[gimp] icons:symbolic-scalalable

commit a5d9419aefbb2168a3e89315d6fced263814f6c3
Author: klausstaedtler <staedtler-przyborski web de>
Date:   Tue May 31 18:46:58 2016 +0200

    add 'pixel-perfect' 24px vectorial twins (as replacement for 22px)

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37.389674,-26 37,-26.223 37,-26.5 v -9 c 0,-0.277 0.223,-0.5 0.5,-0.5 H 40.46875 49 v -1.40625 C 49,-37.73345 
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C 41,-33.192664 41.216234,-33 41.46875,-33 h 0.0625 C 41.783766,-33 42,-33.192664 42,-33.4375 V -34 h 1 v 
0.5625 C 43,-33.192664 43.216234,-33 43.46875,-33 h 0.0625 C 43.783766,-33 44,-33.192664 44,-33.4375 V -34 h 
1 v 0.5625 C 45,-33.192664 45.216234,-33 45.46875,-33 h 0.0625 C 45.783766,-33 46,-33.192664 46,-33.4375 V 
-34 h 1 v 0.5625 C 47,-33.192664 47.216234,-33 47.46875,-33 h 0.0625 C 47.783766,-33 48,-33.192664 
48,-33.4375 V -34 c 0.554,0 1.021427,0.4
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2 h -2 v -2 H 41 Z"
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