to avoid us
  f51691a... Use return_temp_access in conditional expression
  484fec0... Use return_temp_access in coalescing expression
  7e68158... Move Template transformation to the code transformer
  774a01e... Use _ctmp%d_ for compiler variables since they are globally
  821773b... Move postfix transformation from the codegen to the transfo
  0d2f8c8... Set the scope of the codebuilder block for symbol resolutio
  f963a68... Factorize some common code with convenient api. Fix do-whil
  3ae984e... Parse statements from a string
  b05f1fa... Fix parsing temporary variables. Use statements()
  6445aa7... Accept method call children
  cbf8c7a... Use %? in the parser rather than stringifying expressions
  1ce0ad5... Rename CodeBuilder.replaced to data
  0eaaa93... Use more statements()
  36df45a... Visit more expressions in the transformer
  397390f... Recurse arguments when getting error types for method calls
  95935db... Make CodeTransformer pluggable
  3ace1c0... Load plugins with GModule
  745b768... Do not load plugins from libdir. Issue a warning when using
  8ec3737... Add more get_error_types
  f6f43fc... Fix string templates

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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