[gnome-maps] (12 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/mlundblad/transit-routing

The branch 'wip/mlundblad/transit-routing' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  91cb850... routeQuery: WIP: add support for setting time and arrival/d
  459747f... transitOptions: Add class holding options for transit routi
  84bda4d... routeQuery: Add ability to set options for transit routing
  8deca31... routeQuery: Move routequery to the Application module
  75565f1... routeService: WIP, Enable querying GraphHopper externally
  54d6a95... WIP: Add module to query an OpenTripPlanner instance
  53975a9... routeQuery: Add support for transit mode
  8f068e0... application: Add initialization of the OpenTripPlanner inst
  3ed4460... WIP: Add list box row class for representing transit itiner
  8b82571... sidebar: WIP, Hook up a new transit mode button
  a26501b... mapView: WIP, implement showing transit routes

Commits added to the branch:

  63cc0c9... Updated Occitan translation (*)
  9f82eed... routeQuery: WIP: add support for setting time and arrival/d
  2cacd27... transitOptions: Add class holding options for transit routi
  e4d4f28... routeQuery: Add ability to set options for transit routing
  e2298ef... routeQuery: Move routequery to the Application module
  675f118... routeService: WIP, Enable querying GraphHopper externally
  7c0c1de... WIP: Add module to query an OpenTripPlanner instance
  968ec24... routeQuery: Add support for transit mode
  541dc75... application: Add initialization of the OpenTripPlanner inst
  592a036... WIP: Add list box row class for representing transit itiner
  b23ae15... sidebar: WIP, Hook up a new transit mode button
  fdcfdc9... mapView: WIP, implement showing transit routes

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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