[smuxi/experiments/gtk2_builder_pref_dialog: 20/25] Frontend-GNOME: implement reading and writing all settings of PreferencesDialog
- From: Mirco M. M. Bauer <mmmbauer src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [smuxi/experiments/gtk2_builder_pref_dialog: 20/25] Frontend-GNOME: implement reading and writing all settings of PreferencesDialog
- Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2016 07:22:56 +0000 (UTC)
commit 6ba00973e0645fd36541deaf3d4beb3469ccde1f
Author: Mirco Bauer <meebey meebey net>
Date: Thu Oct 17 19:30:29 2013 +0200
Frontend-GNOME: implement reading and writing all settings of PreferencesDialog
.../Interfaces/PreferencesDialog3.ui | 2 +
src/Frontend-GNOME/Views/PreferencesDialog.cs | 517 ++++++++++++++++++--
2 files changed, 487 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Frontend-GNOME/Interfaces/PreferencesDialog3.ui
index 9cd3582..198fa63 100644
--- a/src/Frontend-GNOME/Interfaces/PreferencesDialog3.ui
+++ b/src/Frontend-GNOME/Interfaces/PreferencesDialog3.ui
@@ -419,6 +419,7 @@
<property name="receives_default">False</property>
<property name="xalign">0</property>
<property name="draw_indicator">True</property>
+ <signal name="toggled" handler="OnProxyShowPasswordCheckButtonToggled" swapped="no"/>
<property name="left_attach">1</property>
@@ -1640,6 +1641,7 @@ yy/yyyy = year</property>
<property name="can_focus">True</property>
<property name="receives_default">True</property>
<property name="halign">start</property>
+ <signal name="clicked" handler="OnLoggingOpenButtonClicked" swapped="no"/>
<property name="expand">False</property>
diff --git a/src/Frontend-GNOME/Views/PreferencesDialog.cs b/src/Frontend-GNOME/Views/PreferencesDialog.cs
index 057daa0..9963927 100644
--- a/src/Frontend-GNOME/Views/PreferencesDialog.cs
+++ b/src/Frontend-GNOME/Views/PreferencesDialog.cs
@@ -17,9 +17,15 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
using Smuxi.Common;
+using Smuxi.Engine;
+using Process = System.Diagnostics.Process;
using UI = Gtk.Builder.ObjectAttribute;
namespace Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome
@@ -32,6 +38,85 @@ namespace Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome
[UI("ServersToggleButton")] Gtk.ToggleButton f_ServersToggleButton;
[UI("FiltersToggleButton")] Gtk.ToggleButton f_FiltersToggleButton;
[UI("LoggingToggleButton")] Gtk.ToggleButton f_LoggingToggleButton;
+ [UI("FilterListBox")] Gtk.Box f_FilterListBox;
+ [UI("ServerListBox")] Gtk.Box f_ServerListBox;
+ [UI("SystemWideFontRadioButton")] Gtk.RadioButton f_SystemWideFontRadioButton;
+ [UI("CustomFontRadioButton")] Gtk.RadioButton f_CustomFontRadioButton;
+ [UI("FontButton")] Gtk.FontButton f_FontButton;
+ [UI("SystemWideFontColorRadioButton")] Gtk.RadioButton f_SystemWideFontColorRadioButton;
+ [UI("CustomFontColorRadioButton")] Gtk.RadioButton f_CustomFontColorRadioButton;
+ [UI("ForegroundColorButton")] Gtk.ColorButton f_ForegroundColorButton;
+ [UI("BackgroundColorButton")] Gtk.ColorButton f_BackgroundColorButton;
+ [UI("ProxySwitch")] Gtk.Switch f_ProxySwitch;
+ [UI("ProxyTypeComboBox")] Gtk.ComboBox f_ProxyTypeComboBox;
+ [UI("ProxyHostEntry")] Gtk.Entry f_ProxyHostEntry;
+ [UI("ProxyPortSpinButton")] Gtk.SpinButton f_ProxyPortSpinButton;
+ [UI("ProxyUsernameEntry")] Gtk.Entry f_ProxyUsernameEntry;
+ [UI("ProxyPasswordEntry")] Gtk.Entry f_ProxyPasswordEntry;
+ [UI("ProxyShowPasswordCheckButton")] Gtk.CheckButton f_ProxyShowPasswordCheckButton;
+ [UI("LoggingSwitch")] Gtk.Switch f_LoggingSwitch;
+ [UI("LoggingOpenButton")] Gtk.Button f_LoggingOpenButton;
+ [UI("LoggingLogFilteredMessagesCheckButton")] Gtk.CheckButton
+ [UI("ShowColorsCheckButton")] Gtk.CheckButton f_ShowColorsCheckButton;
+ [UI("ShowFormattingsCheckButton")] Gtk.CheckButton f_ShowFormattingsCheckButton;
+ Dictionary<string, string> ConfigKeyToWidgetNameMap { get; set; }
+ new Gtk.Window Parent { get; set; }
+ Gtk.Builder Builder { get; set; }
+ FilterListWidget FilterListWidget { get; set; }
+ ServerListView ServerListView { get; set; }
+ public Category CurrentCategory {
+ set {
+ f_CategoryNotebook.Page = (int) value;
+ switch (value) {
+ case Category.Connection:
+ if (!f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active) {
+ f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = true;
+ }
+ f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ break;
+ case Category.Interface:
+ if (!f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active) {
+ f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = true;
+ }
+ f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ break;
+ case Category.Servers:
+ if (!f_ServersToggleButton.Active) {
+ f_ServersToggleButton.Active = true;
+ }
+ f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ break;
+ case Category.Filters:
+ if (!f_FiltersToggleButton.Active) {
+ f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = true;
+ }
+ f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ break;
+ case Category.Logging:
+ if (!f_LoggingToggleButton.Active) {
+ f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = true;
+ }
+ f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
public PreferencesDialog(Gtk.Window parent, Gtk.Builder builder, IntPtr handle) :
@@ -48,34 +133,359 @@ namespace Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome
throw new ArgumentException("handle", "handle must not be zero.");
- builder.Autoconnect(this);
+ Parent = parent;
+ Builder = builder;
+ Builder.Autoconnect(this);
f_CategoryNotebook.ShowTabs = false;
f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = true;
+ // Filters
+ FilterListWidget = new FilterListWidget(parent, Frontend.UserConfig);
+ FilterListWidget.InitProtocols(Frontend.Session.GetSupportedProtocols());
+ FilterListWidget.Load();
+ f_FilterListBox.Add(FilterListWidget);
+ // Servers
+ ServerListView = new ServerListView(parent);
+ ServerListView.Load();
+ f_ServerListBox.Add(ServerListView);
+ Init();
+ ReadFromConfig();
- protected virtual void OnResponse(object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs e)
+ void Init()
- Trace.Call(sender, e);
+ ConfigKeyToWidgetNameMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
+ var map = ConfigKeyToWidgetNameMap;
+ // Connection
+ map.Add("Connection/Nicknames", "ConnectionNicknamesEntry");
+ map.Add("Connection/Realname", "ConnectionRealnameEntry");
+ map.Add("Connection/ProxyHostname", "ProxyHostEntry");
+ map.Add("Connection/ProxyPort", "ProxyPortSpinButton");
+ map.Add("Connection/ProxyUsername", "ProxyUsernameEntry");
+ map.Add("Connection/ProxyPassword", "ProxyPasswordEntry");
+ // Interface/Messages
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/TimestampFormat", "TimestampFormatEntry");
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/BufferLines", "BufferLinesSpinButton");
+ // "Interface/Notebook/StripColors"
+ // "Interface/Notebook/StripFormattings"
- switch (e.ResponseId) {
- case Gtk.ResponseType.Close:
- Destroy();
+ // Interface/Tabs
+ // "Interface/Notebook/TabPosition"
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/AutoSwitchPersonChats", "AutoSwitchPersonChatsCheckButton");
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/AutoSwitchGroupChats", "AutoSwitchGroupChatsCheckButton");
+ // Interface/Notifications
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/Tab/NoActivityColor", "NoActivityColorButton");
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/Tab/ActivityColor", "ActivityColorButton");
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/Tab/EventColor", "ModeColorButton");
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/Tab/HighlightColor", "HighlightColorButton");
+ // Interface/Input
+ map.Add("Interface/Entry/CompletionCharacter", "CompletionCharacterEntry");
+ map.Add("Interface/Entry/CommandCharacter", "CommandCharacterEntry");
+ map.Add("Interface/Entry/CommandHistorySize", "CommandHistorySizeSpinButton");
+ map.Add("Interface/Entry/BashStyleCompletion", "BashStyleCompletionSwitch");
+ // Interface/Appearance
+ map.Add("Interface/Notebook/Channel/NickColors", "ColoredNicknamesSwitch");
+ // "Interface/Chat/FontFamily"
+ // "Interface/Chat/FontStyle"
+ // "Interface/Chat/FontSize"
+ // "Interface/Chat/BackgroundColor"
+ // "Interface/Chat/ForegroundColor"
+ map.Add("Interface/Chat/ForegroundColor", "ForegroundColorButton");
+ map.Add("Interface/Chat/BackgroundColor", "BackgroundColorButton");
+ map.Add("Interface/Chat/HighlightWords", "HighlightWordsTextView");
+ map.Add("Sound/BeepOnHighlight", "BeepOnHighlightCheckButton");
+ // Logging
+ map.Add("Logging/Enabled", "LoggingSwitch");
+ map.Add("Logging/LogFilteredMessages", "LoggingLogFilteredMessagesCheckButton");
+ // init widgets
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.Clear();
+ var cell = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.PackStart(cell, false);
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.AddAttribute(cell, "text", 1);
+ var store = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(ProxyType), typeof(string));
+ // fill ListStore
+ store.AppendValues(ProxyType.None, String.Format("<{0}>",
+ _("No Proxy")));
+ store.AppendValues(ProxyType.System, String.Format("<{0}>",
+ _("System Default")));
+ store.AppendValues(ProxyType.Http, "HTTP");
+ store.AppendValues(ProxyType.Socks4, "SOCK 4");
+ store.AppendValues(ProxyType.Socks4a, "SOCK 4a");
+ store.AppendValues(ProxyType.Socks5, "SOCK 5");
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.Model = store;
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.Active = 0;
+ // font radio buttons
+ f_SystemWideFontRadioButton.Toggled += (sender, e) => {
+ CheckFontRadioButtons();
+ };
+ f_CustomFontRadioButton.Toggled += (sender, e) => {
+ CheckFontRadioButtons();
+ };
+ // font color radio buttons
+ f_SystemWideFontColorRadioButton.Toggled += (sender, e) => {
+ CheckFontColorRadioButtons();
+ };
+ f_CustomFontColorRadioButton.Toggled += (sender, e) => {
+ CheckFontColorRadioButtons();
+ };
+ f_ProxySwitch.AddNotification("active", delegate {
+ CheckProxySwitch();
+ });
+ f_LoggingSwitch.AddNotification("active", delegate {
+ CheckLoggingSwitch();
+ });
+ }
+ void ReadFromConfig()
+ {
+ Trace.Call();
+ var conf = Frontend.UserConfig;
+ // manually handled widgets
+ ProxyType proxyType = (ProxyType) Enum.Parse(
+ typeof(ProxyType),
+ (string) conf["Connection/ProxyType"]
+ );
+ int i = 0;
+ foreach (object[] row in (Gtk.ListStore) f_ProxyTypeComboBox.Model) {
+ if (((ProxyType) row[0]) == proxyType) {
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.Active = i;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ f_ProxySwitch.Active = proxyType != ProxyType.None;
+ CheckProxySwitch();
+ f_ShowColorsCheckButton.Active = !(bool) conf["Interface/Notebook/StripColors"];
+ f_ShowFormattingsCheckButton.Active = !(bool) conf["Interface/Notebook/StripFormattings"];
+ switch ((string) conf["Interface/Notebook/TabPosition"]) {
+ case "top":
+ ((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonTop")).Active = true;
+ break;
+ case "bottom":
+ ((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonBottom")).Active = true;
+ break;
+ case "left":
+ ((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonLeft")).Active = true;
+ break;
+ case "right":
+ ((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonRight")).Active = true;
+ break;
+ case "none":
+ ((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonNone")).Active = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ var fontButton = (Gtk.FontButton) Builder.GetObject("FontButton");
+ var fontFamily = (string) conf["Interface/Chat/FontFamily"];
+ var fontStyle = (string) conf["Interface/Chat/FontStyle"];
+ int fontSize = 0;
+ if (conf["Interface/Chat/FontSize"] != null) {
+ fontSize = (int) conf["Interface/Chat/FontSize"];
+ }
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fontFamily) &&
+ String.IsNullOrEmpty(fontStyle) &&
+ fontSize == 0) {
+ f_SystemWideFontRadioButton.Active = true;
+ } else {
+ f_CustomFontRadioButton.Active = true;
+ Pango.FontDescription fontDescription = new Pango.FontDescription();
+ fontDescription.Family = fontFamily;
+ string frontWeigth = null;
+ if (fontStyle.Contains(" ")) {
+ int pos = fontStyle.IndexOf(" ");
+ frontWeigth = fontStyle.Substring(0, pos);
+ fontStyle = fontStyle.Substring(pos + 1);
+ }
+ fontDescription.Style = (Pango.Style) Enum.Parse(typeof(Pango.Style), fontStyle);
+ if (frontWeigth != null) {
+ fontDescription.Weight = (Pango.Weight) Enum.Parse(typeof(Pango.Weight), frontWeigth);
+ }
+ fontDescription.Size = fontSize * 1024;
+ fontButton.FontName = fontDescription.ToString();
+ }
+ var bgColorHexCode = (string) conf["Interface/Chat/BackgroundColor"];
+ var fgColorHexCode = (string) conf["Interface/Chat/ForegroundColor"];
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bgColorHexCode) &&
+ String.IsNullOrEmpty(fgColorHexCode)) {
+ f_SystemWideFontRadioButton.Active = true;
+ } else {
+ f_CustomFontColorRadioButton.Active = true;
+ }
+ // mapped widgets
+ foreach (var confEntry in ConfigKeyToWidgetNameMap) {
+ var confKey = confEntry.Key;
+ var confValue = conf[confKey];
+ var widgetId = confEntry.Value;
+ var widget = Builder.GetObject(widgetId);
+ if (widget is Gtk.SpinButton) {
+ var spinButton = (Gtk.SpinButton) widget;
+ if (confValue is Int32) {
+ spinButton.Value = (Int32) confValue;
+ } else {
+ spinButton.Value = Int32.Parse((string) confValue);
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.ColorButton) {
+ var colorButton = (Gtk.ColorButton) widget;
+ var colorHexCode = (string) confValue;
+ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(colorHexCode)) {
+ colorButton.Color = Gdk.Color.Zero;
+ } else {
+ colorButton.Color = ColorConverter.GetGdkColor(colorHexCode);
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.CheckButton) {
+ var checkButton = (Gtk.CheckButton) widget;
+ checkButton.Active = (bool) confValue;
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.Switch) {
+ var @switch = (Gtk.Switch) widget;
+ @switch.Active = (bool) confValue;
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.TextView) {
+ var textView = (Gtk.TextView) widget;
+ if (confValue is string[]) {
+ textView.Buffer.Text = String.Join("\n", (string[]) confValue);
+ } else {
+ textView.Buffer.Text = (string) confValue;
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.Entry) {
+ var entry = (Gtk.Entry) widget;
+ if (confValue is string[]) {
+ entry.Text = String.Join(" ", (string[]) confValue);
+ } else {
+ entry.Text = (string) confValue;
+ }
+ }
+ void WriteToConfig()
+ {
+ Trace.Call();
+ var conf = Frontend.UserConfig;
+ // manually handled widgets
+ if (f_ProxySwitch.Active) {
+ Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.GetActiveIter(out iter);
+ var proxyType = (ProxyType) f_ProxyTypeComboBox.Model.GetValue(iter, 0);
+ conf["Connection/ProxyType"] = proxyType.ToString();
+ } else {
+ conf["Connection/ProxyType"] = ProxyType.None.ToString();
+ }
+ conf["Interface/Notebook/StripColors"] = !f_ShowColorsCheckButton.Active;
+ conf["Interface/Notebook/StripFormattings"] = !f_ShowFormattingsCheckButton.Active;
+ string tab_position = null;
+ if (((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonTop")).Active) {
+ tab_position = "top";
+ } else if (((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonBottom")).Active) {
+ tab_position = "bottom";
+ } else if (((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonLeft")).Active) {
+ tab_position = "left";
+ } else if (((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonRight")).Active) {
+ tab_position = "right";
+ } else if (((Gtk.RadioButton) Builder.GetObject("TabPositionRadioButtonNone")).Active) {
+ tab_position = "none";
+ }
+ conf["Interface/Notebook/TabPosition"] = tab_position;
+ if (f_CustomFontRadioButton.Active) {
+ string fontName = f_FontButton.FontName;
+ Pango.FontDescription fontDescription = Pango.FontDescription.FromString(fontName);
+ conf["Interface/Chat/FontFamily"] = fontDescription.Family;
+ conf["Interface/Chat/FontStyle"] = fontDescription.Weight + " " + fontDescription.Style;
+ conf["Interface/Chat/FontSize"] = fontDescription.Size / 1024;
+ } else {
+ conf["Interface/Chat/FontFamily"] = String.Empty;
+ conf["Interface/Chat/FontStyle"] = String.Empty;
+ conf["Interface/Chat/FontSize"] = 0;
+ }
+ // mapped widgets
+ foreach (var confEntry in ConfigKeyToWidgetNameMap) {
+ var confKey = confEntry.Key;
+ var confValue = conf[confKey];
+ var widgetId = confEntry.Value;
+ var widget = Builder.GetObject(widgetId);
+ if (widget is Gtk.SpinButton) {
+ var spinButton = (Gtk.SpinButton) widget;
+ if (confValue is Int32) {
+ conf[confKey] = spinButton.ValueAsInt;
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.ColorButton) {
+ var colorButton = (Gtk.ColorButton) widget;
+ if (confValue is string) {
+ conf[confKey] = ColorConverter.GetHexCode(colorButton.Color);
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.CheckButton) {
+ var checkButton = (Gtk.CheckButton) widget;
+ if (confValue is bool) {
+ conf[confKey] = checkButton.Active;
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.Switch) {
+ var @switch = (Gtk.Switch) widget;
+ if (confValue is bool) {
+ conf[confKey] = @switch.Active;
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.TextView) {
+ var textView = (Gtk.TextView) widget;
+ if (confValue is string[]) {
+ conf[confKey] = textView.Buffer.Text.Split('\n');
+ } else {
+ conf[confKey] = textView.Buffer.Text;
+ }
+ } else if (widget is Gtk.Entry) {
+ var entry = (Gtk.Entry) widget;
+ if (confValue is string[]) {
+ conf[confKey] = entry.Text.Split('\n');
+ } else {
+ conf[confKey] = entry.Text;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // reset colors as there is no distinct key if they are custom or not
+ if (f_SystemWideFontColorRadioButton.Active) {
+ conf["Interface/Chat/ForegroundColor"] = String.Empty;
+ conf["Interface/Chat/BackgroundColor"] = String.Empty;
+ }
+ conf.Save();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnResponse(object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs e)
+ {
+ Trace.Call(sender, e);
+ WriteToConfig();
+ Destroy();
+ }
protected virtual void OnConnectionToggleButtonToggled(object sender, EventArgs e)
Trace.Call(sender, e);
if (f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active) {
- f_CategoryNotebook.Page = (int) Page.Connection;
- f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ CurrentCategory = Category.Connection;
@@ -84,11 +494,7 @@ namespace Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome
Trace.Call(sender, e);
if (f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active) {
- f_CategoryNotebook.Page = (int) Page.Interface;
- f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ CurrentCategory = Category.Interface;
@@ -97,11 +503,7 @@ namespace Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome
Trace.Call(sender, e);
if (f_ServersToggleButton.Active) {
- f_CategoryNotebook.Page = (int) Page.Servers;
- f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ CurrentCategory = Category.Servers;
@@ -110,11 +512,7 @@ namespace Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome
Trace.Call(sender, e);
if (f_FiltersToggleButton.Active) {
- f_CategoryNotebook.Page = (int) Page.Filters;
- f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_LoggingToggleButton.Active = false;
+ CurrentCategory = Category.Filters;
@@ -123,15 +521,70 @@ namespace Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome
Trace.Call(sender, e);
if (f_LoggingToggleButton.Active) {
- f_CategoryNotebook.Page = (int) Page.Logging;
- f_ConnectionToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_InterfaceToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_ServersToggleButton.Active = false;
- f_FiltersToggleButton.Active = false;
+ CurrentCategory = Category.Logging;
- public enum Page {
+ protected virtual void OnProxyShowPasswordCheckButtonToggled(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Trace.Call(sender, e);
+ f_ProxyPasswordEntry.Visibility = f_ProxyShowPasswordCheckButton.Active;
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnLoggingOpenButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Trace.Call(sender, e);
+ ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
+ try {
+ var logPath = Platform.LogPath;
+ if (!Directory.Exists(logPath)) {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(logPath);
+ }
+ Process.Start(logPath);
+ } catch (Exception ex) {
+ Frontend.ShowError(Parent, ex);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ void CheckProxySwitch()
+ {
+ var isActive = f_ProxySwitch.Active;
+ f_ProxyTypeComboBox.Sensitive = isActive;
+ f_ProxyHostEntry.Sensitive = isActive;
+ f_ProxyPortSpinButton.Sensitive = isActive;
+ f_ProxyUsernameEntry.Sensitive = isActive;
+ f_ProxyPasswordEntry.Sensitive = isActive;
+ f_ProxyShowPasswordCheckButton.Sensitive = isActive;
+ }
+ void CheckLoggingSwitch()
+ {
+ var isActive = f_LoggingSwitch.Active;
+ f_LoggingLogFilteredMessagesCheckButton.Sensitive = isActive;
+ f_LoggingOpenButton.Sensitive = isActive;
+ }
+ void CheckFontRadioButtons()
+ {
+ f_FontButton.Sensitive = f_CustomFontRadioButton.Active;
+ }
+ void CheckFontColorRadioButtons()
+ {
+ var isCustomActive = f_CustomFontColorRadioButton.Active;
+ f_ForegroundColorButton.Sensitive = isCustomActive;
+ f_BackgroundColorButton.Sensitive = isCustomActive;
+ }
+ static string _(string msg)
+ {
+ return Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString(msg);
+ }
+ public enum Category {
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