[gnome-2048] Indent, move, comment.
- From: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaudb src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gnome-2048] Indent, move, comment.
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 14:41:08 +0000 (UTC)
commit 1f6aa3cbb5df50760341a677fc2698036245d704
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date: Thu Mar 3 14:23:30 2016 +0100
Indent, move, comment.
data/org.gnome.gnome-2048.appdata.xml.in | 3 +-
gnome-2048.doap | 7 +
src/application.vala | 721 +++++++++---------
src/config.vapi | 3 +-
src/game.vala | 1213 +++++++++++++++---------------
src/grid.vala | 995 +++++++++++++------------
src/view.vala | 300 ++++----
7 files changed, 1648 insertions(+), 1594 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.gnome-2048.appdata.xml.in b/data/org.gnome.gnome-2048.appdata.xml.in
index e90c376..99723b6 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.gnome-2048.appdata.xml.in
+++ b/data/org.gnome.gnome-2048.appdata.xml.in
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!-- Copyright 2015 Juan R. García Blanco -->
+<!-- Copyright 2015 Juan R. García Blanco <juanrgar gmail com>
+ Copyright 2016 Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com> -->
<component type="desktop">
diff --git a/gnome-2048.doap b/gnome-2048.doap
index f987637..0135958 100644
--- a/gnome-2048.doap
+++ b/gnome-2048.doap
@@ -16,6 +16,13 @@
+ <foaf:name>Arnaud Bonatti</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:arnaud bonatti gmail com" />
+ <gnome:userid>arnaudb</gnome:userid>
+ </foaf:Person>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer>
+ <foaf:Person>
<foaf:name>Juan R. García Blanco</foaf:name>
<foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:juanrgar gmail com" />
diff --git a/src/application.vala b/src/application.vala
index abe3d15..c10aa42 100644
--- a/src/application.vala
+++ b/src/application.vala
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco <juanrgar gmail com>
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
* This file is part of GNOME 2048.
@@ -21,405 +22,407 @@ using Gtk;
public class Application : Gtk.Application
- private GLib.Settings _settings;
+ /* settings */
+ private GLib.Settings _settings;
+ private int _window_width;
+ private int _window_height;
+ private bool _window_maximized;
+ private int WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT = 600;
+ private int WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH = 600;
+ /* private widgets */
+ private Window _window;
+ private HeaderBar _header_bar;
+ private Button _undo_button;
+ private Button _new_game_button;
+ private Dialog _preferences_dialog;
+ private Dialog _congrats_dialog;
+ private Label _congrats_message;
+ private Label _score;
+ private ComboBoxText _grid_size_combo;
+ private Scores.Context _scores_ctx;
+ private Scores.Category _grid4_cat;
+ private Scores.Category _grid5_cat;
+ private bool _game_restored;
+ private Game _game;
+ /* actions */
+ private const GLib.ActionEntry[] action_entries =
+ {
+ { "undo", undo_cb },
+ // app-menu
+ { "new-game", new_game_cb },
+ { "scores", scores_cb },
+ { "preferences", preferences_cb },
+/* { "help", help_cb }, */
+ { "about", about_cb },
+ { "quit", quit_cb }
+ };
+ public static int main (string[] args)
+ {
+ Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, "");
+ Intl.bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
+ Intl.bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
+ Intl.textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
+ OptionContext context = new OptionContext ("");
+ context.add_group (get_option_group (true));
+ context.add_group (Clutter.get_option_group_without_init ());
+ try {
+ context.parse (ref args);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+ return Posix.EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ Environment.set_application_name ("org.gnome.gnome-2048");
+ Window.set_default_icon_name ("gnome-2048");
+ try {
+ GtkClutter.init_with_args (ref args, "", new OptionEntry[0], null);
+ } catch (Error e) {
+ MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog (null,
+ DialogFlags.MODAL,
+ MessageType.ERROR,
+ ButtonsType.NONE,
+ "Unable to initialize Clutter:\n%s", e.message);
+ dialog.set_title (Environment.get_application_name ());
+ dialog.run ();
+ dialog.destroy ();
+ return Posix.EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ Application app = new Application ();
+ return app.run (args);
+ }
+ public Application ()
+ {
+ Object (application_id: "org.gnome.gnome-2048", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
+ }
- private Window _window;
- private HeaderBar _header_bar;
- private Button _undo_button;
- private Button _new_game_button;
- private Dialog _preferences_dialog;
- private Dialog _congrats_dialog;
- private Label _congrats_message;
- private Label _score;
- private ComboBoxText _grid_size_combo;
+ protected override void startup ()
+ {
+ base.startup ();
- private Scores.Context _scores_ctx;
- private Scores.Category _grid4_cat;
- private Scores.Category _grid5_cat;
+ add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
- private bool _game_restored;
+ _settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.2048");
- private int _window_width;
- private int _window_height;
- private bool _window_maximized;
+/* CssProvider provider = new CssProvider ();
+ provider.load_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/style.css");
+ StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen (Gdk.Screen.get_default (), provider,
- private int WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT = 600;
- private int WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH = 600;
+ _init_game ();
+ }
+ protected override void activate ()
+ {
+ base.activate ();
- private Game _game;
+ Builder builder = new Builder ();
+ _create_window (builder);
+ _create_preferences_dialog (builder);
+ _create_congrats_dialog (builder);
- private const GLib.ActionEntry[] action_entries =
- {
- { "undo", undo_cb },
+ _create_scores ();
- // app-menu
- { "new-game", new_game_cb },
- { "scores", scores_cb },
+ _window.show_all ();
- { "preferences", preferences_cb },
+ _game_restored = _game.restore_game ();
+ if (!_game_restored)
+ new_game_cb ();
+ }
-/* { "help", help_cb }, */
- { "about", about_cb },
- { "quit", quit_cb }
- };
+ protected override void shutdown ()
+ {
+ base.shutdown ();
- public Application ()
- {
- Object (application_id: "org.gnome.gnome-2048", flags: ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE);
- }
+ _game.save_game ();
- protected override void startup ()
- {
- base.startup ();
+ _settings.set_int ("window-width", _window_width);
+ _settings.set_int ("window-height", _window_height);
+ _settings.set_boolean ("window-maximized", _window_maximized);
+ }
- add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
+ private void _init_game ()
+ {
+ _game = new Game (_settings);
+ _game.notify["score"].connect ((s, p) => {
+ _score.label = _game.score.to_string ();
+ });
+ _game.finished.connect ((s) => {
+ _header_bar.subtitle = _("Game Over");
+ if (!_game_restored)
+ {
+ Scores.Category cat = (_settings.get_int ("rows") == 4) ? _grid4_cat : _grid5_cat;
+ _scores_ctx.add_score.begin (_game.score, cat, null, (object, result) => {
+ try {
+ _scores_ctx.add_score.end (result);
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+ }
+ ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("scores")).set_enabled (true);
+ debug ("score added");
+ });
+ }
+ debug ("finished");
+ });
+ _game.target_value_reached.connect ((s, v) => {
+ if (_settings.get_boolean ("do-congrat"))
+ {
+ string message = _("You have obtained the %u tile".printf (v));
+ _congrats_message.set_text (message);
+ _congrats_dialog.present ();
+ _settings.set_boolean ("do-congrat", false);
+ }
+ debug ("target value reached");
+ });
+ _game.undo_enabled.connect ((s) => {
+ ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("undo")).set_enabled (true);
+ });
+ _game.undo_disabled.connect ((s) => {
+ ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("undo")).set_enabled (false);
+ });
+ }
- _settings = new GLib.Settings ("org.gnome.2048");
+ private void _create_window (Builder builder)
+ {
+ try {
+ builder.add_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/mainwindow.ui");
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+ }
-/* CssProvider provider = new CssProvider ();
- provider.load_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/style.css");
- StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen (Gdk.Screen.get_default (), provider,
+ _window = (ApplicationWindow) builder.get_object ("applicationwindow");
+ _window.set_default_size (_settings.get_int ("window-width"), _settings.get_int ("window-height"));
+ if (_settings.get_boolean ("window-maximized"))
+ _window.maximize ();
- _init_game ();
- }
+ add_window (_window);
- protected override void activate ()
- {
- base.activate ();
+ _create_header_bar ();
+ _create_game_view (builder);
- var builder = new Builder ();
- _create_window (builder);
- _create_preferences_dialog (builder);
- _create_congrats_dialog (builder);
+ _window.set_events (_window.get_events () | Gdk.EventMask.STRUCTURE_MASK |
+ _window.key_press_event.connect (key_press_event_cb);
+ _window.size_allocate.connect (window_size_allocate_cb);
+ _window.window_state_event.connect (window_state_event_cb);
- _create_scores ();
+ Gdk.Geometry geom = Gdk.Geometry ();
+ geom.min_height = WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT;
+ geom.min_width = WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH;
+ _window.set_geometry_hints (_window, geom, Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE);
+ }
- _window.show_all ();
+ private void _create_header_bar ()
+ {
+ _header_bar = new HeaderBar ();
+ _header_bar.show_close_button = true;
+ _header_bar.title = "2048";
+ _window.set_titlebar (_header_bar);
- _game_restored = _game.restore_game ();
- if (!_game_restored)
- new_game_cb ();
- }
+ _score = new Label ("0");
+ _header_bar.pack_end (_score);
- protected override void shutdown ()
- {
- base.shutdown ();
+ _undo_button = new Button.from_icon_name ("edit-undo-symbolic");
+ _undo_button.set_action_name ("app.undo");
+ _header_bar.pack_start (_undo_button);
+ ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("undo")).set_enabled (false);
- _game.save_game ();
+ _new_game_button = new Button.with_label (_("New Game"));
+ _new_game_button.set_action_name ("app.new-game");
+ _header_bar.pack_start (_new_game_button);
+ }
- _settings.set_int ("window-width", _window_width);
- _settings.set_int ("window-height", _window_height);
- _settings.set_boolean ("window-maximized", _window_maximized);
- }
+ private void _create_game_view (Builder builder)
+ {
+ GtkClutter.Embed embed = new GtkClutter.Embed ();
+ AspectFrame frame = (AspectFrame) builder.get_object ("aspectframe");
+ frame.add (embed);
+ _game.view = embed.get_stage ();
+ }
- private void _init_game ()
- {
- _game = new Game (_settings);
- _game.notify["score"].connect ((s, p) => {
- _score.label = _game.score.to_string ();
- });
- _game.finished.connect ((s) => {
- _header_bar.subtitle = _("Game Over");
+ private void _create_preferences_dialog (Builder builder)
+ {
+ try {
+ builder.add_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/preferences.ui");
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+ }
+ _preferences_dialog = (Dialog) builder.get_object ("preferencesdialog");
+ _preferences_dialog.set_transient_for (_window);
+ _grid_size_combo = (ComboBoxText) builder.get_object ("gridsizecombo");
+ _preferences_dialog.response.connect ((response_id) => {
+ _preferences_dialog.hide_on_delete ();
+ });
+ _preferences_dialog.delete_event.connect ((response_id) => {
+ int grid_size;
+ int rows, cols;
+ bool settings_changed;
+ grid_size = _grid_size_combo.get_active ();
+ if (grid_size == 0)
+ rows = cols = 4;
+ else
+ rows = cols = 5;
+ _settings.set_int ("rows", rows);
+ _settings.set_int ("cols", cols);
+ settings_changed = _game.reload_settings ();
+ if (settings_changed)
+ new_game_cb ();
+ return _preferences_dialog.hide_on_delete ();
+ });
+ _settings.bind ("do-congrat", builder.get_object ("congratswitch"), "active",
+ _settings.bind ("animations-speed", builder.get_object ("animationsspeed"), "value",
+ _settings.bind ("allow-undo", builder.get_object ("undoswitch"), "active",
+ }
- if (!_game_restored) {
- Scores.Category cat = (_settings.get_int ("rows") == 4) ? _grid4_cat : _grid5_cat;
- _scores_ctx.add_score.begin (_game.score, cat, null, (object, result) => {
- try {
- _scores_ctx.add_score.end (result);
- } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ private void _create_congrats_dialog (Builder builder)
+ {
+ try {
+ builder.add_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/congrats.ui");
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
- }
- ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("scores")).set_enabled (true);
- debug ("score added");
- });
- }
- debug ("finished");
- });
- _game.target_value_reached.connect ((s, v) => {
- if (_settings.get_boolean ("do-congrat")) {
- string message = _("You have obtained the %u tile".printf (v));
- _congrats_message.set_text (message);
- _congrats_dialog.present ();
- _settings.set_boolean ("do-congrat", false);
- }
- debug ("target value reached");
- });
- _game.undo_enabled.connect ((s) => {
- ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("undo")).set_enabled (true);
- });
- _game.undo_disabled.connect ((s) => {
- ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("undo")).set_enabled (false);
- });
- }
- private void _create_window (Builder builder)
- {
- try {
- builder.add_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/mainwindow.ui");
- } catch (GLib.Error e) {
- stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+ }
+ _congrats_dialog = (Dialog) builder.get_object ("congratsdialog");
+ _congrats_dialog.set_transient_for (_window);
+ _congrats_dialog.response.connect ((response_id) => {
+ if (response_id == 0)
+ new_game_cb ();
+ _congrats_dialog.hide ();
+ });
+ _congrats_dialog.delete_event.connect ((response_id) => {
+ return _congrats_dialog.hide_on_delete ();
+ });
+ _congrats_message = (Label) builder.get_object ("messagelabel");
+ }
+ private Games.Scores.Category category_request (string key)
+ {
+ if (key == "grid4") return _grid4_cat;
+ if (key == "grid5") return _grid5_cat;
+ assert_not_reached ();
- _window = (ApplicationWindow) builder.get_object ("applicationwindow");
- _window.set_default_size (_settings.get_int ("window-width"), _settings.get_int ("window-height"));
- if (_settings.get_boolean ("window-maximized"))
- _window.maximize ();
- add_window (_window);
- _create_header_bar ();
- _create_game_view (builder);
- _window.set_events (_window.get_events () | Gdk.EventMask.STRUCTURE_MASK | Gdk.EventMask.KEY_PRESS_MASK
| Gdk.EventMask.KEY_RELEASE_MASK);
- _window.key_press_event.connect (key_press_event_cb);
- _window.size_allocate.connect (window_size_allocate_cb);
- _window.window_state_event.connect (window_state_event_cb);
- Gdk.Geometry geom = Gdk.Geometry ();
- geom.min_height = WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT;
- geom.min_width = WINDOW_MINIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH;
- _window.set_geometry_hints (_window, geom, Gdk.WindowHints.MIN_SIZE);
- }
- private void _create_header_bar ()
- {
- _header_bar = new HeaderBar ();
- _header_bar.show_close_button = true;
- _header_bar.title = "2048";
- _window.set_titlebar (_header_bar);
- _score = new Label ("0");
- _header_bar.pack_end (_score);
- _undo_button = new Button.from_icon_name ("edit-undo-symbolic");
- _undo_button.set_action_name ("app.undo");
- _header_bar.pack_start (_undo_button);
- ((SimpleAction) lookup_action ("undo")).set_enabled (false);
- _new_game_button = new Button.with_label (_("New Game"));
- _new_game_button.set_action_name ("app.new-game");
- _header_bar.pack_start (_new_game_button);
- }
- private void _create_game_view (Builder builder)
- {
- var embed = new GtkClutter.Embed ();
- var frame = (AspectFrame) builder.get_object ("aspectframe");
- frame.add (embed);
- _game.view = embed.get_stage ();
- }
- private void _create_preferences_dialog (Builder builder)
- {
- try {
- builder.add_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/preferences.ui");
- } catch (GLib.Error e) {
- stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+ private void _create_scores ()
+ {
+ // FIXME: The category names should be marked for translation and use the × character.
+ _grid4_cat = new Scores.Category ("grid4", "Grid 4 x 4");
+ _grid5_cat = new Scores.Category ("grid5", "Grid 5 x 5");
+ // FIXME: The second parameter should be _("Grid Size:") but we're in string freeze.
+ _scores_ctx = new Scores.Context ("gnome-2048", "", _window, category_request,
+ }
+ /*\
+ * * App-menu (and undo action) callbacks
+ \*/
+ private void undo_cb ()
+ {
+ _game.undo ();
- _preferences_dialog = (Dialog) builder.get_object ("preferencesdialog");
- _preferences_dialog.set_transient_for (_window);
- _grid_size_combo = (ComboBoxText) builder.get_object ("gridsizecombo");
- _preferences_dialog.response.connect ((response_id) => {
- _preferences_dialog.hide_on_delete ();
- });
- _preferences_dialog.delete_event.connect ((response_id) => {
- int grid_size;
- int rows, cols;
- bool settings_changed;
- grid_size = _grid_size_combo.get_active ();
- if (grid_size == 0) {
- rows = cols = 4;
- } else {
- rows = cols = 5;
- }
- _settings.set_int ("rows", rows);
- _settings.set_int ("cols", cols);
- settings_changed = _game.reload_settings ();
- if (settings_changed)
- new_game_cb ();
- return _preferences_dialog.hide_on_delete ();
- });
- _settings.bind ("do-congrat", builder.get_object ("congratswitch"), "active",
- _settings.bind ("animations-speed", builder.get_object ("animationsspeed"), "value",
- _settings.bind ("allow-undo", builder.get_object ("undoswitch"), "active",
- }
- private void _create_congrats_dialog (Builder builder)
- {
- try {
- builder.add_from_resource ("/org/gnome/gnome-2048/data/congrats.ui");
- } catch (GLib.Error e) {
- stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
+ private void new_game_cb ()
+ {
+ _header_bar.subtitle = null;
+ _game_restored = false;
+ _game.new_game ();
- _congrats_dialog = (Dialog) builder.get_object ("congratsdialog");
- _congrats_dialog.set_transient_for (_window);
- _congrats_dialog.response.connect ((response_id) => {
- if (response_id == 0)
- new_game_cb ();
- _congrats_dialog.hide ();
- });
- _congrats_dialog.delete_event.connect ((response_id) => {
- return _congrats_dialog.hide_on_delete ();
- });
- _congrats_message = (Label) builder.get_object ("messagelabel");
- }
- private Games.Scores.Category category_request (string key)
- {
- if (key == "grid4")
- return _grid4_cat;
- else if (key == "grid5")
- return _grid5_cat;
- assert_not_reached ();
- }
- private void _create_scores ()
- {
- // FIXME: The category names should be marked for translation and use the × character.
- _grid4_cat = new Scores.Category ("grid4", "Grid 4 x 4");
- _grid5_cat = new Scores.Category ("grid5", "Grid 5 x 5");
- // FIXME: The second parameter should be _("Grid Size:") but we're in string freeze.
- _scores_ctx = new Scores.Context ("gnome-2048", "", _window, category_request,
- }
- private void new_game_cb ()
- {
- _header_bar.subtitle = null;
- _game_restored = false;
- _game.new_game ();
- }
- private void undo_cb ()
- {
- _game.undo ();
- }
- private void scores_cb ()
- {
- _scores_ctx.run_dialog ();
- }
- private void about_cb ()
- {
- string [] authors = { "Juan R. García Blanco", "Arnaud Bonatti" };
- show_about_dialog (_window /* get_active_window () */,
- "program-name", "2048" /* TODO _("2048") */,
- "version", VERSION,
- "comments", _("A clone of 2048 for GNOME"),
- "copyright", _("Copyright \xc2\xa9 2014-2015 – Juan R. García Blanco\nCopyright
\xc2\xa9 2016 – Arnaud Bonatti"),
- "license-type", License.GPL_3_0,
- "wrap-license", false /* TODO true? */,
- "authors", authors,
- "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
- "logo-icon-name", "gnome-2048",
- "website", "http://www.gnome.org", /* TODO remove? better? */
- null);
- }
- private void preferences_cb ()
- {
- int grid_size;
- int rows;
- rows = _settings.get_int ("rows");
- if (rows == 4) {
- grid_size = 0;
- } else {
- grid_size = 1;
+ private void scores_cb ()
+ {
+ _scores_ctx.run_dialog ();
- _grid_size_combo.set_active (grid_size);
+ private void preferences_cb ()
+ {
+ if (_settings.get_int ("rows") == 4)
+ _grid_size_combo.set_active (0);
+ else
+ _grid_size_combo.set_active (1);
- _preferences_dialog.present ();
- }
+ _preferences_dialog.present ();
+ }
- private void quit_cb ()
- {
- _window.destroy ();
- }
+/* private void help_cb ()
+ {
+ try {
+ show_uri (_window.get_screen (), "help:gnome-2048", get_current_event_time ());
+ } catch (GLib.Error e) {
+ warning ("Failed to show help: %s", e.message);
+ }
+ } */
+ private void about_cb ()
+ {
+ string [] authors = { "Juan R. García Blanco", "Arnaud Bonatti" };
+ show_about_dialog (_window /* get_active_window () */,
+ "program-name", "2048" /* TODO _("2048") */,
+ "version", VERSION,
+ "comments", _("A clone of 2048 for GNOME"),
+ "copyright", _("Copyright \xc2\xa9 2014-2015 – Juan R. García Blanco\nCopyright
\xc2\xa9 2016 – Arnaud Bonatti"),
+ "license-type", License.GPL_3_0,
+ "wrap-license", false /* TODO true? */,
+ "authors", authors,
+ "translator-credits", _("translator-credits"),
+ "logo-icon-name", "gnome-2048",
+ "website", "http://www.gnome.org", /* TODO remove? better? */
+ null);
+ }
-/* private void help_cb ()
- {
- try {
- show_uri (_window.get_screen (), "help:gnome-2048", get_current_event_time ());
- } catch (GLib.Error e) {
- warning ("Failed to show help: %s", e.message);
+ private void quit_cb ()
+ {
+ _window.destroy ();
- } */
- private bool key_press_event_cb (Widget widget, Gdk.EventKey event)
- {
- _game_restored = false;
- return _game.key_pressed (event);
- }
- private void window_size_allocate_cb ()
- {
- if (_window_maximized)
- return;
- _window.get_size (out _window_width, out _window_height);
- }
- private bool window_state_event_cb (Gdk.EventWindowState event)
- {
- if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
- _window_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
- return false;
- }
- public static int main (string[] args)
- {
- Intl.setlocale (LocaleCategory.ALL, "");
- Intl.bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
- Intl.bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
- Intl.textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE);
- var context = new OptionContext ("");
- context.add_group (get_option_group (true));
- context.add_group (Clutter.get_option_group_without_init ());
- try {
- context.parse (ref args);
- } catch (Error e) {
- stderr.printf ("%s\n", e.message);
- return Posix.EXIT_FAILURE;
+ /*\
+ * * Window management callbacks
+ \*/
+ private bool key_press_event_cb (Widget widget, Gdk.EventKey event)
+ {
+ _game_restored = false;
+ return _game.key_pressed (event);
- Environment.set_application_name ("org.gnome.gnome-2048");
- Window.set_default_icon_name ("gnome-2048");
- try {
- GtkClutter.init_with_args (ref args, "", new OptionEntry[0], null);
- } catch (Error e) {
- MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog (null,
- DialogFlags.MODAL,
- MessageType.ERROR,
- ButtonsType.NONE,
- "Unable to initialize Clutter:\n%s", e.message);
- dialog.set_title (Environment.get_application_name ());
- dialog.run ();
- dialog.destroy ();
- return Posix.EXIT_FAILURE;
+ private void window_size_allocate_cb ()
+ {
+ if (_window_maximized)
+ return;
+ _window.get_size (out _window_width, out _window_height);
- var app = new Application ();
- return app.run (args);
- }
+ private bool window_state_event_cb (Gdk.EventWindowState event)
+ {
+ if ((event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0)
+ _window_maximized = (event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED) != 0;
+ return false;
+ }
diff --git a/src/config.vapi b/src/config.vapi
index 8e68938..9c5d7dc 100644
--- a/src/config.vapi
+++ b/src/config.vapi
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco <juanrgar gmail com>
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
* This file is part of GNOME 2048.
diff --git a/src/game.vala b/src/game.vala
index cc2aeac..d27a339 100644
--- a/src/game.vala
+++ b/src/game.vala
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco <juanrgar gmail com>
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
* This file is part of GNOME 2048.
@@ -16,743 +17,767 @@
* along with GNOME 2048; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-public class Game : GLib.Object
+public class Game : Object
- enum GameState {
- }
- private int BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT = 10;
- private int BLANK_COL_WIDTH = 10;
- private Grid _grid;
- private uint _finish_move_id = 0;
- private Clutter.Actor _view;
- private Clutter.Actor _view_background;
- private Clutter.Actor _view_foreground;
- private RoundedRectangle[,] _background;
- private TileView[,] _foreground_cur;
- private TileView[,] _foreground_nxt;
- private Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> _to_move;
- private Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> _to_hide;
- private Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> _to_show;
- private GameState _state;
- private Clutter.TransitionGroup _show_hide_trans;
- private Clutter.TransitionGroup _move_trans;
- private int _animations_duration;
- private bool _allow_undo;
- private uint _undo_stack_max_size;
- private Gee.LinkedList<Grid> _undo_stack;
- private Gee.LinkedList<uint> _undo_score_stack;
- private GLib.Settings _settings;
- private string _saved_path;
- private uint _resize_view_id;
- public signal void finished ();
- public signal void target_value_reached (uint val);
- public signal void undo_enabled ();
- public signal void undo_disabled ();
- public Game (GLib.Settings settings)
- {
- Object ();
- _settings = settings;
- int rows = _settings.get_int ("rows");
- int cols = _settings.get_int ("cols");
- _grid = new Grid (rows, cols);
- _animations_duration = (int)_settings.get_double ("animations-speed");
- _settings.bind ("target-value", _grid, "target_value", GLib.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
- _to_move = new Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> ();
- _to_hide = new Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> ();
- _to_show = new Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> ();
- _view_background = new Clutter.Actor ();
- _view_foreground = new Clutter.Actor ();
- _view_background.show ();
- _view_foreground.show ();
- _undo_stack = new Gee.LinkedList<Grid> ();
- _undo_score_stack = new Gee.LinkedList<uint> ();
- _allow_undo = _settings.get_boolean ("allow-undo");
- _undo_stack_max_size = _settings.get_int ("allow-undo-max");
- _saved_path = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-2048", "saved");
- _state = GameState.STOPPED;
- }
- public Clutter.Actor view {
- get { return _view; }
- set {
- _view = value;
- _view.allocation_changed.connect (_on_allocation_changed);
- _view.add_child (_view_background);
- _view.add_child (_view_foreground);
- }
- }
- public uint score {
- get; set;
- }
- public void new_game ()
- {
- if (_finish_move_id > 0)
- Source.remove (_finish_move_id);
- _grid.clear ();
- _undo_stack.clear ();
- _undo_score_stack.clear ();
- // new_game could be called without an existing game
- if (_background == null)
- _init_background ();
- else
- _clear_foreground ();
- score = 0;
- _state = GameState.SHOWING_FIRST_TILE;
- _create_random_tile ();
- undo_disabled ();
- }
+ enum GameState {
+ }
- public void undo ()
- {
- Grid grid = _undo_stack.poll_head ();
- uint delta_score = _undo_score_stack.poll_head ();
+ private int BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT = 10;
+ private int BLANK_COL_WIDTH = 10;
- _clear_foreground ();
- _grid = grid;
- _restore_foreground (false);
- score -= delta_score;
+ private Grid _grid;
- if (_undo_stack.size == 0)
- undo_disabled ();
- }
+ private uint _finish_move_id = 0;
+ private Clutter.Actor _view;
+ private Clutter.Actor _view_background;
+ private Clutter.Actor _view_foreground;
+ private RoundedRectangle[,] _background;
+ private TileView[,] _foreground_cur;
+ private TileView[,] _foreground_nxt;
- public void save_game ()
- {
- string contents = "";
+ private Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> _to_move;
+ private Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> _to_hide;
+ private Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> _to_show;
- contents += _grid.save ();
- contents += _score.to_string() + "\n";
+ private GameState _state;
+ private Clutter.TransitionGroup _show_hide_trans;
+ private Clutter.TransitionGroup _move_trans;
+ private int _animations_duration;
- try {
- DirUtils.create_with_parents (Path.get_dirname (_saved_path), 0775);
- FileUtils.set_contents (_saved_path, contents);
- debug ("game saved successfully");
- } catch (FileError e) {
- warning ("Failed to save game: %s", e.message);
- }
- }
+ private bool _allow_undo;
+ private uint _undo_stack_max_size;
+ private Gee.LinkedList<Grid> _undo_stack;
+ private Gee.LinkedList<uint> _undo_score_stack;
- public bool restore_game ()
- {
- string contents;
- string[] lines;
+ private GLib.Settings _settings;
- try {
- FileUtils.get_contents (_saved_path, out contents);
- } catch (FileError e) {
- return false;
- }
+ private string _saved_path;
- if (!_grid.load (contents)) {
- warning ("Failed to restore game from saved file");
- return false;
- }
+ private uint _resize_view_id;
- lines = contents.split ("\n");
- score = (uint)int.parse (lines[lines.length-2]);
+ public signal void finished ();
+ public signal void target_value_reached (uint val);
+ public signal void undo_enabled ();
+ public signal void undo_disabled ();
- if (_background != null)
- _clear_background ();
- _init_background ();
- _restore_foreground (true);
+ public Game (GLib.Settings settings)
+ {
+ Object ();
- debug ("game restored successfully");
- return true;
- }
+ _settings = settings;
- public bool key_pressed (Gdk.EventKey event)
- {
- if (_state != GameState.IDLE) {
- return true;
- }
+ int rows = _settings.get_int ("rows");
+ int cols = _settings.get_int ("cols");
+ _grid = new Grid (rows, cols);
- uint keyval = _upper_key (event.keyval);
+ _animations_duration = (int)_settings.get_double ("animations-speed");
- if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Down) {
- _move_down ();
- } else if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Up) {
- _move_up ();
- } else if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Left) {
- _move_left ();
- } else if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Right) {
- _move_right ();
- }
+ _settings.bind ("target-value", _grid, "target_value", GLib.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
+ _to_move = new Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> ();
+ _to_hide = new Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> ();
+ _to_show = new Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> ();
- return false;
- }
+ _view_background = new Clutter.Actor ();
+ _view_foreground = new Clutter.Actor ();
+ _view_background.show ();
+ _view_foreground.show ();
- public bool reload_settings ()
- {
- int rows, cols;
- bool allow_undo;
+ _undo_stack = new Gee.LinkedList<Grid> ();
+ _undo_score_stack = new Gee.LinkedList<uint> ();
+ _allow_undo = _settings.get_boolean ("allow-undo");
+ _undo_stack_max_size = _settings.get_int ("allow-undo-max");
- _animations_duration = (int)_settings.get_double ("animations-speed");
+ _saved_path = Path.build_filename (Environment.get_user_data_dir (), "gnome-2048", "saved");
- allow_undo = _settings.get_boolean ("allow-undo");
- if (_allow_undo && !allow_undo) {
- _undo_stack.clear ();
- _undo_score_stack.clear ();
- undo_disabled ();
+ _state = GameState.STOPPED;
- _allow_undo = allow_undo;
- _undo_stack_max_size = _settings.get_int ("allow-undo-max");
- rows = _settings.get_int ("rows");
- cols = _settings.get_int ("cols");
+ public Clutter.Actor view {
+ get { return _view; }
+ set {
+ _view = value;
+ _view.allocation_changed.connect (_on_allocation_changed);
+ _view.add_child (_view_background);
+ _view.add_child (_view_foreground);
+ }
+ }
- if ((rows != _grid.rows) || (cols != _grid.cols)) {
- _clear_foreground ();
+ public uint score {
+ get; set;
+ }
- _clear_background ();
+ public void new_game ()
+ {
+ if (_finish_move_id > 0)
+ Source.remove (_finish_move_id);
+ _grid.clear ();
+ _undo_stack.clear ();
+ _undo_score_stack.clear ();
+ // new_game could be called without an existing game
+ if (_background == null)
+ _init_background ();
+ else
+ _clear_foreground ();
+ score = 0;
+ _state = GameState.SHOWING_FIRST_TILE;
+ _create_random_tile ();
+ undo_disabled ();
+ }
- _grid = new Grid (rows, cols);
+ public void undo ()
+ {
+ Grid grid = _undo_stack.poll_head ();
+ uint delta_score = _undo_score_stack.poll_head ();
- _init_background ();
+ _clear_foreground ();
+ _grid = grid;
+ _restore_foreground (false);
+ score -= delta_score;
- return true;
+ if (_undo_stack.size == 0)
+ undo_disabled ();
- return false;
- }
+ public void save_game ()
+ {
+ string contents = "";
- private uint _upper_key (uint keyval)
- {
- return (keyval > 255) ? keyval : ((char) keyval).toupper ();
- }
+ contents += _grid.save ();
+ contents += _score.to_string () + "\n";
- private void _on_allocation_changed (Clutter.ActorBox box, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags)
- {
- if (_background == null) {
- _init_background ();
- } else {
- _resize_view ();
+ try {
+ DirUtils.create_with_parents (Path.get_dirname (_saved_path), 0775);
+ FileUtils.set_contents (_saved_path, contents);
+ debug ("game saved successfully");
+ } catch (FileError e) {
+ warning ("Failed to save game: %s", e.message);
+ }
- }
- private void _init_background ()
- {
- int rows = _grid.rows;
- int cols = _grid.cols;
- Clutter.Color background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string ("#babdb6");
- _view.set_background_color (background_color);
+ public bool restore_game ()
+ {
+ string contents;
+ string[] lines;
- _background = new RoundedRectangle[rows, cols];
- _foreground_cur = new TileView[rows, cols];
- _foreground_nxt = new TileView[rows, cols];
+ try {
+ FileUtils.get_contents (_saved_path, out contents);
+ } catch (FileError e) {
+ return false;
+ }
- float canvas_width = _view.width;
- float canvas_height = _view.height;
+ if (!_grid.load (contents))
+ {
+ warning ("Failed to restore game from saved file");
+ return false;
+ }
- canvas_width -= (cols + 1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
- canvas_height -= (rows + 1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
+ lines = contents.split ("\n");
+ score = (uint)int.parse (lines[lines.length-2]);
- float tile_width = canvas_width / cols;
- float tile_height = canvas_height / rows;
+ if (_background != null)
+ _clear_background ();
+ _init_background ();
+ _restore_foreground (true);
- Clutter.Color color = Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ffffff");
+ debug ("game restored successfully");
+ return true;
+ }
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- float x = j * tile_width + (j+1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
- float y = i * tile_height + (i+1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
+ public bool key_pressed (Gdk.EventKey event)
+ {
+ if (_state != GameState.IDLE)
+ return true;
- RoundedRectangle rect = new RoundedRectangle (x, y, tile_width, tile_height, color);
+ uint keyval = _upper_key (event.keyval);
- _view_background.add_child (rect.actor);
- rect.canvas.invalidate ();
- rect.actor.show ();
+ if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Down) _move_down ();
+ else if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Up) _move_up ();
+ else if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Left) _move_left ();
+ else if (keyval == Gdk.Key.Right) _move_right ();
- _background[i,j] = rect;
- _foreground_cur[i,j] = null;
- _foreground_nxt[i,j] = null;
- }
+ return false;
- }
- private void _resize_view ()
- {
- int rows = _grid.rows;
- int cols = _grid.cols;
- float canvas_width = _view.width;
- float canvas_height = _view.height;
+ public bool reload_settings ()
+ {
+ int rows, cols;
+ bool allow_undo;
- canvas_width -= (cols + 1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
- canvas_height -= (rows + 1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
+ _animations_duration = (int)_settings.get_double ("animations-speed");
- float tile_width = canvas_width / cols;
- float tile_height = canvas_height / rows;
+ allow_undo = _settings.get_boolean ("allow-undo");
+ if (_allow_undo && !allow_undo)
+ {
+ _undo_stack.clear ();
+ _undo_score_stack.clear ();
+ undo_disabled ();
+ }
+ _allow_undo = allow_undo;
+ _undo_stack_max_size = _settings.get_int ("allow-undo-max");
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- float x = j * tile_width + (j+1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
- float y = i * tile_height + (i+1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
+ rows = _settings.get_int ("rows");
+ cols = _settings.get_int ("cols");
- _background[i,j].resize (x, y, tile_width, tile_height);
+ if ((rows != _grid.rows) || (cols != _grid.cols))
+ {
+ _clear_foreground ();
+ _clear_background ();
- if (_foreground_cur[i,j] != null)
- _foreground_cur[i,j].resize (x, y, tile_width, tile_height);
+ _grid = new Grid (rows, cols);
- if (_foreground_nxt[i,j] != null)
- _foreground_nxt[i,j].resize (x, y, tile_width, tile_height);
- }
- }
+ _init_background ();
- if (_resize_view_id == 0)
- _resize_view_id = Clutter.Threads.Timeout.add (1000, _idle_resize_view);
- }
+ return true;
+ }
- private bool _idle_resize_view ()
- {
- int rows = _grid.rows;
- int cols = _grid.cols;
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- _background[i,j].idle_resize ();
+ return false;
+ }
- if (_foreground_cur[i,j] != null) {
- _foreground_cur[i,j].idle_resize ();
- }
- }
+ private uint _upper_key (uint keyval)
+ {
+ return (keyval > 255) ? keyval : ((char) keyval).toupper ();
- _resize_view_id = 0;
- return false;
- }
+ private void _on_allocation_changed (Clutter.ActorBox box, Clutter.AllocationFlags flags)
+ {
+ if (_background == null)
+ _init_background ();
+ else
+ _resize_view ();
+ }
+ private void _init_background ()
+ {
+ int rows = _grid.rows;
+ int cols = _grid.cols;
+ Clutter.Color background_color = Clutter.Color.from_string ("#babdb6");
+ _view.set_background_color (background_color);
+ _background = new RoundedRectangle[rows, cols];
+ _foreground_cur = new TileView[rows, cols];
+ _foreground_nxt = new TileView[rows, cols];
+ float canvas_width = _view.width;
+ float canvas_height = _view.height;
+ canvas_width -= (cols + 1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
+ canvas_height -= (rows + 1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
- private void _create_random_tile ()
- {
- Tile tile;
+ float tile_width = canvas_width / cols;
+ float tile_height = canvas_height / rows;
- if (_grid.new_tile (out tile)) {
- _create_show_hide_transition (true);
+ Clutter.Color color = Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ffffff");
- _create_tile (tile);
- _to_show.add (tile);
- _show_tile (tile.pos);
- _show_hide_trans.start ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+ {
+ float x = j * tile_width + (j+1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
+ float y = i * tile_height + (i+1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
+ RoundedRectangle rect = new RoundedRectangle (x, y, tile_width, tile_height, color);
+ _view_background.add_child (rect.actor);
+ rect.canvas.invalidate ();
+ rect.actor.show ();
+ _background[i,j] = rect;
+ _foreground_cur[i,j] = null;
+ _foreground_nxt[i,j] = null;
+ }
+ }
- }
- private void _create_tile (Tile tile)
- {
- GridPosition pos;
- RoundedRectangle rect;
- TileView view;
- float x;
- float y;
- float width;
- float height;
+ private void _resize_view ()
+ {
+ int rows = _grid.rows;
+ int cols = _grid.cols;
+ float canvas_width = _view.width;
+ float canvas_height = _view.height;
+ canvas_width -= (cols + 1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
+ canvas_height -= (rows + 1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
- pos = tile.pos;
- rect = _background[pos.row,pos.col];
- x = rect.actor.x;
- y = rect.actor.y;
- width = rect.actor.width;
- height = rect.actor.height;
+ float tile_width = canvas_width / cols;
+ float tile_height = canvas_height / rows;
- assert (_foreground_nxt[pos.row,pos.col] == null);
- view = new TileView (x, y, width, height, tile.val);
- _foreground_nxt[pos.row,pos.col] = view;
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+ {
+ float x = j * tile_width + (j+1) * BLANK_COL_WIDTH;
+ float y = i * tile_height + (i+1) * BLANK_ROW_HEIGHT;
- private void _move_down ()
- {
- debug ("move down");
+ _background[i,j].resize (x, y, tile_width, tile_height);
- bool has_moved;
+ if (_foreground_cur[i,j] != null)
+ _foreground_cur[i,j].resize (x, y, tile_width, tile_height);
- _store_movement ();
+ if (_foreground_nxt[i,j] != null)
+ _foreground_nxt[i,j].resize (x, y, tile_width, tile_height);
+ }
+ }
- _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
- _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
- _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ if (_resize_view_id == 0)
+ _resize_view_id = Clutter.Threads.Timeout.add (1000, _idle_resize_view);
+ }
- _grid.move_down (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
+ private bool _idle_resize_view ()
+ {
+ int rows = _grid.rows;
+ int cols = _grid.cols;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+ {
+ _background[i,j].idle_resize ();
+ if (_foreground_cur[i,j] != null)
+ _foreground_cur[i,j].idle_resize ();
+ }
+ }
+ _resize_view_id = 0;
+ return false;
+ }
- foreach (var e in _to_move)
- _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ private void _create_random_tile ()
+ {
+ Tile tile;
- foreach (var e in _to_hide)
- _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ if (_grid.new_tile (out tile))
+ {
+ _create_show_hide_transition (true);
- has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
+ _create_tile (tile);
+ _to_show.add (tile);
+ _show_tile (tile.pos);
+ _show_hide_trans.start ();
+ }
+ }
- if (has_moved) {
- _state = GameState.MOVING_DOWN;
- _move_trans.start ();
+ private void _create_tile (Tile tile)
+ {
+ GridPosition pos;
+ RoundedRectangle rect;
+ TileView view;
+ float x;
+ float y;
+ float width;
+ float height;
+ pos = tile.pos;
+ rect = _background[pos.row,pos.col];
+ x = rect.actor.x;
+ y = rect.actor.y;
+ width = rect.actor.width;
+ height = rect.actor.height;
+ assert (_foreground_nxt[pos.row,pos.col] == null);
+ view = new TileView (x, y, width, height, tile.val);
+ _foreground_nxt[pos.row,pos.col] = view;
- }
- private void _move_up ()
- {
- debug ("move up");
+ private void _move_down ()
+ {
+ debug ("move down");
- bool has_moved;
+ bool has_moved;
- _store_movement ();
+ _store_movement ();
- _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
- _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
- _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+ _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
+ _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- _grid.move_up (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
+ _grid.move_down (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
- foreach (var e in _to_move)
- _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ foreach (var e in _to_move)
+ _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- foreach (var e in _to_hide)
- _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ foreach (var e in _to_hide)
+ _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
+ has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
- if (has_moved) {
- _state = GameState.MOVING_UP;
- _move_trans.start ();
+ if (has_moved)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.MOVING_DOWN;
+ _move_trans.start ();
+ }
- }
- private void _move_left ()
- {
- debug ("move left");
+ private void _move_up ()
+ {
+ debug ("move up");
- bool has_moved;
+ bool has_moved;
- _store_movement ();
+ _store_movement ();
- _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
- _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
- _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+ _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
+ _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- _grid.move_left (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
+ _grid.move_up (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
- foreach (var e in _to_move)
- _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ foreach (var e in _to_move)
+ _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- foreach (var e in _to_hide)
- _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ foreach (var e in _to_hide)
+ _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
+ has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
- if (has_moved) {
- _state = GameState.MOVING_LEFT;
- _move_trans.start ();
+ if (has_moved)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.MOVING_UP;
+ _move_trans.start ();
+ }
- }
- private void _move_right ()
- {
- debug ("move right");
+ private void _move_left ()
+ {
+ debug ("move left");
- bool has_moved;
+ bool has_moved;
- _store_movement ();
+ _store_movement ();
- _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
- _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
- _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+ _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
+ _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- _grid.move_right (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
+ _grid.move_left (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
- foreach (var e in _to_move)
- _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ foreach (var e in _to_move)
+ _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- foreach (var e in _to_hide)
- _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
+ foreach (var e in _to_hide)
+ _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
+ has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
- if (has_moved) {
- _state = GameState.MOVING_LEFT;
- _move_trans.start ();
+ if (has_moved)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.MOVING_LEFT;
+ _move_trans.start ();
+ }
- }
- private void _show_tile (GridPosition pos)
- {
- debug (@"show tile pos $pos");
+ private void _move_right ()
+ {
+ debug ("move right");
- Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
- TileView view;
+ bool has_moved;
- view = _foreground_nxt[pos.row,pos.col];
- view.canvas.invalidate ();
- view.actor.set_opacity (0);
- view.actor.show ();
- _view_foreground.add_child (view.actor);
+ _store_movement ();
- trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
- trans.set_from_value (1.0);
- trans.set_to_value (1.1);
- trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- trans.set_animatable (view.actor);
- _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
+ _move_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+ _move_trans.stopped.connect (_on_move_trans_stopped);
+ _move_trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
- trans.set_from_value (1.0);
- trans.set_to_value (1.1);
- trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- trans.set_animatable (view.actor);
- _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
+ _grid.move_right (_to_move, _to_hide, _to_show);
- trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
- trans.set_from_value (0);
- trans.set_to_value (255);
- trans.set_remove_on_complete (true);
- trans.set_duration (_animations_duration / 2);
- view.actor.add_transition ("show", trans);
- }
+ foreach (var e in _to_move)
+ _move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- private void _move_tile (GridPosition from, GridPosition to)
- {
- debug (@"move tile from $from to $to");
- _prepare_move_tile (from, to);
+ foreach (var e in _to_hide)
+ _prepare_move_tile (e.from, e.to);
- _foreground_nxt[to.row,to.col] = _foreground_cur[from.row,from.col];
- _foreground_cur[from.row,from.col] = null;
- }
- private void _prepare_move_tile (GridPosition from, GridPosition to)
- {
- debug (@"prepare move tile from $from to $to");
- bool row_move;
- string trans_name;
- Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
- RoundedRectangle rect_from;
- RoundedRectangle rect_to;
- row_move = (from.col == to.col);
- trans_name = row_move ? "y" : "x";
- rect_from = _background[from.row,from.col];
- rect_to = _background[to.row,to.col];
- trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition (trans_name);
- trans.set_from_value (row_move ? rect_from.actor.y : rect_from.actor.x);
- trans.set_to_value (row_move ? rect_to.actor.y : rect_to.actor.x);
- trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- trans.set_animatable (_foreground_cur[from.row,from.col].actor);
- _move_trans.add_transition (trans);
- }
- private void _dim_tile (GridPosition pos)
- {
- debug (@"diming tile at $pos " + _foreground_cur[pos.row,pos.col].value.to_string ());
- Clutter.Actor actor;
- Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
- actor = _foreground_cur[pos.row,pos.col].actor;
- trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
- trans.set_from_value (actor.opacity);
- trans.set_to_value (0);
- trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
- trans.set_animatable (actor);
- _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
- }
- private void _clear_background ()
- {
- _view_background.remove_all_children ();
- }
- private void _clear_foreground ()
- {
- int rows = _grid.rows;
- int cols = _grid.cols;
- _view_foreground.remove_all_children ();
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- if (_foreground_cur[i,j] != null)
- _foreground_cur[i,j] = null;
- if (_foreground_nxt[i,j] != null)
- _foreground_nxt[i,j] = null;
- }
- }
- }
- private void _restore_foreground (bool animate)
- {
- uint val;
- GridPosition pos;
- Tile tile;
- int rows = _grid.rows;
- int cols = _grid.cols;
- _create_show_hide_transition (animate);
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- val = _grid[i,j];
- if (val != 0) {
- pos = { i, j };
- tile = { pos, val };
- _create_tile (tile);
- _to_show.add (tile);
- _show_tile (pos);
+ has_moved = (_to_move.size > 0) || (_to_hide.size > 0) || (_to_show.size > 0);
+ if (has_moved)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.MOVING_LEFT;
+ _move_trans.start ();
- }
- if (_to_show.size > 0) {
- _state = GameState.RESTORING_TILES;
- _show_hide_trans.start ();
+ private void _show_tile (GridPosition pos)
+ {
+ debug (@"show tile pos $pos");
+ Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
+ TileView view;
+ view = _foreground_nxt[pos.row,pos.col];
+ view.canvas.invalidate ();
+ view.actor.set_opacity (0);
+ view.actor.show ();
+ _view_foreground.add_child (view.actor);
+ trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-x");
+ trans.set_from_value (1.0);
+ trans.set_to_value (1.1);
+ trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ trans.set_animatable (view.actor);
+ _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
+ trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("scale-y");
+ trans.set_from_value (1.0);
+ trans.set_to_value (1.1);
+ trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ trans.set_animatable (view.actor);
+ _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
+ trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
+ trans.set_from_value (0);
+ trans.set_to_value (255);
+ trans.set_remove_on_complete (true);
+ trans.set_duration (_animations_duration / 2);
+ view.actor.add_transition ("show", trans);
- }
- private void _on_move_trans_stopped (bool is_finished)
- {
- debug (@"move animation stopped; finished $is_finished");
- debug (@"$_grid");
+ private void _move_tile (GridPosition from, GridPosition to)
+ {
+ debug (@"move tile from $from to $to");
- uint delta_score;
+ _prepare_move_tile (from, to);
- _move_trans.remove_all ();
+ _foreground_nxt[to.row,to.col] = _foreground_cur[from.row,from.col];
+ _foreground_cur[from.row,from.col] = null;
+ }
- _create_show_hide_transition (true);
+ private void _prepare_move_tile (GridPosition from, GridPosition to)
+ {
+ debug (@"prepare move tile from $from to $to");
- foreach (var e in _to_hide) {
- _dim_tile (e.from);
- }
+ bool row_move;
+ string trans_name;
+ Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
+ RoundedRectangle rect_from;
+ RoundedRectangle rect_to;
+ row_move = (from.col == to.col);
+ trans_name = row_move ? "y" : "x";
+ rect_from = _background[from.row,from.col];
+ rect_to = _background[to.row,to.col];
- delta_score = 0;
- foreach (var e in _to_show) {
- _create_tile (e);
- _show_tile (e.pos);
- delta_score += e.val;
+ trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition (trans_name);
+ trans.set_from_value (row_move ? rect_from.actor.y : rect_from.actor.x);
+ trans.set_to_value (row_move ? rect_to.actor.y : rect_to.actor.x);
+ trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ trans.set_animatable (_foreground_cur[from.row,from.col].actor);
+ _move_trans.add_transition (trans);
- score += delta_score;
- _store_score_update (delta_score);
- _create_random_tile ();
+ private void _dim_tile (GridPosition pos)
+ {
+ debug (@"diming tile at $pos " + _foreground_cur[pos.row,pos.col].value.to_string ());
- _show_hide_trans.start ();
- }
+ Clutter.Actor actor;
+ Clutter.PropertyTransition trans;
- private void _on_show_hide_trans_stopped (bool is_finished)
- {
- debug (@"show/hide animation stopped; finished $is_finished");
+ actor = _foreground_cur[pos.row,pos.col].actor;
- if (_show_hide_trans.direction == Clutter.TimelineDirection.FORWARD) {
- _show_hide_trans.direction = Clutter.TimelineDirection.BACKWARD;
- _show_hide_trans.start ();
- return;
+ trans = new Clutter.PropertyTransition ("opacity");
+ trans.set_from_value (actor.opacity);
+ trans.set_to_value (0);
+ trans.set_duration (_animations_duration);
+ trans.set_animatable (actor);
+ _show_hide_trans.add_transition (trans);
- debug (@"$_grid");
+ private void _clear_background ()
+ {
+ _view_background.remove_all_children ();
+ }
- _show_hide_trans.remove_all ();
+ private void _clear_foreground ()
+ {
+ int rows = _grid.rows;
+ int cols = _grid.cols;
+ _view_foreground.remove_all_children ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+ {
+ if (_foreground_cur[i,j] != null)
+ _foreground_cur[i,j] = null;
+ if (_foreground_nxt[i,j] != null)
+ _foreground_nxt[i,j] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- foreach (var e in _to_hide) {
- TileView view = _foreground_cur[e.from.row,e.from.col];
- view.actor.hide ();
- debug (@"remove child " + _foreground_cur[e.from.row,e.from.col].value.to_string ());
- _view_foreground.remove_child (view.actor);
+ private void _restore_foreground (bool animate)
+ {
+ uint val;
+ GridPosition pos;
+ Tile tile;
+ int rows = _grid.rows;
+ int cols = _grid.cols;
+ _create_show_hide_transition (animate);
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+ {
+ val = _grid[i,j];
+ if (val != 0)
+ {
+ pos = { i, j };
+ tile = { pos, val };
+ _create_tile (tile);
+ _to_show.add (tile);
+ _show_tile (pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- _foreground_cur[e.from.row,e.from.col] = null;
+ if (_to_show.size > 0)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.RESTORING_TILES;
+ _show_hide_trans.start ();
+ }
- _finish_move_id = GLib.Timeout.add (100, _finish_move);
- }
+ private void _on_move_trans_stopped (bool is_finished)
+ {
+ debug (@"move animation stopped; finished $is_finished");
+ debug (@"$_grid");
+ uint delta_score;
+ _move_trans.remove_all ();
+ _create_show_hide_transition (true);
+ foreach (var e in _to_hide)
+ {
+ _dim_tile (e.from);
+ }
+ delta_score = 0;
+ foreach (var e in _to_show)
+ {
+ _create_tile (e);
+ _show_tile (e.pos);
+ delta_score += e.val;
+ }
+ score += delta_score;
+ _store_score_update (delta_score);
- private void _create_show_hide_transition (bool animate)
- {
- _show_hide_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
- _show_hide_trans.stopped.connect (_on_show_hide_trans_stopped);
- _show_hide_trans.set_duration (animate ? _animations_duration : 10);
- }
+ _create_random_tile ();
- private bool _finish_move ()
- {
- if (_state == GameState.SHOWING_FIRST_TILE) {
- _state = GameState.SHOWING_SECOND_TILE;
- debug ("state show second tile");
- _create_random_tile ();
- } else if (_state == GameState.SHOWING_SECOND_TILE) {
- _state = GameState.IDLE;
- debug ("state idle");
- } else if (_state != GameState.IDLE) {
- _state = GameState.IDLE;
- debug ("state idle");
+ _show_hide_trans.start ();
- foreach (var e in _to_move) {
- _foreground_cur[e.to.row,e.to.col] = _foreground_nxt[e.to.row,e.to.col];
- _foreground_nxt[e.to.row,e.to.col] = null;
+ private void _on_show_hide_trans_stopped (bool is_finished)
+ {
+ debug (@"show/hide animation stopped; finished $is_finished");
+ if (_show_hide_trans.direction == Clutter.TimelineDirection.FORWARD)
+ {
+ _show_hide_trans.direction = Clutter.TimelineDirection.BACKWARD;
+ _show_hide_trans.start ();
+ return;
+ }
+ debug (@"$_grid");
+ _show_hide_trans.remove_all ();
+ foreach (var e in _to_hide)
+ {
+ TileView view = _foreground_cur[e.from.row,e.from.col];
+ view.actor.hide ();
+ debug (@"remove child " + _foreground_cur[e.from.row,e.from.col].value.to_string ());
+ _view_foreground.remove_child (view.actor);
+ _foreground_cur[e.from.row,e.from.col] = null;
+ }
+ _finish_move_id = GLib.Timeout.add (100, _finish_move);
- foreach (var e in _to_show) {
- _foreground_cur[e.pos.row,e.pos.col] = _foreground_nxt[e.pos.row,e.pos.col];
- _foreground_nxt[e.pos.row,e.pos.col] = null;
+ private void _create_show_hide_transition (bool animate)
+ {
+ _show_hide_trans = new Clutter.TransitionGroup ();
+ _show_hide_trans.stopped.connect (_on_show_hide_trans_stopped);
+ _show_hide_trans.set_duration (animate ? _animations_duration : 10);
- _to_hide.clear ();
- _to_move.clear ();
- _to_show.clear ();
+ private bool _finish_move ()
+ {
+ if (_state == GameState.SHOWING_FIRST_TILE)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.SHOWING_SECOND_TILE;
+ debug ("state show second tile");
+ _create_random_tile ();
+ }
+ else if (_state == GameState.SHOWING_SECOND_TILE)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.IDLE;
+ debug ("state idle");
+ }
+ else if (_state != GameState.IDLE)
+ {
+ _state = GameState.IDLE;
+ debug ("state idle");
+ }
- if (_grid.target_value_reached) {
- target_value_reached (_grid.target_value);
- _grid.target_value_reached = false;
- }
+ foreach (var e in _to_move)
+ {
+ _foreground_cur[e.to.row,e.to.col] = _foreground_nxt[e.to.row,e.to.col];
+ _foreground_nxt[e.to.row,e.to.col] = null;
+ }
+ foreach (var e in _to_show)
+ {
+ _foreground_cur[e.pos.row,e.pos.col] = _foreground_nxt[e.pos.row,e.pos.col];
+ _foreground_nxt[e.pos.row,e.pos.col] = null;
+ }
- if (_grid.is_finished ())
- finished ();
+ _to_hide.clear ();
+ _to_move.clear ();
+ _to_show.clear ();
+ if (_grid.target_value_reached)
+ {
+ target_value_reached (_grid.target_value);
+ _grid.target_value_reached = false;
+ }
- _finish_move_id = 0;
- return false;
- }
+ if (_grid.is_finished ())
+ finished ();
- private void _store_movement ()
- {
- if (_allow_undo) {
- if (_undo_stack.size == _undo_stack_max_size)
- _undo_stack.poll_tail ();
- _undo_stack.offer_head (_grid.clone ());
- if (_undo_stack.size == 1) {
- undo_enabled ();
- }
+ _finish_move_id = 0;
+ return false;
- }
- private void _store_score_update (uint delta_score)
- {
- if (_allow_undo) {
- if (_undo_score_stack.size == _undo_stack_max_size)
- _undo_score_stack.poll_tail ();
- _undo_score_stack.offer_head (delta_score);
+ private void _store_movement ()
+ {
+ if (!_allow_undo)
+ return;
+ if (_undo_stack.size == _undo_stack_max_size)
+ _undo_stack.poll_tail ();
+ _undo_stack.offer_head (_grid.clone ());
+ if (_undo_stack.size == 1)
+ undo_enabled ();
+ }
+ private void _store_score_update (uint delta_score)
+ {
+ if (!_allow_undo)
+ return;
+ if (_undo_score_stack.size == _undo_stack_max_size)
+ _undo_score_stack.poll_tail ();
+ _undo_score_stack.offer_head (delta_score);
- }
diff --git a/src/grid.vala b/src/grid.vala
index ef2a16d..0787ede 100644
--- a/src/grid.vala
+++ b/src/grid.vala
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco <juanrgar gmail com>
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
* This file is part of GNOME 2048.
@@ -16,571 +17,593 @@
* along with GNOME 2048; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-public class Grid : GLib.Object
+public class Grid : Object
- private uint[,] _grid;
- public Grid (int rows, int cols)
- {
- Object (rows: rows, cols: cols);
- _grid = new uint[rows, cols];
- clear ();
- _target_value = 0;
- }
- public int rows {
- get; set;
- }
- public int cols {
- get; set;
- }
- public uint target_value {
- get; set;
- }
- public bool target_value_reached {
- get; set;
- }
- public Grid clone ()
- {
- Grid grid = new Grid (_rows, _cols);
- grid._grid = _grid;
- grid._target_value = _target_value;
- grid._target_value_reached = _target_value_reached;
- return grid;
- }
- public void clear ()
- {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _grid.length[0]; i++) {
- for (uint j = 0; j < _grid.length[1]; j++) {
- _grid[i,j] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
+ private uint[,] _grid;
- public bool new_tile (out Tile tile)
- {
- GridPosition pos = { 0, 0 };
- uint val;
- tile = { pos, 0 };
+ public Grid (int rows, int cols)
+ {
+ Object (rows: rows, cols: cols);
- if (_grid_is_full ()) {
- return false;
+ _grid = new uint[rows, cols];
+ clear ();
+ _target_value = 0;
- val = 2;
- while (true) {
- pos = _random_position ();
- if (_grid[pos.row,pos.col] == 0) {
- _grid[pos.row,pos.col] = val;
- _check_target_value_reached (val);
- tile = { pos, val };
- return true;
- }
+ public int rows {
+ get; set;
- }
- public void move_down (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
- Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_hide,
- Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> to_show)
- {
- GridPosition free;
- GridPosition cur;
- GridPosition match;
- bool has_match;
- int row;
- uint val;
- TileMovement mov;
- Tile tile;
- to_move.clear ();
- to_hide.clear ();
- to_show.clear ();
- for (int i = 0; i < _cols; i++) {
- free = { _rows, i };
- for (int j = 0; j < _rows; j++) {
- row = _rows - j - 1;
- cur = { row, i };
- val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
- if (val == 0) {
- if (free.row == _rows) {
- free.row = row;
- }
- continue;
- }
+ public int cols {
+ get; set;
+ }
- // search for matches
- match = { 0, 0 };
- has_match = false;
- for (int k = row - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
- uint k_val = _grid[k,cur.col];
+ public uint target_value {
+ get; set;
+ }
- if (k_val != 0) {
- if (k_val == val) {
- has_match = true;
- match = { k, cur.col };
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ public bool target_value_reached {
+ get; set;
+ }
- if (has_match) {
- debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
+ public Grid clone ()
+ {
+ Grid grid = new Grid (_rows, _cols);
+ grid._grid = _grid;
+ grid._target_value = _target_value;
+ grid._target_value_reached = _target_value_reached;
- if (free.row == _rows) {
- free.row = row; // temporarily
- }
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
- mov = { match, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
+ return grid;
+ }
- tile = { free, val*2 };
- to_show.add (tile);
+ public void clear ()
+ {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < _grid.length[0]; i++)
+ for (uint j = 0; j < _grid.length[1]; j++)
+ _grid[i,j] = 0;
+ }
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
- _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
+ public bool new_tile (out Tile tile)
+ {
+ GridPosition pos = { 0, 0 };
+ uint val;
+ tile = { pos, 0 };
- free.row--;
- } else if (free.row != _rows) {
- debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
+ if (_grid_is_full ())
+ return false;
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_move.add (mov);
+ val = 2;
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ pos = _random_position ();
- free.row--;
+ if (_grid[pos.row,pos.col] == 0)
+ {
+ _grid[pos.row,pos.col] = val;
+ _check_target_value_reached (val);
+ tile = { pos, val };
+ return true;
+ }
- }
- }
- public void move_up (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
- Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_hide,
- Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> to_show)
- {
- GridPosition free;
- GridPosition cur;
- GridPosition match;
- bool has_match;
- int row;
- uint val;
- TileMovement mov;
- Tile tile;
- to_move.clear ();
- to_hide.clear ();
- to_show.clear ();
- for (int i = 0; i < _cols; i++) {
- free = { -1, i };
- for (int j = 0; j < _rows; j++) {
- row = j;
- cur = { row, i };
- val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
- if (val == 0) {
- if (free.row == -1) {
- free.row = row;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // search for matches
- match = { 0, 0 };
- has_match = false;
- for (int k = row + 1; k < _rows; k++) {
- uint k_val = _grid[k,cur.col];
- if (k_val != 0) {
- if (k_val == val) {
- has_match = true;
- match = { k, cur.col };
+ public void move_down (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
+ Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_hide,
+ Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> to_show)
+ {
+ GridPosition free;
+ GridPosition cur;
+ GridPosition match;
+ bool has_match;
+ int row;
+ uint val;
+ TileMovement mov;
+ Tile tile;
+ to_move.clear ();
+ to_hide.clear ();
+ to_show.clear ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _cols; i++)
+ {
+ free = { _rows, i };
+ for (int j = 0; j < _rows; j++)
+ {
+ row = _rows - j - 1;
+ cur = { row, i };
+ val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ if (free.row == _rows)
+ free.row = row;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // search for matches
+ match = { 0, 0 };
+ has_match = false;
+ for (int k = row - 1; k >= 0; k--)
+ {
+ uint k_val = _grid[k,cur.col];
+ if (k_val != 0)
+ {
+ if (k_val == val)
+ {
+ has_match = true;
+ match = { k, cur.col };
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_match)
+ {
+ debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
+ if (free.row == _rows)
+ free.row = row; // temporarily
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ mov = { match, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ tile = { free, val*2 };
+ to_show.add (tile);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
+ _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
+ free.row--;
+ }
+ else if (free.row != _rows)
+ {
+ debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_move.add (mov);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
+ free.row--;
+ }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (has_match) {
- debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
- if (free.row == -1) {
- free.row = row; // temporarily
- }
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
- mov = { match, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
- tile = { free, val*2 };
- to_show.add (tile);
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
- _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
- free.row++;
- } else if (free.row != -1) {
- debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_move.add (mov);
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
- free.row++;
- }
- }
- public void move_left (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
+ public void move_up (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_hide,
Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> to_show)
- {
- GridPosition free;
- GridPosition cur;
- GridPosition match;
- bool has_match;
- int col;
- uint val;
- TileMovement mov;
- Tile tile;
- to_move.clear ();
- to_hide.clear ();
- to_show.clear ();
- for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
- free = { i, -1 };
- for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++) {
- col = j;
- cur = { i, col };
- val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
- if (val == 0) {
- if (free.col == -1) {
- free.col = col;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // search for matches
- match = { 0, 0 };
- has_match = false;
- for (int k = col + 1; k < _rows; k++) {
- uint k_val = _grid[cur.row,k];
- if (k_val != 0) {
- if (k_val == val) {
- has_match = true;
- match = { cur.row, k };
+ {
+ GridPosition free;
+ GridPosition cur;
+ GridPosition match;
+ bool has_match;
+ int row;
+ uint val;
+ TileMovement mov;
+ Tile tile;
+ to_move.clear ();
+ to_hide.clear ();
+ to_show.clear ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _cols; i++)
+ {
+ free = { -1, i };
+ for (int j = 0; j < _rows; j++)
+ {
+ row = j;
+ cur = { row, i };
+ val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ if (free.row == -1)
+ free.row = row;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // search for matches
+ match = { 0, 0 };
+ has_match = false;
+ for (int k = row + 1; k < _rows; k++)
+ {
+ uint k_val = _grid[k,cur.col];
+ if (k_val != 0)
+ {
+ if (k_val == val)
+ {
+ has_match = true;
+ match = { k, cur.col };
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_match)
+ {
+ debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
+ if (free.row == -1)
+ free.row = row; // temporarily
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ mov = { match, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ tile = { free, val*2 };
+ to_show.add (tile);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
+ _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
+ free.row++;
+ }
+ else if (free.row != -1)
+ {
+ debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_move.add (mov);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
+ free.row++;
+ }
- break;
- }
+ }
- if (has_match) {
- debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
- if (free.col == -1) {
- free.col = col; // temporarily
- }
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
- mov = { match, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
- tile = { free, val*2 };
- to_show.add (tile);
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
- _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
- free.col++;
- } else if (free.col != -1) {
- debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_move.add (mov);
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
- free.col++;
+ public void move_left (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
+ Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_hide,
+ Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> to_show)
+ {
+ GridPosition free;
+ GridPosition cur;
+ GridPosition match;
+ bool has_match;
+ int col;
+ uint val;
+ TileMovement mov;
+ Tile tile;
+ to_move.clear ();
+ to_hide.clear ();
+ to_show.clear ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++)
+ {
+ free = { i, -1 };
+ for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++)
+ {
+ col = j;
+ cur = { i, col };
+ val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ if (free.col == -1)
+ free.col = col;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // search for matches
+ match = { 0, 0 };
+ has_match = false;
+ for (int k = col + 1; k < _rows; k++)
+ {
+ uint k_val = _grid[cur.row,k];
+ if (k_val != 0)
+ {
+ if (k_val == val)
+ {
+ has_match = true;
+ match = { cur.row, k };
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_match)
+ {
+ debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
+ if (free.col == -1)
+ free.col = col; // temporarily
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ mov = { match, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ tile = { free, val*2 };
+ to_show.add (tile);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
+ _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
+ free.col++;
+ }
+ else if (free.col != -1)
+ {
+ debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_move.add (mov);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
+ free.col++;
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
- public void move_right (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
- Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_hide,
- Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> to_show)
- {
- GridPosition free;
- GridPosition cur;
- GridPosition match;
- bool has_match;
- int col;
- uint val;
- TileMovement mov;
- Tile tile;
- to_move.clear ();
- to_hide.clear ();
- to_show.clear ();
- for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
- free = { i, _cols };
- for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++) {
- col = _cols - j - 1;
- cur = { i, col };
- val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
- if (val == 0) {
- if (free.col == _cols) {
- free.col = col;
- }
- continue;
- }
- // search for matches
- match = { 0, 0 };
- has_match = false;
- for (int k = col - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
- uint k_val = _grid[cur.row,k];
- if (k_val != 0) {
- if (k_val == val) {
- has_match = true;
- match = { cur.row, k };
+ public void move_right (Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_move,
+ Gee.LinkedList<TileMovement?> to_hide,
+ Gee.LinkedList<Tile?> to_show)
+ {
+ GridPosition free;
+ GridPosition cur;
+ GridPosition match;
+ bool has_match;
+ int col;
+ uint val;
+ TileMovement mov;
+ Tile tile;
+ to_move.clear ();
+ to_hide.clear ();
+ to_show.clear ();
+ for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++)
+ {
+ free = { i, _cols };
+ for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++)
+ {
+ col = _cols - j - 1;
+ cur = { i, col };
+ val = _grid[cur.row,cur.col];
+ if (val == 0)
+ {
+ if (free.col == _cols)
+ free.col = col;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // search for matches
+ match = { 0, 0 };
+ has_match = false;
+ for (int k = col - 1; k >= 0; k--)
+ {
+ uint k_val = _grid[cur.row,k];
+ if (k_val != 0)
+ {
+ if (k_val == val)
+ {
+ has_match = true;
+ match = { cur.row, k };
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_match)
+ {
+ debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
+ if (free.col == _cols)
+ free.col = col; // temporarily
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ mov = { match, free };
+ to_hide.add (mov);
+ tile = { free, val*2 };
+ to_show.add (tile);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
+ _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
+ free.col--;
+ }
+ else if (free.col != _cols)
+ {
+ debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
+ mov = { cur, free };
+ to_move.add (mov);
+ _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
+ _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
+ free.col--;
+ }
- break;
- }
+ }
- if (has_match) {
- debug (@"matching tile found at $match");
- if (free.col == _cols) {
- free.col = col; // temporarily
- }
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
- mov = { match, free };
- to_hide.add (mov);
- tile = { free, val*2 };
- to_show.add (tile);
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[match.row,match.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val*2;
- _check_target_value_reached (val*2);
- free.col--;
- } else if (free.col != _cols) {
- debug (@"moving $cur to $free");
+ public bool is_finished ()
+ {
+ if (!_grid_is_full ())
+ return false;
- mov = { cur, free };
- to_move.add (mov);
+ for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++)
+ {
+ uint val = _grid[i,j];
- _grid[cur.row,cur.col] = 0;
- _grid[free.row,free.col] = val;
+ if (i < (_rows - 1) && val == _grid[i+1,j])
+ return false;
- free.col--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public bool is_finished ()
- {
- uint val;
- if (!_grid_is_full ())
- return false;
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
- for (int j = 0; j < _cols; j++) {
- val = _grid[i,j];
- if (i < (_rows - 1))
- if (val == _grid[i+1,j])
- return false;
- if (j < (_cols - 1))
- if (val == _grid[i,j+1])
- return false;
+ if (j < (_cols - 1) && val == _grid[i,j+1])
+ return false;
+ }
- }
+ return true;
- return true;
- }
+ public new uint get (int row, int col)
+ {
+ if ((row >= _rows) || (col >= _cols))
+ return 0;
- public new uint get (int row, int col)
- {
- if ((row >= _rows) || (col >= _cols))
- return 0;
+ return _grid[row,col];
+ }
- return _grid[row,col];
- }
+ public string save ()
+ {
+ string ret = "";
- public string save ()
- {
- string ret = "";
+ ret += _rows.to_string () + " ";
+ ret += _cols.to_string () + "\n";
- ret += _rows.to_string () + " ";
- ret += _cols.to_string () + "\n";
+ ret += _convert_to_string ();
- ret += _convert_to_string ();
+ return ret;
+ }
- return ret;
- }
+ public bool load (string content)
+ {
+ return _load_from_string (content);
+ }
- public bool load (string content)
- {
- return _load_from_string (content);
- }
+ public string to_string ()
+ {
+ string ret = "\n";
+ ret += _convert_to_string ();
+ return ret;
+ }
- public string to_string ()
- {
- string ret = "\n";
- ret += _convert_to_string ();
- return ret;
- }
+ private string _convert_to_string ()
+ {
+ string ret = "";
- private string _convert_to_string ()
- {
- string ret = "";
+ for (uint i = 0; i < _rows; i++)
+ for (uint j = 0; j < _cols; j++)
+ ret += "%u%s".printf (_grid[i,j], (j == (_cols-1)) ? "\n" : " ");
- for (uint i = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
- for (uint j = 0; j < _cols; j++) {
- ret += "%u%s".printf (_grid[i,j], (j == (_cols-1)) ? "\n" : " ");
- }
+ return ret;
- return ret;
- }
+ private bool _load_from_string (string contents)
+ {
+ int rows = 0;
+ int cols = 0;
+ string[] lines;
+ string[] tokens;
+ uint[,] grid;
- private bool _load_from_string (string contents)
- {
- int rows = 0;
- int cols = 0;
- string[] lines;
- string[] tokens;
- uint[,] grid;
+ lines = contents.split ("\n");
- lines = contents.split ("\n");
+ // check that at least it contains 2 rows
+ if (lines.length < 3)
+ return false;
- // check that at least it contains 2 rows
- if (lines.length < 3)
- return false;
+ tokens = lines[0].split (" ");
+ if (tokens.length != 2)
+ return false;
- tokens = lines[0].split (" ");
- if (tokens.length != 2)
- return false;
+ rows = int.parse (tokens[0]);
+ cols = int.parse (tokens[1]);
- rows = int.parse (tokens[0]);
- cols = int.parse (tokens[1]);
+ if ((rows < 2) || (cols < 2))
+ return false;
+ // we don't need to be strict here
+ if (lines.length < (rows+1))
+ return false;
- if ((rows < 2) || (cols < 2))
- return false;
- // we don't need to be strict here
- if (lines.length < (rows+1))
- return false;
+ grid = new uint[rows, cols];
- grid = new uint[rows, cols];
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+ {
+ tokens = lines[i+1].split (" ");
+ // we do need to be strict here
+ if (tokens.length != cols)
+ return false;
- for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
- tokens = lines[i+1].split (" ");
- // we do need to be strict here
- if (tokens.length != cols)
- return false;
+ for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
+ grid[i,j] = int.parse (tokens[j]);
+ }
- for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
- grid[i,j] = int.parse (tokens[j]);
- }
- }
+ _rows = rows;
+ _cols = cols;
+ _grid = grid;
- _rows = rows;
- _cols = cols;
- _grid = grid;
+ return true;
+ }
- return true;
- }
+ private bool _grid_is_full ()
+ {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < _rows; i++)
+ for (uint j = 0; j < _cols; j++)
+ if (_grid[i,j] == 0)
+ return false;
- private bool _grid_is_full ()
- {
- for (uint i = 0; i < _rows; i++) {
- for (uint j = 0; j < _cols; j++) {
- if (_grid[i,j] == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- }
+ return true;
- return true;
- }
+ private GridPosition _random_position ()
+ {
+ GridPosition ret = { Random.int_range (0, (int)_rows),
+ Random.int_range (0, (int)_cols) };
- private GridPosition _random_position ()
- {
- GridPosition ret = { Random.int_range (0, (int)_rows),
- Random.int_range (0, (int)_cols) };
- return ret;
- }
+ return ret;
+ }
- private void _check_target_value_reached (uint val)
- {
- if (target_value != 0)
- if (val == target_value)
- target_value_reached = true;
- }
+ private void _check_target_value_reached (uint val)
+ {
+ if (target_value != 0 && val == target_value)
+ target_value_reached = true;
+ }
public struct GridPosition
- public uint row;
- public uint col;
+ public uint row;
+ public uint col;
- public string to_string ()
- {
- return @"($row,$col)";
- }
+ public string to_string ()
+ {
+ return @"($row,$col)";
+ }
public struct TileMovement
- public GridPosition from;
- public GridPosition to;
+ public GridPosition from;
+ public GridPosition to;
public struct Tile
- public GridPosition pos;
- public uint val;
+ public GridPosition pos;
+ public uint val;
diff --git a/src/view.vala b/src/view.vala
index 5f4cf39..6ef8756 100644
--- a/src/view.vala
+++ b/src/view.vala
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Juan R. García Blanco <juanrgar gmail com>
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
* This file is part of GNOME 2048.
@@ -16,184 +17,177 @@
* along with GNOME 2048; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-public class RoundedRectangle : GLib.Object
+public class RoundedRectangle : Object
- protected Clutter.Actor _actor;
- protected Clutter.Canvas _canvas;
- protected Clutter.Color? _color;
- public RoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height, Clutter.Color? color)
- {
- Object ();
- _color = color;
- _canvas = new Clutter.Canvas ();
- _canvas.set_size ((int)Math.ceilf (width), (int)Math.ceilf (height));
- _actor = new Clutter.Actor ();
- _actor.set_size (width, height);
- _actor.set_content (_canvas);
- _actor.x = x;
- _actor.y = y;
- _actor.set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
- _canvas.draw.connect (_draw);
- }
- public Clutter.Actor actor {
- get { return _actor; }
- }
- public Clutter.Color color {
- get { return _color; }
- set {
- _color = value;
- _canvas.invalidate ();
+ protected Clutter.Actor _actor;
+ protected Clutter.Canvas _canvas;
+ protected Clutter.Color? _color;
+ public RoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height, Clutter.Color? color)
+ {
+ Object ();
+ _color = color;
+ _canvas = new Clutter.Canvas ();
+ _canvas.set_size ((int)Math.ceilf (width), (int)Math.ceilf (height));
+ _actor = new Clutter.Actor ();
+ _actor.set_size (width, height);
+ _actor.set_content (_canvas);
+ _actor.x = x;
+ _actor.y = y;
+ _actor.set_pivot_point (0.5f, 0.5f);
+ _canvas.draw.connect (_draw);
+ }
+ public Clutter.Actor actor {
+ get { return _actor; }
+ }
+ public Clutter.Color color {
+ get { return _color; }
+ set {
+ _color = value;
+ _canvas.invalidate ();
+ }
- }
- public Clutter.Canvas canvas {
- get { return _canvas; }
- }
- public void resize (float x, float y, float width, float height)
- {
- _actor.x = x;
- _actor.y = y;
- _actor.width = width;
- _actor.height = height;
- }
- public void idle_resize ()
- {
- if (!_canvas.set_size ((int)Math.ceilf (_actor.width), (int)Math.ceilf (_actor.height)))
- _canvas.invalidate ();
- }
- protected virtual bool _draw (Cairo.Context ctx, int width, int height)
- {
- double radius = height / 20.0;
- double degrees = Math.PI / 180.0;
- ctx.save ();
- ctx.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.CLEAR);
- ctx.paint ();
- ctx.restore ();
- ctx.new_sub_path ();
- ctx.arc (width - radius, radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees);
- ctx.arc (width - radius, height - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees);
- ctx.arc (radius, height - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees);
- ctx.arc (radius, radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees);
- ctx.close_path ();
- if (_color != null) {
- Clutter.cairo_set_source_color (ctx, _color);
- ctx.fill ();
+ public Clutter.Canvas canvas {
+ get { return _canvas; }
+ }
+ public void resize (float x, float y, float width, float height)
+ {
+ _actor.x = x;
+ _actor.y = y;
+ _actor.width = width;
+ _actor.height = height;
- return false;
- }
+ public void idle_resize ()
+ {
+ if (!_canvas.set_size ((int)Math.ceilf (_actor.width), (int)Math.ceilf (_actor.height)))
+ _canvas.invalidate ();
+ }
+ protected virtual bool _draw (Cairo.Context ctx, int width, int height)
+ {
+ double radius = height / 20.0;
+ double degrees = Math.PI / 180.0;
+ ctx.save ();
+ ctx.set_operator (Cairo.Operator.CLEAR);
+ ctx.paint ();
+ ctx.restore ();
+ ctx.new_sub_path ();
+ ctx.arc (width - radius, radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees);
+ ctx.arc (width - radius, height - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * degrees);
+ ctx.arc (radius, height - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees);
+ ctx.arc (radius, radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees);
+ ctx.close_path ();
+ if (_color != null)
+ {
+ Clutter.cairo_set_source_color (ctx, _color);
+ ctx.fill ();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
public class TileView : RoundedRectangle
- public TileView (float x, float y, float width, float height, uint val)
- {
- base (x, y, width, height, null);
+ public TileView (float x, float y, float width, float height, uint val)
+ {
+ base (x, y, width, height, null);
- _value = val;
- _color = _pick_color ();
- }
- public uint value {
- get; set; default = 2;
- }
+ _value = val;
+ _color = _pick_color ();
+ }
+ public uint value {
+ get; set; default = 2;
+ }
- protected override bool _draw (Cairo.Context ctx, int width, int height)
- {
- Pango.Rectangle logical_rect;
- Pango.Layout layout;
- Pango.FontDescription font_desc;
+ protected override bool _draw (Cairo.Context ctx, int width, int height)
+ {
+ Pango.Rectangle logical_rect;
+ Pango.Layout layout;
+ Pango.FontDescription font_desc;
- base._draw (ctx, width, height);
+ base._draw (ctx, width, height);
- ctx.set_source_rgb (255, 255, 255);
+ ctx.set_source_rgb (255, 255, 255);
- layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout (ctx);
- font_desc = Pango.FontDescription.from_string ("Sans Bold %dpx".printf (height / 4));
- layout.set_font_description (font_desc);
+ layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout (ctx);
+ font_desc = Pango.FontDescription.from_string ("Sans Bold %dpx".printf (height / 4));
+ layout.set_font_description (font_desc);
- layout.set_text (value.to_string(), -1);
+ layout.set_text (value.to_string (), -1);
- layout.get_extents (null, out logical_rect);
- ctx.move_to ((width / 2) - (logical_rect.width / 2 / Pango.SCALE),
- (height / 2) - (logical_rect.height / 2 / Pango.SCALE));
- Pango.cairo_show_layout (ctx, layout);
+ layout.get_extents (null, out logical_rect);
+ ctx.move_to ((width / 2) - (logical_rect.width / 2 / Pango.SCALE),
+ (height / 2) - (logical_rect.height / 2 / Pango.SCALE));
+ Pango.cairo_show_layout (ctx, layout);
- return false;
- }
+ return false;
+ }
- private Clutter.Color _pick_color ()
- {
- return ColorPalette.get_instance ().pick_color (_value);
- }
+ private Clutter.Color _pick_color ()
+ {
+ return ColorPalette.get_instance ().pick_color (_value);
+ }
-public class ColorPalette : GLib.Object
+public class ColorPalette : Object
- private Gee.HashMap<uint,Clutter.Color?> _palette;
- private static ColorPalette? _singleton = null;
- public ColorPalette ()
- {
- Object ();
- _palette = new Gee.HashMap<uint,Clutter.Color?> ();
- _palette.set (2, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#fce94f")); // Butter 1
- _palette.set (4, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#8ae234")); // Chameleon 1
- _palette.set (8, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#fcaf3e")); // Orange 1
- _palette.set (16, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#729fcf")); // Sky blue 1
- _palette.set (32, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ad7fa8")); // Plum 1
- _palette.set (64, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#c17d11")); // Chocolate 2
- _palette.set (128, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ef2929")); // Scarlet red 1
- _palette.set (256, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#c4a000")); // Butter 3
- _palette.set (512, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#4e9a06")); // Chameleon 3
- _palette.set (1024, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ce5c00")); // Orange 3
- _palette.set (2048, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#204a87")); // Sky blue 3
- }
- public static ColorPalette get_instance ()
- {
- if (_singleton == null) {
- ColorPalette._singleton = new ColorPalette ();
+ private Gee.HashMap<uint,Clutter.Color?> _palette;
+ private static ColorPalette? _singleton = null;
+ public ColorPalette ()
+ {
+ Object ();
+ _palette = new Gee.HashMap<uint,Clutter.Color?> ();
+ _palette.set (2, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#fce94f")); // Butter 1
+ _palette.set (4, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#8ae234")); // Chameleon 1
+ _palette.set (8, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#fcaf3e")); // Orange 1
+ _palette.set (16, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#729fcf")); // Sky blue 1
+ _palette.set (32, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ad7fa8")); // Plum 1
+ _palette.set (64, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#c17d11")); // Chocolate 2
+ _palette.set (128, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ef2929")); // Scarlet red 1
+ _palette.set (256, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#c4a000")); // Butter 3
+ _palette.set (512, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#4e9a06")); // Chameleon 3
+ _palette.set (1024, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#ce5c00")); // Orange 3
+ _palette.set (2048, Clutter.Color.from_string ("#204a87")); // Sky blue 3
- return _singleton;
- }
+ public static ColorPalette get_instance ()
+ {
+ if (_singleton == null)
+ ColorPalette._singleton = new ColorPalette ();
- public Clutter.Color pick_color (uint val)
- {
- Clutter.Color color;
+ return _singleton;
+ }
- if (_palette.has_key (val)) {
- color = _palette.get (val);
- } else {
- uint norm_val;
- uint8 sbits;
+ public Clutter.Color pick_color (uint val)
+ {
+ if (_palette.has_key (val))
+ return _palette.get (val);
- norm_val = val / 2048;
- color = _palette.get (norm_val);
+ uint norm_val = val / 2048;
+ Clutter.Color color = _palette.get (norm_val);
- sbits = (uint8)(val % 7);
- color.red <<= sbits;
- color.green <<= sbits;
- color.blue <<= sbits;
- }
+ uint8 sbits = (uint8) (val % 7);
+ color.red <<= sbits;
+ color.green <<= sbits;
+ color.blue <<= sbits;
- return color;
- }
+ return color;
+ }
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