[shotwell/wip/dedeprecate: 33/64] piwigo: Port Option pane to BuilderPane
- From: Jens Georg <jensgeorg src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [shotwell/wip/dedeprecate: 33/64] piwigo: Port Option pane to BuilderPane
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 22:47:21 +0000 (UTC)
commit de5024f8fca602bc89f8319ffb54316442d2ded0
Author: Jens Georg <mail jensge org>
Date: Sat Oct 29 09:53:13 2016 +0200
piwigo: Port Option pane to BuilderPane
Signed-off-by: Jens Georg <mail jensge org>
plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala | 188 ++++++++++-----------
1 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala
index 99a143f..9503fc7 100644
--- a/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala
+++ b/plugins/shotwell-publishing/PiwigoPublishing.vala
@@ -85,6 +85,10 @@ internal class Category {
public bool is_local() {
return this.id == NO_ID;
+ public static bool equal (Category self, Category other) {
+ return self.id == other.id;
+ }
internal class PermissionLevel {
@@ -1178,12 +1182,10 @@ internal class AuthenticationPane : Shotwell.Plugins.Common.BuilderPane {
* The publishing options pane.
-internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, Object {
+internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Shotwell.Plugins.Common.BuilderPane {
private static string DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME = _("Shotwell Connect");
- private Gtk.Box pane_widget = null;
- private Gtk.Builder builder;
private Gtk.RadioButton use_existing_radio;
private Gtk.RadioButton create_new_radio;
private Gtk.ComboBoxText existing_categories_combo;
@@ -1199,89 +1201,88 @@ internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, Object {
private Gtk.Button publish_button;
private Gtk.TextView album_comment;
private Gtk.Label album_comment_label;
- private Category[] existing_categories;
private PermissionLevel[] perm_levels;
private SizeEntry[] photo_sizes;
- private int last_category;
- private int last_permission_level;
- private int last_photo_size;
- private bool last_title_as_comment;
- private bool last_no_upload_tags;
+ public int last_category { private get; construct; }
+ public int last_permission_level { private get; construct; }
+ public int last_photo_size { private get; construct; }
+ public bool last_title_as_comment { private get; construct; }
+ public bool last_no_upload_tags { private get; construct; }
+ public bool strip_metadata_enabled { private get; construct; }
+ public Gee.List<Category> existing_categories { private get; construct; }
+ public string default_comment { private get; construct; }
public signal void publish(PublishingParameters parameters, bool strip_metadata);
public signal void logout();
- public PublishingOptionsPane(
- PiwigoPublisher publisher, Category[] categories,
- int last_category, int last_permission_level, int last_photo_size,
- bool last_title_as_comment, bool last_no_upload_tags, bool strip_metadata_enabled
- ) {
- this.pane_widget = new Gtk.Box(Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);
- this.last_category = last_category;
- this.last_permission_level = last_permission_level;
- this.last_photo_size = last_photo_size;
- this.last_title_as_comment = last_title_as_comment;
- this.last_no_upload_tags = last_no_upload_tags;
+ public PublishingOptionsPane(PiwigoPublisher publisher,
+ Category[] categories,
+ int last_category,
+ int last_permission_level,
+ int last_photo_size,
+ bool last_title_as_comment,
+ bool last_no_upload_tags,
+ bool strip_metadata_enabled) {
+ Object (resource_path : Resources.RESOURCE_PATH +
+ "/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui",
+ connect_signals : true,
+ default_id : "publish_button",
+ last_category : last_category,
+ last_permission_level : last_permission_level,
+ last_photo_size : last_photo_size,
+ last_title_as_comment : last_title_as_comment,
+ last_no_upload_tags : last_no_upload_tags,
+ strip_metadata_enabled : strip_metadata_enabled,
+ existing_categories : new Gee.ArrayList<Category>.wrap (categories,
+ Category.equal),
+ default_comment : get_common_comment_if_possible (publisher));
+ }
+ public override void constructed () {
+ base.constructed ();
+ var builder = this.get_builder ();
+ use_existing_radio = builder.get_object("use_existing_radio") as Gtk.RadioButton;
+ create_new_radio = builder.get_object("create_new_radio") as Gtk.RadioButton;
+ existing_categories_combo = builder.get_object("existing_categories_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
+ new_category_entry = builder.get_object ("new_category_entry") as Gtk.Entry;
+ within_existing_label = builder.get_object ("within_existing_label") as Gtk.Label;
+ within_existing_combo = builder.get_object ("within_existing_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
+ album_comment = builder.get_object ("album_comment") as Gtk.TextView;
+ album_comment.buffer = new Gtk.TextBuffer(null);
+ album_comment_label = builder.get_object ("album_comment_label") as Gtk.Label;
+ perms_combo = builder.get_object("perms_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
+ size_combo = builder.get_object("size_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
+ strip_metadata_check = builder.get_object("strip_metadata_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
+ strip_metadata_check.set_active(strip_metadata_enabled);
+ title_as_comment_check = builder.get_object("title_as_comment_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
+ title_as_comment_check.set_active(last_title_as_comment);
+ no_upload_tags_check = builder.get_object("no_upload_tags_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
+ no_upload_tags_check.set_active(last_no_upload_tags);
+ logout_button = builder.get_object("logout_button") as Gtk.Button;
+ logout_button.clicked.connect(on_logout_button_clicked);
+ publish_button = builder.get_object("publish_button") as Gtk.Button;
+ publish_button.clicked.connect(on_publish_button_clicked);
+ use_existing_radio.clicked.connect(on_use_existing_radio_clicked);
+ create_new_radio.clicked.connect(on_create_new_radio_clicked);
+ new_category_entry.changed.connect(on_new_category_entry_changed);
+ within_existing_combo.changed.connect(on_existing_combo_changed);
- try {
- builder = new Gtk.Builder();
- builder.add_from_resource (Resources.RESOURCE_PATH + "/piwigo_publishing_options_pane.ui");
- builder.connect_signals(null);
- var content = builder.get_object ("content") as Gtk.Box;
- use_existing_radio = builder.get_object("use_existing_radio") as Gtk.RadioButton;
- create_new_radio = builder.get_object("create_new_radio") as Gtk.RadioButton;
- existing_categories_combo = builder.get_object("existing_categories_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
- new_category_entry = builder.get_object ("new_category_entry") as Gtk.Entry;
- within_existing_label = builder.get_object ("within_existing_label") as Gtk.Label;
- within_existing_combo = builder.get_object ("within_existing_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
- album_comment = builder.get_object ("album_comment") as Gtk.TextView;
- album_comment.buffer = new Gtk.TextBuffer(null);
- album_comment_label = builder.get_object ("album_comment_label") as Gtk.Label;
- perms_combo = builder.get_object("perms_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
- size_combo = builder.get_object("size_combo") as Gtk.ComboBoxText;
- strip_metadata_check = builder.get_object("strip_metadata_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
- strip_metadata_check.set_active(strip_metadata_enabled);
- title_as_comment_check = builder.get_object("title_as_comment_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
- title_as_comment_check.set_active(last_title_as_comment);
- no_upload_tags_check = builder.get_object("no_upload_tags_check") as Gtk.CheckButton;
- no_upload_tags_check.set_active(last_no_upload_tags);
- logout_button = builder.get_object("logout_button") as Gtk.Button;
- logout_button.clicked.connect(on_logout_button_clicked);
- publish_button = builder.get_object("publish_button") as Gtk.Button;
- publish_button.clicked.connect(on_publish_button_clicked);
- use_existing_radio.clicked.connect(on_use_existing_radio_clicked);
- create_new_radio.clicked.connect(on_create_new_radio_clicked);
- new_category_entry.changed.connect(on_new_category_entry_changed);
- within_existing_combo.changed.connect(on_existing_combo_changed);
- content.parent.remove (content);
- pane_widget.add (content);
- pane_widget.set_child_packing (content, true, true, 0, Gtk.PackType.START);
- } catch (Error e) {
- warning("Could not load UI: %s", e.message);
- }
- this.existing_categories = categories;
this.perm_levels = create_perm_levels();
this.photo_sizes = create_sizes();
- this.album_comment.buffer.set_text(get_common_comment_if_possible(publisher));
- }
- public Gtk.Widget get_default_widget() {
- return publish_button;
+ this.album_comment.buffer.set_text(this.default_comment);
private PermissionLevel[] create_perm_levels() {
PermissionLevel[] result = new PermissionLevel[0];
@@ -1385,16 +1386,10 @@ internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, Object {
- public Gtk.Widget get_widget() {
- return pane_widget;
- }
- public Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions get_preferred_geometry() {
- return Spit.Publishing.DialogPane.GeometryOptions.NONE;
- }
- public void on_pane_installed() {
+ public override void on_pane_installed() {
+ base.on_pane_installed ();
@@ -1403,8 +1398,8 @@ internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, Object {
publish_button.can_default = true;
- private string get_common_comment_if_possible(PiwigoPublisher publisher) {
+ private static string get_common_comment_if_possible(PiwigoPublisher publisher) {
// we have to determine whether all the publishing items
// belong to the same event
Spit.Publishing.Publishable[] publishables = publisher.get_host().get_publishables();
@@ -1437,7 +1432,7 @@ internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, Object {
foreach (Category cat in existing_categories) {
- if (existing_categories.length == 0) {
+ if (existing_categories.is_empty) {
// if no existing categories, disable the option to choose one
@@ -1447,11 +1442,7 @@ internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, Object {
} else {
int last_category_index = find_category_index(last_category);
- if (last_category_index < 0) {
- existing_categories_combo.set_active(0);
- } else {
- existing_categories_combo.set_active(last_category_index);
- }
+ existing_categories_combo.set_active(last_category_index);
@@ -1495,13 +1486,10 @@ internal class PublishingOptionsPane : Spit.Publishing.DialogPane, Object {
- public void on_pane_uninstalled() {
- }
private int find_category_index(int category_id) {
- int result = -1;
- for(int i = 0; i < existing_categories.length; i++) {
+ int result = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < existing_categories.size; i++) {
if (existing_categories[i].id == category_id) {
result = i;
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