[rygel] lms: Add trackable container support

commit 5096ad385feb148f3c3fd41aedff14b8232ea1cc
Author: Alexander Kanavin <alex kanavin gmail com>
Date:   Mon May 5 16:45:27 2014 +0300

    lms: Add trackable container support
    (based on lms update id signal)

 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala              |   37 +++++++++++-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala             |    3 +-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala         |   17 +++++-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala          |   39 +++++++++++-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala         |   17 +++++-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala             |    5 +-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala            |    4 +-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala |   56 ++++++++++++++++-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala           |   70 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala    |    4 +-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala         |   23 +++++++-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala        |    4 +-
 src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala     |   20 +-----
 13 files changed, 269 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala
index 9594614..e567ee1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-album.vala
@@ -65,6 +65,32 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Album : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
         "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
         "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s;";
+    private static const string SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE =
+        "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
+               "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, 
audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
+               "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
+               "audio_albums.name " +
+        "FROM audios, files " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
+        "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
+        "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
+        "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
+    private static const string SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE =
+        "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
+               "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, 
audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
+               "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
+               "audio_albums.name " +
+        "FROM audios, files " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
+        "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
+        "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
+        "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND audios.id = files.id AND audios.album_id = %s " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
     protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
         var id = statement.column_int (0);
         var path = statement.column_text (1);
@@ -106,6 +132,12 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Album : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
     private static string get_sql_count (string db_id) {
         return (SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
+    private static string get_sql_added (string db_id) {
+        return (SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
+    }
+    private static string get_sql_removed (string db_id) {
+        return (SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE.printf (db_id));
+    }
     protected override string get_sql_all_with_filter (string filter) {
         if (filter.length == 0) {
@@ -133,6 +165,9 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Album : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
               get_sql_all (db_id),
               get_sql_find_object (db_id),
-              get_sql_count (db_id));
+              get_sql_count (db_id),
+              get_sql_added (db_id),
+              get_sql_removed (db_id)
+             );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala
index 6810299..ef8f7b5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-albums.vala
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Albums : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-              Albums.SQL_COUNT);
+              Albums.SQL_COUNT,
+              null, null);
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala
index 1bf219d..0b54c7f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-images.vala
@@ -40,6 +40,18 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.AllImages : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
         "FROM images, files " +
         "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND images.id = files.id;";
+    private static const string SQL_ADDED =
+        "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
+        "FROM images, files " +
+        "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
+    private static const string SQL_REMOVED =
+        "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
+        "FROM images, files " +
+        "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND images.id = files.id " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
     protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
         var id = statement.column_int(0);
         var path = statement.column_text(6);
@@ -75,6 +87,9 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.AllImages : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-              AllImages.SQL_COUNT);
+              AllImages.SQL_COUNT,
+              AllImages.SQL_ADDED,
+              AllImages.SQL_REMOVED
+             );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala
index e9107ee..027dbeb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-music.vala
@@ -70,6 +70,40 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.AllMusic : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
         "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " +
         "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND audios.id = files.id;";
+    private static const string SQL_ADDED =
+        "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
+               "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, 
audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
+               "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
+               "audio_albums.name, " +
+               "files.mtime, " +
+               "audio_genres.name " +
+        "FROM audios, files " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
+        "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
+        "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " +
+        "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " +
+        "WHERE dtime = 0 AND audios.id = files.id " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
+    private static const string SQL_REMOVED =
+        "SELECT files.id, files.path, files.size, " +
+               "audios.title as title, audios.trackno, audios.length, audios.channels, audios.sampling_rate, 
audios.bitrate, audios.dlna_profile, audios.dlna_mime, " +
+               "audio_artists.name as artist, " +
+               "audio_albums.name, " +
+               "files.mtime, " +
+               "audio_genres.name " +
+        "FROM audios, files " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_artists " +
+        "ON audios.artist_id = audio_artists.id " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_albums " +
+        "ON audios.album_id = audio_albums.id " +
+        "LEFT JOIN audio_genres " +
+        "ON audios.genre_id = audio_genres.id " +
+        "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND audios.id = files.id " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
     protected override string get_sql_all_with_filter (string filter) {
         if (filter.length == 0) {
             return this.sql_all;
@@ -127,6 +161,9 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.AllMusic : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
              AllMusic.SQL_ALL_TEMPLATE.printf (""),
-             AllMusic.SQL_COUNT);
+             AllMusic.SQL_COUNT,
+             AllMusic.SQL_ADDED,
+             AllMusic.SQL_REMOVED
+            );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala
index 76084ae..dbde0db 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-all-videos.vala
@@ -40,6 +40,18 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.AllVideos : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
         "FROM videos, files " +
         "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND videos.id = files.id;";
+    private static const string SQL_ADDED =
+        "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
+        "FROM videos, files " +
+        "WHERE dtime = 0 AND videos.id = files.id " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
+    private static const string SQL_REMOVED =
+        "SELECT videos.id, title, artist, length, path, mtime, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime " +
+        "FROM videos, files " +
+        "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND videos.id = files.id " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
     protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
         var id = statement.column_int(0);
         var mime_type = statement.column_text(8);
@@ -103,6 +115,9 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.AllVideos : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-              AllVideos.SQL_COUNT);
+              AllVideos.SQL_COUNT,
+              AllVideos.SQL_ADDED,
+              AllVideos.SQL_REMOVED
+             );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala
index bcabda3..31e9070 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artist.vala
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Artist : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
               get_sql_all (id),
               get_sql_find_object (id),
-              get_sql_count (id));
+              get_sql_count (id),
+              null, // LMS does not track adding or removing albums
+              null
+             );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala
index ebec2c3..a00b2ce 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-artists.vala
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Artists : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-              Artists.SQL_COUNT);
+              Artists.SQL_COUNT,
+              null, null
+             );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala 
index 0d581e7..bb19d87 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-category-container.vala
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ public errordomain Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainerError {
 public abstract class Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer : Rygel.MediaContainer,
+                                                    Rygel.TrackableContainer,
                                                     Rygel.SearchableContainer {
     public ArrayList<string> search_classes { get; set; }
@@ -43,9 +44,13 @@ public abstract class Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer : Rygel.MediaContainer,
     public string sql_all { get; construct; }
     public string sql_find_object { get; construct; }
     public string sql_count { get; construct; }
+    public string sql_added { get; construct; }
+    public string sql_removed { get; construct; }
     protected Statement stmt_all;
     protected Statement stmt_find_object;
+    protected Statement stmt_added;
+    protected Statement stmt_removed;
     protected string child_prefix;
     protected string ref_prefix;
@@ -335,13 +340,50 @@ public abstract class Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer : Rygel.MediaContainer,
         return "%s%d".printf (this.ref_prefix, db_id);
+    protected async void add_child (MediaObject object) {
+    }
+    protected async void remove_child (MediaObject object) {
+    }
+    private void on_db_updated(uint64 old_id, uint64 new_id) {
+        try {
+            var stmt_count = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_count);
+            if (stmt_count.step () == Sqlite.ROW) {
+                this.child_count = stmt_count.column_int (0);
+            }
+            Database.get_children_with_update_id_init (this.stmt_added,
+                                                       old_id,
+                                                       new_id);
+            while (Database.get_children_step (this.stmt_added)) {
+                this.add_child_tracked.begin(this.object_from_statement (this.stmt_added));
+            }
+            Database.get_children_with_update_id_init (this.stmt_removed,
+                                                       old_id,
+                                                       new_id);
+            while (Database.get_children_step (this.stmt_removed)) {
+                this.remove_child_tracked.begin(this.object_from_statement (this.stmt_removed));
+            }
+        } catch (DatabaseError e) {
+            warning ("Can't perform container update: %s", e.message);
+        }
+    }
     public CategoryContainer (string db_id,
                               MediaContainer parent,
                               string title,
                               LMS.Database lms_db,
                               string sql_all,
                               string sql_find_object,
-                              string sql_count) {
+                              string sql_count,
+                              string? sql_added,
+                              string? sql_removed
+                             ) {
         Object (id : "%s:%s".printf (parent.id, db_id),
                 db_id : db_id,
                 parent : parent,
@@ -349,7 +391,10 @@ public abstract class Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer : Rygel.MediaContainer,
                 lms_db : lms_db,
                 sql_all : sql_all,
                 sql_find_object : sql_find_object,
-                sql_count : sql_count);
+                sql_count : sql_count,
+                sql_added : sql_added,
+                sql_removed: sql_removed
+               );
     construct {
@@ -368,6 +413,13 @@ public abstract class Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer : Rygel.MediaContainer,
             if (stmt_count.step () == Sqlite.ROW) {
                 this.child_count = stmt_count.column_int (0);
+            // some container implementations don't have a reasonable way to provide
+            // id-based statements to fetch added or removed items
+            if (this.sql_added != null && this.sql_removed != null) {
+                this.stmt_added = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_added);
+                this.stmt_removed = this.lms_db.prepare (this.sql_removed);
+                lms_db.db_updated.connect(this.on_db_updated);
+            }
         } catch (DatabaseError e) {
             warning ("Container %s: %s", this.title, e.message);
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala
index 2108ae6..53eb218 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-database.vala
@@ -38,7 +38,12 @@ namespace Rygel.LMS {
 public class Rygel.LMS.Database {
+    public signal void db_updated(uint64 old_update_id, uint64 new_update_id);
     private Sqlite.Database db;
+    private LMS.DBus lms_proxy;
+    private uint64 update_id;
      * Function to implement the custom SQL function 'contains'
@@ -79,7 +84,25 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Database {
         return LMS.utf8_collate_str (_a, _b);
-    public Database (string db_path) throws DatabaseError {
+    public Database () throws DatabaseError {
+        string db_path;
+        try {
+            lms_proxy = Bus.get_proxy_sync (BusType.SESSION,
+                                            "org.lightmediascanner",
+                                            "/org/lightmediascanner/Scanner1");
+            db_path = lms_proxy.data_base_path;
+            debug ("Got db path %s from LMS over dbus", db_path);
+            update_id = lms_proxy.update_id;
+            debug ("Got updated id %lld from LMS over dbus", update_id);
+            lms_proxy.g_properties_changed.connect (this.on_lms_properties_changed);
+        } catch (IOError e) {
+            warning("Couldn't get LMS Dbus proxy: %s", e.message);
+            db_path = Environment.get_user_config_dir() +
+                      "/lightmediascannerd/db.sqlite3";
+            debug  ("Using default sqlite database location %s", db_path);
+        }
         Sqlite.Database.open (db_path, out this.db);
         if (this.db.errcode () != Sqlite.OK) {
             throw new DatabaseError.OPEN ("Failed to open '%s': %d",
@@ -98,8 +121,32 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Database {
         this.db.create_collation ("CASEFOLD",
+    }
+    private void on_lms_properties_changed (DBusProxy lms_proxy,
+                                        Variant   changed,
+                                        string[]  invalidated) {
+        if (!changed.get_type().equal (VariantType.VARDICT)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        foreach (var changed_prop in changed) {
+            var key = (string) changed_prop.get_child_value (0);
+            var value = changed_prop.get_child_value (1).get_child_value (0);
+            debug ("LMS property %s changed value to %s", key, value.print(true));
+            switch (key) {
+                case "UpdateID":
+                    db_updated(update_id, (uint64)value);
+                    update_id = (uint64)value;
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
     public Statement prepare (string query_string) throws DatabaseError {
         Statement statement;
@@ -209,6 +256,27 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.Database {
+    public static void get_children_with_update_id_init (Statement stmt,
+        uint64 old_id, uint64 new_id) throws DatabaseError {
+        int sqlite_err;
+        (void) stmt.reset();
+        if (new_id < old_id) // id value wrapped over
+            sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int64(1, 0);
+        else
+            sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int64(1, (int64)old_id);
+        if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
+            throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind old_id %d",
+                                         sqlite_err);
+        sqlite_err = stmt.bind_int64(2, (int64)new_id);
+        if (sqlite_err != Sqlite.OK)
+            throw new DatabaseError.BIND("Unable to bind new_id %d",
+                                         sqlite_err);
+    }
     public static bool get_children_step(Statement stmt) throws DatabaseError {
         bool retval;
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala
index 6c14f5b..13f00cb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-dbus-interfaces.vala
@@ -21,8 +21,10 @@
 [DBus (name = "org.lightmediascanner.Scanner1")]
-interface Rygel.LMS.DBus : Object {
+interface Rygel.LMS.DBus : DBusProxy {
     public abstract string data_base_path { owned get; }
+    [DBus (name = "UpdateID")]
+    public abstract uint64 update_id { get; }
     //TODO: add all the other API items which are currently unused
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala
index b08cacd..a7768f0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-year.vala
@@ -40,6 +40,18 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.ImageYear : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
         "FROM images, files " +
         "WHERE dtime = 0 AND files.id = ? AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s';";
+    private static const string SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE =
+        "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime, 
strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
+        "FROM images, files " +
+        "WHERE dtime = 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
+    private static const string SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE =
+        "SELECT images.id, title, artist, date, width, height, path, size, dlna_profile, dlna_mime, 
strftime('%Y', date, 'unixepoch') as year " +
+        "FROM images, files " +
+        "WHERE dtime <> 0 AND images.id = files.id AND year = '%s' " +
+        "AND update_id > ? AND update_id <= ?;";
     protected override MediaObject? object_from_statement (Statement statement) {
         var id = statement.column_int(0);
         var path = statement.column_text(6);
@@ -78,6 +90,12 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.ImageYear : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
     private static string get_sql_count (string year) {
         return (SQL_COUNT_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
+    private static string get_sql_added (string year) {
+        return (SQL_ADDED_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
+    }
+    private static string get_sql_removed (string year) {
+        return (SQL_REMOVED_TEMPLATE.printf (year));
+    }
     public ImageYear (MediaContainer parent,
                       string         year,
@@ -88,6 +106,9 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.ImageYear : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
               get_sql_all (year),
               get_sql_find_object (year),
-              get_sql_count (year));
+              get_sql_count (year),
+              get_sql_added (year),
+              get_sql_removed (year)
+             );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala
index e29851b..665b431 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-image-years.vala
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.ImageYears : Rygel.LMS.CategoryContainer {
-              ImageYears.SQL_COUNT);
+              ImageYears.SQL_COUNT,
+              null, null
+             );
diff --git a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala
index a7a7f98..1623fa3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala
+++ b/src/plugins/lms/rygel-lms-root-container.vala
@@ -38,24 +38,8 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.RootContainer : Rygel.SimpleContainer {
-        string db_path = null;
         try {
-            LMS.DBus lms_proxy = Bus.get_proxy_sync (BusType.SESSION,
-                                            "org.lightmediascanner",
-                                            "/org/lightmediascanner/Scanner1");
-            db_path = lms_proxy.data_base_path;
-            debug ("Got db path %s from LMS over dbus", db_path);
-        } catch (Error e) {
-            warning("Using dbus to get db location failed: %s", e.message);
-        }
-        if (db_path == null) {
-            db_path = Environment.get_user_config_dir() +
-                      "/lightmediascannerd/db.sqlite3";
-            debug  ("Using default sqlite database location %s", db_path);
-        }
-        try {
-            this.lms_db = new LMS.Database (db_path);
+            this.lms_db = new LMS.Database ();
             this.add_child_container (new MusicRoot ("music", this, _("Music"), this.lms_db));
             this.add_child_container (new AllVideos ("all-videos", this, _("Videos"), this.lms_db));
@@ -68,5 +52,7 @@ public class Rygel.LMS.RootContainer : Rygel.SimpleContainer {
                wait for it to be created and then add folders.  Best to wait for the
                LMS notification API. */

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