[gnome-panel] fish: fix `format not a string literal` warnings

commit 74b7a8d5619ca1cbfc8e19bbd6f0ebd93fce287f
Author: Alberts Muktupāvels <alberts muktupavels gmail com>
Date:   Mon Oct 17 21:03:57 2016 +0300

    fish: fix `format not a string literal` warnings

 applets/fish/fish-applet.c |   27 +++++++++++----------------
 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/applets/fish/fish-applet.c b/applets/fish/fish-applet.c
index 85b663b..edb10dd 100644
--- a/applets/fish/fish-applet.c
+++ b/applets/fish/fish-applet.c
@@ -200,18 +200,16 @@ command_value_changed (GtkEntry   *entry,
            !strncmp (text, "tail ", 5)) {
                static gboolean message_given = FALSE;
                char       *message;
-               const char *warning_format =
-                               _("Warning:  The command "
-                                 "appears to be something actually useful.\n"
-                                  "Since this is a useless applet, you "
-                                  "may not want to do this.\n"
-                                  "We strongly advise you against "
-                                  "using %s for anything\n"
-                                  "which would make the applet "
-                                  "\"practical\" or useful.");
                if ( ! message_given) {
-                       message = g_strdup_printf (warning_format, fish->name);
+                       message = g_strdup_printf (_("Warning: The command "
+                                                    "appears to be something actually useful.\n"
+                                                    "Since this is a useless applet, you "
+                                                    "may not want to do this.\n"
+                                                    "We strongly advise you against "
+                                                    "using %s for anything\n"
+                                                    "which would make the applet "
+                                                    "\"practical\" or useful."), fish->name);
                        something_fishy_going_on (fish, message);
@@ -360,8 +358,6 @@ static void
 set_ally_name_desc (GtkWidget  *widget,
                    FishApplet *fish)
-       const char *name_format = _("%s the Fish");
-       const char *desc_format = _("%s the Fish, a contemporary oracle");
        AtkObject  *obj;
        char       *desc, *name;
@@ -370,11 +366,11 @@ set_ally_name_desc (GtkWidget  *widget,
        if (!GTK_IS_ACCESSIBLE (obj))
-       name = g_strdup_printf (name_format, fish->name);
+       name = g_strdup_printf (_("%s the Fish"), fish->name);
        atk_object_set_name (obj, name);
        g_free (name);
-       desc = g_strdup_printf (desc_format, fish->name);
+       desc = g_strdup_printf (_("%s the Fish, a contemporary oracle"), fish->name);
        atk_object_set_description (obj, desc);
        g_free (desc);
@@ -1251,10 +1247,9 @@ handle_button_release (FishApplet     *fish,
 static void
 set_tooltip (FishApplet *fish)
-       const char *desc_format = _("%s the Fish, the fortune teller");
        char       *desc;
-       desc = g_markup_printf_escaped (desc_format, fish->name);
+       desc = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("%s the Fish, the fortune teller"), fish->name);
        gtk_widget_set_tooltip_markup (GTK_WIDGET (fish), desc);
        g_free (desc);

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