[nautilus] Use Unicode in translatable strings

commit 5c213a6be69282e2615ce0d4c11d021b5ff754ef
Author: Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com>
Date:   Fri Nov 11 18:48:52 2016 +0100

    Use Unicode in translatable strings
    See https://developer.gnome.org/hig/stable/typography.html

 data/org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml                |   38 +++++-----
 src/nautilus-application.c                         |    2 +-
 src/nautilus-autorun-software.c                    |    2 +-
 src/nautilus-column-utilities.c                    |    2 +-
 src/nautilus-file-operations.c                     |    4 +-
 src/nautilus-file-undo-operations.c                |   76 ++++++++++----------
 src/nautilus-file.c                                |    4 +-
 src/nautilus-mime-actions.c                        |    2 +-
 src/nautilus-query-editor.c                        |    2 +-
 src/nautilus-window-slot.c                         |    4 +-
 .../ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui        |    2 +-
 11 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml b/data/org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml
index 17982cc..5dc677a 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml
+++ b/data/org.gnome.nautilus.gschema.xml
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
       <summary>Where to position newly open tabs in browser windows</summary>
-      <description>If set to "after-current-tab", then new tabs are inserted after the current tab. If set 
to "end", then new tabs are appended to the end of the tab list.</description>
+      <description>If set to “after-current-tab”, then new tabs are inserted after the current tab. If set 
to “end”, then new tabs are appended to the end of the tab list.</description>
     <key type="b" name="always-use-location-entry">
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
     <key name="recursive-search" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.SpeedTradeoff">
       <summary>Where to perform recursive search</summary>
-      <description>In which locations Nautilus should search on subfolders. Available values are 
'local-only', 'always', 'never'.</description>
+      <description>In which locations Nautilus should search on subfolders. Available values are 
“local-only”, “always”, “never”.</description>
     <key name="search-filter-time-type" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.SearchFilterTimeType">
@@ -119,17 +119,17 @@
       <aliases><alias value='local_only' target='local-only'/></aliases>
       <summary>When to show number of items in a folder</summary>
-      <description>Speed tradeoff for when to show the number of items in a folder. If set to "always" then 
always show item counts, even if the folder is on a remote server. If set to "local-only" then only show 
counts for local file systems. If set to "never" then never bother to compute item counts.</description>
+      <description>Speed tradeoff for when to show the number of items in a folder. If set to “always” then 
always show item counts, even if the folder is on a remote server. If set to “local-only” then only show 
counts for local file systems. If set to “never” then never bother to compute item counts.</description>
     <key name="click-policy" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.ClickPolicy">
       <summary>Type of click used to launch/open files</summary>
-      <description>Possible values are "single" to launch files on a single click, or "double" to launch 
them on a double click.</description>
+      <description>Possible values are “single” to launch files on a single click, or “double” to launch 
them on a double click.</description>
     <key name="executable-text-activation" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.ActivationChoice">
       <summary>What to do with executable text files when activated</summary>
-      <description>What to do with executable text files when they are activated (single or double clicked). 
Possible values are "launch" to launch them as programs, "ask" to ask what to do via a dialog, and "display" 
to display them as text files.</description>
+      <description>What to do with executable text files when they are activated (single or double clicked). 
Possible values are “launch” to launch them as programs, “ask” to ask what to do via a dialog, and “display” 
to display them as text files.</description>
     <key type="b" name="install-mime-activation">
@@ -143,29 +143,29 @@
     <key type="b" name="mouse-use-extra-buttons">
-      <summary>Use extra mouse button events in Nautilus' browser window</summary>
-      <description>For users with mice that have "Forward" and "Back" buttons, this key will determine if 
any action is taken inside of Nautilus when either is pressed.</description>
+      <summary>Use extra mouse button events in Nautilus’ browser window</summary>
+      <description>For users with mice that have “Forward” and “Back” buttons, this key will determine if 
any action is taken inside of Nautilus when either is pressed.</description>
     <key type="i" name="mouse-forward-button">
-      <summary>Mouse button to activate the "Forward" command in browser window</summary>
-      <description>For users with mice that have buttons for "Forward" and "Back", this key will set which 
button activates the "Forward" command in a browser window. Possible values range between 6 and 
+      <summary>Mouse button to activate the “Forward” command in browser window</summary>
+      <description>For users with mice that have buttons for “Forward” and “Back”, this key will set which 
button activates the “Forward” command in a browser window. Possible values range between 6 and 
     <key type="i" name="mouse-back-button">
-      <summary>Mouse button to activate the "Back" command in browser window</summary>
-      <description>For users with mice that have buttons for "Forward" and "Back", this key will set which 
button activates the "Back" command in a browser window. Possible values range between 6 and 14.</description>
+      <summary>Mouse button to activate the “Back” command in browser window</summary>
+      <description>For users with mice that have buttons for “Forward” and “Back”, this key will set which 
button activates the “Back” command in a browser window. Possible values range between 6 and 14.</description>
     <key name="show-image-thumbnails" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.SpeedTradeoff">
       <aliases><alias value='local_only' target='local-only'/></aliases>
       <summary>When to show thumbnails of files</summary>
-      <description>Speed trade-off for when to show a file as a thumbnail. If set to "always" then always 
thumbnail, even if the folder is on a remote server. If set to "local-only" then only show thumbnails for 
local file systems. If set to "never" then never bother to thumbnail files, just use a generic icon. Despite 
what the name may suggest, this applies to any previewable file type.</description>
+      <description>Speed trade-off for when to show a file as a thumbnail. If set to “always” then always 
thumbnail, even if the folder is on a remote server. If set to “local-only” then only show thumbnails for 
local file systems. If set to “never” then never bother to thumbnail files, just use a generic icon. Despite 
what the name may suggest, this applies to any previewable file type.</description>
     <key type="t" name="thumbnail-limit">
       <summary>Maximum image size for thumbnailing</summary>
-      <description>Images over this size (in bytes) won't be thumbnailed. The purpose of this setting is to 
avoid thumbnailing large images that may take a long time to load or use lots of memory.</description>
+      <description>Images over this size (in bytes) won’t be thumbnailed. The purpose of this setting is to 
avoid thumbnailing large images that may take a long time to load or use lots of memory.</description>
     <key name="default-sort-order" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.SortOrder">
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@
       <summary>Default sort order</summary>
-      <description>The default sort-order for items in the icon view. Possible values are "name", "size", 
"type" and "mtime".</description>
+      <description>The default sort-order for items in the icon view. Possible values are “name”, “size”, 
“type” and “mtime”.</description>
     <key type="b" name="default-sort-in-reverse-order">
       <summary>Reverse sort order in new windows</summary>
-      <description>If true, files in new windows will be sorted in reverse order. I.e., if sorted by name, 
then instead of sorting the files from "a" to "z", they will be sorted from "z" to "a"; if sorted by size, 
instead of being incrementally they will be sorted decrementally.</description>
+      <description>If true, files in new windows will be sorted in reverse order. I.e., if sorted by name, 
then instead of sorting the files from “a” to “z”, they will be sorted from “z” to “a”; if sorted by size, 
instead of being incrementally they will be sorted decrementally.</description>
     <key name="default-folder-viewer" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.FolderView">
@@ -189,12 +189,12 @@
       <summary>Default folder viewer</summary>
-      <description>When a folder is visited this viewer is used unless you have selected another view for 
that particular folder. Possible values are "list-view", and "icon-view".</description>
+      <description>When a folder is visited this viewer is used unless you have selected another view for 
that particular folder. Possible values are “list-view”, and “icon-view”.</description>
     <key type="b" name="show-hidden-files">
       <summary>Whether to show hidden files</summary>
-      <description>This key is deprecated and ignored. The "show-hidden" key from 
"org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser" is now used instead.</description>
+      <description>This key is deprecated and ignored. The “show-hidden” key from 
“org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser” is now used instead.</description>
     <key name="search-view" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.FolderView">
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
     <key type="as" name="captions">
       <default>[ 'none', 'none', 'none' ]</default>
       <summary>List of possible captions on icons</summary>
-      <description>A list of captions below an icon in the icon view and the desktop. The actual number of 
captions shown depends on the zoom level. Some possible values are: "size", "type", "date_modified", "owner", 
"group", "permissions", and "mime_type".</description>
+      <description>A list of captions below an icon in the icon view and the desktop. The actual number of 
captions shown depends on the zoom level. Some possible values are: “size”, “type”, “date_modified”, “owner”, 
“group”, “permissions”, and “mime_type”.</description>
     <key name="default-zoom-level" enum="org.gnome.nautilus.CanvasZoomLevel">
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
     <key type="as" name="text-ellipsis-limit">
       <default>[ '3' ]</default>
       <summary>Text Ellipsis Limit</summary>
-      <description>A string specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by ellipses, 
depending on the zoom level. Each of the list entries is of the form "Zoom Level:Integer". For each specified 
zoom level, if the given integer is larger than 0, the file name will not exceed the given number of lines. 
If the integer is 0 or smaller, no limit is imposed on the specified zoom level. A default entry of the form 
"Integer" without any specified zoom level is also allowed. It defines the maximum number of lines for all 
other zoom levels. Examples: 0 - always display overlong file names; 3 - shorten file names if they exceed 
three lines; smallest:5,smaller:4,0 - shorten file names if they exceed five lines for zoom level "smallest". 
Shorten file names if they exceed four lines for zoom level "smaller". Do not shorten file names for other 
zoom levels. Available zoom levels: small, standard, large.</description>
+      <description>A string specifying how parts of overlong file names should be replaced by ellipses, 
depending on the zoom level. Each of the list entries is of the form “Zoom Level:Integer”. For each specified 
zoom level, if the given integer is larger than 0, the file name will not exceed the given number of lines. 
If the integer is 0 or smaller, no limit is imposed on the specified zoom level. A default entry of the form 
“Integer” without any specified zoom level is also allowed. It defines the maximum number of lines for all 
other zoom levels. Examples: 0 — always display overlong file names; 3 — shorten file names if they exceed 
three lines; smallest:5,smaller:4,0 — shorten file names if they exceed five lines for zoom level “smallest”. 
Shorten file names if they exceed four lines for zoom level “smaller”. Do not shorten file names for other 
zoom levels. Available zoom levels: small, standard, large.</description>
diff --git a/src/nautilus-application.c b/src/nautilus-application.c
index 234fbb5..83635d0 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-application.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-application.c
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ const GOptionEntry options[] =
       N_("Quit Nautilus."), NULL },
     { "select", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, NULL,
       N_("Select specified URI in parent folder."), NULL },
     { NULL }
diff --git a/src/nautilus-autorun-software.c b/src/nautilus-autorun-software.c
index 6195a3e..e9003f8 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-autorun-software.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-autorun-software.c
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ present_autorun_for_software_dialog (GMount *mount)
     gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text (GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG (dialog),
-                                              _("If you don't trust this location or aren't sure, press 
+                                              _("If you don’t trust this location or aren’t sure, press 
     /* This is required because we don't show dialogs in the
      *  window picker and if the window pops under another window
diff --git a/src/nautilus-column-utilities.c b/src/nautilus-column-utilities.c
index 75deca6..891aa82 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-column-utilities.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-column-utilities.c
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ get_builtin_columns (void)
                              g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN,
                                            "name", "date_modified_with_time",
                                            "attribute", "date_modified_with_time",
-                                           "label", _("Modified - Time"),
+                                           "label", _("Modified — Time"),
                                            "description", _("The date the file was modified."),
                                            "xalign", 1.0,
diff --git a/src/nautilus-file-operations.c b/src/nautilus-file-operations.c
index c491daf..dfe673e 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-file-operations.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-file-operations.c
@@ -2274,7 +2274,7 @@ trash_file (CommonJob     *job,
     /* Translators: %B is a file name */
-    primary = f (_("“%B” can't be put in the trash. Do you want to delete it immediately?"), file);
+    primary = f (_("“%B” can’t be put in the trash. Do you want to delete it immediately?"), file);
     details = NULL;
     secondary = NULL;
     if (!IS_IO_ERROR (error, NOT_SUPPORTED))
@@ -6657,7 +6657,7 @@ retry:
         else if (IS_IO_ERROR (error, NOT_SUPPORTED))
-            secondary = f (_("The target doesn't support symbolic links."));
+            secondary = f (_("The target doesn’t support symbolic links."));
             details = NULL;
diff --git a/src/nautilus-file-undo-operations.c b/src/nautilus-file-undo-operations.c
index 093251d..e833d05 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-file-undo-operations.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-file-undo-operations.c
@@ -407,11 +407,11 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
         if (count > 1)
-            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Move %d item back to '%s'",
-                                                           "Move %d items back to '%s'", count),
+            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Move %d item back to “%s”",
+                                                           "Move %d items back to “%s”", count),
                                                  count, source);
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Move %d item to '%s'",
-                                                           "Move %d items to '%s'", count),
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Move %d item to “%s”",
+                                                           "Move %d items to “%s”", count),
                                                  count, destination);
             *undo_label = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("_Undo Move %d item",
@@ -423,8 +423,8 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
-            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move '%s' back to '%s'"), name, source);
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move '%s' to '%s'"), name, destination);
+            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move “%s” back to “%s”"), name, source);
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move “%s” to “%s”"), name, destination);
             *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Move"));
             *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Move"));
@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
-            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move '%s' back to trash"), name);
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore '%s' from trash"), name);
+            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move “%s” back to trash"), name);
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore “%s” from trash"), name);
     else if (op_type == NAUTILUS_FILE_UNDO_OP_COPY)
@@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
             *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Delete %d copied item",
                                                            "Delete %d copied items", count),
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Copy %d item to '%s'",
-                                                           "Copy %d items to '%s'", count),
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Copy %d item to “%s”",
+                                                           "Copy %d items to “%s”", count),
                                                  count, destination);
             *undo_label = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("_Undo Copy %d item",
@@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
-            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete '%s'"), name);
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Copy '%s' to '%s'"), name, destination);
+            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete “%s”"), name);
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Copy “%s” to “%s”"), name, destination);
             *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Copy"));
             *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Copy"));
@@ -484,8 +484,8 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
             *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Delete %d duplicated item",
                                                            "Delete %d duplicated items", count),
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Duplicate %d item in '%s'",
-                                                           "Duplicate %d items in '%s'", count),
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("Duplicate %d item in “%s”",
+                                                           "Duplicate %d items in “%s”", count),
                                                  count, destination);
             *undo_label = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("_Undo Duplicate %d item",
@@ -497,8 +497,8 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
-            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete '%s'"), name);
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Duplicate '%s' in '%s'"),
+            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete “%s”"), name);
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Duplicate “%s” in “%s”"),
                                                  name, destination);
             *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Duplicate"));
@@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ ext_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
-            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete link to '%s'"), name);
-            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create link to '%s'"), name);
+            *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete link to “%s”"), name);
+            *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create link to “%s”"), name);
             *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Create Link"));
             *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Create Link"));
@@ -772,25 +772,25 @@ create_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
     char *name;
     name = g_file_get_parse_name (self->priv->target_file);
-    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete '%s'"), name);
+    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete “%s”"), name);
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create an empty file '%s'"), name);
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create an empty file “%s”"), name);
         *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Create Empty File"));
         *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Create Empty File"));
     else if (op_type == NAUTILUS_FILE_UNDO_OP_CREATE_FOLDER)
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create a new folder '%s'"), name);
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create a new folder “%s”"), name);
         *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Create Folder"));
         *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Create Folder"));
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create new file '%s' from template "), name);
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Create new file “%s” from template "), name);
         *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Create from Template"));
         *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Create from Template"));
@@ -987,8 +987,8 @@ rename_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
     new_name = g_file_get_parse_name (self->priv->new_file);
     old_name = g_file_get_parse_name (self->priv->old_file);
-    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Rename '%s' as '%s'"), new_name, old_name);
-    *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Rename '%s' as '%s'"), old_name, new_name);
+    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Rename “%s” as “%s”"), new_name, old_name);
+    *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Rename “%s” as “%s”"), old_name, new_name);
     *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Rename"));
     *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Rename"));
@@ -1341,14 +1341,14 @@ trash_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
         file = keys->data;
         name = g_file_get_basename (file);
         orig_path = g_file_get_path (file);
-        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore '%s' to '%s'"), name, orig_path);
+        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore “%s” to “%s”"), name, orig_path);
         g_free (name);
         g_free (orig_path);
         g_list_free (keys);
         name = g_file_get_parse_name (file);
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move '%s' to trash"), name);
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Move “%s” to trash"), name);
         g_free (name);
@@ -1649,8 +1649,8 @@ rec_permissions_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
     name = g_file_get_path (self->priv->dest_dir);
-    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore original permissions of items enclosed in '%s'"), name);
-    *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set permissions of items enclosed in '%s'"), name);
+    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore original permissions of items enclosed in “%s”"), name);
+    *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set permissions of items enclosed in “%s”"), name);
     *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Change Permissions"));
     *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Change Permissions"));
@@ -1803,8 +1803,8 @@ permissions_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
     gchar *name;
     name = g_file_get_parse_name (self->priv->target_file);
-    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore original permissions of '%s'"), name);
-    *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set permissions of '%s'"), name);
+    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore original permissions of “%s”"), name);
+    *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set permissions of “%s”"), name);
     *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Change Permissions"));
     *redo_label = g_strdup (_("_Redo Change Permissions"));
@@ -1916,9 +1916,9 @@ ownership_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
-        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore group of '%s' to '%s'"),
+        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore group of “%s” to “%s”"),
                                              name, self->priv->original_ownership);
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set group of '%s' to '%s'"),
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set group of “%s” to “%s”"),
                                              name, self->priv->new_ownership);
         *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Change Group"));
@@ -1926,9 +1926,9 @@ ownership_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
     else if (op_type == NAUTILUS_FILE_UNDO_OP_CHANGE_GROUP)
-        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore owner of '%s' to '%s'"),
+        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Restore owner of “%s” to “%s”"),
                                              name, self->priv->original_ownership);
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set owner of '%s' to '%s'"),
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Set owner of “%s” to “%s”"),
                                              name, self->priv->new_ownership);
         *undo_label = g_strdup (_("_Undo Change Owner"));
@@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ extract_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
         output = self->priv->outputs->data;
         name = g_file_get_parse_name (output);
-        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete '%s'"), name);
+        *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete “%s”"), name);
@@ -2100,7 +2100,7 @@ extract_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
         source = self->priv->sources->data;
         name = g_file_get_parse_name (source);
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Extract '%s'"), name);
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Extract “%s”"), name);
@@ -2244,7 +2244,7 @@ compress_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
     gint sources_count;
     output_name = g_file_get_parse_name (self->priv->output);
-    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete '%s'"), output_name);
+    *undo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete “%s”"), output_name);
     sources_count = g_list_length (self->priv->sources);
     if (sources_count == 1)
@@ -2255,7 +2255,7 @@ compress_strings_func (NautilusFileUndoInfo  *info,
         source = self->priv->sources->data;
         source_name = g_file_get_parse_name (source);
-        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Compress '%s'"), source_name);
+        *redo_description = g_strdup_printf (_("Compress “%s”"), source_name);
diff --git a/src/nautilus-file.c b/src/nautilus-file.c
index d814d82..e662b4c 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-file.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-file.c
@@ -6514,7 +6514,7 @@ nautilus_file_set_owner (NautilusFile                  *file,
         nautilus_file_changed (file);
         error = g_error_new (G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
-                             _("Specified owner '%s' doesn't exist"), user_name_or_id);
+                             _("Specified owner “%s” doesn’t exist"), user_name_or_id);
         (*callback)(file, NULL, error, callback_data);
         g_error_free (error);
@@ -6818,7 +6818,7 @@ nautilus_file_set_group (NautilusFile                  *file,
         nautilus_file_changed (file);
         error = g_error_new (G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
-                             _("Specified group '%s' doesn't exist"), group_name_or_id);
+                             _("Specified group “%s” doesn’t exist"), group_name_or_id);
         (*callback)(file, NULL, error, callback_data);
         g_error_free (error);
diff --git a/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c b/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c
index 3f7033b..4a94d41 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-mime-actions.c
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ report_broken_symbolic_link (GtkWindow    *parent_window,
         detail = g_strdup_printf (_("This link cannot be used because its target "
-                                    "“%s” doesn't exist."), target_path);
+                                    "“%s” doesn’t exist."), target_path);
     if (!can_trash)
diff --git a/src/nautilus-query-editor.c b/src/nautilus-query-editor.c
index 54f2a23..5d9eca9 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-query-editor.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-query-editor.c
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ update_information_label (NautilusQueryEditor *editor)
         else if (nautilus_file_is_remote (file) &&
                  !settings_search_is_recursive (editor))
-            label = _("Remote location - only searching the current folder");
+            label = _("Remote location — only searching the current folder");
         else if (!settings_search_is_recursive (editor))
diff --git a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
index fe6f374..b53a337 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-window-slot.c
@@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ nautilus_window_slot_display_view_selection_failure (NautilusWindow *window,
-            detail_message = g_strdup (_("This location doesn't appear to be a folder."));
+            detail_message = g_strdup (_("This location doesn’t appear to be a folder."));
     else if (error->domain == G_IO_ERROR)
@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ nautilus_window_slot_display_view_selection_failure (NautilusWindow *window,
-                    detail_message = g_strdup (_("Don't have permission to access the requested location."));
+                    detail_message = g_strdup (_("Don’t have permission to access the requested location."));
diff --git a/src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui 
index f69e673..4a53de4 100644
--- a/src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui
+++ b/src/resources/ui/nautilus-files-view-context-menus.ui
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
         <attribute name="hidden-when">action-disabled</attribute>
-        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Restore Icon's Original Size</attribute>
+        <attribute name="label" translatable="yes">Restore Icon’s Original Size</attribute>
         <attribute name="action">view.unstretch</attribute>
         <attribute name="hidden-when">action-disabled</attribute>

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