[gtk+/wip/ebassi/gsk-renderer: 496/545] gtk: Attempt at handling CSS coordinates

commit 038095f2dc26248a5c18192c7a5938238acfa8ee
Author: Emmanuele Bassi <ebassi gnome org>
Date:   Thu Aug 4 19:16:43 2016 +0100

    gtk: Attempt at handling CSS coordinates
    When creating the GskRenderNodes for the gadgets we should not translate
    the coordinates inside the Cairo context, but we should tweak the
    coordinates of the anchor point.
    This is still not enough to get an appropriate rendering, as the result
    is still slightly offset to the left.

 gtk/gtkcssgadget.c |   45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkcssgadget.c b/gtk/gtkcssgadget.c
index ad1ffa4..12499c2 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkcssgadget.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkcssgadget.c
@@ -811,9 +811,12 @@ gtk_css_gadget_get_render_node (GtkCssGadget  *gadget,
   cairo_t *cr;
   GskRenderNode *bg_node, *border_node;
   graphene_rect_t bounds;
+  graphene_point3d_t p;
+  graphene_matrix_t m;
   int x, y, width, height;
   int contents_x, contents_y, contents_width, contents_height;
   GtkAllocation margin_box;
+  char *str;
   if (!gtk_css_gadget_get_visible (gadget))
     return NULL;
@@ -837,49 +840,55 @@ gtk_css_gadget_get_render_node (GtkCssGadget  *gadget,
       height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (priv->owner);
-  graphene_rect_init (&bounds, x, y, width, height);
+  graphene_rect_init (&bounds, 0, 0, width, height);
+  graphene_point3d_init (&p, x, y, 0);
   style = gtk_css_gadget_get_style (gadget);
   get_box_margin (style, &margin);
   get_box_border (style, &border);
   get_box_padding (style, &padding);
+  str = g_strconcat ("Background<", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (gtk_css_gadget_get_owner (gadget)), ">", NULL);
   bg_node = gsk_renderer_create_render_node (renderer);
-  gsk_render_node_set_name (bg_node, "Background");
+  gsk_render_node_set_name (bg_node, str);
   gsk_render_node_set_bounds (bg_node, &bounds);
+  gsk_render_node_set_anchor_point (bg_node, &p);
   cr = gsk_render_node_get_draw_context (bg_node);
   gtk_css_style_render_background (style,
-                                   x + margin.left,
-                                   y + margin.top,
+                                   margin.left,
+                                   margin.top,
                                    width - margin.left - margin.right,
                                    height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
                                    gtk_css_node_get_junction_sides (priv->node));
   cairo_destroy (cr);
+  g_free (str);
+  str = g_strconcat ("Border<", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (gtk_css_gadget_get_owner (gadget)), ">", NULL);
   border_node = gsk_renderer_create_render_node (renderer);
-  gsk_render_node_set_name (border_node, "Border");
+  gsk_render_node_set_name (border_node, str);
   gsk_render_node_set_bounds (border_node, &bounds);
   cr = gsk_render_node_get_draw_context (border_node);
   gtk_css_style_render_border (style,
-                               x + margin.left,
-                               y + margin.top,
+                               margin.left,
+                               margin.top,
                                width - margin.left - margin.right,
                                height - margin.top - margin.bottom,
                                gtk_css_node_get_junction_sides (priv->node));
   cairo_destroy (cr);
+  g_free (str);
   gsk_render_node_append_child (bg_node, border_node);
   gsk_render_node_unref (border_node);
-  contents_x = x + margin.left + border.left + padding.left;
-  contents_y = y + margin.top + border.top + padding.top;
+  contents_x = margin.left + border.left + padding.left;
+  contents_y = margin.top + border.top + padding.top;
   contents_width = width - margin.left - margin.right - border.left - border.right - padding.left - 
   contents_height = height - margin.top - margin.bottom - border.top - border.bottom - padding.top - 
@@ -887,15 +896,23 @@ gtk_css_gadget_get_render_node (GtkCssGadget  *gadget,
       GtkCssGadgetClass *gadget_class = GTK_CSS_GADGET_GET_CLASS (gadget);
       graphene_rect_t content_bounds =
-        GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (contents_x, contents_y, contents_width, contents_height);
+        GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (0, 0, contents_width, contents_height);
       GskRenderNode *content_node = NULL;
+      graphene_matrix_t content_transform;
+      graphene_point3d_t tmp;
-      if (gadget_class->draw != NULL)
+      graphene_matrix_init_translate (&content_transform,
+                                      graphene_point3d_init (&tmp, -contents_x, -contents_y, 0));
+      /* If there's an override in place, create a temporary node */
+      if (gadget_class->draw != gtk_css_gadget_real_draw)
           content_node = gsk_renderer_create_render_node (renderer);
-          gsk_render_node_set_name (content_node, "Content[Fallback]");
+          gsk_render_node_set_name (content_node, "DrawGadgetContent");
           gsk_render_node_set_bounds (content_node, &content_bounds);
+          gsk_render_node_set_transform (content_node, &content_transform);
           cr = gsk_render_node_get_draw_context (content_node);
           /* Compatibility mode: draw_focus is left to the draw() implementation */
@@ -920,8 +937,8 @@ gtk_css_gadget_get_render_node (GtkCssGadget  *gadget,
       cr = gsk_render_node_get_draw_context (focus_node);
       gtk_css_style_render_outline (style,
-                                    x + margin.left,
-                                    y + margin.top,
+                                    margin.left,
+                                    margin.top,
                                     width - margin.left - margin.right,
                                     height - margin.top - margin.bottom);
       cairo_destroy (cr);

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