[beast: 14/26] BSE: move all Song methods into bseapi.idl

commit f066b15821c3a408bd4f23c89e31838c5b6f5054
Author: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date:   Sun May 29 15:21:21 2016 +0200

    BSE: move all Song methods into bseapi.idl
    Signed-off-by: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>

 bse/Makefile.am  |    2 +-
 bse/bseapi.idl   |   11 ++-
 bse/bsesong.cc   |  106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 bse/bsesong.hh   |    5 +
 bse/bsesong.proc |  225 ------------------------------------------------------
 5 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 231 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bse/Makefile.am b/bse/Makefile.am
index 50b1f24..95e249b 100644
--- a/bse/Makefile.am
+++ b/bse/Makefile.am
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ idl_dummy_files = $(strip   \
 bse_proc_sources = $(strip \
        bseeditablesample.proc  \
        bsejanitor.proc                                                         bseproject.proc         \
-                               bsesong.proc                                    bsesource.proc          \
+                                                                               bsesource.proc          \
                                bseitem.proc                                    bsewaveosc.proc         \
 bse_proc_gen_sources = $(bse_proc_sources:.proc=.genprc.cc)
diff --git a/bse/bseapi.idl b/bse/bseapi.idl
index b93df61..ded23ac 100644
--- a/bse/bseapi.idl
+++ b/bse/bseapi.idl
@@ -746,11 +746,12 @@ interface Song : SNet {
   void       remove_part             (Part part);   ///< Delete a Part from a Song.
   Track      create_track            ();            ///< Create a new Track for a Song.
   void       remove_track            (Track track); ///< Delete a Track from a Song.
-  // Bus        ensure_master_bus       ();            ///< Retrieve master output bus of a song, will 
create one if it doesn't exist.
-  // void       ensure_track_links      ();            ///< Ensure that each part in a song is inserted into 
at least one track.
-  // Track      find_track_for_part     (Part part);   ///< Find a track suitable for playing notes of a 
given part.
-  // Bus        get_master_bus          ();            ///< Retrieve master output bus of a song if it 
-  // void synthesize_note (Track track, int32 duration, int32 note, int32 fine_tune, float64 velocity); ///< 
Synthesize a note on a song of an active project.
+  Bus        ensure_master_bus       ();            ///< Retrieve master output bus of a song, will create 
one if it doesn't exist.
+  void       ensure_track_links      ();            ///< Ensure that each part in a song is inserted into at 
least one track.
+  Track      find_track_for_part     (Part part);   ///< Find a track suitable for playing notes of a given 
+  Bus        get_master_bus          ();            ///< Retrieve master output bus of a song if it exists.
+  /// Synthesize a note on a song of an active project.
+  void       synthesize_note         (Track track, int32 duration, int32 note, int32 fine_tune, float64 
   // signal void   pointer_changed (int32 a);
   // group _("Timing") {
   // int32   tpqn          = Range  ("Ticks", "Number of ticks per quarter note", STANDARD, 384, 384, 0, 
diff --git a/bse/bsesong.cc b/bse/bsesong.cc
index c55b7b4..fe66573 100644
--- a/bse/bsesong.cc
+++ b/bse/bsesong.cc
@@ -958,4 +958,110 @@ SongImpl::musical_tuning (MusicalTuning tuning)
+SongImpl::ensure_master_bus ()
+  BseSong *self = as<BseSong*>();
+  BseSource *child = bse_song_ensure_master (self);
+  return child->as<BusIfaceP>();
+SongImpl::find_track_for_part (PartIface &part_iface)
+  BseSong *self = as<BseSong*>();
+  BsePart *part = part_iface.as<BsePart*>();
+  BseTrack *track = NULL;
+  uint tick = 0;
+  for (SfiRing *ring = self->tracks_SL; ring; ring = sfi_ring_walk (ring, self->tracks_SL))
+    {
+      BseTrack *test_track = (BseTrack*) ring->data;
+      uint start;
+      if (bse_track_find_part (test_track, part, &start) &&
+         (!track || start < tick))
+       {
+         track = test_track;
+         tick = start;
+       }
+    }
+  return track ? track->as<TrackIfaceP>() : NULL;
+SongImpl::get_master_bus ()
+  BseSong *self = as<BseSong*>();
+  BseBus *bus = bse_song_find_master (self);
+  return bus ? bus->as<BusIfaceP>() : NULL;
+SongImpl::synthesize_note (TrackIface &track_iface, int duration, int note, int fine_tune, double velocity)
+  BseSong *self = as<BseSong*>();
+  BseTrack *track = track_iface.as<BseTrack*>();
+  if (BSE_SOURCE_PREPARED (self) && self->midi_receiver_SL)
+    {
+      double semitone_factor = bse_transpose_factor (self->musical_tuning, CLAMP (note, SFI_MIN_NOTE, 
+      double freq = BSE_KAMMER_FREQUENCY * semitone_factor * bse_cent_tune_fast (fine_tune);
+      SfiTime tstamp = Bse::TickStamp::current() + bse_engine_block_size () * 2;
+      BseMidiEvent *eon, *eoff;
+      eon  = bse_midi_event_note_on (track->midi_channel_SL, tstamp, freq, velocity);
+      eoff = bse_midi_event_note_off (track->midi_channel_SL, tstamp + duration, freq);
+      bse_midi_receiver_push_event (self->midi_receiver_SL, eon);
+      bse_midi_receiver_push_event (self->midi_receiver_SL, eoff);
+      bse_midi_receiver_process_events (self->midi_receiver_SL, tstamp + duration);
+      bse_project_keep_activated (BSE_PROJECT (BSE_ITEM (self)->parent), tstamp + duration);
+    }
+static const gchar*
+orphans_track_name (void)
+  /* TRANSLATORS: this is the name of the track that is used to automatically
+   * adopt orphan (unlinked) parts.
+   */
+  return _("Orphan Parts");
+static BseTrack*
+bse_song_ensure_orphans_track_noundo (BseSong *self)
+  for (SfiRing *ring = self->tracks_SL; ring; ring = sfi_ring_walk (ring, self->tracks_SL))
+    {
+      BseTrack *track = (BseTrack*) ring->data;
+      gboolean muted = FALSE;
+      g_object_get (track, "muted", &muted, NULL);
+      if (muted && g_object_get_data ((GObject*) track, "BseSong-orphan-track") == 
bse_song_ensure_orphans_track_noundo) /* detect orphan-parts track */
+        return track;
+    }
+  BseTrack *child = (BseTrack*) bse_container_new_child_bname (BSE_CONTAINER (self), BSE_TYPE_TRACK, 
orphans_track_name(), NULL);
+  g_object_set (child, "muted", TRUE, NULL); /* no undo */
+  g_object_set_data ((GObject*) child, "BseSong-orphan-track", (void*) 
bse_song_ensure_orphans_track_noundo); /* mark orphan-parts track */
+  return child;
+SongImpl::ensure_track_links ()
+  BseSong *self = as<BseSong*>();
+  bool clear_undo = false;
+  for (SfiRing *ring = self->parts; ring; ring = sfi_ring_walk (ring, self->parts))
+    {
+      BsePart *part = (BsePart*) ring->data;
+      if (bse_song_find_first_track (self, part))
+        continue;
+      BseTrack *track = bse_song_ensure_orphans_track_noundo (self);
+      TrackImpl *trackimpl = track->as<TrackImpl*>();
+      trackimpl->insert_part (bse_track_get_last_tick (track), *part->as<PartImpl*>());
+      clear_undo = true;
+    }
+  if (clear_undo)
+    {
+      BseProject *project = bse_item_get_project (self);
+      if (project)
+        bse_project_clear_undo (project);
+    }
 } // Bse
diff --git a/bse/bsesong.hh b/bse/bsesong.hh
index dc8899b..de7a0e5 100644
--- a/bse/bsesong.hh
+++ b/bse/bsesong.hh
@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@ public:
   virtual void              remove_part             (PartIface &part) override;
   virtual TrackIfaceP       create_track            () override;
   virtual void              remove_track            (TrackIface &track) override;
+  virtual BusIfaceP         ensure_master_bus       () override;
+  virtual void              ensure_track_links      () override;
+  virtual TrackIfaceP       find_track_for_part     (PartIface &part) override;
+  virtual BusIfaceP         get_master_bus          () override;
+  virtual void              synthesize_note         (TrackIface &track, int duration, int note, int 
fine_tune, double velocity) override;
 } // Bse

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