[gvfs] (25 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/oholy/gtask

The branch 'wip/oholy/gtask' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  9704ab6... client: Port GDaemonFile to GTask
  11dbecd... client: Port GDaemonMount to GTask
  42f93fb... client: Port GVfsIconLoadable to GTask
  50274d4... client: Port GDaemonFileEnumerator to GTask
  ccca079... client: Port GDaemonFileInputStream to GTask
  c62d4fd... client: Port GDaemonFileOutputStream to GTask
  4ee0fef... client: Port GVfsDaemonDBus to GTask
  1e8c0e3... common: Port GMountSource to GTask
  8104063... gmountsource: Return "aborted" flag consistently
  56e1871... common: Port GVfsMountInfo to GTask
  dea3d4e... daemon: Port GVfsBackend to GTask
  af406ce... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Drive to GTask
  b424988... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Volume to GTask
  d2475ea... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Utils to GTask
  23d400e... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Mount to GTask
  e1a3818... proxy: Port GProxyVolume to GTask
  c954161... proxy: Port GProxyMount to GTask
  cae92d7... proxy: Port GProxyDrive to GTask
  b7b9bb2... afp: Port GVfsBackendAfpBrowse to GTask
  6a96d2b... afp: Port GVfsAfpServer to GTask
  fc339bf... afp: Port GVfsAfpConnection to GTask
  3217a1e... afp: Port GVfsAfpVolume to GTask

Commits added to the branch:

  f5b3f28... Updated Czech translation (*)
  b1ad756... Updated Lithuanian translaton (*)
  d280d2c... Update Spanish translation (*)
  d058784... client: Port GDaemonMount to GTask (*)
  811aace... client: Port GVfsIconLoadable to GTask (*)
  c6b5d60... common: Port GMountSource to GTask (*)
  6df182c... gmountsource: Return "aborted" flag consistently (*)
  8343392... client: Port GDaemonFile to GTask
  2842328... client: Port GDaemonFileEnumerator to GTask
  65df592... client: Port GDaemonFileInputStream to GTask
  0b62df9... client: Port GDaemonFileOutputStream to GTask
  4e7792a... client: Port GVfsDaemonDBus to GTask
  3e27150... common: Port GVfsMountInfo to GTask
  7c035f0... daemon: Port GVfsBackend to GTask
  ffd0358... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Drive to GTask
  6c15845... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Volume to GTask
  2a90319... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Utils to GTask
  024d05c... udisks2: Port GVfsUDisks2Mount to GTask
  b230df7... proxy: Port GProxyVolume to GTask
  6089ee1... proxy: Port GProxyMount to GTask
  cf6f0f1... proxy: Port GProxyDrive to GTask
  e85d5db... afp: Port GVfsBackendAfpBrowse to GTask
  596108c... afp: Port GVfsAfpServer to GTask
  2243595... afp: Port GVfsAfpConnection to GTask
  d96ff4c... afp: Port GVfsAfpVolume to GTask

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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