[librsvg/rustification] path_builder.rs: Port rsvg_path_builder_arc() to Rust.

commit 5c7a8bae58286bc3b1d6cefd43a9d3db4bc44c67
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date:   Wed Nov 2 21:34:57 2016 -0600

    path_builder.rs: Port rsvg_path_builder_arc() to Rust.
    This is no longer in the C code.  We need tests for this!

 rsvg-path.c              |  160 -----------------------------------
 rust/src/lib.rs          |    1 +
 rust/src/path_builder.rs |  210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rsvg-path.c b/rsvg-path.c
index 7150a83..d37a5a2 100644
--- a/rsvg-path.c
+++ b/rsvg-path.c
@@ -58,166 +58,6 @@ typedef struct {
     double params[7];           /* parameters that have been parsed */
 } RSVGParsePathCtx;
-static void
-rsvg_path_arc_segment (RsvgPathBuilder *builder,
-                       double xc, double yc,
-                       double th0, double th1, double rx, double ry,
-                       double x_axis_rotation)
-    double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
-    double t;
-    double th_half;
-    double f, sinf, cosf;
-    f = x_axis_rotation * M_PI / 180.0;
-    sinf = sin(f);
-    cosf = cos(f);
-    th_half = 0.5 * (th1 - th0);
-    t = (8.0 / 3.0) * sin (th_half * 0.5) * sin (th_half * 0.5) / sin (th_half);
-    x1 = rx*(cos (th0) - t * sin (th0));
-    y1 = ry*(sin (th0) + t * cos (th0));
-    x3 = rx*cos (th1);
-    y3 = ry*sin (th1);
-    x2 = x3 + rx*(t * sin (th1));
-    y2 = y3 + ry*(-t * cos (th1));
-    rsvg_path_builder_curve_to (builder,
-                                xc + cosf*x1 - sinf*y1,
-                                yc + sinf*x1 + cosf*y1,
-                                xc + cosf*x2 - sinf*y2,
-                                yc + sinf*x2 + cosf*y2,
-                                xc + cosf*x3 - sinf*y3,
-                                yc + sinf*x3 + cosf*y3);
- * rsvg_path_builder_arc:
- * @builder: Path builder.
- * @x1: Starting x coordinate
- * @y1: Starting y coordinate
- * @rx: Radius in x direction (before rotation).
- * @ry: Radius in y direction (before rotation).
- * @x_axis_rotation: Rotation angle for axes.
- * @large_arc_flag: 0 for arc length <= 180, 1 for arc >= 180.
- * @sweep_flag: 0 for "negative angle", 1 for "positive angle".
- * @x2: Ending x coordinate
- * @y2: Ending y coordinate
- *
- * Add an RSVG arc to the path context.
- **/
-rsvg_path_builder_arc (RsvgPathBuilder *builder,
-                       double x1, double y1,
-                       double rx, double ry,
-                       double x_axis_rotation,
-                       gboolean large_arc_flag, gboolean sweep_flag,
-                       double x2, double y2)
-    /* See Appendix F.6 Elliptical arc implementation notes
-       http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes */
-    double f, sinf, cosf;
-    double x1_, y1_;
-    double cx_, cy_, cx, cy;
-    double gamma;
-    double theta1, delta_theta;
-    double k1, k2, k3, k4, k5;
-    int i, n_segs;
-    if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)
-        return;
-    /* X-axis */
-    f = x_axis_rotation * M_PI / 180.0;
-    sinf = sin (f);
-    cosf = cos (f);
-    rx = fabs (rx);
-    ry = fabs (ry);
-    /* Check the radius against floading point underflow.
-       See http://bugs.debian.org/508443 */
-    if ((rx < DBL_EPSILON) || (ry < DBL_EPSILON)) {
-        rsvg_path_builder_line_to (builder, x2, y2);
-        return;
-    }
-    k1 = (x1 - x2) / 2;
-    k2 = (y1 - y2) / 2;
-    x1_ = cosf * k1 + sinf * k2;
-    y1_ = -sinf * k1 + cosf * k2;
-    gamma = (x1_ * x1_) / (rx * rx) + (y1_ * y1_) / (ry * ry);
-    if (gamma > 1) {
-        rx *= sqrt (gamma);
-        ry *= sqrt (gamma);
-    }
-    /* Compute the center */
-    k1 = rx * rx * y1_ * y1_ + ry * ry * x1_ * x1_;
-    if (k1 == 0)
-        return;
-    k1 = sqrt (fabs ((rx * rx * ry * ry) / k1 - 1));
-    if (sweep_flag == large_arc_flag)
-        k1 = -k1;
-    cx_ = k1 * rx * y1_ / ry;
-    cy_ = -k1 * ry * x1_ / rx;
-    cx = cosf * cx_ - sinf * cy_ + (x1 + x2) / 2;
-    cy = sinf * cx_ + cosf * cy_ + (y1 + y2) / 2;
-    /* Compute start angle */
-    k1 = (x1_ - cx_) / rx;
-    k2 = (y1_ - cy_) / ry;
-    k3 = (-x1_ - cx_) / rx;
-    k4 = (-y1_ - cy_) / ry;
-    k5 = sqrt (fabs (k1 * k1 + k2 * k2));
-    if (k5 == 0)
-        return;
-    k5 = k1 / k5;
-    k5 = CLAMP (k5, -1, 1);
-    theta1 = acos (k5);
-    if (k2 < 0)
-        theta1 = -theta1;
-    /* Compute delta_theta */
-    k5 = sqrt (fabs ((k1 * k1 + k2 * k2) * (k3 * k3 + k4 * k4)));
-    if (k5 == 0)
-        return;
-    k5 = (k1 * k3 + k2 * k4) / k5;
-    k5 = CLAMP (k5, -1, 1);
-    delta_theta = acos (k5);
-    if (k1 * k4 - k3 * k2 < 0)
-        delta_theta = -delta_theta;
-    if (sweep_flag && delta_theta < 0)
-        delta_theta += M_PI * 2;
-    else if (!sweep_flag && delta_theta > 0)
-        delta_theta -= M_PI * 2;
-    /* Now draw the arc */
-    n_segs = ceil (fabs (delta_theta / (M_PI * 0.5 + 0.001)));
-    for (i = 0; i < n_segs; i++)
-        rsvg_path_arc_segment (builder, cx, cy,
-                               theta1 + i * delta_theta / n_segs,
-                               theta1 + (i + 1) * delta_theta / n_segs,
-                               rx, ry, x_axis_rotation);
 /* supply defaults for missing parameters, assuming relative coordinates
    are to be interpreted as x,y */
diff --git a/rust/src/lib.rs b/rust/src/lib.rs
index b27892e..ab7c4aa 100644
--- a/rust/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/src/lib.rs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ pub use path_builder::{
+    rsvg_path_builder_arc,
diff --git a/rust/src/path_builder.rs b/rust/src/path_builder.rs
index 2f1ebcb..db19331 100644
--- a/rust/src/path_builder.rs
+++ b/rust/src/path_builder.rs
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+use std::f64;
 extern crate cairo;
 extern crate cairo_sys;
@@ -34,6 +36,193 @@ impl RsvgPathBuilder {
     pub fn get_path_segments (&self) -> &Vec<cairo::PathSegment> {
+    /**
+     * x1/y1: starting coordinates
+     * rx/ry: radiuses before rotation
+     * x_axis_rotation: Rotation angle for axes, in degrees
+     * is_large_arc: false for arc length <= 180, true for arc >= 180
+     * is_sweep: false for negative angle, true for positive angle
+     * x2/y2: ending coordinates
+     */
+    pub fn arc (&mut self,
+                x1: f64, y1: f64,
+                mut rx: f64, mut ry: f64,
+                x_axis_rotation: f64,
+                is_large_arc: bool,
+                is_sweep: bool,
+                x2: f64, y2: f64) {
+        /* See Appendix F.6 Elliptical arc implementation notes
+        http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/implnote.html#ArcImplementationNotes */
+        let f: f64;
+        let sinf: f64;
+        let cosf: f64;
+        let x1_: f64;
+        let y1_: f64;
+        let cx_: f64;
+        let cy_: f64;
+        let cx: f64;
+        let cy: f64;
+        let gamma: f64;
+        let mut theta1: f64;
+        let mut delta_theta: f64;
+        let mut k1: f64;
+        let mut k2: f64;
+        let k3: f64;
+        let k4: f64;
+        let mut k5: f64;
+        let n_segs: i32;
+        if x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 {
+            return;
+        }
+        /* X-axis */
+        f = x_axis_rotation * f64::consts::PI / 180.0;
+        sinf = f.sin ();
+        cosf = f.cos ();
+        rx = rx.abs ();
+        ry = ry.abs ();
+        /* Check the radius against floading point underflow.
+        See http://bugs.debian.org/508443 */
+        if (rx < f64::EPSILON) || (ry < f64::EPSILON) {
+            self.line_to (x2, y2);
+            return;
+        }
+        k1 = (x1 - x2) / 2.0;
+        k2 = (y1 - y2) / 2.0;
+        x1_ = cosf * k1 + sinf * k2;
+        y1_ = -sinf * k1 + cosf * k2;
+        gamma = (x1_ * x1_) / (rx * rx) + (y1_ * y1_) / (ry * ry);
+        if gamma > 1.0 {
+            rx *= gamma.sqrt ();
+            ry *= gamma.sqrt ();
+        }
+        /* Compute the center */
+        k1 = rx * rx * y1_ * y1_ + ry * ry * x1_ * x1_;
+        if k1 == 0.0 {
+            return;
+        }
+        k1 = ((rx * rx * ry * ry) / k1 - 1.0).abs ().sqrt ();
+        if is_sweep == is_large_arc {
+            k1 = -k1;
+        }
+        cx_ = k1 * rx * y1_ / ry;
+        cy_ = -k1 * ry * x1_ / rx;
+        cx = cosf * cx_ - sinf * cy_ + (x1 + x2) / 2.0;
+        cy = sinf * cx_ + cosf * cy_ + (y1 + y2) / 2.0;
+        /* Compute start angle */
+        k1 = (x1_ - cx_) / rx;
+        k2 = (y1_ - cy_) / ry;
+        k3 = (-x1_ - cx_) / rx;
+        k4 = (-y1_ - cy_) / ry;
+        k5 = (k1 * k1 + k2 * k2).abs ().sqrt ();
+        if k5 == 0.0 {
+            return;
+        }
+        k5 = k1 / k5;
+        k5 = clamp (k5, -1.0, 1.0);
+        theta1 = k5.acos ();
+        if k2 < 0.0 {
+            theta1 = -theta1;
+        }
+        /* Compute delta_theta */
+        k5 = ((k1 * k1 + k2 * k2) * (k3 * k3 + k4 * k4)).abs ().sqrt ();
+        if k5 == 0.0 {
+            return;
+        }
+        k5 = (k1 * k3 + k2 * k4) / k5;
+        k5 = clamp (k5, -1.0, 1.0);
+        delta_theta = k5.acos ();
+        if k1 * k4 - k3 * k2 < 0.0 {
+            delta_theta = -delta_theta;
+        }
+        if is_sweep && delta_theta < 0.0 {
+            delta_theta += f64::consts::PI * 2.0;
+        } else if !is_sweep && delta_theta > 0.0 {
+            delta_theta -= f64::consts::PI * 2.0;
+        }
+        /* Now draw the arc */
+        n_segs = (delta_theta / (f64::consts::PI * 0.5 + 0.001)).abs ().ceil () as i32;
+        let n_segs_dbl = n_segs as f64;
+        for i in 0 .. n_segs {
+            self.arc_segment (cx, cy,
+                              theta1 + i as f64 * delta_theta / n_segs_dbl,
+                              theta1 + (i + 1) as f64 * delta_theta / n_segs_dbl,
+                              rx, ry,
+                              x_axis_rotation);
+        }
+    }
+    fn arc_segment (&mut self,
+                    xc: f64, yc: f64,
+                    th0: f64, th1: f64,
+                    rx: f64, ry: f64,
+                    x_axis_rotation: f64) {
+        let x1: f64;
+        let y1: f64;
+        let x2: f64;
+        let y2: f64;
+        let x3: f64;
+        let y3: f64;
+        let t: f64;
+        let th_half: f64;
+        let f: f64;
+        let sinf: f64;
+        let cosf: f64;
+        f = x_axis_rotation * f64::consts::PI / 180.0;
+        sinf = f.sin ();
+        cosf = f.cos ();
+        th_half = 0.5 * (th1 - th0);
+        t = (8.0 / 3.0) * (th_half * 0.5).sin () * (th_half * 0.5).sin () / th_half.sin ();
+        x1 = rx * (th0.cos () - t * th0.sin ());
+        y1 = ry * (th0.sin () + t * th0.cos ());
+        x3 = rx * th1.cos ();
+        y3 = ry * th1.sin ();
+        x2 = x3 + rx * (t * th1.sin ());
+        y2 = y3 + ry * (-t * th1.cos ());
+        self.curve_to (xc + cosf * x1 - sinf * y1,
+                       yc + sinf * x1 + cosf * y1,
+                       xc + cosf * x2 - sinf * y2,
+                       yc + sinf * x2 + cosf * y2,
+                       xc + cosf * x3 - sinf * y3,
+                       yc + sinf * x3 + cosf * y3);
+    }
+fn clamp (val: f64, low: f64, high: f64) -> f64 {
+    if val < low {
+        low
+    } else if val > high {
+        high
+    } else {
+        val
+    }
@@ -87,6 +276,27 @@ pub extern fn rsvg_path_builder_curve_to (raw_builder: *mut RsvgPathBuilder,
+pub extern fn rsvg_path_builder_arc (raw_builder: *mut RsvgPathBuilder,
+                                     x1: f64, y1: f64,
+                                     rx: f64, ry: f64,
+                                     x_axis_rotation: f64,
+                                     large_arc_flag: bool,
+                                     sweep_flag: bool,
+                                     x2: f64, y2: f64) {
+    assert! (!raw_builder.is_null ());
+    let builder: &mut RsvgPathBuilder = unsafe { &mut (*raw_builder) };
+    builder.arc (x1, y1,
+                 rx, ry,
+                 x_axis_rotation,
+                 large_arc_flag,
+                 sweep_flag,
+                 x2, y2);
 pub extern fn rsvg_path_builder_close_path (raw_builder: *mut RsvgPathBuilder) {
     assert! (!raw_builder.is_null ());

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