[beast] BUILD: buildtool.sh: script to print build 'config' and do 'bintrayup' uploads

commit 0892f3ca856121e050125375de7cb056021e9cad
Author: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>
Date:   Mon Mar 21 02:01:30 2016 +0100

    BUILD: buildtool.sh: script to print build 'config' and do 'bintrayup' uploads
    Signed-off-by: Tim Janik <timj gnu org>

 buildtool.sh |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/buildtool.sh b/buildtool.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..843605a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildtool.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Tim Janik, MPL-2.0
+set -e # abort on errors
+SCRIPTNAME=`basename $0`;
+function die { e="$1" ; shift ; [ -n "$*" ] && echo "$SCRIPTNAME: $*" >&2 ; exit "${e:-127}" ; } # die 
<exitcode> [message]
+# == config ==
+mkconfig()     # print shell variables describing package, version, commit id, monotonic revision
+  set -e # abort on errors
+  # ensure we're in the project directory and have full git history
+  SCRIPTPATH=`readlink -f $0`
+  pushd "$SCRIPTDIR" >/dev/null                        # cd PACKAGE/
+  gitdir=`git rev-parse --git-dir`
+  test ! -s "$gitdir/shallow" || die 7 "missing history, run: git fetch --unshallow"
+  # extract configure.ac:AC_INIT package and version
+  test -r configure.ac || die 7 "missing configure.ac"
+  test -z "$PACKAGE" &&
+    PACKAGE=`sed -nr "/^AC_INIT\b/{ s/^[^(]*\([        ]*([^,   ]+).*/\1/; s/\[|]//g; p; }" configure.ac`
+  test -z "$VERSION" &&
+    VERSION=`sed -nr "/^AC_INIT\b/{ s/^[^,]*,[^0-9]*([0-9.]*).*/\1/; p; }" configure.ac`
+  [[ $VERSION =~ ^[0-9.]+$ ]] || die 6 "failed to detect package version"
+  # gather git bits
+  TOTAL_COMMITS=`git rev-list --count HEAD` # count commits to provide a monotonically increasing revision
+  test -n "$REVISIONSUFFIX" || REVISIONSUFFIX="-0anon" # avoid non-native-package-with-native-version
+  COMMITID=`git rev-parse HEAD`
+  CHANGELOGMSG="Automatic snapshot, git commit $COMMITID"
+  # print variables after all errors have been checked for
+  cat <<-__EOF
+       __EOF
+  popd >/dev/null                                      # cd OLDPWD
+# == bintrayup ==
+bintrayup() {
+  set +x # avoid printing authentication secrets
+  mkconfig >/dev/null # PACKAGE, VERSION, ...
+  ACCNAME="$1"; PKGPATH="$2"; PKGDIST="$3" # BINTRAY_APITOKEN must be set by caller
+  test -n "$ACCNAME" || die 1 "missing bintray account"
+  test -n "$PKGPATH" || die 1 "missing package path"
+  test -n "$PKGDIST" || die 1 "missing distribution"
+  shift 3
+  # create new bintray versoin
+  echo "  REMOTE  " "creating new version: $REPOVERSION"
+  curl -d "{ \"name\": \"$REPOVERSION\", \"released\": \"`date -I`\", \"desc\": \"Automatic CI Build\" }" \
+    -u"$ACCNAME:$BINTRAY_APITOKEN" "https://api.bintray.com/packages/$ACCNAME/$PKGPATH/versions"; \
+    -H"Content-Type: application/json" -f && EX=$? || EX=$?
+  test $EX = 0 -o $EX = 22 # 22 indicates HTTP responses >= 400, the version likely already exists
+  # upload individual files
+  # NOTE: we cannot use "explode=1" b/c files may have different architectures, which
+  # need to be passed corrctly in the upload to regenerate the Packages index.
+  URL="https://api.bintray.com/content/$ACCNAME/$PKGPATH/$REPOVERSION";
+  OPTS="deb_distribution=$PKGDIST;deb_component=main;explode=0;override=0;publish=1"
+  ALLOK=0
+  for F in "$@" ; do
+    S="${F%.deb}"; A="${S##*_}"
+    test ! -z "$A" || continue
+    echo "  REMOTE  " "uploading: $F ($A)"
+    curl -T "$F" -u"$ACCNAME:$BINTRAY_APITOKEN" "$URL/`basename $F`;$OPTS;deb_architecture=$A" -f && EX=$? 
|| EX=$?
+    ALLOK=$(($ALLOK + $EX))
+  done
+  test $ALLOK = 0 || die 2 "Some files failed to upload"
+# == commands ==
+[[ "$1" != config ]]   || { shift; mkconfig "$@" ; exit $? ; }
+[[ "$1" != bintrayup ]]        || { shift; bintrayup "$@" ; exit $? ; }

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