[gnome-control-center] (15 commits) Created branch wip/gbsneto/list-layout

The branch 'wip/gbsneto/list-layout' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  9607362... window: turn into a final class
  818877a... window: add a horizontal box before the stack
  483d6b6... window: separate the panel selector
  3a52201... category-view: set the maximum number of columns to 1
  99d7f49... window: make the panels' stack expand
  005788d... window: remove the fixed width request code
  d38f0de... window: remove the small screen hack
  ffcaf43... window: make it a template class
  ffc1066... window: keep searchbar visible when panel changes
  f33316c... window: remove the previous button
  12e1e72... window: keep search button always visible
  3763a15... window: put the search button in the start of the headerbar
  c7daa7a... window: pack the headerbar inside a box
  90a542e... window: introduce the second headerbar
  76f5c41... window: make the sidelist and first headerbar horizontally 

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