[network-manager-vpnc/th/vpn-editor-split-bgo766170: 6/20] properties/tests: refactor assertion macros

commit 43573915abff065840d923c17cfa2f78ef9e7e30
Author: Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>
Date:   Mon May 9 10:55:28 2016 +0200

    properties/tests: refactor assertion macros
    Drop "nm-test-helpers.h" and the FAIL() and ASSERT() macros.
    First of all, FAIL() would only exit(1), but not break in the
    debugger. But more importantly, these macros are cumbersome to use
    as they require redundant descriptions what is failing. The assertion
    source code should be self explaining, no need to describe obvious

 Makefile.am                           |    3 +-
 nm-test-helpers.h                     |   51 ------
 properties/tests/test-import-export.c |  313 +++++++++------------------------
 3 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index a60467a..1c8c232 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = nm-vpnc-service.name.in \
              $(appdata_DATA)      \
              intltool-extract.in  \
              intltool-merge.in    \
-             intltool-update.in \
-             nm-test-helpers.h
+             intltool-update.in
 CLEANFILES = $(nmvpnservice_DATA) \
diff --git a/properties/tests/test-import-export.c b/properties/tests/test-import-export.c
index 9b14232..06b0a2f 100644
--- a/properties/tests/test-import-export.c
+++ b/properties/tests/test-import-export.c
@@ -30,12 +30,13 @@
 #include "nm-vpnc.h"
 #include "nm-vpnc-helper.h"
-#include "nm-test-helpers.h"
 #include "nm-test-utils.h"
 #define SRCDIR TEST_SRCDIR"/pcf"
 #define TMPDIR TEST_BUILDDIR"/pcf-tmp"
 typedef struct {
        const char *name;
        const char *value;
@@ -60,12 +61,11 @@ test_items (const char *detail, NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, const Item *items, gboolean
                        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, iter->name);
-               if (!iter->value) {
-                       ASSERT (value == NULL, detail, "unexpected item '%s'", iter->name);
-               } else {
-                       ASSERT (value != NULL, detail, "unexpected missing value for item %s", iter->name);
-                       ASSERT (strcmp (value, iter->value) == 0, detail, "unexpected value for item %s (%s 
!= %s",
-                               iter->name, value, iter->value);
+               if (!iter->value)
+                       g_assert (!value);
+               else {
+                       g_assert (value);
+                       g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, iter->value);
@@ -75,8 +75,7 @@ test_items (const char *detail, NMSettingVpn *s_vpn, const Item *items, gboolean
                nm_setting_vpn_foreach_data_item (s_vpn, item_count_func, &actual_count);
-       ASSERT (actual_count == expected_count,
-               detail, "unexpected number of items (got %d, expected %d)", actual_count, expected_count);
+       g_assert_cmpint (actual_count, ==, expected_count);
@@ -118,14 +117,9 @@ get_basic_connection (const char *detail,
        char *pcf;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, filename, NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "basic", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("basic", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "basic", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        g_free (pcf);
        return connection;
@@ -144,74 +138,47 @@ test_basic_import (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *expected_route2_dest = "";
        connection = get_basic_connection ("basic-import", plugin, dir, "basic.pcf");
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL, "basic-import", "failed to import connection");
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "basic-import", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_connection_get_uuid (s_con) == NULL,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected valid UUID");
+       g_assert (!nm_setting_connection_get_uuid (s_con));
        /* IP4 setting */
        s_ip4 = nm_connection_get_setting_ip4_config (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_ip4 != NULL,
-               "basic-import", "missing 'ip4-config' setting");
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_addresses (s_ip4) == 0,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected addresses");
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_never_default (s_ip4) == TRUE,
-               "basic-import", "never-default unexpectedly FALSE");
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_method (s_ip4) == NULL,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected IPv4 method");
+       g_assert (s_ip4);
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip4_config_get_dhcp_client_id ((NMSettingIP4Config *) s_ip4) == NULL,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected valid DHCP client ID");
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_addresses (s_ip4), ==, 0);
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_dhcp_hostname (s_ip4) == NULL,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected valid DHCP hostname");
+       g_assert (nm_setting_ip_config_get_never_default (s_ip4));
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_dns_searches (s_ip4) == 0,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected DNS searches");
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_dns (s_ip4) == 0,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected DNS servers");
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_routes (s_ip4) == 2,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected number of routes");
+       g_assert (!nm_setting_ip_config_get_method (s_ip4));
+       g_assert (!nm_setting_ip4_config_get_dhcp_client_id ((NMSettingIP4Config *) s_ip4));
+       g_assert (!nm_setting_ip_config_get_dhcp_hostname (s_ip4));
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_dns_searches (s_ip4), ==, 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_dns (s_ip4), ==, 0);
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_routes (s_ip4), ==, 2);
        /* Route #1 */
        route = nm_setting_ip_config_get_route (s_ip4, 0);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_ip_route_get_dest (route), expected_route1_dest) == 0,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #1 destination");
-       ASSERT (nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route) == NULL,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #1 next hop");
-       ASSERT (nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route) == 8,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #1 prefix");
-       ASSERT (nm_ip_route_get_metric (route) == -1,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #1 metric");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_ip_route_get_dest (route), ==, expected_route1_dest);
+       g_assert (!nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route));
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route), ==, 8);
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_ip_route_get_metric (route), ==, -1);
        /* Route #2 */
        route = nm_setting_ip_config_get_route (s_ip4, 1);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_ip_route_get_dest (route), expected_route2_dest) == 0,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #2 destination");
-       ASSERT (nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route) == NULL,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #2 next hop");
-       ASSERT (nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route) == 16,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #2 prefix");
-       ASSERT (nm_ip_route_get_metric (route) == -1,
-               "basic-import", "unexpected route #2 metric");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_ip_route_get_dest (route), ==, expected_route2_dest);
+       g_assert (!nm_ip_route_get_next_hop (route));
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_ip_route_get_prefix (route), ==, 16);
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_ip_route_get_metric (route), ==, -1);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "basic-import", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        /* Data items */
        test_items ("basic-import-data", s_vpn, &basic_items[0], FALSE);
@@ -248,21 +215,14 @@ test_basic_export (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir, const char *tmpdi
        int ret;
        connection = get_basic_connection ("basic-export", plugin, dir, "basic.pcf");
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL, "basic-export", "failed to import connection");
        path = g_build_path ("/", tmpdir, BASIC_EXPORTED_NAME, NULL);
        success = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_export (plugin, path, connection, &error);
-       if (!success) {
-               if (!error)
-                       FAIL ("basic-export", "export failed with missing error");
-               else
-                       FAIL ("basic-export", "export failed: %s", error->message);
-       }
+       nmtst_assert_success (success, error);
        /* Now re-import it and compare the connections to ensure they are the same */
        reimported = get_basic_connection ("basic-export", plugin, tmpdir, BASIC_EXPORTED_NAME);
        ret = unlink (path);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL, "basic-export", "failed to re-import connection");
        /* Clear secrets first, since they don't get exported, and thus would
         * make the connection comparison below fail.
@@ -278,8 +238,7 @@ test_basic_export (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir, const char *tmpdi
-       ASSERT (nm_connection_compare (connection, reimported, NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_EXACT) == TRUE,
-               "basic-export", "original and reimported connection differ");
+       g_assert (nm_connection_compare (connection, reimported, NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_EXACT));
        g_object_unref (reimported);
        g_object_unref (connection);
@@ -302,26 +261,19 @@ test_nat_export (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin,
        int ret;
        connection = get_basic_connection ("nat-export", plugin, dir, "basic.pcf");
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL, "nat-export", "failed to import connection");
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL, "nat-export", "imported connection had no VPN setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        nm_setting_vpn_add_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE, nat_mode);
        path = g_build_path ("/", tmpdir, NAT_EXPORTED_NAME, NULL);
        success = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_export (plugin, path, connection, &error);
-       if (!success) {
-               if (!error)
-                       FAIL ("nat-export", "export failed with missing error");
-               else
-                       FAIL ("nat-export", "export failed: %s", error->message);
-       }
+       nmtst_assert_success (success, error);
        /* Now re-import it and compare the connections to ensure they are the same */
        reimported = get_basic_connection ("nat-export", plugin, tmpdir, NAT_EXPORTED_NAME);
        ret = unlink (path);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL, "nat-export", "failed to re-import connection");
        /* Clear secrets first, since they don't get exported, and thus would
         * make the connection comparison below fail.
@@ -337,8 +289,7 @@ test_nat_export (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin,
-       ASSERT (nm_connection_compare (connection, reimported, NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_EXACT) == TRUE,
-               "nat-export", "original and reimported connection differ");
+       g_assert (nm_connection_compare (connection, reimported, NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_EXACT));
        g_object_unref (reimported);
        g_object_unref (connection);
@@ -356,33 +307,20 @@ test_everything_via_vpn (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *expected_id = "All your traffic are belong to VPN";
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "everything-via-vpn.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "everything-via-vpn", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("everything-via-vpn", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "everything-via-vpn", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "everything-via-vpn", "missing 'connection' setting");
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "everything-via-vpn", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert (s_con);
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* IP4 setting */
        s_ip4 = nm_connection_get_setting_ip4_config (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_ip4 != NULL,
-               "everything-via-vpn", "missing 'ip4-config' setting");
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_never_default (s_ip4) == FALSE,
-               "everything-via-vpn", "never-default unexpectedly FALSE");
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_routes (s_ip4) == 0,
-               "everything-via-vpn", "unexpected number of routes");
+       g_assert (s_ip4);
+       g_assert (!nm_setting_ip_config_get_never_default (s_ip4));
+       g_assert_cmpint (nm_setting_ip_config_get_num_routes (s_ip4), ==, 0);
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -399,33 +337,23 @@ test_no_natt (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *value;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "no-natt.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "no-natt", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("no-natt", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "no-natt", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "no-natt", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "no-natt", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "no-natt", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (value != NULL,
-               "no-natt", "unexpected missing value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (value, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_NONE) == 0,
-               "no-natt", "unexpected value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
+       g_assert (value);
+       g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_NONE);
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -442,33 +370,23 @@ test_nat_cisco (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *value;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "nat-cisco.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "nat-cisco", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("nat-cisco", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "nat-cisco", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "nat-cisco", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "nat-cisco", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "nat-cisco", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (value != NULL,
-               "nat-cisco", "unexpected missing value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (value, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_CISCO) == 0,
-               "nat-cisco", "unexpected value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
+       g_assert (value);
+       g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_CISCO);
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -485,33 +403,23 @@ test_nat_natt (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *value;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "natt.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "natt", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("natt", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "natt", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "natt", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "natt", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "natt", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (value != NULL,
-               "natt", "unexpected missing value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (value, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_NATT) == 0,
-               "natt", "unexpected value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
+       g_assert (value);
+       g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_NATT);
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -528,33 +436,23 @@ test_nat_force_natt (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *value;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "force-natt.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "force-natt", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("force-natt", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "force-natt", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "force-natt", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "force-natt", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "force-natt", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (value != NULL,
-               "force-natt", "unexpected missing value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (value, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_NATT_ALWAYS) == 0,
-               "force-natt", "unexpected value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_NAT_TRAVERSAL_MODE);
+       g_assert (value);
+       g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, NM_VPNC_NATT_MODE_NATT_ALWAYS);
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -571,31 +469,22 @@ test_always_ask (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *value;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "always-ask.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "always-ask", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("always-ask", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "always-ask", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "always-ask", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "always-ask", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "always-ask", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_XAUTH_PASSWORD_TYPE);
-       ASSERT (value == NULL,
-               "always-ask", "unexpected value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_XAUTH_PASSWORD_TYPE);
+       g_assert (!value);
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -620,23 +509,16 @@ test_non_utf8_import (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        connection = get_basic_connection ("non-utf8-import", plugin, dir, "iso885915.pcf");
        setlocale (LC_ALL, charset);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL, "non-utf8-import", "failed to import connection");
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "non-utf8-import", "missing 'connection' setting");
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "non-utf8-import", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (nm_setting_connection_get_uuid (s_con) == NULL,
-               "non-utf8-import", "unexpected valid UUID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
+       g_assert (!nm_setting_connection_get_uuid (s_con));
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "non-utf8-import", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        g_object_unref (connection);
@@ -653,31 +535,22 @@ test_legacy_ike_port_0_import (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *value;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "use-legacy-ike-port-0.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-0", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-0", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-0", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-0", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-0", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_LOCAL_PORT);
-       ASSERT (value == NULL || strcmp (value, "0") == 0,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-0", "item %s should not be present or should be 0", 
+       g_assert (!value || nm_streq (value, "0"));
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -694,33 +567,23 @@ test_legacy_ike_port_1_import (NMVpnEditorPlugin *plugin, const char *dir)
        const char *value;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "use-legacy-ike-port-1.pcf", NULL);
-       ASSERT (pcf != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-1", "failed to create pcf path");
        connection = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_import (plugin, pcf, &error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("", "error importing %s: %s", pcf, error->message);
-       ASSERT (connection != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-1", "error importing %s: (unknown)", pcf);
+       nmtst_assert_success (connection, error);
        /* Connection setting */
        s_con = nm_connection_get_setting_connection (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_con != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-1", "missing 'connection' setting");
+       g_assert (s_con);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), expected_id) == 0,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-1", "unexpected connection ID");
+       g_assert_cmpstr (nm_setting_connection_get_id (s_con), ==, expected_id);
        /* VPN setting */
        s_vpn = nm_connection_get_setting_vpn (connection);
-       ASSERT (s_vpn != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-1", "missing 'vpn' setting");
+       g_assert (s_vpn);
        value = nm_setting_vpn_get_data_item (s_vpn, NM_VPNC_KEY_LOCAL_PORT);
-       ASSERT (value != NULL,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-1", "unexpected missing value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_LOCAL_PORT);
-       ASSERT (strcmp (value, "500") == 0,
-               "use-legacy-ike-port-1", "unexpected value for item %s", NM_VPNC_KEY_LOCAL_PORT);
+       g_assert (value);
+       g_assert_cmpstr (value, ==, "500");
        g_free (pcf);
@@ -734,7 +597,6 @@ test_empty_keyfile_string_null (const char *dir)
        gboolean success;
        pcf = g_build_path ("/", dir, "basic.pcf", NULL);
-       g_assert (pcf);
        kf = g_key_file_new ();
        success = g_key_file_load_from_file (kf, pcf, 0, &error);
@@ -766,10 +628,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
        plugin = nm_vpn_editor_plugin_factory (&error);
-       if (error)
-               FAIL ("plugin-init", "failed to initialize UI plugin: %s", error->message);
-       ASSERT (plugin != NULL,
-               "plugin-init", "failed to initialize UI plugin");
+       nmtst_assert_success (plugin, error);
        /* The tests */
        test_basic_import (plugin, SRCDIR);

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