[chronojump] comboSelectJumpsRj done!

commit 33cc1a96b6b654509c7afd9bc23ebed753312dbf
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Sat Oct 8 14:33:38 2016 +0200

    comboSelectJumpsRj done!

 src/gui/chronojump.cs       |   64 ++++++++++++-----------------------------
 src/gui/cjCombo.cs          |   36 +++++++++++++++++++----
 src/gui/jump.cs             |   11 +++----
 src/sqlite/jumpType.cs      |   67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 src/sqlite/usefulObjects.cs |   28 ++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/chronojump.cs b/src/gui/chronojump.cs
index a56c753..62cf701 100644
--- a/src/gui/chronojump.cs
+++ b/src/gui/chronojump.cs
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
        [Widget] Gtk.TreeView treeview_multi_chronopic;
        [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_combo_select_jumps;
-       [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj;
-       [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_runs;
-       [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_combo_select_runs_interval;
+       [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj;
+       [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_combo_select_runs;
+       [Widget] Gtk.HBox hbox_combo_select_runs_interval;
        //auto mode     
        [Widget] Gtk.Box hbox_jump_types_options;
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
        [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_runs_interval;
        CjComboSelectJumps comboSelectJumps; //new since 1.6.3. Using gui/cjCombo.cs
+       CjComboSelectJumpsRj comboSelectJumpsRj; //new since 1.6.3. Using gui/cjCombo.cs
        [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_jumps;
        [Widget] Gtk.ComboBox combo_result_jumps_rj;
@@ -1940,7 +1941,6 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
         *  --------------------------------------------------------
-       string [] selectJumpsRjString;
        string [] selectRunsString;
        string [] selectRunsIntervalString;
@@ -1959,33 +1959,16 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
-       private void createComboSelectJumpsRj(bool create) {
+       private void createComboSelectJumpsRj(bool create)
+       {
-                       combo_select_jumps_rj = ComboBox.NewText ();
-               string [] jumpTypes = SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes("", false); //without alljumpsname, 
not only name
-               selectJumpsRjString = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
-               string [] jumpNamesToCombo = new String [jumpTypes.Length];
-               int i =0;
-               foreach(string jumpType in jumpTypes) {
-                       string [] j = jumpType.Split(new char[] {':'});
-                       string nameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(j[1]);
-                       selectJumpsRjString[i] = 
-                               j[0] + ":" + j[1] + ":" + nameTranslated + ":" +        //uniqueID, name, 
-                               j[2] + ":" + j[3] + ":" + j[4] + ":" +                  //startIn, weight, 
-                               j[5] + ":" + j[6];                                      //fixedValue, 
-                       jumpNamesToCombo[i] = nameTranslated;
-                       i++;
-               }
-               UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo_select_jumps_rj, jumpNamesToCombo, "");
-               combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
-               combo_select_jumps_rj.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_jumps_rj_changed);
-               if(create) {
-                       hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj.PackStart(combo_select_jumps_rj, true, true, 0);
-                       hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj.ShowAll();
-                       combo_select_jumps_rj.Sensitive = false;
+               {
+                       comboSelectJumpsRj = new CjComboSelectJumpsRj(combo_select_jumps_rj, 
+                       combo_select_jumps_rj = comboSelectJumpsRj.Combo;
+                       combo_select_jumps_rj.Changed += new EventHandler (on_combo_select_jumps_rj_changed);
+               } else {
+                       comboSelectJumpsRj.Fill();
+                       combo_select_jumps_rj = comboSelectJumpsRj.Combo;
@@ -4141,10 +4124,6 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
        private void on_rj_activate (object o, EventArgs args) 
-               //currentJumpRjType is already defined in selecting name from combo or from jumpsMoreWin
-               //string jumpEnglishName = Util.FindOnArray(':',2,1, 
UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_select_jumps_rj), selectJumpsRjString);
-               //currentJumpRjType = new JumpType(jumpEnglishName);
                double progressbarLimit = 0;
                //if it's a unlimited interval run, put -1 as limit value
@@ -5936,7 +5915,7 @@ LogB.Debug("X");
                                        SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypes(false, Constants.AllJumpsName, "", 
true), ""); //without filter, only select name
                        new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, Catalog.GetString("Added simple 
                } else {
-                       createComboSelectJumpsRj(false); //this will update also the selectJumpsRjString
+                       createComboSelectJumpsRj(false);
                                        SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypes(Constants.AllJumpsName, true), ""); 
//without filter, only select name
@@ -6033,17 +6012,12 @@ LogB.Debug("X");
                extra_window_jumps_initialize(new JumpType("Free"));
-       private void on_deleted_jump_rj_type (object o, EventArgs args) {
-               //first delete if from combos
-               string translatedName = Util.FindOnArray(':', 2, 1, jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName, 
-               UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_select_jumps_rj, translatedName);
-               UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_result_jumps_rj, translatedName);
-               //2nd delete if from global string. -1 selects all row
-               string row = Util.FindOnArray(':',1, -1, jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName, 
-               selectJumpsRjString = Util.DeleteString(selectJumpsRjString, row);
+       private void on_deleted_jump_rj_type (object o, EventArgs args)
+       {
+               string translatedName = 
+               combo_select_jumps_rj = comboSelectJumpsRj.DeleteValue(translatedName);
-               combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
+               UtilGtk.ComboDelThisValue(combo_result_jumps_rj, translatedName);
                combo_result_jumps_rj.Active = 0;
                extra_window_jumps_rj_initialize(new JumpType("RJ(j)"));
diff --git a/src/gui/cjCombo.cs b/src/gui/cjCombo.cs
index e4e1e78..3a8c533 100644
--- a/src/gui/cjCombo.cs
+++ b/src/gui/cjCombo.cs
@@ -109,9 +109,7 @@ public class CjComboSelectJumps : CjCombo
                this.hbox = hbox_combo_select_jumps;
@@ -120,13 +118,39 @@ public class CjComboSelectJumps : CjCombo
                l_types = (List<object>) SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpTypesNew(false, "", "", false); //without 
alljumpsname, without filter, not only name
-               string [] jumpNamesToCombo = new String [l_types.Count];
+               string [] namesToCombo = new String [l_types.Count];
                int i =0;
-               foreach(SelectJumpTypes jumpType in l_types)
-                       jumpNamesToCombo[i++] = jumpType.NameTranslated;
+               foreach(SelectJumpTypes type in l_types)
+                       namesToCombo[i++] = type.NameTranslated;
-               UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo, jumpNamesToCombo, "");
+               UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo, namesToCombo, "");
                combo.Active = 0;
+public class CjComboSelectJumpsRj : CjCombo
+       public CjComboSelectJumpsRj(Gtk.ComboBox combo_select_jumps_rj, Gtk.HBox hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj)
+       {
+               this.combo = combo_select_jumps_rj;
+               this.hbox = hbox_combo_select_jumps_rj;
+               create();
+               Fill();
+               package();
+       }
+       //if we just need to update values, call only this method
+       public override void Fill()
+       {
+               l_types = (List<object>) SqliteJumpType.SelectJumpRjTypesNew("", false); //without 
alljumpsname, not only name
+               string [] namesToCombo = new String [l_types.Count];
+               int i =0;
+               foreach(SelectJumpRjTypes type in l_types)
+                       namesToCombo[i++] = type.NameTranslated;
+               UtilGtk.ComboUpdate(combo, namesToCombo, "");
+               combo.Active = 0;
+       }
diff --git a/src/gui/jump.cs b/src/gui/jump.cs
index 5f4f5a4..0ab8691 100644
--- a/src/gui/jump.cs
+++ b/src/gui/jump.cs
@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ partial class ChronoJumpWindow
        private void on_extra_window_jumps_rj_test_changed(object o, EventArgs args)
-               string jumpEnglishName = Util.FindOnArray(':',2,1, 
UtilGtk.ComboGetActive(combo_select_jumps_rj), selectJumpsRjString);
+               string jumpEnglishName = comboSelectJumpsRj.GetSelectedNameEnglish();
                currentJumpRjType = createJumpType(jumpEnglishName, false);
@@ -1267,17 +1267,16 @@ partial class ChronoJumpWindow
checkbutton_allow_finish_rj_after_time.Active.ToString(), false);
-       private void on_more_jumps_update_test (object o, EventArgs args) 
+       private void on_more_jumps_update_test (object o, EventArgs args)
                currentEventType = new JumpType(jumpsMoreWin.SelectedEventName);
-       private void on_more_jumps_rj_update_test (object o, EventArgs args) {
+       private void on_more_jumps_rj_update_test (object o, EventArgs args) 
+       {
                currentEventType = new JumpType(jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName);
-               string jumpTranslatedName = Util.FindOnArray(':',1,2, jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName, 
-               combo_select_jumps_rj.Active = UtilGtk.ComboMakeActive(combo_select_jumps_rj, 
+               comboSelectJumpsRj.MakeActive(jumpsRjMoreWin.SelectedEventName);
        //used from the dialogue "jumps more"
diff --git a/src/sqlite/jumpType.cs b/src/sqlite/jumpType.cs
index f04ddf9..ff8b547 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/jumpType.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/jumpType.cs
@@ -267,38 +267,34 @@ class SqliteJumpType : Sqlite
                SqliteDataReader reader;
                reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
-               List<object> jumpTypes = new List<object>();
+               List<object> types = new List<object>();
-               int count = new int();
-               count = 0;
-               SelectJumpTypes jumpType;
+               SelectJumpTypes type;
                if(allJumpsName != "") {
-                       jumpType = new SelectJumpTypes(allJumpsName);
-                       jumpTypes.Add(jumpType);
+                       type = new SelectJumpTypes(allJumpsName);
+                       types.Add(type);
                while(reader.Read()) {
                        if(onlyName) {
-                               jumpType = new SelectJumpTypes(reader[1].ToString());
+                               type = new SelectJumpTypes(reader[1].ToString());
                        } else {
-                               jumpType = new SelectJumpTypes(
+                               type = new SelectJumpTypes(
                                                Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]),     //uniqueID
                                                reader[1].ToString(),           //nameEnglish
                                                reader[4].ToString());          //description
-                       jumpTypes.Add(jumpType);
+                       types.Add(type);
-               return jumpTypes;
+               return types;
+       //on newly cereated code use above method
        public static string[] SelectJumpTypes(bool dbconOpened, string allJumpsName, string filter, bool 
                //allJumpsName: add and "allJumpsName" value
@@ -370,6 +366,51 @@ class SqliteJumpType : Sqlite
                return myTypes;
+       //use SelectJumpTypes object. Since 1.6.3
+       public static List<object> SelectJumpRjTypesNew(string allJumpsName, bool onlyName) 
+       {
+               Sqlite.Open();
+               dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * " +
+                       " FROM " + Constants.JumpRjTypeTable + " " +
+                       " ORDER BY uniqueID";
+               LogB.SQL(dbcmd.CommandText.ToString());
+               dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
+               SqliteDataReader reader;
+               reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
+               List<object> types = new List<object>();
+               SelectJumpRjTypes type;
+               if(allJumpsName != "") {
+                       type = new SelectJumpRjTypes(allJumpsName);
+                       types.Add(type);
+               }
+               while(reader.Read()) {
+                       if(onlyName) {
+                               type = new SelectJumpRjTypes(reader[1].ToString());
+                       } else {
+                               type = new SelectJumpRjTypes(
+                                               Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]),     //uniqueID
+                                               reader[1].ToString(),           //nameEnglish
+                                               Util.IntToBool(Convert.ToInt32(reader[2].ToString())),  
+                                               Util.IntToBool(Convert.ToInt32(reader[3].ToString())),  
+                                               Util.IntToBool(Convert.ToInt32(reader[4].ToString())),  
Convert.ToDouble(Util.ChangeDecimalSeparator(reader[5].ToString())),    //fixedValue
+                                               reader[6].ToString()            //description
+                                           );
+                       }
+                       types.Add(type);
+               }
+               reader.Close();
+               Sqlite.Close();
+               return types;
+       }
+       //on newly cereated code use above method
        public static string[] SelectJumpRjTypes(string allJumpsName, bool onlyName) 
diff --git a/src/sqlite/usefulObjects.cs b/src/sqlite/usefulObjects.cs
index dbaccb3..2a91113 100644
--- a/src/sqlite/usefulObjects.cs
+++ b/src/sqlite/usefulObjects.cs
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ public class SelectJumpTypes : SelectTypes
        public bool HasWeight;
        public string Description;
+       //needed for inheritance
+       public SelectJumpTypes()
+       {
+       }
        public SelectJumpTypes(string nameEnglish)
                this.NameEnglish = nameEnglish;
@@ -54,3 +59,26 @@ public class SelectJumpTypes : SelectTypes
+public class SelectJumpRjTypes : SelectJumpTypes
+       public bool JumpsLimited;
+       public double FixedValue;
+       public SelectJumpRjTypes(string nameEnglish)
+       {
+               this.NameEnglish = nameEnglish;
+       }
+       public SelectJumpRjTypes(int id, string nameEnglish, bool startIn, bool hasWeight, bool jumpsLimited, 
double fixedValue, string description)
+       {
+               this.Id = id;
+               this.NameEnglish = nameEnglish;
+               this.NameTranslated = Catalog.GetString(nameEnglish);
+               this.StartIn = startIn;
+               this.HasWeight = hasWeight;
+               this.JumpsLimited = jumpsLimited;
+               this.FixedValue = fixedValue;
+               this.Description = description;
+       }

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