[libsigcplusplus] Reformat .h files with clang-format.

commit 7fa1c252e8562f3581087c6df64b334198f6b27d
Author: Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com>
Date:   Wed Mar 30 16:06:05 2016 +0200

    Reformat .h files with clang-format.

 sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_base.h            |    9 +-
 sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h           |   51 +-
 sigc++/adaptors/bind.h                    |  158 +++---
 sigc++/adaptors/bind_return.h             |   45 +-
 sigc++/adaptors/bound_argument.h          |   51 +-
 sigc++/adaptors/compose.h                 |   86 ++--
 sigc++/adaptors/exception_catch.h         |   88 ++--
 sigc++/adaptors/hide.h                    |   76 ++--
 sigc++/adaptors/retype.h                  |   57 ++-
 sigc++/adaptors/retype_return.h           |   75 ++--
 sigc++/adaptors/track_obj.h               |   44 +-
 sigc++/bind_return.h                      |    1 -
 sigc++/connection.h                       |   14 +-
 sigc++/functors/functor_base.h            |    8 +-
 sigc++/functors/functor_trait.h           |   66 ++--
 sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h                 |  121 ++---
 sigc++/functors/ptr_fun.h                 |   22 +-
 sigc++/functors/slot.h                    |  126 +++---
 sigc++/functors/slot_base.h               |   67 ++-
 sigc++/limit_reference.h                  |   42 +-
 sigc++/member_method_trait.h              |   30 +-
 sigc++/reference_wrapper.h                |   21 +-
 sigc++/retype_return.h                    |    1 -
 sigc++/sigc++.h                           |   22 +-
 sigc++/signal.h                           |  816 ++++++++++++++---------------
 sigc++/signal_base.h                      |   58 +-
 sigc++/trackable.h                        |   31 +-
 sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_cdr.h            |   22 +-
 sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_end.h            |   52 +-
 sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_for_each.h       |   62 ++--
 sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_start.h          |   39 +-
 sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_transform_each.h |   69 ++--
 sigc++/type_traits.h                      |   10 +-
 sigc++/visit_each.h                       |   95 ++--
 tests/testutilities.h                     |    3 -
 35 files changed, 1274 insertions(+), 1264 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_base.h b/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_base.h
index 8fda1e4..92a7b8a 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_base.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_base.h
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-//TODO: Is this necessary now that we don't need deduce_result_type?
+// TODO: Is this necessary now that we don't need deduce_result_type?
 /** A hint to the compiler.
  * Functors which have all methods based on templates
  * should publicly inherit from this hint.
@@ -18,7 +19,9 @@ namespace sigc {
  * @ingroup adaptors
-struct adaptor_base : public functor_base {};
+struct adaptor_base : public functor_base
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h b/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h
index 2c1640d..c6e77a4 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h
@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@
  * via the callof<> template - a tricky way to detect the return
  * type of a functor when the argument types are known. Martin.
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-template <class T_functor> struct adapts;
+template <class T_functor>
+struct adapts;
 /** @defgroup adaptors Adaptors
@@ -73,45 +75,41 @@ struct adaptor_functor : public adaptor_base
   /** Invokes the wrapped functor passing on the arguments.
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()() const
-  { return functor_(); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()() const { return functor_(); }
   /** Invokes the wrapped functor passing on the arguments.
    * @param _A_arg... Arguments to be passed on to the functor.
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg) const
-    { return functor_(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg) const
+  {
+    return functor_(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...);
+  }
   /// Constructs an invalid functor.
-  adaptor_functor()
-    {}
+  adaptor_functor() {}
   /** Constructs an adaptor_functor object that wraps the passed functor.
    * @param _A_functor Functor to invoke from operator()().
-  explicit adaptor_functor(const T_functor& _A_functor)
-    : functor_(_A_functor)
-    {}
+  explicit adaptor_functor(const T_functor& _A_functor) : functor_(_A_functor) {}
   /** Constructs an adaptor_functor object that wraps the passed (member)
    * function pointer.
    * @param _A_type Pointer to function or class method to invoke from operator()().
   template <class T_type>
-  explicit adaptor_functor(const T_type& _A_type)
-    : functor_(_A_type)
-    {}
+  explicit adaptor_functor(const T_type& _A_type) : functor_(_A_type)
+  {
+  }
   /// Functor that is invoked from operator()().
   mutable T_functor functor_;
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::adaptor_functor performs a functor
  * on the functor stored in the sigc::adaptor_functor object.
@@ -119,11 +117,10 @@ struct adaptor_functor : public adaptor_base
  * @ingroup adaptors
 template <class T_functor>
-struct visitor<adaptor_functor<T_functor> >
+struct visitor<adaptor_functor<T_functor>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const adaptor_functor<T_functor>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action, const adaptor_functor<T_functor>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
@@ -140,9 +137,13 @@ struct visitor<adaptor_functor<T_functor> >
  * @ingroup adaptors
-template <class T_functor, bool I_isadaptor = std::is_base_of<adaptor_base, T_functor>::value> struct 
+template <class T_functor, bool I_isadaptor = std::is_base_of<adaptor_base, T_functor>::value>
+struct adaptor_trait;
-template <class T_functor, bool I_isadaptor = std::is_base_of<adaptor_base, T_functor>::value> struct 
adaptor_trait {};
+template <class T_functor, bool I_isadaptor = std::is_base_of<adaptor_base, T_functor>::value>
+struct adaptor_trait
 /** Trait that specifies what is the adaptor version of a functor type.
@@ -243,9 +244,7 @@ struct adapts : public adaptor_base
   /** Constructs an adaptor that wraps the passed functor.
    * @param _A_functor Functor to invoke from operator()().
-  explicit adapts(const T_functor& _A_functor)
-    : functor_(_A_functor)
-    {}
+  explicit adapts(const T_functor& _A_functor) : functor_(_A_functor) {}
   /// Adaptor that is invoked from operator()().
   mutable adaptor_type functor_;
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/bind.h b/sigc++/adaptors/bind.h
index 459b884..2365526 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/bind.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/bind.h
@@ -8,15 +8,16 @@
 #include <sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_end.h>
 #include <sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_transform_each.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup bind bind(), bind_return()
  * sigc::bind() alters an arbitrary functor by fixing arguments to certain values.
  * Up to 7 arguments can be bound at a time.
  * For single argument binding, overloads of sigc::bind() are provided that let you
  * specify the zero-based position of the argument to fix with the first template parameter.
- * (A value of @p -1 fixes the last argument so sigc::bind<-1>() gives the same result as sigc::bind().)
+ * (A value of @p -1 fixes the last argument so sigc::bind<-1>() gives the same result as
+ * sigc::bind().)
  * The types of the arguments can optionally be specified if not deduced.
  * @par Examples:
@@ -85,17 +86,12 @@ namespace internal
 template <class T_element>
 struct TransformEachInvoker
-  //We take T_element as non-const because invoke() is not const.
-  //TODO: Take element as T_element&& ?
-  constexpr
-  static
-  decltype(auto)
-  transform(T_element& element) {
-    return element.invoke();
-  }
+  // We take T_element as non-const because invoke() is not const.
+  // TODO: Take element as T_element&& ?
+  constexpr static decltype(auto) transform(T_element& element) { return element.invoke(); }
-} //namespace internal
+} // namespace internal
 /** Adaptor that binds arguments to the wrapped functor.
  * Use the convenience function sigc::bind() to create an instance of sigc::bind_functor.
@@ -119,51 +115,49 @@ struct bind_functor : public adapts<T_functor>
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg)
-    {
-      //For instance, if I_location is 1, and _A_arg has 4 arguments,
-      //we would want to call operator() with (_A_arg0, bound, _A_arg1, _A_arg2).
-      using tuple_type_args = std::tuple<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>;
-      const auto t_args = std::tuple<T_arg...>(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...);
-      constexpr auto t_args_size = std::tuple_size<tuple_type_args>::value;
-      //Prevent calling tuple_start<> with values that will cause a compilation error.
-      static_assert(I_location <= t_args_size,
-        "I_location must be less than or equal to the number of arguments.");
-      const auto t_start = internal::tuple_start<I_location>(t_args);
-      const auto t_bound = internal::tuple_transform_each<internal::TransformEachInvoker>(bound_);
-      const auto t_end = internal::tuple_end<t_args_size - I_location>(t_args);
-      const auto t_with_bound = std::tuple_cat(t_start, t_bound, t_end);
-      constexpr const auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<decltype(t_with_bound)>::value>();
-      return call_functor_operator_parentheses(t_with_bound, seq);
-    }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg)
+  {
+    // For instance, if I_location is 1, and _A_arg has 4 arguments,
+    // we would want to call operator() with (_A_arg0, bound, _A_arg1, _A_arg2).
+    using tuple_type_args = std::tuple<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>;
+    const auto t_args = std::tuple<T_arg...>(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...);
+    constexpr auto t_args_size = std::tuple_size<tuple_type_args>::value;
+    // Prevent calling tuple_start<> with values that will cause a compilation error.
+    static_assert(I_location <= t_args_size,
+      "I_location must be less than or equal to the number of arguments.");
+    const auto t_start = internal::tuple_start<I_location>(t_args);
+    const auto t_bound = internal::tuple_transform_each<internal::TransformEachInvoker>(bound_);
+    const auto t_end = internal::tuple_end<t_args_size - I_location>(t_args);
+    const auto t_with_bound = std::tuple_cat(t_start, t_bound, t_end);
+    constexpr const auto seq =
+      std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<decltype(t_with_bound)>::value>();
+    return call_functor_operator_parentheses(t_with_bound, seq);
+  }
   /** Constructs a bind_functor object that binds an argument to the passed functor.
    * @param _A_func Functor to invoke from operator()().
    * @param _A_bound Argument to bind to the functor.
   bind_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_func, type_trait_take_t<T_bound>... _A_bound)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), bound_(_A_bound...)
-    {}
+  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), bound_(_A_bound...)
+  {
+  }
   /// The arguments bound to the functor.
   std::tuple<bound_argument<T_bound>...> bound_;
-  template<class T, std::size_t... Is>
-  decltype(auto)
-  call_functor_operator_parentheses(T&& tuple,
-    std::index_sequence<Is...>)
+  template <class T, std::size_t... Is>
+  decltype(auto) call_functor_operator_parentheses(T&& tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
     return (this->functor_)(std::get<Is>(std::forward<T>(tuple))...);
 /** Adaptor that binds argument(s) to the wrapped functor.
  * This template specialization fixes the last argument(s) of the wrapped functor.
@@ -181,62 +175,57 @@ struct bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...> : public adapts<T_functor>
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg)
-    {
-      //For instance, if _A_arg has 4 arguments,
-      //we would want to call operator() with (_A_arg0, _A_arg1, _A_arg2, bound).
-      const auto t_args = std::tuple<T_arg...>(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...);
-      const auto t_bound = internal::tuple_transform_each<internal::TransformEachInvoker>(bound_);
-      const auto t_with_bound = std::tuple_cat(t_args, t_bound);
-      constexpr auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<decltype(t_with_bound)>::value>();
-      return call_functor_operator_parentheses(t_with_bound, seq);
-    }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg)
+  {
+    // For instance, if _A_arg has 4 arguments,
+    // we would want to call operator() with (_A_arg0, _A_arg1, _A_arg2, bound).
+    const auto t_args = std::tuple<T_arg...>(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...);
+    const auto t_bound = internal::tuple_transform_each<internal::TransformEachInvoker>(bound_);
+    const auto t_with_bound = std::tuple_cat(t_args, t_bound);
+    constexpr auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<decltype(t_with_bound)>::value>();
+    return call_functor_operator_parentheses(t_with_bound, seq);
+  }
   /** Constructs a bind_functor object that binds an argument to the passed functor.
    * @param _A_func Functor to invoke from operator()().
    * @param _A_bound Arguments to bind to the functor.
   bind_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_func, type_trait_take_t<T_type>... _A_bound)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), bound_(_A_bound...)
-    {}
+  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), bound_(_A_bound...)
+  {
+  }
   /// The argument bound to the functor.
   std::tuple<bound_argument<T_type>...> bound_;
-  template<class T, std::size_t... Is>
-  decltype(auto)
-  call_functor_operator_parentheses(T&& tuple,
-    std::index_sequence<Is...>)
+  template <class T, std::size_t... Is>
+  decltype(auto) call_functor_operator_parentheses(T&& tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
     return (this->functor_)(std::get<Is>(std::forward<T>(tuple))...);
-namespace {
-//TODO: Avoid duplication with TrackObjVisitForEach in track_obj.h
-template<typename T_element>
+// TODO: Avoid duplication with TrackObjVisitForEach in track_obj.h
+template <typename T_element>
 struct TupleVisitorVisitEach
-  template<typename T_action>
-  constexpr
-  static
-  void
-  visit(const T_element& element, const T_action& action)
+  template <typename T_action>
+  constexpr static void visit(const T_element& element, const T_action& action)
     sigc::visit_each(action, element);
-} //anonymous namespace
+} // anonymous namespace
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::bind_functor performs a functor on the
  * functor and on the object instances stored in the sigc::bind_functor object.
@@ -244,18 +233,18 @@ struct TupleVisitorVisitEach
  * @ingroup bind
 template <int T_loc, class T_functor, class... T_bound>
-struct visitor<bind_functor<T_loc, T_functor, T_bound...> >
+struct visitor<bind_functor<T_loc, T_functor, T_bound...>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const bind_functor<T_loc, T_functor, T_bound...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const bind_functor<T_loc, T_functor, T_bound...>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, std::get<0>(_A_target.bound_));
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::bind_functor performs a functor on the
  * functor and on the object instances stored in the sigc::bind_functor object.
@@ -263,11 +252,11 @@ struct visitor<bind_functor<T_loc, T_functor, T_bound...> >
  * @ingroup bind
 template <class T_functor, class... T_type>
-struct visitor<bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...> >
+struct visitor<bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...>>
   template <typename T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
@@ -277,7 +266,8 @@ struct visitor<bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...> >
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which binds the passed argument to the passed functor.
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which binds the passed argument to the passed
+ * functor.
  * The optional template argument @e I_location specifies the zero-based
  * position of the argument to be fixed (@p -1 stands for the last argument).
@@ -291,11 +281,11 @@ template <int I_location, class T_functor, class... T_bound>
 inline decltype(auto)
 bind(const T_functor& _A_func, T_bound... _A_b)
-  return bind_functor<I_location, T_functor, T_bound...>
-           (_A_func, _A_b...);
+  return bind_functor<I_location, T_functor, T_bound...>(_A_func, _A_b...);
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last arguments of the passed functor.
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_functor which fixes the last arguments of the passed
+ * functor.
  * This function overload fixes the last arguments of @e _A_func.
  * @param _A_func Functor that should be wrapped.
@@ -307,10 +297,10 @@ bind(const T_functor& _A_func, T_bound... _A_b)
 template <class T_functor, class... T_type>
 inline decltype(auto)
 bind(const T_functor& _A_func, T_type... _A_b)
-{ return bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...>(_A_func, _A_b...);
+  return bind_functor<-1, T_functor, T_type...>(_A_func, _A_b...);
 } /* namespace sigc */
 #endif /* _SIGC_ADAPTORS_BIND_H_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/bind_return.h b/sigc++/adaptors/bind_return.h
index 201376a..0f4f9b1 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/bind_return.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/bind_return.h
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h>
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/bound_argument.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** Adaptor that fixes the return value of the wrapped functor.
- * Use the convenience function sigc::bind_return() to create an instance of sigc::bind_return_functor.
+ * Use the convenience function sigc::bind_return() to create an instance of
+ * sigc::bind_return_functor.
  * The following template arguments are used:
  * - @e T_return Type of the fixed return value.
@@ -24,35 +26,41 @@ struct bind_return_functor : public adapts<T_functor>
   typename unwrap_reference<T_return>::type operator()();
   /** Invokes the wrapped functor passing on the arguments.
    * @param _A_a... Arguments to be passed on to the functor.
    * @return The fixed return value.
   template <class... T_arg>
   inline typename unwrap_reference<T_return>::type operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
-    { this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>
-        (_A_a...); return ret_value_.invoke();
-    }
+  {
+    this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>(_A_a...);
+    return ret_value_.invoke();
+  }
   /** Constructs a bind_return_functor object that fixes the return value to @p _A_ret_value.
    * @param _A_functor Functor to invoke from operator()().
    * @param _A_ret_value Value to return from operator()().
-  bind_return_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor, type_trait_take_t<T_return> _A_ret_value)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor), ret_value_(_A_ret_value)
-    {}
+  bind_return_functor(
+    type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor, type_trait_take_t<T_return> _A_ret_value)
+  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor), ret_value_(_A_ret_value)
+  {
+  }
   /// The fixed return value.
   bound_argument<T_return> ret_value_; // public, so that visit_each() can access it
 template <class T_return, class T_functor>
-typename unwrap_reference<T_return>::type bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>::operator()()
-  { this->functor_(); return ret_value_.invoke(); }
+typename unwrap_reference<T_return>::type
+bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>::operator()()
+  this->functor_();
+  return ret_value_.invoke();
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::bind_return_functor performs a functor on the
  * functor and on the object instance stored in the sigc::bind_return_functor object.
@@ -60,11 +68,11 @@ typename unwrap_reference<T_return>::type bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functo
  * @ingroup bind
 template <class T_return, class T_functor>
-struct visitor<bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor> >
+struct visitor<bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.ret_value_);
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
@@ -72,7 +80,8 @@ struct visitor<bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor> >
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_return_functor which fixes the return value of the passed functor 
to the passed argument.
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::bind_return_functor which fixes the return value of the passed
+ * functor to the passed argument.
  * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
  * @param _A_ret_value Argument to fix the return value of @e _A_functor to.
@@ -83,7 +92,9 @@ struct visitor<bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor> >
 template <class T_return, class T_functor>
 inline bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>
 bind_return(const T_functor& _A_functor, T_return _A_ret_value)
-{ return bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>(_A_functor, _A_ret_value); }
+  return bind_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>(_A_functor, _A_ret_value);
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/bound_argument.h b/sigc++/adaptors/bound_argument.h
index 60b26b1..aacf388 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/bound_argument.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/bound_argument.h
@@ -19,13 +19,14 @@
 #include <sigc++/limit_reference.h>
 #include <sigc++/reference_wrapper.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-/** A bound_argument<Foo> object stores a bound (for instance, with sigc::bind(), or sigc::bind_return()) 
+/** A bound_argument<Foo> object stores a bound (for instance, with sigc::bind(), or
+ * sigc::bind_return()) argument.
  * If Foo is a wrapped reference to a class Bar (std::reference_wrapper<Bar>) then this
  * object is implemented on top of a limit_reference. When the slot is
@@ -52,21 +53,17 @@ public:
   /** Constructor.
    * @param _A_argument The argument to bind.
-  bound_argument(const T_type& _A_argument)
-    : visited_(_A_argument)
-    {}
+  bound_argument(const T_type& _A_argument) : visited_(_A_argument) {}
   /** Retrieve the entity to visit in visit_each().
    * @return The bound argument.
-  inline const T_type& visit() const
-    { return visited_; }
+  inline const T_type& visit() const { return visited_; }
   /** Retrieve the entity to pass to the bound functor or return.
    * @return The bound argument.
-  inline T_type& invoke()
-    { return visited_; }
+  inline T_type& invoke() { return visited_; }
   /** The value of the argument.
@@ -74,33 +71,32 @@ private:
   T_type visited_;
-//Template specialization:
+// Template specialization:
 /** bound_argument object for a bound argument that is passed by bind() or
  * returned by bind_return() by reference, specialized for std::reference_wrapper<> types.
  * @e T_wrapped The type of the bound argument.
 template <class T_wrapped>
-class bound_argument< std::reference_wrapper<T_wrapped> >
+class bound_argument<std::reference_wrapper<T_wrapped>>
   /** Constructor.
    * @param _A_argument The argument to bind.
   bound_argument(const std::reference_wrapper<T_wrapped>& _A_argument)
-    : visited_(unwrap(_A_argument))
-    {}
+  : visited_(unwrap(_A_argument))
+  {
+  }
   /** Retrieve the entity to visit in visit_each().
    * @return The limited_reference to the bound argument.
-  inline const limit_reference<T_wrapped>& visit() const
-    { return visited_; }
+  inline const limit_reference<T_wrapped>& visit() const { return visited_; }
   /** Retrieve the entity to pass to the bound functor or return.
    * @return The bound argument.
-  inline T_wrapped& invoke()
-    { return visited_.invoke(); }
+  inline T_wrapped& invoke() { return visited_.invoke(); }
   /** The limited_reference to the bound argument.
@@ -113,27 +109,26 @@ private:
  * - @e T_wrapped The type of the bound argument.
 template <class T_wrapped>
-class bound_argument< std::reference_wrapper<const T_wrapped> >
+class bound_argument<std::reference_wrapper<const T_wrapped>>
   /** Constructor.
    * @param _A_argument The argument to bind.
   bound_argument(const std::reference_wrapper<const T_wrapped>& _A_argument)
-    : visited_(unwrap(_A_argument))
-    {}
+  : visited_(unwrap(_A_argument))
+  {
+  }
   /** Retrieve the entity to visit in visit_each().
    * @return The const_limited_reference to the bound argument.
-  inline const limit_reference<const T_wrapped>& visit() const
-    { return visited_; }
+  inline const limit_reference<const T_wrapped>& visit() const { return visited_; }
   /** Retrieve the entity to pass to the bound functor or return.
    * @return The bound argument.
-  inline const T_wrapped& invoke()
-    { return visited_.invoke(); }
+  inline const T_wrapped& invoke() { return visited_.invoke(); }
   /** The const_limited_reference to the bound argument.
@@ -151,11 +146,10 @@ private:
  * @param _A_argument The visited instance.
 template <class T_type>
-struct visitor<bound_argument<T_type> >
+struct visitor<bound_argument<T_type>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const bound_argument<T_type>& _A_argument)
+  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action, const bound_argument<T_type>& _A_argument)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_argument.visit());
@@ -164,5 +158,4 @@ struct visitor<bound_argument<T_type> >
 } /* namespace sigc */
 #endif /* _SIGC_BOUND_ARGUMENT_H_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/compose.h b/sigc++/adaptors/compose.h
index adfc8f5..9d9050c 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/compose.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/compose.h
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup compose compose()
  * sigc::compose() combines two or three arbitrary functors.
@@ -14,7 +15,8 @@ namespace sigc {
  * float square_root(float a)  { return sqrtf(a); }
  * float sum(float a, float b) { return a+b; }
  * std::cout << sigc::compose(&square_root, &sum)(9, 16); // calls square_root(sum(3,6))
- * std::cout << sigc::compose(&sum, &square_root, &square_root)(9); // calls sum(square_root(9), 
+ * std::cout << sigc::compose(&sum, &square_root, &square_root)(9); // calls sum(square_root(9),
+ * square_root(9))
  * @endcode
  * The functor sigc::compose() returns can be passed directly into
@@ -46,24 +48,23 @@ struct compose1_functor : public adapts<T_setter>
   using getter_type = T_getter;
   using result_type = typename adaptor_type::result_type;
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()()
-    { return this->functor_(get_()); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()() { return this->functor_(get_()); }
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg&&... _A_a)
-    { return this->functor_(get_(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_a)...));
-    }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg&&... _A_a)
+  {
+    return this->functor_(get_(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_a)...));
+  }
   /** Constructs a compose1_functor object that combines the passed functors.
-   * @param _A_setter Functor that receives the return values of the invokation of @e _A_getter1 and @e 
+   * @param _A_setter Functor that receives the return values of the invokation of @e _A_getter1 and
+   * @e _A_getter2.
    * @param _A_getter Functor to invoke from operator()().
   compose1_functor(const T_setter& _A_setter, const T_getter& _A_getter)
-    : adapts<T_setter>(_A_setter), get_(_A_getter)
-    {}
+  : adapts<T_setter>(_A_setter), get_(_A_getter)
+  {
+  }
   getter_type get_; // public, so that visit_each() can access it
@@ -87,34 +88,32 @@ struct compose2_functor : public adapts<T_setter>
   using getter2_type = T_getter2;
   using result_type = typename adaptor_type::result_type;
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()()
-    { return this->functor_(get1_(), get2_()); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()() { return this->functor_(get1_(), get2_()); }
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
-    { return this->functor_(get1_(_A_a...), get2_(_A_a...));
-    }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
+  {
+    return this->functor_(get1_(_A_a...), get2_(_A_a...));
+  }
   /** Constructs a compose2_functor object that combines the passed functors.
-   * @param _A_setter Functor that receives the return values of the invokation of @e _A_getter1 and @e 
+   * @param _A_setter Functor that receives the return values of the invokation of @e _A_getter1 and
+   * @e _A_getter2.
    * @param _A_getter1 Functor to invoke from operator()().
    * @param _A_getter2 Functor to invoke from operator()().
-  compose2_functor(const T_setter& _A_setter,
-                   const T_getter1& _A_getter1,
-                   const T_getter2& _A_getter2)
-    : adapts<T_setter>(_A_setter), get1_(_A_getter1), get2_(_A_getter2)
-    {}
+  compose2_functor(
+    const T_setter& _A_setter, const T_getter1& _A_getter1, const T_getter2& _A_getter2)
+  : adapts<T_setter>(_A_setter), get1_(_A_getter1), get2_(_A_getter2)
+  {
+  }
   getter1_type get1_; // public, so that visit_each() can access it
   getter2_type get2_; // public, so that visit_each() can access it
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::compose1_functor performs a functor on the
  * functors stored in the sigc::compose1_functor object.
@@ -122,18 +121,18 @@ struct compose2_functor : public adapts<T_setter>
  * @ingroup compose
 template <class T_setter, class T_getter>
-struct visitor<compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter> >
+struct visitor<compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.get_);
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::compose2_functor performs a functor on the
  * functors stored in the sigc::compose2_functor object.
@@ -141,11 +140,11 @@ struct visitor<compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter> >
  * @ingroup compose
 template <class T_setter, class T_getter1, class T_getter2>
-struct visitor<compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2> >
+struct visitor<compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.get1_);
@@ -158,28 +157,35 @@ struct visitor<compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2> >
  * @param _A_setter Functor that receives the return value of the invokation of @e _A_getter.
  * @param _A_getter Functor to invoke from operator()().
- * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_setter with the value returned from invokation of @e _A_getter.
+ * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_setter with the value returned from invokation of @e
+ * _A_getter.
  * @ingroup compose
 template <class T_setter, class T_getter>
 inline compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter>
 compose(const T_setter& _A_setter, const T_getter& _A_getter)
-  { return compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter>(_A_setter, _A_getter); }
+  return compose1_functor<T_setter, T_getter>(_A_setter, _A_getter);
 /** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::compose2_functor which combines three functors.
- * @param _A_setter Functor that receives the return values of the invokation of @e _A_getter1 and @e 
+ * @param _A_setter Functor that receives the return values of the invokation of @e _A_getter1 and
+ * @e _A_getter2.
  * @param _A_getter1 Functor to invoke from operator()().
  * @param _A_getter2 Functor to invoke from operator()().
- * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_setter with the values return from invokation of @e _A_getter1 and @e 
+ * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_setter with the values return from invokation of @e
+ * _A_getter1 and @e _A_getter2.
  * @ingroup compose
 template <class T_setter, class T_getter1, class T_getter2>
 inline compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2>
 compose(const T_setter& _A_setter, const T_getter1& _A_getter1, const T_getter2& _A_getter2)
-  { return compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2>(_A_setter, _A_getter1, _A_getter2); }
+  return compose2_functor<T_setter, T_getter1, T_getter2>(_A_setter, _A_getter1, _A_getter2);
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/exception_catch.h b/sigc++/adaptors/exception_catch.h
index 5948a66..5ec721c 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/exception_catch.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/exception_catch.h
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
    functor adaptor:  exception_catch(functor, catcher)
@@ -54,40 +55,42 @@ namespace sigc {
  * @ingroup adaptors
-template <class T_functor, class T_catcher, class T_return = typename adapts<T_functor>::result_type>
+template <class T_functor, class T_catcher,
+  class T_return = typename adapts<T_functor>::result_type>
 struct exception_catch_functor : public adapts<T_functor>
   using adaptor_type = typename adapts<T_functor>::adaptor_type;
   using result_type = T_return;
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()()
+  decltype(auto) operator()()
+  {
+    try
-      try
-        { return this->functor_(); }
-      catch (...)
-        { return catcher_(); }
+      return this->functor_();
+    catch (...)
+    {
+      return catcher_();
+    }
+  }
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
+  {
+    try
-      try
-        {
-          return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>
-            (_A_a...);
-        }
-      catch (...)
-        { return catcher_(); }
+      return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>(_A_a...);
+    catch (...)
+    {
+      return catcher_();
+    }
+  }
-  exception_catch_functor(const T_functor& _A_func,
-                          const T_catcher& _A_catcher)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), catcher_(_A_catcher)
-    {}
+  exception_catch_functor(const T_functor& _A_func, const T_catcher& _A_catcher)
+  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), catcher_(_A_catcher)
+  {
+  }
   T_catcher catcher_;
@@ -100,37 +103,36 @@ struct exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher, void> : public adapts<T_fun
   using adaptor_type = typename adapts<T_functor>::adaptor_type;
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
+  {
+    try
-      try
-        {
-          return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>
-            (_A_a...);
-        }
-      catch (...)
-        { return catcher_(); }
+      return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>(_A_a...);
+    catch (...)
+    {
+      return catcher_();
+    }
+  }
   exception_catch_functor() {}
-  exception_catch_functor(const T_functor& _A_func,
-                          const T_catcher& _A_catcher)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), catcher_(_A_catcher)
-    {}
+  exception_catch_functor(const T_functor& _A_func, const T_catcher& _A_catcher)
+  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), catcher_(_A_catcher)
+  {
+  }
   ~exception_catch_functor() {}
-    T_catcher catcher_;
+  T_catcher catcher_;
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 template <class T_functor, class T_catcher, class T_return>
-struct visitor<exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher, T_return> >
+struct visitor<exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher, T_return>>
   template <typename T_action>
   static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher, T_return>& _A_target)
+    const exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher, T_return>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.catcher_);
@@ -141,7 +143,9 @@ struct visitor<exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher, T_return> >
 template <class T_functor, class T_catcher>
 inline decltype(auto)
 exception_catch(const T_functor& _A_func, const T_catcher& _A_catcher)
-  { return exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher>(_A_func, _A_catcher); }
+  return exception_catch_functor<T_functor, T_catcher>(_A_func, _A_catcher);
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/hide.h b/sigc++/adaptors/hide.h
index 6717aa4..f31b46d 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/hide.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/hide.h
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_end.h>
 #include <sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_start.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup hide hide(), hide_return()
  * sigc::hide() alters an arbitrary functor in that it adds a parameter
@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@ namespace sigc {
  * You may optionally specify the zero-based position of the parameter
  * to ignore as a template argument. The default is to ignore the last
  * parameter.
- * (A value of @p -1 adds a parameter at the end so sigc::hide<-1>() gives the same result as sigc::hide().)
+ * (A value of @p -1 adds a parameter at the end so sigc::hide<-1>() gives the same result as
+ sigc::hide().)
  * The type of the parameter can optionally be specified if not deduced.
@@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ namespace sigc {
  * @par Example:
  * @code
  * // multiple argument hiding ...
- * sigc::hide(sigc::hide(&foo))(1,2,3,4); // adds two dummy parameters at the back and calls foo(1,2)
+ * sigc::hide(sigc::hide(&foo))(1,2,3,4); // adds two dummy parameters at the back and calls
+ foo(1,2)
  * @endcode
  * sigc::hide_return() alters an arbitrary functor by
@@ -53,7 +56,6 @@ namespace sigc {
  * @ingroup adaptors
 /** Adaptor that adds a dummy parameter to the wrapped functor.
  * Use the convenience function sigc::hide() to create an instance of sigc::hide_functor.
@@ -75,48 +77,42 @@ struct hide_functor : public adapts<T_functor>
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg&&... _A_a)
-    {
-       constexpr auto size = sizeof...(T_arg);
-       constexpr auto index_ignore = (I_location == -1 ? size - 1 : I_location);
-       const auto t = std::tuple<T_arg...>(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_a)...);
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg&&... _A_a)
+  {
+    constexpr auto size = sizeof...(T_arg);
+    constexpr auto index_ignore = (I_location == -1 ? size - 1 : I_location);
+    const auto t = std::tuple<T_arg...>(std::forward<T_arg>(_A_a)...);
-       const auto t_start = internal::tuple_start<index_ignore>(t);
-       const auto t_end = internal::tuple_end<size - index_ignore - 1>(t);
-       const auto t_used = std::tuple_cat(t_start, t_end);
+    const auto t_start = internal::tuple_start<index_ignore>(t);
+    const auto t_end = internal::tuple_end<size - index_ignore - 1>(t);
+    const auto t_used = std::tuple_cat(t_start, t_end);
-       constexpr auto size_used = size - 1;
+    constexpr auto size_used = size - 1;
-       //TODO: Remove these? They are just here as a sanity check.
-       static_assert(std::tuple_size<decltype(t_used)>::value == size_used, "Unexpected t_used size.");
+    // TODO: Remove these? They are just here as a sanity check.
+    static_assert(std::tuple_size<decltype(t_used)>::value == size_used, "Unexpected t_used size.");
-       const auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<size_used>();
-       return call_functor_operator_parentheses(t_used, seq);
-    }
+    const auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<size_used>();
+    return call_functor_operator_parentheses(t_used, seq);
+  }
   /** Constructs a hide_functor object that adds a dummy parameter to the passed functor.
    * @param _A_func Functor to invoke from operator()().
-  explicit hide_functor(const T_functor& _A_func)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func)
-    {}
+  explicit hide_functor(const T_functor& _A_func) : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func) {}
-  //TODO_variadic: Replace this with std::experimental::apply() if that becomes standard
-  //C++, or add our own implementation, to avoid code duplication.
-  template<class T_tuple, std::size_t... Is>
-  decltype(auto)
-  call_functor_operator_parentheses(T_tuple& tuple,
-    std::index_sequence<Is...>)
+  // TODO_variadic: Replace this with std::experimental::apply() if that becomes standard
+  // C++, or add our own implementation, to avoid code duplication.
+  template <class T_tuple, std::size_t... Is>
+  decltype(auto) call_functor_operator_parentheses(T_tuple& tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
     return this->functor_.template operator()(std::get<Is>(tuple)...);
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::hide_functor performs a functor on the
  * functor stored in the sigc::hide_functor object.
@@ -124,18 +120,19 @@ private:
  * @ingroup hide
 template <int I_location, class T_functor>
-struct visitor<hide_functor<I_location, T_functor> >
+struct visitor<hide_functor<I_location, T_functor>>
   template <typename T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const hide_functor<I_location, T_functor>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const hide_functor<I_location, T_functor>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::hide_functor which adds a dummy parameter to the passed functor.
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::hide_functor which adds a dummy parameter to the passed
+ * functor.
  * The optional template argument @e I_location specifies the zero-based
  * position of the dummy parameter in the returned functor (@p -1 stands for the last parameter).
@@ -147,9 +144,12 @@ struct visitor<hide_functor<I_location, T_functor> >
 template <int I_location, class T_functor>
 inline decltype(auto)
 hide(const T_functor& _A_func)
-  { return hide_functor<I_location, T_functor>(_A_func); }
+  return hide_functor<I_location, T_functor>(_A_func);
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::hide_functor which adds a dummy parameter to the passed functor.
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::hide_functor which adds a dummy parameter to the passed
+ * functor.
  * This overload adds a dummy parameter at the back of the functor's parameter list.
  * @param _A_func Functor that should be wrapped.
@@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ hide(const T_functor& _A_func)
 template <class T_functor>
 inline decltype(auto)
 hide(const T_functor& _A_func)
-  { return hide_functor<-1, T_functor> (_A_func); }
+  return hide_functor<-1, T_functor>(_A_func);
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/retype.h b/sigc++/adaptors/retype.h
index ba7a8b3..92c381e 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/retype.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/retype.h
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h>
 #include <sigc++/functors/slot.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup retype retype(), retype_return()
  * sigc::retype() alters a sigc::pointer_functor, a sigc::mem_functor or a sigc::slot
@@ -58,29 +59,29 @@ namespace sigc {
  * @ingroup retype
 template <class T_functor, class... T_type>
-struct retype_functor
-  : public adapts<T_functor>
+struct retype_functor : public adapts<T_functor>
   using adaptor_type = typename adapts<T_functor>::adaptor_type;
   using result_type = typename adapts<T_functor>::result_type;
   template <class... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
-    { return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_take_t<T_type>...>
-        (static_cast<T_type>(_A_a)...);
-    }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
+  {
+    return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_take_t<T_type>...>(
+      static_cast<T_type>(_A_a)...);
+  }
-  /** Constructs a retype_functor object that performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on to the 
+  /** Constructs a retype_functor object that performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on to
+   * the functor.
    * @param _A_functor Functor to invoke from operator()().
-  explicit retype_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor)
-    {}
+  explicit retype_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor) : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor)
+  {
+  }
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::retype_functor performs a functor on the
  * functor stored in the sigc::retype_functor object.
@@ -88,44 +89,48 @@ struct retype_functor
  * @ingroup retype
 template <class T_functor, class... T_type>
-struct visitor<retype_functor<T_functor, T_type...> >
+struct visitor<retype_functor<T_functor, T_type...>>
   template <typename T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const retype_functor<T_functor, T_type...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const retype_functor<T_functor, T_type...>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
-//This one takes, for instance, a mem_functor or bound_mem_functor:
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on 
to the functor.
+// This one takes, for instance, a mem_functor or bound_mem_functor:
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters
+ * passed on to the functor.
  * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
  * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_functor performing C-style casts on the paramters passed on.
  * @ingroup retype
-template <template<class T_func, class... T_arg> class T_functor, class T_func, class... T_arg>
+template <template <class T_func, class... T_arg> class T_functor, class T_func, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 retype(const T_functor<T_func, T_arg...>& _A_functor)
-{ return retype_functor<T_functor<T_func, T_arg...>, T_arg...>
-    (_A_functor); }
+  return retype_functor<T_functor<T_func, T_arg...>, T_arg...>(_A_functor);
-//This one takes, for instance, a pointer_functor or slot:
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters passed on 
to the functor.
+// This one takes, for instance, a pointer_functor or slot:
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_functor which performs C-style casts on the parameters
+ * passed on to the functor.
  * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
  * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_functor performing C-style casts on the paramters passed on.
  * @ingroup retype
-template <template<class T_return, class... T_arg> class T_functor, class T_return, class... T_arg>
+template <template <class T_return, class... T_arg> class T_functor, class T_return, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 retype(const T_functor<T_return(T_arg...)>& _A_functor)
-{ return retype_functor<T_functor<T_return(T_arg...)>, T_arg...>
-    (_A_functor); }
+  return retype_functor<T_functor<T_return(T_arg...)>, T_arg...>(_A_functor);
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/retype_return.h b/sigc++/adaptors/retype_return.h
index 0654592..52f3468 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/retype_return.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/retype_return.h
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** Adaptor that performs a C-style cast on the return value of a functor.
- * Use the convenience function sigc::retype_return() to create an instance of retype_return_functor.
+ * Use the convenience function sigc::retype_return() to create an instance of
+ * retype_return_functor.
  * The following template arguments are used:
  * - @e T_return Target type of the C-style cast.
@@ -20,31 +22,36 @@ struct retype_return_functor : public adapts<T_functor>
   T_return operator()();
   template <class... T_arg>
   inline T_return operator()(T_arg&&... _A_a)
-    { return T_return(this->functor_.template operator()<T_arg...>
-        (std::forward<T_arg>(_A_a)...));
-    }
+  {
+    return T_return(this->functor_.template operator() < T_arg... > (std::forward<T_arg>(_A_a)...));
+  }
   retype_return_functor() {}
-  /** Constructs a retype_return_functor object that perform a C-style cast on the return value of the 
passed functor.
+  /** Constructs a retype_return_functor object that perform a C-style cast on the return value of
+   * the passed functor.
    * @param _A_functor Functor to invoke from operator()().
   explicit retype_return_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor)
-    {}
+  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor)
+  {
+  }
 template <class T_return, class T_functor>
-T_return retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>::operator()()
-  { return T_return(this->functor_()); }
+retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>::operator()()
+  return T_return(this->functor_());
 /** Adaptor that performs a C-style cast on the return value of a functor.
- * This template specialization is for a void return. It drops the return value of the functor it invokes.
- * Use the convenience function sigc::hide_return() to create an instance of 
+ * This template specialization is for a void return. It drops the return value of the functor it
+ * invokes.
+ * Use the convenience function sigc::hide_return() to create an instance of
+ * sigc::retype_return_functor<void>.
  * @ingroup retype
@@ -57,25 +64,25 @@ struct retype_return_functor<void, T_functor> : public adapts<T_functor>
   void operator()();
   template <class... T_arg>
   inline void operator()(T_arg... _A_a)
-    { this->functor_.template operator()<T_arg...>
-        (_A_a...);
-    }
+  {
+    this->functor_.template operator()<T_arg...>(_A_a...);
+  }
   retype_return_functor() {}
-  retype_return_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor)
-    : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor)
-    {}
+  retype_return_functor(type_trait_take_t<T_functor> _A_functor) : adapts<T_functor>(_A_functor) {}
 template <class T_functor>
-void retype_return_functor<void, T_functor>::operator()()
-  { this->functor_(); }
+retype_return_functor<void, T_functor>::operator()()
+  this->functor_();
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::retype_return_functor performs a functor on the
  * functor stored in the sigc::retype_return_functor object.
@@ -83,18 +90,19 @@ void retype_return_functor<void, T_functor>::operator()()
  * @ingroup retype
 template <class T_return, class T_functor>
-struct visitor<retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor> >
+struct visitor<retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>>
   template <typename T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_return_functor which performs a C-style cast on the return value 
of the passed functor.
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_return_functor which performs a C-style cast on the
+ * return value of the passed functor.
  * The template argument @e T_return specifies the target type of the cast.
  * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
@@ -105,9 +113,12 @@ struct visitor<retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor> >
 template <class T_return, class T_functor>
 inline retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>
 retype_return(const T_functor& _A_functor)
-  { return retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>(_A_functor); }
+  return retype_return_functor<T_return, T_functor>(_A_functor);
-/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_return_functor which drops the return value of the passed 
+/** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::retype_return_functor which drops the return value of the
+ * passed functor.
  * @param _A_functor Functor that should be wrapped.
  * @return Adaptor that executes @e _A_functor dropping its return value.
@@ -117,7 +128,9 @@ retype_return(const T_functor& _A_functor)
 template <class T_functor>
 inline retype_return_functor<void, T_functor>
 hide_return(const T_functor& _A_functor)
-  { return retype_return_functor<void, T_functor>(_A_functor); }
+  return retype_return_functor<void, T_functor>(_A_functor);
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/adaptors/track_obj.h b/sigc++/adaptors/track_obj.h
index 69a5c9b..d379e45 100644
--- a/sigc++/adaptors/track_obj.h
+++ b/sigc++/adaptors/track_obj.h
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/limit_reference.h>
 #include <sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_for_each.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup track_obj track_obj()
  * sigc::track_obj() tracks trackable objects, referenced from a functor.
@@ -59,38 +60,36 @@ public:
    * @param _A_obj Trackable objects.
   track_obj_functor(const T_functor& _A_func, const T_obj&... _A_obj)
-  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), obj_(_A_obj...) {}
+  : adapts<T_functor>(_A_func), obj_(_A_obj...)
+  {
+  }
   /** Invokes the wrapped functor.
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
-  decltype(auto) operator()()
-  { return this->functor_(); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()() { return this->functor_(); }
   /** Invokes the wrapped functor passing on the arguments.
    * @param _A_arg... Arguments to be passed on to the functor.
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
   template <typename... T_arg>
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg)
+  decltype(auto) operator()(T_arg&&... _A_arg)
-    return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>
-      (std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...);
+    return this->functor_.template operator()<type_trait_pass_t<T_arg>...>(
+      std::forward<T_arg>(_A_arg)...);
+  // protected:
   // public, so that visit_each() can access it.
   std::tuple<limit_reference<const T_obj>...> obj_;
 }; // end class track_obj_functor
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::track_obj_functor performs a functor
  * on the functor and on the trackable object instances stored in the
@@ -104,32 +103,29 @@ template <typename T_functor, typename... T_obj>
 struct visitor<track_obj_functor<T_functor, T_obj...>>
   template <typename T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const track_obj_functor<T_functor, T_obj...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const track_obj_functor<T_functor, T_obj...>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.functor_);
-    //Call sigc::visit_each(_A_action, element) on each element in the 
+    // Call sigc::visit_each(_A_action, element) on each element in the
     //_A_target.obj_ tuple:
     sigc::internal::tuple_for_each<TrackObjVisitForEach>(_A_target.obj_, _A_action);
-  template<typename T_element>
+  template <typename T_element>
   struct TrackObjVisitForEach
-    template<typename T_action>
-    static
-    void
-    visit(const T_element& element, const T_action& action)
+    template <typename T_action>
+    static void visit(const T_element& element, const T_action& action)
-       sigc::visit_each(action, element);
+      sigc::visit_each(action, element);
 /** Creates an adaptor of type sigc::track_obj_functor which wraps a functor.
  * @param _A_func Functor that shall be wrapped.
  * @param _A_obj Trackable objects.
@@ -143,11 +139,9 @@ template <typename T_functor, typename... T_obj>
 inline decltype(auto)
 track_obj(const T_functor& _A_func, const T_obj&... _A_obj)
-  return track_obj_functor<T_functor, T_obj...>
-    (_A_func, _A_obj...);
+  return track_obj_functor<T_functor, T_obj...>(_A_func, _A_obj...);
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/bind_return.h b/sigc++/bind_return.h
index fa90c45..97873da 100644
--- a/sigc++/bind_return.h
+++ b/sigc++/bind_return.h
@@ -21,5 +21,4 @@
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/bind_return.h>
 #endif /* _SIGC_BIND_RETURN_HPP_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/connection.h b/sigc++/connection.h
index 87202de..058d0d5 100644
--- a/sigc++/connection.h
+++ b/sigc++/connection.h
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
 #include <sigc++config.h>
 #include <sigc++/signal.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** Convinience class for safe disconnection.
  * Iterators must not be used beyond the lifetime of the list
@@ -52,7 +53,10 @@ struct SIGC_API connection : public notifiable
   template <typename T_slot>
   connection(const slot_iterator<T_slot>& it) : slot_(&(*it))
-    { if (slot_) slot_->add_destroy_notify_callback(this, &notify); }
+  {
+    if (slot_)
+      slot_->add_destroy_notify_callback(this, &notify);
+  }
   /** Constructs a connection object from a slot object.
    * This is only useful if you create your own slot list.
@@ -70,7 +74,10 @@ struct SIGC_API connection : public notifiable
   template <typename T_slot>
   connection& operator=(const slot_iterator<T_slot>& it)
-    { set_slot(&(*it)); return *this; }
+  {
+    set_slot(&(*it));
+    return *this;
+  }
@@ -125,5 +132,4 @@ private:
 } /* namespace sigc */
 #endif /* _SIGC_TRACKABLE_HPP_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/functors/functor_base.h b/sigc++/functors/functor_base.h
index 0c5c0b8..6450b41 100644
--- a/sigc++/functors/functor_base.h
+++ b/sigc++/functors/functor_base.h
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** A hint to the compiler.
  * All functors which define @p result_type should publically inherit from this hint.
  * @ingroup sigcfunctors
-struct functor_base {};
+struct functor_base
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/functors/functor_trait.h b/sigc++/functors/functor_trait.h
index 9ac2977..44f0499 100644
--- a/sigc++/functors/functor_trait.h
+++ b/sigc++/functors/functor_trait.h
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/type_traits.h>
 #include <type_traits>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup sigcfunctors Functors
  * Functors are copyable types that define operator()().
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ namespace sigc {
  * If all these ways to deduce the result type fail, void is assumed.
- * With libsigc++ versions before 2.6, the macro 
+ * With libsigc++ versions before 2.6, the macro
  * decltype(). That macro is now unneccesary and deprecated.
@@ -80,7 +81,6 @@ public:
 /** Trait that specifies the return type of any type.
  * Template specializations for functors derived from sigc::functor_base,
  * for other functors whose result type can be deduced with decltype(),
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ public:
  * @ingroup sigcfunctors
 template <class T_functor,
-          bool I_derives_functor_base = std::is_base_of<functor_base,T_functor>::value,
-          bool I_can_use_decltype = can_deduce_result_type_with_decltype<T_functor>::value>
+  bool I_derives_functor_base = std::is_base_of<functor_base, T_functor>::value,
+  bool I_can_use_decltype = can_deduce_result_type_with_decltype<T_functor>::value>
 struct functor_trait
   using result_type = void;
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ struct functor_trait<T_functor, true, I_can_use_decltype>
 template <typename T_functor>
 struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, true>
-  using result_type = typename functor_trait<decltype(&T_functor::operator()), false, false>::result_type;
+  using result_type =
+    typename functor_trait<decltype(&T_functor::operator()), false, false>::result_type;
   using functor_type = T_functor;
@@ -128,13 +129,13 @@ struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, true>
  * @ingroup sigcfunctors
-#define SIGC_FUNCTORS_HAVE_RESULT_TYPE                 \
-template <class T_functor>                             \
-struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, false>          \
-{                                                      \
-  using result_type = typename T_functor::result_type; \
-  using functor_type = T_functor;                      \
+#define SIGC_FUNCTORS_HAVE_RESULT_TYPE                   \
+  template <class T_functor>                             \
+  struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, false>          \
+  {                                                      \
+    using result_type = typename T_functor::result_type; \
+    using functor_type = T_functor;                      \
+  };
 /** Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.
@@ -151,19 +152,19 @@ struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, false>          \
  * @ingroup sigcfunctors
-#define SIGC_FUNCTOR_TRAIT(T_functor,T_return) \
-template <>                                    \
-struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, false>  \
-{                                              \
-  using result_type = T_return;                \
-  using functor_type = T_functor;              \
-};                                             \
-template <>                                    \
-struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, true>   \
-{                                              \
-  using result_type = T_return;                \
-  using functor_type = T_functor;              \
+#define SIGC_FUNCTOR_TRAIT(T_functor, T_return) \
+  template <>                                   \
+  struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, false> \
+  {                                             \
+    using result_type = T_return;               \
+    using functor_type = T_functor;             \
+  };                                            \
+  template <>                                   \
+  struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, true>  \
+  {                                             \
+    using result_type = T_return;               \
+    using functor_type = T_functor;             \
+  };
 /** Helper macro, if you want to mix user-defined and third party functors with libsigc++.
@@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ struct functor_trait<T_functor, false, true>   \
 // detect the return type and the functor version of non-functor types.
-//functor ptr fun:
+// functor ptr fun:
 template <class T_return, class... T_arg>
 struct functor_trait<T_return (*)(T_arg...), false, false>
@@ -201,25 +202,20 @@ struct functor_trait<T_return (*)(T_arg...), false, false>
   using functor_type = pointer_functor<T_return(T_arg...)>;
-//functor mem fun:
+// functor mem fun:
 template <class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
 struct functor_trait<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...), false, false>
   using result_type = T_return;
-  using functor_type = mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...),
-    T_arg...>;
+  using functor_type = mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...), T_arg...>;
 template <class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
 struct functor_trait<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const, false, false>
   using result_type = T_return;
-  using functor_type = mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const,
-    T_arg...>;
+  using functor_type = mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const, T_arg...>;
diff --git a/sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h b/sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h
index 5caac6b..e9dc65f 100644
--- a/sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h
+++ b/sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 //    an extra copy and complicate the header include order if bind is
 //    to have automatic conversion for member pointers.
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup mem_fun mem_fun()
  * mem_fun() is used to convert a pointer to a method to a functor.
@@ -74,8 +75,9 @@ public:
   using function_type = T_func;
   using result_type = typename internal::member_method_result<T_func>::type;
-  using obj_type_with_modifier = typename std::conditional_t<
-    internal::member_method_is_const<T_func>::value, const object_type, object_type>;
+  using obj_type_with_modifier =
+    typename std::conditional_t<internal::member_method_is_const<T_func>::value, const object_type,
+      object_type>;
   /// Constructs an invalid functor.
   mem_functor() : func_ptr_(nullptr) {}
@@ -90,31 +92,31 @@ public:
    * @param _A_a... Argument to be passed on to the method.
    * @return The return value of the method invocation.
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(obj_type_with_modifier& _A_obj, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
-    { return (_A_obj.*func_ptr_)(_A_a...); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(obj_type_with_modifier& _A_obj, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
+  {
+    return (_A_obj.*func_ptr_)(_A_a...);
+  }
   function_type func_ptr_;
-template <class T_func,
-  class... T_arg>
-class bound_mem_functor
-: mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...>
+template <class T_func, class... T_arg>
+class bound_mem_functor : mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...>
   using base_type = mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...>;
   using function_type = typename base_type::function_type;
   using result_type = typename base_type::result_type;
   using object_type = typename base_type::object_type;
-  using obj_type_with_modifier = typename std::conditional_t<
-    internal::member_method_is_const<T_func>::value, const object_type, object_type>;
-  using T_limit_reference = typename std::conditional_t<
-    internal::member_method_is_const<T_func>::value,
+  using obj_type_with_modifier =
+    typename std::conditional_t<internal::member_method_is_const<T_func>::value, const object_type,
+      object_type>;
+  using T_limit_reference =
+    typename std::conditional_t<internal::member_method_is_const<T_func>::value,
       limit_reference<const object_type>, limit_reference<object_type>>;
   /** Constructs a bound_mem_functor object that wraps the passed method.
@@ -122,27 +124,27 @@ public:
    * @param _A_func Pointer to method will be invoked from operator()().
   bound_mem_functor(obj_type_with_modifier& _A_obj, function_type _A_func)
-    : base_type(_A_func),
-      obj_(_A_obj)
-    {}
+  : base_type(_A_func), obj_(_A_obj)
+  {
+  }
   /** Execute the wrapped method operating on the stored instance.
    * @param _A_a... Argument to be passed on to the method.
    * @return The return value of the method invocation.
-  decltype(auto)
-  operator()(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
-    { return (obj_.invoke().*(this->func_ptr_))(_A_a...); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
+  {
+    return (obj_.invoke().*(this->func_ptr_))(_A_a...);
+  }
+  // protected:
   // Reference to stored object instance.
   // This is the handler object, such as TheObject in void TheObject::signal_handler().
   T_limit_reference obj_;
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * The function overload for sigc::bound_$1mem_functor performs a functor
  * on the object instance stored in the sigc::bound_$1mem_functor object.
@@ -150,18 +152,17 @@ public:
  * @ingroup mem_fun
 template <class T_func, class... T_arg>
-struct visitor<bound_mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...> >
+struct visitor<bound_mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const bound_mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const T_action& _A_action, const bound_mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.obj_);
 /** Creates a functor of type sigc::mem_functor which wraps a  method.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
  * @return Functor that executes _A_func on invokation.
@@ -170,11 +171,10 @@ struct visitor<bound_mem_functor<T_func, T_arg...> >
 template <class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
-mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) )
-{ return mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) ,
-    T_arg...>(_A_func); }
+mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...))
+  return mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...), T_arg...>(_A_func);
 /** Creates a functor of type sigc::const_mem_functor which wraps a const method.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
@@ -185,10 +185,9 @@ mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) )
 template <class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) const)
-{ return mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const,
-    T_arg...>(_A_func); }
+  return mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const, T_arg...>(_A_func);
 /** Creates a functor of type sigc::volatile_mem_functor which wraps a volatile method.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
@@ -199,10 +198,9 @@ mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) const)
 template <class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) volatile)
-{ return mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile,
-    T_arg...>(_A_func); }
+  return mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile, T_arg...>(_A_func);
 /** Creates a functor of type sigc::const_volatile_mem_functor which wraps a const volatile method.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
@@ -213,12 +211,12 @@ mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) volatile)
 template <class T_return, class T_obj, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) const volatile)
-{ return mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile,
-    T_arg...>(_A_func); }
+  return mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile, T_arg...>(_A_func);
-/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and an object instance.
+/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and an object
+ * instance.
  * @param _A_obj Reference to object instance the functor should operate on.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
  * @return Functor that executes @e _A_func on invokation.
@@ -227,14 +225,13 @@ mem_fun(T_return (T_obj::*_A_func)(T_arg...) const volatile)
 template <class T_return, class T_obj, class T_obj2, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
-mem_fun(/**/ T_obj& _A_obj, T_return (T_obj2::*_A_func)(T_arg...) )
+mem_fun(/**/ T_obj& _A_obj, T_return (T_obj2::*_A_func)(T_arg...))
-  return bound_mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) ,
-    T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
+  return bound_mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...), T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
-/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_const_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and an object 
+/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_const_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and an
+ * object instance.
  * @param _A_obj Reference to object instance the functor should operate on.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
  * @return Functor that executes @e _A_func on invokation.
@@ -245,13 +242,11 @@ template <class T_return, class T_obj, class T_obj2, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 mem_fun(/*const*/ T_obj& _A_obj, T_return (T_obj2::*_A_func)(T_arg...) const)
-  return bound_mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const,
-    T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
+  return bound_mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const, T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
-/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_volatile_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and an object 
+/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_volatile_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and an
+ * object instance.
  * @param _A_obj Reference to object instance the functor should operate on.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
  * @return Functor that executes @e _A_func on invokation.
@@ -262,13 +257,11 @@ template <class T_return, class T_obj, class T_obj2, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 mem_fun(/**/ T_obj& _A_obj, T_return (T_obj2::*_A_func)(T_arg...) volatile)
-  return bound_mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile,
-    T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
+  return bound_mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile, T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
-/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_const_volatile_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and an 
object instance.
+/** Creates a functor of type sigc::bound_const_volatile_mem_functor which encapsulates a method and
+ * an object instance.
  * @param _A_obj Reference to object instance the functor should operate on.
  * @param _A_func Pointer to method that should be wrapped.
  * @return Functor that executes @e _A_func on invokation.
@@ -279,12 +272,8 @@ template <class T_return, class T_obj, class T_obj2, class... T_arg>
 inline decltype(auto)
 mem_fun(/*const*/ T_obj& _A_obj, T_return (T_obj2::*_A_func)(T_arg...) const volatile)
-  return bound_mem_functor<
-    T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile,
-    T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
+  return bound_mem_functor<T_return (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile, T_arg...>(_A_obj, _A_func);
 } /* namespace sigc */
 #endif /* _SIGC_FUNCTORS_MEM_FUN_H_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/functors/ptr_fun.h b/sigc++/functors/ptr_fun.h
index 1daa1a9..ef4b36a 100644
--- a/sigc++/functors/ptr_fun.h
+++ b/sigc++/functors/ptr_fun.h
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/type_traits.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** @defgroup ptr_fun ptr_fun()
  * ptr_fun() is used to convert a pointer to a function to a functor.
@@ -52,12 +53,13 @@ template <class T_return, class... T_args>
 class pointer_functor;
 template <class T_return, class... T_args>
-class pointer_functor<T_return(T_args...)>
-  : public functor_base
+class pointer_functor<T_return(T_args...)> : public functor_base
   using function_type = T_return (*)(T_args...);
   function_type func_ptr_;
   using result_type = T_return;
@@ -67,15 +69,14 @@ public:
   /** Constructs a pointer_functor2 object that wraps an existing function.
    * @param _A_func Pointer to function that will be invoked from operator()().
-  explicit pointer_functor(function_type _A_func): func_ptr_(_A_func) {}
+  explicit pointer_functor(function_type _A_func) : func_ptr_(_A_func) {}
   /** Execute the wrapped function.
    * @param _A_a1 Argument to be passed on to the function.
    * @param _A_a2 Argument to be passed on to the function.
    * @return The return value of the function invocation.
-  T_return operator()(type_trait_take_t<T_args>... _A_a) const 
-    { return func_ptr_(_A_a...); }
+  T_return operator()(type_trait_take_t<T_args>... _A_a) const { return func_ptr_(_A_a...); }
 /** Creates a functor of type sigc::pointer_functor which wraps an existing non-member function.
@@ -85,9 +86,10 @@ public:
  * @ingroup ptr_fun
 template <class T_return, class... T_args>
-inline decltype(auto)
-ptr_fun(T_return (*_A_func)(T_args...))
-{ return pointer_functor<T_return(T_args...)>(_A_func); }
+inline decltype(auto) ptr_fun(T_return (*_A_func)(T_args...))
+  return pointer_functor<T_return(T_args...)>(_A_func);
 } /* namespace sigc */
 #endif /* _SIGC_FUNCTORS_PTR_FUN_H_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/functors/slot.h b/sigc++/functors/slot.h
index 43176a1..b658090 100644
--- a/sigc++/functors/slot.h
+++ b/sigc++/functors/slot.h
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/adaptor_trait.h>
 #include <sigc++/functors/slot_base.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
 /** A typed slot_rep.
  * A typed slot_rep holds a functor that can be invoked from
@@ -36,12 +38,16 @@ public:
    * @param functor The functor contained by the new slot_rep object.
   inline typed_slot_rep(const T_functor& functor)
-    : slot_rep(nullptr, &destroy, &dup), functor_(functor)
-    { sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_bind(this), functor_); }
+  : slot_rep(nullptr, &destroy, &dup), functor_(functor)
+  {
+    sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_bind(this), functor_);
+  }
   inline typed_slot_rep(const typed_slot_rep& cl)
-    : slot_rep(cl.call_, &destroy, &dup), functor_(cl.functor_)
-    { sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_bind(this), functor_); }
+  : slot_rep(cl.call_, &destroy, &dup), functor_(cl.functor_)
+  {
+    sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_bind(this), functor_);
+  }
   typed_slot_rep& operator=(const typed_slot_rep& src) = delete;
@@ -49,41 +55,37 @@ public:
   typed_slot_rep& operator=(typed_slot_rep&& src) = delete;
   inline ~typed_slot_rep()
-    {
-      call_ = nullptr;
-      destroy_ = nullptr;
-      sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_unbind(this), functor_);
-    }
+  {
+    call_ = nullptr;
+    destroy_ = nullptr;
+    sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_unbind(this), functor_);
+  }
   /** Detaches the stored functor from the other referred trackables and destroys it.
    * This does not destroy the base slot_rep object.
   static void destroy(notifiable* data)
-    {
-      self* self_ = static_cast<self*>(reinterpret_cast<slot_rep*>(data));
-      self_->call_ = nullptr;
-      self_->destroy_ = nullptr;
-      sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_unbind(self_), self_->functor_);
-      self_->functor_.~adaptor_type();
-      /* don't call disconnect() here: destroy() is either called
-       * a) from the parent itself (in which case disconnect() leads to a segfault) or
-       * b) from a parentless slot (in which case disconnect() does nothing)
-       */
-    }
+  {
+    self* self_ = static_cast<self*>(reinterpret_cast<slot_rep*>(data));
+    self_->call_ = nullptr;
+    self_->destroy_ = nullptr;
+    sigc::visit_each_type<trackable*>(slot_do_unbind(self_), self_->functor_);
+    self_->functor_.~adaptor_type();
+    /* don't call disconnect() here: destroy() is either called
+     * a) from the parent itself (in which case disconnect() leads to a segfault) or
+     * b) from a parentless slot (in which case disconnect() does nothing)
+     */
+  }
   /** Makes a deep copy of the slot_rep object.
    * Deep copy means that the notification callback of the new
    * slot_rep object is registered in the referred trackables.
    * @return A deep copy of the slot_rep object.
-  static slot_rep* dup(slot_rep* a_rep)
-    {
-      return new self(*static_cast<self*>(a_rep));
-    }
+  static slot_rep* dup(slot_rep* a_rep) { return new self(*static_cast<self*>(a_rep)); }
 /** Abstracts functor execution.
  * call_it() invokes a functor of type @e T_functor with a list of
  * parameters whose types are given by the template arguments.
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ private:
  * - @e T_arg Argument types used in the definition of call_it().
-template<class T_functor, class T_return, class... T_arg>
+template <class T_functor, class T_return, class... T_arg>
 struct slot_call
   /** Invokes a functor of type @p T_functor.
@@ -104,24 +106,20 @@ struct slot_call
    * @return The return values of the functor invocation.
   static T_return call_it(slot_rep* rep, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... a_)
-    {
-      using typed_slot = typed_slot_rep<T_functor>;
-      typed_slot *typed_rep = static_cast<typed_slot*>(rep);
-      return (typed_rep->functor_).template operator()<type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...>
-               (a_...);
-    }
+  {
+    using typed_slot = typed_slot_rep<T_functor>;
+    typed_slot* typed_rep = static_cast<typed_slot*>(rep);
+    return (typed_rep->functor_).template operator()<type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...>(a_...);
+  }
   /** Forms a function pointer from call_it().
    * @return A function pointer formed from call_it().
-  static hook address()
-    { return reinterpret_cast<hook>(&call_it); }
+  static hook address() { return reinterpret_cast<hook>(&call_it); }
 } /* namespace internal */
 // Because slot is opaque, visit_each() will not visit its internal members.
 // Those members are not reachable by visit_each() after the slot has been
 // constructed. But when a slot contains another slot, the outer slot will become
@@ -155,16 +153,16 @@ template <class T_return, class... T_arg>
 class slot;
 template <class T_return, class... T_arg>
-class slot<T_return(T_arg...)>
-  : public slot_base
+class slot<T_return(T_arg...)> : public slot_base
   using result_type = T_return;
-  //TODO: using arg_type_ = type_trait_take_t<T_arg>;
+// TODO: using arg_type_ = type_trait_take_t<T_arg>;
   using rep_type = internal::slot_rep;
   using call_type = T_return (*)(rep_type*, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...);
@@ -174,11 +172,11 @@ public:
    * @return The return value of the functor invocation.
   inline T_return operator()(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
-    {
-      if (!empty() && !blocked())
-        return (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(slot_base::rep_->call_))(slot_base::rep_, _A_a...);
-      return T_return();
-    }
+  {
+    if (!empty() && !blocked())
+      return (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(slot_base::rep_->call_))(slot_base::rep_, _A_a...);
+    return T_return();
+  }
   inline slot() {}
@@ -186,27 +184,22 @@ public:
    * @param _A_func The desired functor the new slot should be assigned to.
   template <class T_functor>
-  slot(const T_functor& _A_func)
-    : slot_base(new internal::typed_slot_rep<T_functor>(_A_func))
-    {
-      //The slot_base:: is necessary to stop the HP-UX aCC compiler from being confused. murrayc.
-      slot_base::rep_->call_ = internal::slot_call<T_functor, T_return, T_arg...>::address();
-    }
+  slot(const T_functor& _A_func) : slot_base(new internal::typed_slot_rep<T_functor>(_A_func))
+  {
+    // The slot_base:: is necessary to stop the HP-UX aCC compiler from being confused. murrayc.
+    slot_base::rep_->call_ = internal::slot_call<T_functor, T_return, T_arg...>::address();
+  }
   /** Constructs a slot, copying an existing one.
    * @param src The existing slot to copy.
-  slot(const slot& src)
-    : slot_base(src)
-    {}
+  slot(const slot& src) : slot_base(src) {}
   /** Constructs a slot, moving an existing one.
    * If @p src is connected to a parent (e.g. a signal), it is copied, not moved.
    * @param src The existing slot to move or copy.
-  slot(slot&& src)
-    : slot_base(std::move(src))
-    {}
+  slot(slot&& src) : slot_base(std::move(src)) {}
   /** Overrides this slot, making a copy from another slot.
    * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
@@ -231,7 +224,7 @@ public:
-//template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
+// template specialization of visitor<>::do_visit_each<>(action, functor):
 /** Performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
  * There are three function overloads for sigc::slot.
@@ -256,23 +249,24 @@ public:
 template <typename T_return, typename... T_arg>
 struct visitor<slot<T_return, T_arg...>>
-  static void do_visit_each(const internal::limit_derived_target<trackable*, internal::slot_do_bind>& 
-                            const slot<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const internal::limit_derived_target<trackable*, internal::slot_do_bind>& _A_action,
+    const slot<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_target)
     if (_A_target.rep_ && _A_target.rep_->parent_ == nullptr)
-    _A_target.rep_->set_parent(_A_action.action_.rep_, &internal::slot_rep::notify);
+      _A_target.rep_->set_parent(_A_action.action_.rep_, &internal::slot_rep::notify);
-  static void do_visit_each(const internal::limit_derived_target<trackable*, internal::slot_do_unbind>& 
-                            const slot<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(
+    const internal::limit_derived_target<trackable*, internal::slot_do_unbind>& _A_action,
+    const slot<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_target)
     if (_A_target.rep_ && _A_target.rep_->parent_ == _A_action.action_.rep_)
       _A_target.rep_->set_parent(nullptr, nullptr);
   template <typename T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const slot<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action, const slot<T_return, T_arg...>& _A_target)
diff --git a/sigc++/functors/slot_base.h b/sigc++/functors/slot_base.h
index cd130c1..1907197 100644
--- a/sigc++/functors/slot_base.h
+++ b/sigc++/functors/slot_base.h
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@
 namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
 using hook = void* (*)(void*);
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ struct SIGC_API slot_rep : public trackable
   /* NB: Instead of slot_rep we could inherit slot_base from trackable.
    * However, a simple benchmark seems to indicate that this slows
    * down dereferencing of slot list iterators. Martin. */
-  //TODO: Try this now? murrayc.
+  // TODO: Try this now? murrayc.
   /// Callback that invokes the contained functor.
   /* This can't be a virtual function since number of arguments
@@ -94,12 +95,17 @@ public:
   notifiable* parent_;
   inline slot_rep(hook call__, notifiable::func_destroy_notify destroy__, hook_dup dup__) noexcept
-    : call_(call__), destroy_(destroy__), dup_(dup__), cleanup_(nullptr), parent_(nullptr) {}
+    : call_(call__),
+      destroy_(destroy__),
+      dup_(dup__),
+      cleanup_(nullptr),
+      parent_(nullptr)
+  {
+  }
-  inline ~slot_rep()
-    { destroy(); }
+  inline ~slot_rep() { destroy(); }
-  // only MSVC needs this to guarantee that all new/delete are executed from the DLL module
+// only MSVC needs this to guarantee that all new/delete are executed from the DLL module
   void* operator new(size_t size_);
   void operator delete(void* p);
@@ -108,13 +114,18 @@ public:
   /** Destroys the slot_rep object (but doesn't delete it).
   inline void destroy()
-    { if (destroy_) (*destroy_)(this); }
+  {
+    if (destroy_)
+      (*destroy_)(this);
+  }
   /** Makes a deep copy of the slot_rep object.
    * @return A deep copy of the slot_rep object.
   inline slot_rep* dup() const
-    { return reinterpret_cast<slot_rep*>((*dup_)(const_cast<slot_rep*>(this))); }
+  {
+    return reinterpret_cast<slot_rep*>((*dup_)(const_cast<slot_rep*>(this)));
+  }
   /** Set the parent with a callback.
    * slots have one parent exclusively.
@@ -122,10 +133,10 @@ public:
    * @param cleanup The callback to execute from notify().
   inline void set_parent(notifiable* parent, notifiable::func_destroy_notify cleanup) noexcept
-    {
-      parent_ = parent;
-      cleanup_ = cleanup;
-    }
+  {
+    parent_ = parent;
+    cleanup_ = cleanup;
+  }
   /// Invalidates the slot and executes the parent's cleanup callback.
   void disconnect();
@@ -158,7 +169,9 @@ struct SIGC_API slot_do_bind
    * @param t The trackable object to add a callback to.
   inline void operator()(const trackable* t) const
-    { t->add_destroy_notify_callback(rep_, &slot_rep::notify); }
+  {
+    t->add_destroy_notify_callback(rep_, &slot_rep::notify);
+  }
 /// Functor used to remove a dependency from a trackable.
@@ -175,12 +188,10 @@ struct SIGC_API slot_do_unbind
   /** Removes a dependency from @p t.
    * @param t The trackable object to remove the callback from.
-  inline void operator()(const trackable* t) const
-    { t->remove_destroy_notify_callback(rep_); }
+  inline void operator()(const trackable* t) const { t->remove_destroy_notify_callback(rep_); }
-} //namespace internal
+} // namespace internal
 /** @defgroup slot Slots
  * Slots are type-safe representations of callback methods and functions.
@@ -300,8 +311,6 @@ public:
   void set_parent(notifiable* parent, notifiable::func_destroy_notify cleanup) const noexcept;
   /** Add a callback that is executed (notified) when the slot is detroyed.
    * This function is used internally by connection objects.
    * @param data Passed into func upon notification.
@@ -318,15 +327,13 @@ public:
   /** Returns whether the slot is invalid.
    * @return @p true if the slot is invalid (empty).
-  inline bool empty() const noexcept
-    { return (!rep_ || !rep_->call_); }
+  inline bool empty() const noexcept { return (!rep_ || !rep_->call_); }
   /** Returns whether the slot is blocked.
    * @return @p true if the slot is blocked.
-  inline bool blocked() const noexcept
-    { return blocked_; }
+  inline bool blocked() const noexcept { return blocked_; }
   /** Sets the blocking state.
    * If @e should_block is @p true then the blocking state is set.
    * Subsequent calls to slot::operator()() don't invoke the functor
@@ -347,9 +354,10 @@ public:
   void disconnect();
-//The Tru64 and Solaris Forte 5.5 compilers needs this operator=() to be public. I'm not sure why, or why it 
needs to be protected usually. murrayc.
-//See bug #168265. 
+  // The Tru64 and Solaris Forte 5.5 compilers needs this operator=() to be public. I'm not sure
+  // why, or why it needs to be protected usually. murrayc.
+  // See bug #168265.
+  // protected:
   /** Overrides this slot, making a copy from another slot.
    * @param src The slot from which to make a copy.
    * @return @p this.
@@ -365,7 +373,7 @@ public:
 public: // public to avoid template friend declarations
   /** Typed slot_rep object that contains a functor. */
-  mutable rep_type *rep_;
+  mutable rep_type* rep_;
   /** Indicates whether the slot is blocked. */
   bool blocked_;
@@ -374,7 +382,6 @@ private:
   void delete_rep_with_check();
-} //namespace sigc
+} // namespace sigc
 #endif //_SIGC_SLOT_BASE_HPP_
diff --git a/sigc++/limit_reference.h b/sigc++/limit_reference.h
index ba056b8..9167d87 100644
--- a/sigc++/limit_reference.h
+++ b/sigc++/limit_reference.h
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 #include <sigc++/type_traits.h>
 #include <sigc++/trackable.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** A limit_reference<Foo> object stores a reference (Foo&), but makes sure that,
  * if Foo inherits from sigc::trackable, then visit_each<>() will "limit" itself to the
@@ -28,8 +29,7 @@ namespace sigc {
  * - @e T_type The type of the reference.
 template <class T_type,
-          bool I_derives_trackable =
-            std::is_base_of<trackable, std::decay_t<T_type>>::value>
+  bool I_derives_trackable = std::is_base_of<trackable, std::decay_t<T_type>>::value>
 class limit_reference
@@ -38,23 +38,20 @@ public:
   /** Constructor.
    * @param _A_target The reference to limit.
-  limit_reference(reference_type& _A_target)
-    : visited(_A_target)
-    {}
+  limit_reference(reference_type& _A_target) : visited(_A_target) {}
   /** Retrieve the entity to visit for visit_each().
-   * Depending on the template specialization, this is either a derived reference, or sigc::trackable& if 
T_type derives from sigc::trackable.
+   * Depending on the template specialization, this is either a derived reference, or
+   * sigc::trackable& if T_type derives from sigc::trackable.
    * @return The reference.
-  inline const reference_type& visit() const
-    { return visited; }
+  inline const reference_type& visit() const { return visited; }
   /** Retrieve the reference.
    * This is always a reference to the derived instance.
    * @return The reference.
-  inline T_type& invoke() const
-    { return visited; }
+  inline T_type& invoke() const { return visited; }
   /** The reference.
@@ -74,28 +71,24 @@ public:
   /** Constructor.
    * @param _A_target The reference to limit.
-  limit_reference(reference_type& _A_target)
-    : visited(_A_target),
-      invoked(_A_target)
-    {}
+  limit_reference(reference_type& _A_target) : visited(_A_target), invoked(_A_target) {}
   /** Retrieve the entity to visit for visit_each().
-   * Depending on the template specialization, this is either a derived reference, or sigc::trackable& if 
T_type derives from sigc::trackable.
+   * Depending on the template specialization, this is either a derived reference, or
+   * sigc::trackable& if T_type derives from sigc::trackable.
    * @return The reference.
-  inline const trackable& visit() const
-    { return visited; }
+  inline const trackable& visit() const { return visited; }
   /** Retrieve the reference.
    * This is always a reference to the derived instance.
    * @return The reference.
-  inline T_type& invoke() const
-    { return invoked; }
+  inline T_type& invoke() const { return invoked; }
-  using trackable_type = typename std::conditional_t<
-    std::is_const<reference_type>::value, const trackable, trackable>;
+  using trackable_type =
+    typename std::conditional_t<std::is_const<reference_type>::value, const trackable, trackable>;
   /** The trackable reference.
@@ -116,11 +109,10 @@ private:
  * @param _A_target The visited instance.
 template <class T_type>
-struct visitor<limit_reference<T_type> >
+struct visitor<limit_reference<T_type>>
   template <class T_action>
-  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action,
-                            const limit_reference<T_type>& _A_target)
+  static void do_visit_each(const T_action& _A_action, const limit_reference<T_type>& _A_target)
     sigc::visit_each(_A_action, _A_target.visit());
diff --git a/sigc++/member_method_trait.h b/sigc++/member_method_trait.h
index 3c07f1c..cd6cc32 100644
--- a/sigc++/member_method_trait.h
+++ b/sigc++/member_method_trait.h
@@ -21,10 +21,11 @@
 #include <sigc++config.h>
+namespace sigc
-namespace sigc {
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
 template <class>
 struct member_method_is_const;
@@ -53,7 +54,6 @@ struct member_method_is_const<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile>
   constexpr static bool value = true;
 template <class>
 struct member_method_is_volatile;
@@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ struct member_method_is_volatile<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile>
   constexpr static bool value = true;
-//member method class:
+// member method class:
 template <class T_result, class... T_arg>
 struct member_method_class
@@ -90,31 +89,30 @@ struct member_method_class
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_class<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...)>
+struct member_method_class<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...)>
   using type = T_obj;
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_class<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile>
+struct member_method_class<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile>
   using type = T_obj;
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_class<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const>
+struct member_method_class<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const>
   using type = T_obj;
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_class<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile>
+struct member_method_class<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile>
   using type = T_obj;
-//member method result:
+// member method result:
 template <class T_result, class... T_arg>
 struct member_method_result
@@ -122,25 +120,25 @@ struct member_method_result
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_result<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...)>
+struct member_method_result<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...)>
   using type = T_result;
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_result<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile>
+struct member_method_result<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) volatile>
   using type = T_result;
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_result<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const>
+struct member_method_result<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const>
   using type = T_result;
 template <class T_obj, class T_result, class... T_arg>
-struct member_method_result<T_result(T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile>
+struct member_method_result<T_result (T_obj::*)(T_arg...) const volatile>
   using type = T_result;
diff --git a/sigc++/reference_wrapper.h b/sigc++/reference_wrapper.h
index 7dc0790..f6c2fb2 100644
--- a/sigc++/reference_wrapper.h
+++ b/sigc++/reference_wrapper.h
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 template <class T_type>
 struct unwrap_reference
@@ -28,24 +29,30 @@ struct unwrap_reference
 template <class T_type>
-struct unwrap_reference<std::reference_wrapper<T_type> >
+struct unwrap_reference<std::reference_wrapper<T_type>>
   using type = T_type&;
 template <class T_type>
-struct unwrap_reference<std::reference_wrapper<const T_type> >
+struct unwrap_reference<std::reference_wrapper<const T_type>>
   using type = const T_type&;
 template <class T_type>
-T_type& unwrap(const std::reference_wrapper<T_type>& v)
-{ return v; }
+unwrap(const std::reference_wrapper<T_type>& v)
+  return v;
 template <class T_type>
-const T_type& unwrap(const std::reference_wrapper<const T_type>& v)
-{ return v; }
+const T_type&
+unwrap(const std::reference_wrapper<const T_type>& v)
+  return v;
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/retype_return.h b/sigc++/retype_return.h
index c1d08d7..8f0837b 100644
--- a/sigc++/retype_return.h
+++ b/sigc++/retype_return.h
@@ -21,5 +21,4 @@
 #include <sigc++/adaptors/retype_return.h>
 #endif /* _SIGC_RETYPE_RETURN_HPP_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/sigc++.h b/sigc++/sigc++.h
index 54c07d4..bbe095c 100644
--- a/sigc++/sigc++.h
+++ b/sigc++/sigc++.h
@@ -24,24 +24,26 @@
  * @section description Description
- * libsigc++ provides a typesafe (at compile time) callback system for standard 
- * C++. It allows you to define signals and to connect those signals to any 
- * callback function, either a global or a member function, regardless of whether 
- * it is static or virtual. It also contains adaptor classes for connection of 
+ * libsigc++ provides a typesafe (at compile time) callback system for standard
+ * C++. It allows you to define signals and to connect those signals to any
+ * callback function, either a global or a member function, regardless of whether
+ * it is static or virtual. It also contains adaptor classes for connection of
  * dissimilar callbacks.
- * For instance, see the @ref signal "Signals", @ref sigcfunctors "Functors", 
+ * For instance, see the @ref signal "Signals", @ref sigcfunctors "Functors",
  * @ref slot "Slots" and @ref adaptors "Adaptors".
- * See also the 
- * <a href="http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/libsigc2/docs/manual/html/index.html";>libsigc++ tutorial</a>, 
- * the <a href="http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/";>libsigc++ website</a>, and 
- * the <a href="http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtkmm-tutorial/unstable/chapter-signals.html";>Signals 
appendix of the Programming with gtkmm book</a>.
+ * See also the
+ * <a href="http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/libsigc2/docs/manual/html/index.html";>libsigc++
+ * tutorial</a>,
+ * the <a href="http://libsigc.sourceforge.net/";>libsigc++ website</a>, and
+ * the <a href="http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtkmm-tutorial/unstable/chapter-signals.html";>Signals
+ * appendix of the Programming with gtkmm book</a>.
  * @section features Features
  * - Compile-time typesafe callbacks (also faster than run time checks)
- * - Type-safety violations report the line number correctly with template names 
+ * - Type-safety violations report the line number correctly with template names
  *   (no tracing template failures into headers)
  * - No compiler extensions or meta compilers required
  * - Proper handling of dynamic objects and signals (deleted objects will not
diff --git a/sigc++/signal.h b/sigc++/signal.h
index 6df4207..cd87b35 100644
--- a/sigc++/signal.h
+++ b/sigc++/signal.h
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
 #include <tuple>
 #include <utility>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 /** STL-style iterator for slot_list.
@@ -50,49 +51,43 @@ struct slot_iterator
   using iterator_type = typename internal::signal_impl::iterator_type;
-  slot_iterator()
-    {}
+  slot_iterator() {}
-  explicit slot_iterator(const iterator_type& i)
-    : i_(i) {}
+  explicit slot_iterator(const iterator_type& i) : i_(i) {}
-  reference operator*() const
-    { return static_cast<reference>(*i_); }
+  reference operator*() const { return static_cast<reference>(*i_); }
-  pointer operator->() const
-    { return &(operator*()); }
+  pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
   slot_iterator& operator++()
-    {
-      ++i_;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    ++i_;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_iterator operator++(int)
-    { 
-      slot_iterator __tmp(*this);
-      ++i_;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_iterator __tmp(*this);
+    ++i_;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
   slot_iterator& operator--()
-    {
-      --i_;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    --i_;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_iterator operator--(int)
-    {
-      slot_iterator __tmp(*this);
-      --i_;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_iterator __tmp(*this);
+    --i_;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
-  bool operator == (const slot_iterator& other) const
-    { return i_ == other.i_; }
+  bool operator==(const slot_iterator& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
-  bool operator != (const slot_iterator& other) const
-    { return i_ != other.i_; }
+  bool operator!=(const slot_iterator& other) const { return i_ != other.i_; }
   iterator_type i_;
@@ -116,49 +111,43 @@ struct slot_const_iterator
   using iterator_type = typename internal::signal_impl::const_iterator_type;
-  slot_const_iterator()
-    {}
+  slot_const_iterator() {}
-  explicit slot_const_iterator(const iterator_type& i)
-    : i_(i) {}
+  explicit slot_const_iterator(const iterator_type& i) : i_(i) {}
-  reference operator*() const
-    { return static_cast<reference>(*i_); }
+  reference operator*() const { return static_cast<reference>(*i_); }
-  pointer operator->() const
-    { return &(operator*()); }
+  pointer operator->() const { return &(operator*()); }
   slot_const_iterator& operator++()
-    {
-      ++i_;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    ++i_;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_const_iterator operator++(int)
-    { 
-      slot_const_iterator __tmp(*this);
-      ++i_;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_const_iterator __tmp(*this);
+    ++i_;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
   slot_const_iterator& operator--()
-    {
-      --i_;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    --i_;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_const_iterator operator--(int)
-    {
-      slot_const_iterator __tmp(*this);
-      --i_;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_const_iterator __tmp(*this);
+    --i_;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
-  bool operator == (const slot_const_iterator& other) const
-    { return i_ == other.i_; }
+  bool operator==(const slot_const_iterator& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
-  bool operator != (const slot_const_iterator& other) const
-    { return i_ != other.i_; }
+  bool operator!=(const slot_const_iterator& other) const { return i_ != other.i_; }
   iterator_type i_;
@@ -181,95 +170,79 @@ struct slot_list
   using iterator = slot_iterator<slot_type>;
   using const_iterator = slot_const_iterator<slot_type>;
   using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
   using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
-  slot_list()
-    : list_(nullptr) {}
+  slot_list() : list_(nullptr) {}
-  explicit slot_list(internal::signal_impl* __list)
-    : list_(__list) {}
+  explicit slot_list(internal::signal_impl* __list) : list_(__list) {}
-  iterator begin()
-    { return iterator(list_->slots_.begin()); }
+  iterator begin() { return iterator(list_->slots_.begin()); }
-  const_iterator begin() const
-    { return const_iterator(list_->slots_.begin()); }
+  const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(list_->slots_.begin()); }
-  iterator end()
-    { return iterator(list_->slots_.end()); }
+  iterator end() { return iterator(list_->slots_.end()); }
-  const_iterator end() const
-    { return const_iterator(list_->slots_.end()); }
+  const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(list_->slots_.end()); }
-  reverse_iterator rbegin() 
-    { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
+  reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
-  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const 
-    { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
+  const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
-  reverse_iterator rend()
-    { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
+  reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
-  const_reverse_iterator rend() const
-    { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
+  const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
-  reference front()
-    { return *begin(); }
+  reference front() { return *begin(); }
-  const_reference front() const
-    { return *begin(); }
+  const_reference front() const { return *begin(); }
-  reference back()
-    { return *(--end()); }
+  reference back() { return *(--end()); }
-  const_reference back() const
-    { return *(--end()); }
+  const_reference back() const { return *(--end()); }
   iterator insert(iterator i, const slot_type& slot_)
-    { return iterator(list_->insert(i.i_, static_cast<const slot_base&>(slot_))); }
+  {
+    return iterator(list_->insert(i.i_, static_cast<const slot_base&>(slot_)));
+  }
   iterator insert(iterator i, slot_type&& slot_)
-    { return iterator(list_->insert(i.i_, std::move(static_cast<slot_base&>(slot_)))); }
+  {
+    return iterator(list_->insert(i.i_, std::move(static_cast<slot_base&>(slot_))));
+  }
-  void push_front(const slot_type& c)
-    { insert(begin(), c); }
+  void push_front(const slot_type& c) { insert(begin(), c); }
-  void push_front(slot_type&& c)
-    { insert(begin(), std::move(c)); }
+  void push_front(slot_type&& c) { insert(begin(), std::move(c)); }
-  void push_back(const slot_type& c)
-    { insert(end(), c); }
+  void push_back(const slot_type& c) { insert(end(), c); }
-  void push_back(slot_type&& c)
-    { insert(end(), std::move(c)); }
+  void push_back(slot_type&& c) { insert(end(), std::move(c)); }
-  iterator erase(iterator i)
-    { return iterator(list_->erase(i.i_)); }
+  iterator erase(iterator i) { return iterator(list_->erase(i.i_)); }
   iterator erase(iterator first_, iterator last_)
-    {
-      while (first_ != last_)
-        first_ = erase(first_);
-      return last_;
-    }
+  {
+    while (first_ != last_)
+      first_ = erase(first_);
+    return last_;
+  }
-  void pop_front()
-    { erase(begin()); }
+  void pop_front() { erase(begin()); }
   void pop_back()
-    { 
-      auto tmp_ = end();
-      erase(--tmp_);
-    }
+  {
+    auto tmp_ = end();
+    erase(--tmp_);
+  }
   internal::signal_impl* list_;
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
 /** Special iterator over sigc::internal::signal_impl's slot list that holds extra data.
  * This iterators is for use in accumulators. operator*() executes
@@ -283,8 +256,8 @@ struct slot_iterator_buf
   using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
   using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
-  //These are needed just to make this a proper C++ iterator, 
-  //that can be used with standard C++ algorithms.
+  // These are needed just to make this a proper C++ iterator,
+  // that can be used with standard C++ algorithms.
   using value_type = T_result;
   using reference = T_result&;
   using pointer = T_result*;
@@ -295,60 +268,61 @@ struct slot_iterator_buf
   using iterator_type = signal_impl::const_iterator_type;
-  slot_iterator_buf()
-    : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
+  slot_iterator_buf() : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
-  slot_iterator_buf(const iterator_type& i, const emitter_type* c)
-    : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false) {}
+  slot_iterator_buf(const iterator_type& i, const emitter_type* c) : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false)
+  {
+  }
   decltype(auto) operator*() const
+  {
+    if (!i_->empty() && !i_->blocked() && !invoked_)
-      if (!i_->empty() && !i_->blocked() && !invoked_)
-        {
-          r_ = (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*i_));
-          invoked_ = true;
-        }
-      return r_;
+      r_ = (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*i_));
+      invoked_ = true;
+    return r_;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf& operator++()
-    {
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf operator++(int)
-    { 
-      slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf& operator--()
-    {
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf operator--(int)
-    {
-      slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
-  bool operator == (const slot_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return (!c_ || (i_ == other.i_)); } /* If '!c_' the iterators are empty.
-                                           * Unfortunately, empty stl iterators are not equal.
-                                           * We are forcing equality so that 'first==last'
-                                           * in the accumulator's emit function yields true. */
+  bool operator==(const slot_iterator_buf& other) const
+  {
+    return (!c_ || (i_ == other.i_));
+  } /* If '!c_' the iterators are empty.
+     * Unfortunately, empty stl iterators are not equal.
+     * We are forcing equality so that 'first==last'
+     * in the accumulator's emit function yields true. */
-  bool operator != (const slot_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return (c_ && (i_ != other.i_)); }
+  bool operator!=(const slot_iterator_buf& other) const { return (c_ && (i_ != other.i_)); }
   iterator_type i_;
@@ -372,56 +346,54 @@ struct slot_iterator_buf<T_emitter, void>
   using iterator_type = signal_impl::const_iterator_type;
-  slot_iterator_buf()
-    : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
+  slot_iterator_buf() : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
-  slot_iterator_buf(const iterator_type& i, const emitter_type* c)
-    : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false) {}
+  slot_iterator_buf(const iterator_type& i, const emitter_type* c) : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false)
+  {
+  }
   void operator*() const
+  {
+    if (!i_->empty() && !i_->blocked() && !invoked_)
-      if (!i_->empty() && !i_->blocked() && !invoked_)
-        {
-          (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*i_));
-          invoked_ = true;
-        }
+      (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*i_));
+      invoked_ = true;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf& operator++()
-    {
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf operator++(int)
-    { 
-      slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf& operator--()
-    {
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_iterator_buf operator--(int)
-    {
-      slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
-  bool operator == (const slot_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return i_ == other.i_; }
+  bool operator==(const slot_iterator_buf& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
-  bool operator != (const slot_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return i_ != other.i_; }
+  bool operator!=(const slot_iterator_buf& other) const { return i_ != other.i_; }
   iterator_type i_;
@@ -437,8 +409,8 @@ struct slot_reverse_iterator_buf
   using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
   using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
-  //These are needed just to make this a proper C++ iterator, 
-  //that can be used with standard C++ algorithms.
+  // These are needed just to make this a proper C++ iterator,
+  // that can be used with standard C++ algorithms.
   using value_type = T_result;
   using reference = T_result&;
   using pointer = T_result*;
@@ -449,62 +421,64 @@ struct slot_reverse_iterator_buf
   using iterator_type = signal_impl::const_iterator_type;
-  slot_reverse_iterator_buf()
-    : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
+  slot_reverse_iterator_buf() : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf(const iterator_type& i, const emitter_type* c)
-    : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false) {}
+  : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false)
+  {
+  }
   decltype(auto) operator*() const
+  {
+    iterator_type __tmp(i_);
+    --__tmp;
+    if (!__tmp->empty() && !__tmp->blocked() && !invoked_)
-      iterator_type __tmp(i_);
-         --__tmp;
-      if (!__tmp->empty() && !__tmp->blocked() && !invoked_)
-        {
-          r_ = (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*__tmp));
-          invoked_ = true;
-        }
-      return r_;
+      r_ = (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*__tmp));
+      invoked_ = true;
+    return r_;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf& operator++()
-    {
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf operator++(int)
-    { 
-      slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf& operator--()
-    {
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf operator--(int)
-    {
-      slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
-  bool operator == (const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return (!c_ || (i_ == other.i_)); } /* If '!c_' the iterators are empty.
-                                           * Unfortunately, empty stl iterators are not equal.
-                                           * We are forcing equality so that 'first==last'
-                                           * in the accumulator's emit function yields true. */
+  bool operator==(const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const
+  {
+    return (!c_ || (i_ == other.i_));
+  } /* If '!c_' the iterators are empty.
+     * Unfortunately, empty stl iterators are not equal.
+     * We are forcing equality so that 'first==last'
+     * in the accumulator's emit function yields true. */
-  bool operator != (const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return (c_ && (i_ != other.i_)); }
+  bool operator!=(const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const { return (c_ && (i_ != other.i_)); }
   iterator_type i_;
@@ -528,58 +502,57 @@ struct slot_reverse_iterator_buf<T_emitter, void>
   using iterator_type = signal_impl::const_iterator_type;
-  slot_reverse_iterator_buf()
-    : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
+  slot_reverse_iterator_buf() : c_(nullptr), invoked_(false) {}
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf(const iterator_type& i, const emitter_type* c)
-    : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false) {}
+  : i_(i), c_(c), invoked_(false)
+  {
+  }
   void operator*() const
+  {
+    iterator_type __tmp(i_);
+    --__tmp;
+    if (!__tmp->empty() && !__tmp->blocked() && !invoked_)
-      iterator_type __tmp(i_);
-         --__tmp;
-         if (!__tmp->empty() && !__tmp->blocked() && !invoked_)
-        {
-          (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*__tmp));
-          invoked_ = true;
-        }
+      (*c_)(static_cast<const slot_type&>(*__tmp));
+      invoked_ = true;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf& operator++()
-    {
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf operator++(int)
-    { 
-      slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      --i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    --i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf& operator--()
-    {
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return *this;
-    }
+  {
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return *this;
+  }
   slot_reverse_iterator_buf operator--(int)
-    {
-      slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
-      ++i_;
-      invoked_ = false;
-      return __tmp;
-    }
+  {
+    slot_reverse_iterator_buf __tmp(*this);
+    ++i_;
+    invoked_ = false;
+    return __tmp;
+  }
-  bool operator == (const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return i_ == other.i_; }
+  bool operator==(const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
-  bool operator != (const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const
-    { return i_ != other.i_; }
+  bool operator!=(const slot_reverse_iterator_buf& other) const { return i_ != other.i_; }
   iterator_type i_;
@@ -587,7 +560,6 @@ private:
   mutable bool invoked_;
 /** Abstracts signal emission.
  * This template implements the emit() function of signal_with_accumulator.
  * Template specializations are available to optimize signal
@@ -608,18 +580,17 @@ struct signal_emit
    * The parameters are stored in member variables. operator()() passes
    * the values on to some slot.
-  signal_emit(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a)
-    : _A_a_(_A_a...) {}
+  signal_emit(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) : _A_a_(_A_a...) {}
   /** Invokes a slot using the buffered parameter values.
    * @param _A_slot Some slot to invoke.
    * @return The slot's return value.
   T_return operator()(const slot_type& _A_slot) const
-    {
-      const auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<decltype(_A_a_)>::value>();
-      return call_call_type_operator_parentheses_with_tuple(_A_slot, _A_a_, seq);
-    }
+  {
+    const auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<decltype(_A_a_)>::value>();
+    return call_call_type_operator_parentheses_with_tuple(_A_slot, _A_a_, seq);
+  }
   /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator.
    * The arguments are buffered in a temporary instance of signal_emit.
@@ -627,48 +598,48 @@ struct signal_emit
    * @return The accumulated return values of the slot invocations as processed by the accumulator.
   static decltype(auto) emit(signal_impl* impl, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a)
-    {
-      T_accumulator accumulator;
+  {
+    T_accumulator accumulator;
-      if (!impl)
-        return accumulator(slot_iterator_buf_type(), slot_iterator_buf_type());
+    if (!impl)
+      return accumulator(slot_iterator_buf_type(), slot_iterator_buf_type());
-      signal_exec exec(impl);
-      temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
+    signal_exec exec(impl);
+    temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
-      self_type self(_A_a...);
-      return accumulator(slot_iterator_buf_type(slots.begin(), &self),
-                         slot_iterator_buf_type(slots.end(), &self));
-    }
+    self_type self(_A_a...);
+    return accumulator(
+      slot_iterator_buf_type(slots.begin(), &self), slot_iterator_buf_type(slots.end(), &self));
+  }
-  /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator in reverse order.   * The 
arguments are buffered in a temporary instance of signal_emit.
+  /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator in reverse order.   *
+   * The arguments are buffered in a temporary instance of signal_emit.
    * @param _A_a Arguments to be passed on to the slots.
    * @return The accumulated return values of the slot invocations as processed by the accumulator.
   static decltype(auto) emit_reverse(signal_impl* impl, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a)
-    {
-      T_accumulator accumulator;
+  {
+    T_accumulator accumulator;
-      if (!impl)
-        return accumulator(slot_iterator_buf_type(), slot_iterator_buf_type());
+    if (!impl)
+      return accumulator(slot_iterator_buf_type(), slot_iterator_buf_type());
-      signal_exec exec(impl);
-      temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
+    signal_exec exec(impl);
+    temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
-      self_type self(_A_a...);
-      return accumulator(slot_reverse_iterator_buf_type(slots.end(), &self),
-                         slot_reverse_iterator_buf_type(slots.begin(), &self));
-    }
+    self_type self(_A_a...);
+    return accumulator(slot_reverse_iterator_buf_type(slots.end(), &self),
+      slot_reverse_iterator_buf_type(slots.begin(), &self));
+  }
   std::tuple<type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...> _A_a_;
-  //TODO_variadic: Replace this with std::experimental::apply() if that becomes standard
-  //C++, or add our own implementation, to avoid code duplication.
-  template<std::size_t... Is>
-  decltype(auto)
-  call_call_type_operator_parentheses_with_tuple(const slot_type& _A_slot, const std::tuple<T_arg...>& tuple,
-    std::index_sequence<Is...>) const
+  // TODO_variadic: Replace this with std::experimental::apply() if that becomes standard
+  // C++, or add our own implementation, to avoid code duplication.
+  template <std::size_t... Is>
+  decltype(auto) call_call_type_operator_parentheses_with_tuple(
+    const slot_type& _A_slot, const std::tuple<T_arg...>& tuple, std::index_sequence<Is...>) const
     return (_A_slot)(std::get<Is>(tuple)...);
@@ -691,77 +662,82 @@ struct signal_emit<T_return, void, T_arg...>
    * The arguments are passed directly on to the slots.
    * The return value of the last slot invoked is returned.
    * @param first An iterator pointing to the first slot in the list.
-   * @param last An iterator pointing to the last slot in the list.   * @param _A_a Arguments to be passed 
on to the slots.
+   * @param last An iterator pointing to the last slot in the list.   * @param _A_a Arguments to be
+   * passed on to the slots.
    * @return The return value of the last slot invoked.
   static decltype(auto) emit(signal_impl* impl, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a)
+  {
+    if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty())
+      return T_return();
+    signal_exec exec(impl);
+    T_return r_ = T_return();
+    // Use this scope to make sure that "slots" is destroyed before "exec" is destroyed.
+    // This avoids a leak on MSVC++ - see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=306249
-      if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty())
-        return T_return();
-      signal_exec exec(impl);
-      T_return r_ = T_return(); 
-      //Use this scope to make sure that "slots" is destroyed before "exec" is destroyed.
-      //This avoids a leak on MSVC++ - see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=306249
-      { 
-        temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
-        iterator_type it = slots.begin();
-        for (; it != slots.end(); ++it)
-          if (!it->empty() && !it->blocked()) break;
-        if (it == slots.end())
-          return T_return(); // note that 'T_return r_();' doesn't work => define 'r_' after this line and 
initialize as follows:
+      temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
+      iterator_type it = slots.begin();
+      for (; it != slots.end(); ++it)
+        if (!it->empty() && !it->blocked())
+          break;
+      if (it == slots.end())
+        return T_return(); // note that 'T_return r_();' doesn't work => define 'r_' after this line
+                           // and initialize as follows:
+      r_ = (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
+      for (++it; it != slots.end(); ++it)
+      {
+        if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
+          continue;
         r_ = (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
-        for (++it; it != slots.end(); ++it)
-          {
-            if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
-              continue;
-            r_ = (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
-          }
-      return r_;
+    return r_;
+  }
   /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator in reverse order.
    * The arguments are passed directly on to the slots.
    * @param _A_a%1 Argument to be passed on to the slots.
    * @return The return value of the last slot invoked.
   static decltype(auto) emit_reverse(signal_impl* impl, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a)
+  {
+    if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty())
+      return T_return();
+    signal_exec exec(impl);
+    T_return r_ = T_return();
+    // Use this scope to make sure that "slots" is destroyed before "exec" is destroyed.
+    // This avoids a leak on MSVC++ - see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=306249
-      if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty())
-        return T_return();
-      signal_exec exec(impl);
-      T_return r_ = T_return(); 
-      //Use this scope to make sure that "slots" is destroyed before "exec" is destroyed.
-      //This avoids a leak on MSVC++ - see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=306249
-      { 
-        using reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<signal_impl::iterator_type>;
-        temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
-        reverse_iterator_type it(slots.end());
-        for (; it != reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()); ++it)
-          if (!it->empty() && !it->blocked()) break;
-        if (it == reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()))
-          return T_return(); // note that 'T_return r_();' doesn't work => define 'r_' after this line and 
initialize as follows:
+      using reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<signal_impl::iterator_type>;
+      temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
+      reverse_iterator_type it(slots.end());
+      for (; it != reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()); ++it)
+        if (!it->empty() && !it->blocked())
+          break;
+      if (it == reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()))
+        return T_return(); // note that 'T_return r_();' doesn't work => define 'r_' after this line
+                           // and initialize as follows:
+      r_ = (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
+      for (++it; it != reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()); ++it)
+      {
+        if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
+          continue;
         r_ = (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
-        for (++it; it != reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()); ++it)
-          {
-            if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
-              continue;
-            r_ = (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
-          }
-      return r_;
+    return r_;
+  }
 /** Abstracts signal emission.
@@ -778,49 +754,52 @@ struct signal_emit<void, void, T_arg...>
   using iterator_type = signal_impl::const_iterator_type;
   using call_type = typename slot_type::call_type;
-  /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator.   * The arguments are passed 
directly on to the slots.
+  /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator.   * The arguments are
+   * passed directly on to the slots.
    * @param _A_a Arguments to be passed on to the slots.
   static decltype(auto) emit(signal_impl* impl, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a)
-    {
-      if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty()) return;
-      signal_exec exec(impl);
-      temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
+  {
+    if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty())
+      return;
+    signal_exec exec(impl);
+    temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
-      for (iterator_type it = slots.begin(); it != slots.end(); ++it)
-        {
-          if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
-            continue;
-          (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
-        }
+    for (iterator_type it = slots.begin(); it != slots.end(); ++it)
+    {
+      if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
+        continue;
+      (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
+  }
-  /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator in reverse order.   * The 
arguments are passed directly on to the slots.
+  /** Executes a list of slots using an accumulator of type @e T_accumulator in reverse order.   *
+   * The arguments are passed directly on to the slots.
    * @param first An iterator pointing to the first slot in the list.
-   * @param last An iterator pointing to the last slot in the list.   * @param _A_a Arguments to be passed 
on to the slots.
+   * @param last An iterator pointing to the last slot in the list.   * @param _A_a Arguments to be
+   * passed on to the slots.
   static decltype(auto) emit_reverse(signal_impl* impl, type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a)
-    {
-      if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty()) return;
-      signal_exec exec(impl);
-      temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
+  {
+    if (!impl || impl->slots_.empty())
+      return;
+    signal_exec exec(impl);
+    temp_slot_list slots(impl->slots_);
-      using reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<signal_impl::iterator_type>;
+    using reverse_iterator_type = std::reverse_iterator<signal_impl::iterator_type>;
-      for (reverse_iterator_type it = reverse_iterator_type(slots.end()); it != 
reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()); ++it)
-        {
-          if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
-            continue;
-          (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
-        }
+    for (reverse_iterator_type it = reverse_iterator_type(slots.end());
+         it != reverse_iterator_type(slots.begin()); ++it)
+    {
+      if (it->empty() || it->blocked())
+        continue;
+      (reinterpret_cast<call_type>(it->rep_->call_))(it->rep_, _A_a...);
+  }
 } /* namespace internal */
 /** Signal declaration.
  * signal_with_accumulator can be used to connect() slots that are invoked
  * during subsequent calls to emit(). Any functor or slot
@@ -840,7 +819,8 @@ struct signal_emit<void, void, T_arg...>
  * iteration, insertion and removal of slots.
  * The following template arguments are used:
- * - @e T_return The desired return type for the emit() function (may be overridden by the accumulator). * - 
@e T_arg Argument types used in the definition of emit().
+ * - @e T_return The desired return type for the emit() function (may be overridden by the
+ * accumulator). * - @e T_arg Argument types used in the definition of emit().
  * - @e T_accumulator The accumulator type used for emission. The default
  * @p void means that no accumulator should be used, for example if signal
  * emission returns the return value of the last slot invoked.
@@ -848,8 +828,7 @@ struct signal_emit<void, void, T_arg...>
  * @ingroup signal
 template <class T_return, class T_accumulator, class... T_arg>
-class signal_with_accumulator
-  : public signal_base
+class signal_with_accumulator : public signal_base
   using emitter_type = internal::signal_emit<T_return, T_accumulator, T_arg...>;
@@ -883,7 +862,9 @@ public:
    * @return An iterator pointing to the new slot in the list.
   iterator connect(const slot_type& slot_)
-    { return iterator(signal_base::connect(static_cast<const slot_base&>(slot_))); }
+  {
+    return iterator(signal_base::connect(static_cast<const slot_base&>(slot_)));
+  }
   /** Add a slot to the list of slots.
    * @see connect(const slot_type& slot_).
@@ -891,7 +872,9 @@ public:
    * @newin{2,8}
   iterator connect(slot_type&& slot_)
-    { return iterator(signal_base::connect(std::move(static_cast<slot_base&>(slot_)))); }
+  {
+    return iterator(signal_base::connect(std::move(static_cast<slot_base&>(slot_))));
+  }
   /** Triggers the emission of the signal.
    * During signal emission all slots that have been connected
@@ -904,15 +887,18 @@ public:
    * @return The accumulated return values of the slot invocations.
   decltype(auto) emit(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
-    { return emitter_type::emit(impl_, _A_a...); }
+  {
+    return emitter_type::emit(impl_, _A_a...);
+  }
   /** Triggers the emission of the signal in reverse order (see emit()). */
   decltype(auto) emit_reverse(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
-    { return emitter_type::emit_reverse(impl_, _A_a...); }
+  {
+    return emitter_type::emit_reverse(impl_, _A_a...);
+  }
   /** Triggers the emission of the signal (see emit()). */
-  decltype(auto) operator()(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const
-    { return emit(_A_a...); }
+  decltype(auto) operator()(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>... _A_a) const { return emit(_A_a...); }
   /** Creates a functor that calls emit() on this signal.
    * @code
@@ -922,33 +908,32 @@ public:
    * @return A functor that calls emit() on this signal.
   decltype(auto) make_slot() const
-    {
-      return bound_mem_functor<
-        result_type (signal_with_accumulator::*)(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...) const,
-        type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...>(*this, &signal_with_accumulator::emit);
-    }
+  {
+    return bound_mem_functor<result_type (signal_with_accumulator::*)(type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...)
+                               const,
+      type_trait_take_t<T_arg>...>(*this, &signal_with_accumulator::emit);
+  }
   /** Creates an STL-style interface for the signal's list of slots.
    * This interface supports iteration, insertion and removal of slots.
    * @return An STL-style interface for the signal's list of slots.
-  slot_list_type slots()
-    { return slot_list_type(impl()); }
+  slot_list_type slots() { return slot_list_type(impl()); }
   /** Creates an STL-style interface for the signal's list of slots.
    * This interface supports iteration, insertion and removal of slots.
    * @return An STL-style interface for the signal's list of slots.
   const slot_list_type slots() const
-    { return slot_list_type(const_cast<signal_with_accumulator*>(this)->impl()); }
+  {
+    return slot_list_type(const_cast<signal_with_accumulator*>(this)->impl());
+  }
   signal_with_accumulator() {}
-  signal_with_accumulator(const signal_with_accumulator& src)
-    : signal_base(src) {}
+  signal_with_accumulator(const signal_with_accumulator& src) : signal_base(src) {}
-  signal_with_accumulator(signal_with_accumulator&& src)
-    : signal_base(std::move(src)) {}
+  signal_with_accumulator(signal_with_accumulator&& src) : signal_base(std::move(src)) {}
   signal_with_accumulator& operator=(const signal_with_accumulator& src)
@@ -963,7 +948,6 @@ public:
 /** signal can be used to connect() slots that are invoked
  * during subsequent calls to emit(). Any functor or slot
  * can be passed into connect(). It is converted into a slot
@@ -983,7 +967,8 @@ public:
  * The template arguments determine the function signature of
  * the emit() function:
- * - @e T_return The desired return type of the emit() function. * - @e T_arg Argument types used in the 
definition of emit().
+ * - @e T_return The desired return type of the emit() function. * - @e T_arg Argument types used in
+ * the definition of emit().
  * For instance, to declare a signal whose connected slot returns void and takes
  * two parameters of bool and int:
@@ -1007,8 +992,7 @@ template <class T_return, class... T_arg>
 class signal;
 template <class T_return, class... T_arg>
-class signal<T_return(T_arg...)>
-  : public signal_with_accumulator<T_return, void, T_arg...>
+class signal<T_return(T_arg...)> : public signal_with_accumulator<T_return, void, T_arg...>
   using accumulator_type = void;
@@ -1060,22 +1044,24 @@ public:
    * @ingroup signal
   template <class T_accumulator>
-  class accumulated
-    : public signal_with_accumulator<T_return, T_accumulator, T_arg...>
+  class accumulated : public signal_with_accumulator<T_return, T_accumulator, T_arg...>
     accumulated() {}
     accumulated(const accumulated& src)
-      : signal_with_accumulator<T_return, T_accumulator, T_arg...>(src) {}
+    : signal_with_accumulator<T_return, T_accumulator, T_arg...>(src)
+    {
+    }
   signal() {}
-  signal(const signal& src)
-    : signal_with_accumulator<T_return, accumulator_type, T_arg...>(src) {}
+  signal(const signal& src) : signal_with_accumulator<T_return, accumulator_type, T_arg...>(src) {}
   signal(signal&& src)
-    : signal_with_accumulator<T_return, accumulator_type, T_arg...>(std::move(src)) {}
+  : signal_with_accumulator<T_return, accumulator_type, T_arg...>(std::move(src))
+  {
+  }
   signal& operator=(const signal& src)
@@ -1090,8 +1076,6 @@ public:
 } /* namespace sigc */
 #endif /* _SIGC_SIGNAL_H_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/signal_base.h b/sigc++/signal_base.h
index bf79dd5..763828a 100644
--- a/sigc++/signal_base.h
+++ b/sigc++/signal_base.h
@@ -58,41 +58,47 @@ struct SIGC_API signal_impl : public notifiable
   signal_impl(signal_impl&& src) = delete;
   signal_impl& operator=(signal_impl&& src) = delete;
-  // only MSVC needs this to guarantee that all new/delete are executed from the DLL module
+// only MSVC needs this to guarantee that all new/delete are executed from the DLL module
   void* operator new(size_t size_);
   void operator delete(void* p);
   /// Increments the reference counter.
-  inline void reference() noexcept
-    { ++ref_count_; }
+  inline void reference() noexcept { ++ref_count_; }
   /// Increments the reference and execution counter.
   inline void reference_exec() noexcept
-    { ++ref_count_; ++exec_count_; }
+  {
+    ++ref_count_;
+    ++exec_count_;
+  }
   /** Decrements the reference counter.
    * The object is deleted when the reference counter reaches zero.
   inline void unreference()
-    { if (!(--ref_count_)) delete this; }
+  {
+    if (!(--ref_count_))
+      delete this;
+  }
   /** Decrements the reference and execution counter.
    * Invokes sweep() if the execution counter reaches zero and the
    * removal of one or more slots has been deferred.
   inline void unreference_exec()
-    {
-      if (!(--ref_count_)) delete this;
-      else if (!(--exec_count_) && deferred_) sweep();
-    }
+  {
+    if (!(--ref_count_))
+      delete this;
+    else if (!(--exec_count_) && deferred_)
+      sweep();
+  }
   /** Returns whether the list of slots is empty.
    * @return @p true if the list of slots is empty.
-  inline bool empty() const noexcept
-    { return slots_.empty(); }
+  inline bool empty() const noexcept { return slots_.empty(); }
   /// Empties the list of slots.
   void clear();
@@ -196,13 +202,13 @@ struct SIGC_API signal_exec
   /** Increments the reference and execution counter of the parent sigc::signal_impl object.
    * @param sig The parent sigc::signal_impl object.
-  inline signal_exec(const signal_impl* sig) noexcept
-    : sig_(const_cast<signal_impl*>(sig) )
-    { sig_->reference_exec(); }
+  inline signal_exec(const signal_impl* sig) noexcept : sig_(const_cast<signal_impl*>(sig))
+  {
+    sig_->reference_exec();
+  }
   /// Decrements the reference and execution counter of the parent sigc::signal_impl object.
-  inline ~signal_exec()
-    { sig_->unreference_exec(); }
+  inline ~signal_exec() { sig_->unreference_exec(); }
 /** Temporary slot list used during signal emission.
@@ -219,15 +225,12 @@ struct temp_slot_list
   using iterator = signal_impl::iterator_type;
   using const_iterator = signal_impl::const_iterator_type;
-  temp_slot_list(slot_list &slots) : slots_(slots)
+  temp_slot_list(slot_list& slots) : slots_(slots)
     placeholder = slots_.insert(slots_.end(), slot_base());
-  ~temp_slot_list()
-  {
-    slots_.erase(placeholder);
-  }
+  ~temp_slot_list() { slots_.erase(placeholder); }
   iterator begin() { return slots_.begin(); }
   iterator end() { return placeholder; }
@@ -235,15 +238,15 @@ struct temp_slot_list
   const_iterator end() const { return placeholder; }
-  slot_list &slots_;
+  slot_list& slots_;
   slot_list::iterator placeholder;
-} /* namespace internal */
+} /* namespace internal */
 /** @defgroup signal Signals
- * Use sigc::signal::connect() with sigc::mem_fun() and sigc::ptr_fun() to connect a method or function with 
a signal.
+ * Use sigc::signal::connect() with sigc::mem_fun() and sigc::ptr_fun() to connect a method or
+ * function with a signal.
  * @code
  * signal_clicked.connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MyWindow::on_clicked) );
@@ -319,8 +322,7 @@ struct SIGC_API signal_base : public trackable
   /** Returns whether the list of slots is empty.
    * @return @p true if the list of slots is empty.
-  inline bool empty() const noexcept
-    { return (!impl_ || impl_->empty()); }
+  inline bool empty() const noexcept { return (!impl_ || impl_->empty()); }
   /// Empties the list of slots.
   void clear();
@@ -411,6 +413,6 @@ protected:
   mutable internal::signal_impl* impl_;
-} //namespace sigc
+} // namespace sigc
 #endif /* _SIGC_SIGNAL_BASE_H_ */
diff --git a/sigc++/trackable.h b/sigc++/trackable.h
index 26ee492..c5490bb 100644
--- a/sigc++/trackable.h
+++ b/sigc++/trackable.h
@@ -21,14 +21,15 @@
 #include <list>
 #include <sigc++config.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 struct notifiable;
-namespace internal {
-using func_destroy_notify = void (*) (notifiable* data);
+namespace internal
+using func_destroy_notify = void (*)(notifiable* data);
 /** Destroy notification callback.
  * A destroy notification callback consists of a data pointer and a
@@ -40,8 +41,9 @@ struct SIGC_API trackable_callback
   notifiable* data_;
   func_destroy_notify func_;
-  trackable_callback(notifiable* data, func_destroy_notify func) noexcept
-    : data_(data), func_(func) {}
+  trackable_callback(notifiable* data, func_destroy_notify func) noexcept : data_(data), func_(func)
+  {
+  }
 /** Callback list.
@@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ struct SIGC_API trackable_callback_list
   /** Add a callback function.
    * @param data Data that will be sent as a parameter to teh callback function.
    * @param func The callback function.
-   * 
+   *
   void add_callback(notifiable* data, func_destroy_notify func);
@@ -68,8 +70,7 @@ struct SIGC_API trackable_callback_list
   void clear();
-  trackable_callback_list()
-    : clearing_(false) {}
+  trackable_callback_list() : clearing_(false) {}
   trackable_callback_list(const trackable_callback_list& src) = delete;
   trackable_callback_list& operator=(const trackable_callback_list& src) = delete;
@@ -83,18 +84,16 @@ struct SIGC_API trackable_callback_list
   using callback_list = std::list<trackable_callback>;
   callback_list callbacks_;
-  bool          clearing_;
+  bool clearing_;
 } /* namespace internal */
 struct SIGC_API notifiable
   using func_destroy_notify = internal::func_destroy_notify;
 /** Base class for objects with auto-disconnection.
  * trackable must be inherited when objects shall automatically
  * invalidate slots referring to them on destruction.
@@ -134,12 +133,12 @@ struct SIGC_API trackable : public notifiable
-  /*virtual ~trackable() {} */  /* we would need a virtual dtor for users
-                                   who insist on using "trackable*" as
-                                   pointer type for their own derived objects */
+  /*virtual ~trackable() {} */ /* we would need a virtual dtor for users
+                                  who insist on using "trackable*" as
+                                  pointer type for their own derived objects */
   using func_destroy_notify = internal::func_destroy_notify;
   /** Add a callback that is executed (notified) when the trackable object is detroyed.
    * @param data Passed into func upon notification.
    * @param func Callback executed upon destruction of the object.
diff --git a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_cdr.h b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_cdr.h
index 05d6bb2..e0c17f7 100644
--- a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_cdr.h
+++ b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_cdr.h
@@ -22,9 +22,11 @@
 #include <type_traits>
 #include <utility>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
  * Get the type of a tuple without the first item.
@@ -39,11 +41,11 @@ struct tuple_type_cdr<std::tuple<H, T...>>
   using type = std::tuple<T...>;
-namespace detail {
+namespace detail
 template <typename T, std::size_t... I>
+constexpr decltype(auto)
 tuple_cdr_impl(T&& t, std::index_sequence<0, I...>)
   using cdr = typename tuple_type_cdr<std::decay_t<T>>::type;
@@ -57,10 +59,10 @@ tuple_cdr_impl(T&& t, std::index_sequence<0, I...>)
  * This is analogous to std::tuple_cat().
 template <typename T>
-tuple_cdr(T&& t) {
-  //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+constexpr decltype(auto)
+tuple_cdr(T&& t)
+  // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
   constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
   static_assert(size != 0, "tuple size must be non-zero");
@@ -72,4 +74,4 @@ tuple_cdr(T&& t) {
 } // namespace sigc
diff --git a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_end.h b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_end.h
index b31ad7c..6eeac12 100644
--- a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_end.h
+++ b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_end.h
@@ -20,44 +20,38 @@
 #include <sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_cdr.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
-namespace detail {
+namespace detail
 template <typename T, std::size_t remove_from_start>
-struct tuple_end_impl {
-  constexpr
-  static
-  decltype(auto) // typename tuple_type_end<T, size - remove_from_start>::type
-  tuple_end(T&& t) {
+struct tuple_end_impl
+  constexpr static decltype(auto) // typename tuple_type_end<T, size - remove_from_start>::type
+    tuple_end(T&& t)
+  {
     static_assert(remove_from_start > 0, "remove_from_start must be more than zero.");
     using cdr = typename tuple_type_cdr<std::decay_t<T>>::type;
-    return tuple_end_impl<cdr, remove_from_start - 1>::tuple_end(
-      tuple_cdr(std::forward<T>(t)));
+    return tuple_end_impl<cdr, remove_from_start - 1>::tuple_end(tuple_cdr(std::forward<T>(t)));
 template <typename T>
-struct tuple_end_impl<T, 1> {
-  constexpr
-  static
-  decltype(auto)
-  tuple_end(T&& t) {
-    return tuple_cdr(std::forward<T>(t));
-  }
+struct tuple_end_impl<T, 1>
+  constexpr static decltype(auto) tuple_end(T&& t) { return tuple_cdr(std::forward<T>(t)); }
 template <typename T>
-struct tuple_end_impl<T, 0> {
-  constexpr
-  static
-  decltype(auto)
-  tuple_end(T&& t) {
-    return std::forward<T>(t);
-  }
+struct tuple_end_impl<T, 0>
+  constexpr static decltype(auto) tuple_end(T&& t) { return std::forward<T>(t); }
 } // detail namespace
@@ -66,10 +60,10 @@ struct tuple_end_impl<T, 0> {
  * Get the tuple with the last @a len items of the original.
 template <std::size_t len, typename T>
-decltype(auto) // typename tuple_type_end<T, len>::type
-  tuple_end(T&& t) {
-  //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+constexpr decltype(auto) // typename tuple_type_end<T, len>::type
+  tuple_end(T&& t)
+  // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
   constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
   static_assert(len <= size, "The tuple size must be less than or equal to the length.");
   constexpr auto size_start = size - len;
@@ -80,4 +74,4 @@ decltype(auto) // typename tuple_type_end<T, len>::type
 } // namespace sigc
diff --git a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_for_each.h b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_for_each.h
index c66b45e..15e8a20 100644
--- a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_for_each.h
+++ b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_for_each.h
@@ -20,21 +20,22 @@
 #include <tuple>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
-namespace detail {
+namespace detail
-template <template <typename> class T_visitor, std::size_t size_from_index,
-  typename... T_extras>
-struct tuple_for_each_impl {
+template <template <typename> class T_visitor, std::size_t size_from_index, typename... T_extras>
+struct tuple_for_each_impl
   template <typename T>
-  constexpr
-  static
-  void
-  tuple_for_each(T&& t, T_extras&&... extras) {
-    //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+  constexpr static void tuple_for_each(T&& t, T_extras&&... extras)
+  {
+    // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
     constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
     static_assert(size > 1, "size must be more than 0.");
@@ -50,13 +51,12 @@ struct tuple_for_each_impl {
 template <template <typename> class T_visitor, typename... T_extras>
-struct tuple_for_each_impl<T_visitor, 1, T_extras...> {
+struct tuple_for_each_impl<T_visitor, 1, T_extras...>
   template <typename T>
-  constexpr
-  static
-  void
-  tuple_for_each(T&& t, T_extras&&... extras) {
-    //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+  constexpr static void tuple_for_each(T&& t, T_extras&&... extras)
+  {
+    // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
     constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
     static_assert(size > 0, "size must be more than 0.");
@@ -64,24 +64,23 @@ struct tuple_for_each_impl<T_visitor, 1, T_extras...> {
     static_assert(index >= 0, "unexpected index.");
     using element_type = typename std::tuple_element<index, std::decay_t<T>>::type;
-    T_visitor<element_type>::visit(std::get<index>(std::forward<T>(t)), std::forward<T_extras>(extras)...);
+    T_visitor<element_type>::visit(
+      std::get<index>(std::forward<T>(t)), std::forward<T_extras>(extras)...);
 template <template <typename> class T_visitor, typename... T_extras>
-struct tuple_for_each_impl<T_visitor, 0, T_extras...> {
+struct tuple_for_each_impl<T_visitor, 0, T_extras...>
   template <typename T>
-  constexpr
-  static
-  void
-  tuple_for_each(T&& /* t */, T_extras&&... /* extras */) {
-    //Do nothing because the tuple has no elements.
+  constexpr static void tuple_for_each(T&& /* t */, T_extras&&... /* extras */)
+  {
+    // Do nothing because the tuple has no elements.
 } // detail namespace
  * Call the @e T_Visitor functors visit() method for each element,
  * from the first to the last.
@@ -94,13 +93,14 @@ struct tuple_for_each_impl<T_visitor, 0, T_extras...> {
  * @param extras Any extra arguments to pass to @e T_Visitor's visit() method.
 template <template <typename> class T_visitor, typename T, typename... T_extras>
-tuple_for_each(T&& t, T_extras&&... extras) {
-  //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+constexpr void
+tuple_for_each(T&& t, T_extras&&... extras)
+  // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
   constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
-  if(size == 0) {
+  if (size == 0)
+  {
@@ -112,4 +112,4 @@ tuple_for_each(T&& t, T_extras&&... extras) {
 } // namespace sigc
diff --git a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_start.h b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_start.h
index 86b6066..06491ce 100644
--- a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_start.h
+++ b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_start.h
@@ -21,17 +21,21 @@
 #include <tuple>
 #include <utility>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
-namespace detail {
+namespace detail
 template <typename T, typename Seq>
 struct tuple_type_start_impl;
 template <typename T, std::size_t... I>
-struct tuple_type_start_impl<T, std::index_sequence<I...>> {
+struct tuple_type_start_impl<T, std::index_sequence<I...>>
   using type = std::tuple<typename std::tuple_element<I, T>::type...>;
@@ -41,20 +45,21 @@ struct tuple_type_start_impl<T, std::index_sequence<I...>> {
  * Get the type of a tuple with just the first @len items.
 template <typename T, std::size_t len>
-struct tuple_type_start
-  : detail::tuple_type_start_impl<T, std::make_index_sequence<len>> {};
+struct tuple_type_start : detail::tuple_type_start_impl<T, std::make_index_sequence<len>>
-namespace detail {
+namespace detail
 template <typename T, typename Seq>
 struct tuple_start_impl;
 template <typename T, std::size_t... I>
-struct tuple_start_impl<T, std::index_sequence<I...>> {
-  static
-  constexpr
-  decltype(auto)
-  tuple_start(T&& t) {
+struct tuple_start_impl<T, std::index_sequence<I...>>
+  static constexpr decltype(auto) tuple_start(T&& t)
+  {
     constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
     constexpr auto len = sizeof...(I);
     static_assert(len <= size, "The tuple size must be less than or equal to the length.");
@@ -70,10 +75,10 @@ struct tuple_start_impl<T, std::index_sequence<I...>> {
  * Get the tuple with the last @a len items of the original.
 template <std::size_t len, typename T>
-decltype(auto) // typename tuple_type_end<T, len>::type
-tuple_start(T&& t) {
-  //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+constexpr decltype(auto) // typename tuple_type_end<T, len>::type
+  tuple_start(T&& t)
+  // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
   constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
   static_assert(len <= size, "The tuple size must be less than or equal to the length.");
@@ -85,4 +90,4 @@ tuple_start(T&& t) {
 } // namespace sigc
diff --git a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_transform_each.h b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_transform_each.h
index cff9bca..ff7b6a4 100644
--- a/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_transform_each.h
+++ b/sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_transform_each.h
@@ -23,20 +23,23 @@
 #include <sigc++/tuple-utils/tuple_start.h>
 #include <type_traits>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
-namespace detail {
+namespace detail
 template <template <typename> class T_transformer, std::size_t size_from_index>
-struct tuple_transform_each_impl {
+struct tuple_transform_each_impl
   // TODO: Avoid the need to pass t_original all the way into the recursion?
   template <typename T_current, typename T_original>
-  constexpr
-  static decltype(auto)
-  tuple_transform_each(T_current&& t, T_original& t_original) {
-    //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+  constexpr static decltype(auto) tuple_transform_each(T_current&& t, T_original& t_original)
+  {
+    // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
     constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T_current>>::value;
     static_assert(size > 1, "size must be more than 0.");
@@ -46,8 +49,8 @@ struct tuple_transform_each_impl {
     using from_element_type = typename std::tuple_element<index, std::decay_t<T_original>>::type;
     using to_element_type = typename std::result_of<decltype (
-    const auto t_element =
-      std::tuple<to_element_type>(T_transformer<from_element_type>::transform(std::get<index>(t_original)));
+    const auto t_element = std::tuple<to_element_type>(
+      T_transformer<from_element_type>::transform(std::get<index>(t_original)));
     const auto t_start = tuple_start<index>(std::forward<T_current>(t));
@@ -60,19 +63,18 @@ struct tuple_transform_each_impl {
     const auto t_end = tuple_end<size - index - 1>(t);
     auto t_with_transformed_element = std::tuple_cat(t_start, t_element, t_end);
-    return tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer,
-      size_from_index - 1>::tuple_transform_each(t_with_transformed_element, t_original);
+    return tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, size_from_index - 1>::tuple_transform_each(
+      t_with_transformed_element, t_original);
 template <template <typename> class T_transformer>
-struct tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, 1> {
+struct tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, 1>
   template <typename T_current, typename T_original>
-  constexpr
-  static
-  decltype(auto)
-  tuple_transform_each(T_current&& t, T_original& t_original) {
-    //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+  constexpr static decltype(auto) tuple_transform_each(T_current&& t, T_original& t_original)
+  {
+    // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
     constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T_current>>::value;
     static_assert(size > 0, "size must be more than 0.");
@@ -82,8 +84,8 @@ struct tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, 1> {
     using from_element_type = typename std::tuple_element<index, T_original>::type;
     using to_element_type = typename std::result_of<decltype (
-    const auto tuple_element =
-      std::tuple<to_element_type>(T_transformer<from_element_type>::transform(std::get<index>(t_original)));
+    const auto tuple_element = std::tuple<to_element_type>(
+      T_transformer<from_element_type>::transform(std::get<index>(t_original)));
     const auto tuple_rest = tuple_start<size - 1>(std::forward<T_current>(t));
     return std::tuple_cat(tuple_rest, tuple_element);
@@ -91,14 +93,13 @@ struct tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, 1> {
 template <template <typename> class T_transformer>
-struct tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, 0> {
+struct tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, 0>
   template <typename T_current, typename T_original>
-  constexpr
-  static
-  decltype(auto)
-  tuple_transform_each(T_current&& t, T_original& /* t_original */) {
-      //Do nothing because the tuple has no elements.
-      return std::forward<T_current>(t);
+  constexpr static decltype(auto) tuple_transform_each(T_current&& t, T_original& /* t_original */)
+  {
+    // Do nothing because the tuple has no elements.
+    return std::forward<T_current>(t);
@@ -109,18 +110,18 @@ struct tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, 0> {
  * in the original tuple.
 template <template <typename> class T_transformer, typename T>
-tuple_transform_each(T&& t) {
-  //We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
+constexpr decltype(auto)
+tuple_transform_each(T&& t)
+  // We use std::decay_t<> because tuple_size is not defined for references.
   constexpr auto size = std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<T>>::value;
-  return detail::tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer,
-    size>::tuple_transform_each(std::forward<T>(t), t);
+  return detail::tuple_transform_each_impl<T_transformer, size>::tuple_transform_each(
+    std::forward<T>(t), t);
 } // namespace internal
 } // namespace sigc
diff --git a/sigc++/type_traits.h b/sigc++/type_traits.h
index fe67e3c..9eb1af9 100644
--- a/sigc++/type_traits.h
+++ b/sigc++/type_traits.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 #include <sigc++config.h>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
 template <class T_type>
 struct type_trait
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@ struct type_trait<const T_type&>
   using take = const T_type&;
+template <>
 struct type_trait<void>
   using pass = void;
   using take = void;
-template<typename T>
+template <typename T>
 using type_trait_pass_t = typename type_trait<T>::pass;
-template<typename T>
+template <typename T>
 using type_trait_take_t = typename type_trait<T>::take;
 } /* namespace sigc */
diff --git a/sigc++/visit_each.h b/sigc++/visit_each.h
index 487477a..3e3fdc0 100644
--- a/sigc++/visit_each.h
+++ b/sigc++/visit_each.h
@@ -21,33 +21,37 @@
 #include <sigc++/type_traits.h>
 #include <type_traits>
-namespace sigc {
+namespace sigc
-namespace internal {
+namespace internal
-//This should really be an inner class of limit_derived_target, without the T_limit template type,
-//But the SUN CC 5.7 (not earlier versions) compiler finds it ambiguous when we specify a particular 
specialization of it.
-//and does not seem to allow us to tell it explicitly that it's an inner class.
+// This should really be an inner class of limit_derived_target, without the T_limit template type,
+// But the SUN CC 5.7 (not earlier versions) compiler finds it ambiguous when we specify a
+// particular specialization of it.
+// and does not seem to allow us to tell it explicitly that it's an inner class.
 template <bool I_derived, class T_type, class T_limit>
 struct with_type;
-//Specialization for I_derived = false
-template <class T_type, class T_limit> struct
-with_type<false, T_type, T_limit>
+// Specialization for I_derived = false
+template <class T_type, class T_limit>
+struct with_type<false, T_type, T_limit>
   static void execute_(const T_type&, const T_limit&) {}
-//Specialization for I_derived = true
+// Specialization for I_derived = true
 template <class T_type, class T_limit>
 struct with_type<true, T_type, T_limit>
   static void execute_(const T_type& _A_type, const T_limit& _A_action)
-  { _A_action.action_(_A_type); }
+  {
+    _A_action.action_(_A_type);
+  }
 /// Helper struct for visit_each_type().
 template <class T_target, class T_action>
 struct limit_derived_target
@@ -57,34 +61,36 @@ struct limit_derived_target
   template <class T_type>
   void operator()(const T_type& _A_type) const
-    with_type<std::is_base_of<T_target, T_type>::value || std::is_same<T_target, T_type>::value, T_type, 
T_self>::execute_(_A_type, *this);
+    with_type<std::is_base_of<T_target, T_type>::value || std::is_same<T_target, T_type>::value,
+      T_type, T_self>::execute_(_A_type, *this);
-  limit_derived_target(const T_action& _A_action)
-  : action_(_A_action)
-  {}
+  limit_derived_target(const T_action& _A_action) : action_(_A_action) {}
   T_action action_;
-// Specialization for T_target pointer types, to provide a slightly different execute_() implementation.
+// Specialization for T_target pointer types, to provide a slightly different execute_()
+// implementation.
 template <bool I_derived, class T_type, class T_limit>
 struct with_type_pointer;
-//Specialization for I_derived = false
+// Specialization for I_derived = false
 template <class T_type, class T_limit>
 struct with_type_pointer<false, T_type, T_limit>
- static void execute_(const T_type&, const T_limit&) {}
+  static void execute_(const T_type&, const T_limit&) {}
-//Specialization for I_derived = true
+// Specialization for I_derived = true
 template <class T_type, class T_limit>
 struct with_type_pointer<true, T_type, T_limit>
   static void execute_(const T_type& _A_type, const T_limit& _A_action)
-  { _A_action.action_(&_A_type); }
+  {
+    _A_action.action_(&_A_type);
+  }
 template <class T_target, class T_action>
@@ -95,12 +101,12 @@ struct limit_derived_target<T_target*, T_action>
   template <class T_type>
   void operator()(const T_type& _A_type) const
-    with_type_pointer<std::is_base_of<T_target, T_type>::value || std::is_same<T_target, T_type>::value, 
T_type, T_self>::execute_(_A_type, *this);
+    with_type_pointer<std::is_base_of<T_target, T_type>::value ||
+                        std::is_same<T_target, T_type>::value,
+      T_type, T_self>::execute_(_A_type, *this);
-  limit_derived_target(const T_action& _A_action)
-  : action_(_A_action)
-  {}
+  limit_derived_target(const T_action& _A_action) : action_(_A_action) {}
   T_action action_;
@@ -115,7 +121,8 @@ struct limit_derived_target<T_target*, T_action>
 // (argument-dependent lookup), and therefore there is no risk that a visit_each() overload
 // in e.g. Boost is selected by mistake.
-/** sigc::visitor<T_functor>::do_visit_each() performs a functor on each of the targets of a functor.
+/** sigc::visitor<T_functor>::do_visit_each() performs a functor on each of the targets of a
+ * functor.
  * All unknown types just call @a _A_action on them.
  * Add specializations that specialize the @a T_functor argument for your own
  * functor types, so that subobjects get visited. This is needed to enable
@@ -166,8 +173,11 @@ struct visitor
  * @ingroup sigcfunctors
 template <class T_action, class T_functor>
-void visit_each(const T_action& _A_action, const T_functor& _A_functor)
-{ sigc::visitor<T_functor>::do_visit_each(_A_action, _A_functor); }
+visit_each(const T_action& _A_action, const T_functor& _A_functor)
+  sigc::visitor<T_functor>::do_visit_each(_A_action, _A_functor);
 /** This function performs a functor on each of the targets
  * of a functor limited to a restricted type.
@@ -175,29 +185,32 @@ void visit_each(const T_action& _A_action, const T_functor& _A_functor)
  * @ingroup sigcfunctors
 template <class T_type, class T_action, class T_functor>
-void visit_each_type(const T_action& _A_action, const T_functor& _A_functor)
+visit_each_type(const T_action& _A_action, const T_functor& _A_functor)
   using type_limited_action = internal::limit_derived_target<T_type, T_action>;
   type_limited_action limited_action(_A_action);
-  //specifying the types of the template specialization prevents disconnection of bound trackable references 
(such as with std::ref()),
-  //probably because the visit_each<> specializations take various different template types,
-  //in various sequences, and we are probably specifying only a subset of them with this.
+  // specifying the types of the template specialization prevents disconnection of bound trackable
+  // references (such as with std::ref()),
+  // probably because the visit_each<> specializations take various different template types,
+  // in various sequences, and we are probably specifying only a subset of them with this.
-  //But this is required by the AIX (and maybe IRIX MipsPro  and Tru64) compilers.
-  //I guess that std::ref() therefore does not work on those platforms. murrayc
+  // But this is required by the AIX (and maybe IRIX MipsPro  and Tru64) compilers.
+  // I guess that std::ref() therefore does not work on those platforms. murrayc
   // sigc::visit_each<type_limited_action, T_functor>(limited_action, _A_functor);
-  //g++ (even slightly old ones) is our primary platform, so we could use the non-crashing version.
-  //However, the explicit version also fixes a crash in a slightly more common case: 
-  //Users (and distributors) of libsigc++ on AIX (and maybe IRIX MipsPro and Tru64) do
-  //need to use the version above instead, to allow compilation.
+  // g++ (even slightly old ones) is our primary platform, so we could use the non-crashing version.
+  // However, the explicit version also fixes a crash in a slightly more common case:
+  // http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169225
+  // Users (and distributors) of libsigc++ on AIX (and maybe IRIX MipsPro and Tru64) do
+  // need to use the version above instead, to allow compilation.
-  //Added 2014-03-20: The preceding comment probably does not apply any more,
-  //now when the visit_each<>() overloads have been replaced by visitor<> specializations.
-  //It's probably safe to add explicit template parameters on calls to visit_each(),
-  //visit_each_type() and visitor::do_visit_each(), if necessary.
+  // Added 2014-03-20: The preceding comment probably does not apply any more,
+  // now when the visit_each<>() overloads have been replaced by visitor<> specializations.
+  // It's probably safe to add explicit template parameters on calls to visit_each(),
+  // visit_each_type() and visitor::do_visit_each(), if necessary.
   sigc::visit_each(limited_action, _A_functor);
diff --git a/tests/testutilities.h b/tests/testutilities.h
index f06d6d9..772689d 100644
--- a/tests/testutilities.h
+++ b/tests/testutilities.h
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 class TestUtilities
   // Non-copyable:
   TestUtilities(const TestUtilities&) = delete;
   TestUtilities& operator=(const TestUtilities&) = delete;
@@ -44,8 +43,6 @@ public:
   static bool get_result_and_delete_instance();
   static TestUtilities* instance_;

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