[chronojump] cleaned code

commit 273c184a5841895b14f56e9ac29e62a0fc50bac8
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Thu Mar 3 15:27:22 2016 +0100

    cleaned code

 encoder/graph.R |   50 --------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index e5c4051..78b7b23 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -125,56 +125,6 @@ translateVector <- function(englishVector) {
-# This function converts top curve into bottom curve
-#          /\
-#         /  \        /
-# _     B/    \C     /
-#  \    /      \    /D
-#  A\  /        \  /
-#    \/          \/
-# _     b        
-#  \    /\    /\    /\
-#   \  /  \  /  \  /  \
-#    \/    \/    \/
-#    ab    bc
-# eg: in to curve, 'B' is a movement of disc rolling to right (or left),
-# but in this movement, person has gone up/down. Up phase is ab-b. Down phase is b-bc.
-# his function produces this transformation
-# all displacement will be negative because we start on the top
-#fixRawdataInertial <- function(displacement) {
-#      #do not do this:
-#      #position=cumsum(displacement)
-#      #displacement[which(position >= 0)] = displacement[which(position >= 0)]*-1
-#      #do this: work with cumsum, do ABS on cumsum, then *-1
-#      #then to obtain displacement again just do diff (and add first number)
-#      position = abs(cumsum(displacement))*-1
-#      #this is to make "inverted cumsum"
-#      displacement = c(0,diff(position))
-#      print(displacement)
-#      return(displacement)
-#don't do this, because on inertial machines string will be rolled to machine and not connected to the body
-#fixRawdataLI <- function(displacement) {
-#      position = cumsum(displacement)
-#      meanMax=mean(which(position == max(position)))
-#      #this is to make "inverted cumsum"
-#      displacement = c(0,diff(position))
-#      displacement[meanMax:length(displacement)] = displacement[meanMax:length(displacement)] * -1
-#      return(displacement)
 #this is equal to runEncoderCaptureCsharp()
 #but note getDisplacement hapens before this function, so no need getDisplacement here
 #also don't need byteReadedRaw, and encoderReadedRaw. encoderReaded is 'displacement' here

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