[libsigc++2] (45 commits) Created branch variadic_bind3

The branch 'variadic_bind3' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  f5d9634... bind(): Make this variadic.
  bfaab98... test_ptr_fun: Comment out what doesn't work with g++.
  288d2c3... tests: Use = delete instead of private constructors.
  374acbe... m4: Remove unused UPPER and LOWER functions.
  5f3d31e... slot.h.m4: Make slot1/2/3/etc variadic.
  799fe92... test_disconnect: Use slot<> instead of slot1<>.
  8f6f7d2... signal.h.m4: signal_emit: Put the T_Accumulator before the 
  e91fd7c... signal.h.m4: signal_emit1/2/3/etc: Make this variadic.
  a3c94ce... signal_emit1/2/3/etc: Simplify call_type typedef.
  54188f1... signal.h.m4: Make signal_emit fully variadic.
  5b283ea... Remove useless SIGC_TYPEDEF_REDEFINE_ALLOWED
  cd33771... signal1/2/3: Move T_accumulator to second position.
  ec287e8... signal1/2/3/etc: Make this variadic.
  aec6eb6... signal.h.m4: Rename signal1/2/3/etc to signal_with_accumula
  ce87be8... signal: Make this fully variadic.
  e41269d... signal.h: Use this as a normal header file.
  cce1859... test_acum_iter: Replace signal_accumulated with signal<>::a
  a39c1e7... Remove code that used the SIGC_TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION_OPER
  48ef0d2... Replace some uses of result_type with decltype(auto).
  9013e61... make_slot: Use decltype(auto) for return type.
  becfafa... slot.h.m4: visit_each specialization: Make this variadic.
  9e8337b... bind_functor::operator()(): Give this a dummy template para
  17b3b56... slot.h.m4: make slot_call fully variadic.
  1c7abc3... slot: Make this fully variadic.
  151d534... slot.h: Use this as a normal .h file.
  36af63b... slot.h: Remove comment about this being generated.
  93bebfe... retype: Make this variadic.
  647cc81... More use of decltype(auto) for return types.
  bd2beae... Correct some documentation.
  4b4e877... Another use of decltype(auto) for a return type
  4e65aeb... exception_catch_functor::operator():
  f6202b9... Add tuple utils from murrayc-tuple-utils.
  8fac955... hide.h.m4: hide_functor::operator(): Make this variadic.
  abd9431... hide_functor: Make this fully variadic.
  d5dccbc... hide.h: Use this as a normal .h file.
  d572498... track_obj.h.m4: Make this variadic.
  60ac9ff... track_obj.h: Use this as a normal .h file.
  0e32534... bind.h.m4: bind_functor: Store the bound arguments in a std
  d52bb35... bind.h.m4: Make variadic.
  e129955... Put bind() in its own bind.h file instead of generating it.
  fc92cc7... Avoid std::make_tuple().
  c389ad1... bind: Some perfect forwarding.
  d5fcf06... Add a TODO comment.
  b9a461c... Create a parallel-installable sigc++-3.0 API/ABI.
  ae1a63c... bind_functor::operator(): Do perfect forwarding.

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