[gimp] icons: symbolic-scalable

commit 4a16a9f714d06e49f8190bed3a87d40c44cce5a2
Author: klausstaedtler <staedtler-przyborski web de>
Date:   Wed Jun 1 21:08:32 2016 +0200

    icons: symbolic-scalable
    adding 24px twins is now complete ...
    add 'pixel-perfect' 24px vectorial twins (as replacement for 22px)

 .../24/gimp-prefs-folders-tool-plug-ins.svg        |  147 +++++++++++++++++
 .../24/gimp-prefs-folders-tool-presets.svg         |  147 +++++++++++++++++
 icons/Symbolic/24/gimp-prefs-folders-tools.svg     |  149 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../48/gimp-prefs-folders-tool-plug-ins.png        |  Bin 1059 -> 998 bytes
 .../48/gimp-prefs-folders-tool-presets.png         |  Bin 1340 -> 1168 bytes
 icons/Symbolic/48/gimp-prefs-folders-tools.png     |  Bin 1394 -> 1345 bytes
 icons/Symbolic/scalable/gimp-color-cmyk.svg        |  165 ++++++++++----------
 icons/icon-list.mk                                 |   10 +-
 8 files changed, 536 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)
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