[gimp/gimp-attributes-wip: 714/714] Merge to stay up-to-date

commit ae167888ddfb330e8be8be30ede93de8854051e3
Merge: db63b49 553a5f5
Author: Hartmut Kuhse <hk_priv gmx de>
Date:   Sun Mar 13 10:47:48 2016 +0100

    Merge to stay up-to-date

 app/about.h                                        |    7 +-
 app/actions/channels-commands.c                    |    1 +
 app/actions/edit-commands.c                        |   21 +-
 app/actions/layers-commands.c                      |    1 +
 app/actions/mypaint-brushes-actions.c              |    4 +-
 app/core/Makefile.am                               |    2 +
 app/core/gimp-edit.c                               |  120 +-
 app/core/gimp-edit.h                               |   95 +-
 app/core/gimpdrawable-bucket-fill.c                |  124 +-
 app/core/gimpdrawable-bucket-fill.h                |   22 +-
 app/core/gimpdrawable-fill.c                       |  258 +
 app/core/gimpdrawable-fill.h                       |   54 +
 app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.c                     |  329 +-
 app/core/gimpdrawable-stroke.h                     |   41 +-
 app/core/gimpdrawable.c                            |   53 -
 app/core/gimpdrawable.h                            |    7 -
 app/core/gimpfilloptions.c                         |  153 +-
 app/core/gimpfilloptions.h                         |   24 +-
 app/core/gimpimage-new.c                           |    1 +
 app/core/gimpscanconvert.c                         |   48 +-
 app/core/gimpscanconvert.h                         |    9 +-
 app/core/gimpselection.c                           |   21 +-
 app/core/gimpselection.h                           |   62 +-
 app/display/gimpdisplayshell-dnd.c                 |   26 +-
 app/operations/gimpoperationburnmode.c             |    2 +-
 app/operations/gimpoperationnormalmode.c           |    6 +-
 app/pdb/drawable-cmds.c                            |    1 +
 app/pdb/edit-cmds.c                                |  146 +-
 app/tools/gimpbucketfilltool.c                     |   96 +-
 app/widgets/gimpdrawabletreeview.c                 |   78 +-
 app/widgets/gimpfilleditor.c                       |    1 -
 app/widgets/gimppropgui-constructors.c             |   12 +-
 configure.ac                                       |    1 +
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 icons/Color/16/gimp-tool-blend.png                 |  Bin 290 -> 368 bytes
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 icons/Color/22/gimp-tool-rect-select.png           |  Bin 877 -> 934 bytes
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 icons/Color/scalable/gimp-wilbur-48.svg            |  551 -
 icons/Color/scalable/gimp-wilbur-outline-48.svg    |  538 -
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 .../16/gimp-display-filter-contrast.svg            |    0
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 .../16/gimp-display-filter-gamma.svg               |    0
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 .../16/gimp-display-filter-lcms.svg                |    0
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 .../16/gimp-display-filter-proof.xcf               |  Bin 2646 -> 2646 bytes
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 .../Legacy/16/gimp-gradient-conical-asymmetric.png |  Bin 0 -> 438 bytes
 .../Legacy/16/gimp-gradient-conical-symmetric.png  |  Bin 0 -> 515 bytes
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 .../Legacy/16/gimp-gradient-shapeburst-dimpled.png |  Bin 0 -> 364 bytes
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 .../16/gimp-gradient-spiral-anticlockwise.png      |  Bin 0 -> 699 bytes
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 .../{Color/outdated => Legacy}/16/gimp-layers.svg  |    0
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 .../xcf => Legacy}/16/gimp-path-stroke.xcf         |  Bin 2319 -> 2319 bytes
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-brushes.svg              |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-environ.svg              |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-fonts.svg                |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-gradients.svg            |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-icon-themes.svg          |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-interp.xcf               |  Bin 2632 -> 2632 bytes
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-modules.svg              |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-palettes.svg             |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-patterns.svg             |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-plug-ins.svg             |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-scripts.svg              |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-themes.svg               |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-folders-tool-plug-ins.xcf        |  Bin 2357 -> 2357 bytes
 .../Legacy/16/gimp-prefs-folders-tool-presets.png  |  Bin 0 -> 656 bytes
 icons/Legacy/16/gimp-prefs-folders-tools.png       |  Bin 0 -> 635 bytes
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-icon-theme.svg                   |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-image-windows.svg                |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-interface.svg                    |    0
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 .../outdated => Legacy}/16/gimp-prefs-theme.svg    |    0
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 .../outdated => Legacy}/16/gimp-prefs-toolbox.svg  |    0
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 .../16/gimp-prefs-window-management.svg            |    0
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 .../16/gimp-tool-by-color-select.xcf               |  Bin 1966 -> 1966 bytes
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 .../outdated => Legacy}/16/gimp-tool-cage.svg      |    0
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 .../xcf => Legacy}/16/gimp-tool-colorize.xcf       |  Bin 3038 -> 3038 bytes
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 .../16/gimp-tool-foreground-select.xcf             |  Bin 4463 -> 4463 bytes
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 .../outdated => Legacy}/16/gimp-tool-measure.svg   |    0
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 .../16/gimp-tool-mypaint-brush.svg                 |    0
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 .../xcf => Legacy}/16/gimp-tool-threshold.xcf      |  Bin 1820 -> 1820 bytes
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 icons/Legacy/16/gimp-undo-history.xcf              |  Bin 0 -> 2399 bytes
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 po-plug-ins/sl.po                                  |  280 +-
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 741 files changed, 37468 insertions(+), 22518 deletions(-)

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