[pitivi] widgets: Fix keyframes ToggleButtons initialization

commit d46cd1c0907d28cd369bfa1dad3a239bbea004ff
Author: Alexandru Băluț <alexandru balut gmail com>
Date:   Sat Feb 13 23:43:44 2016 +0100

    widgets: Fix keyframes ToggleButtons initialization
    Also refactor a bit the code so it's easier to follow.
    The keyframe_button.set_active(False) call in
    deactivate_keyframe_toggle_buttons sets the default mixing property when
    the clip is deselected.
    Fixes https://phabricator.freedesktop.org/T7315
    Differential Revision: https://phabricator.freedesktop.org/D769

 pitivi/clipproperties.py |    2 +-
 pitivi/effects.py        |    2 +-
 pitivi/render.py         |    2 +-
 pitivi/utils/widgets.py  |  213 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 4 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pitivi/clipproperties.py b/pitivi/clipproperties.py
index c7e26e5..ff86e4f 100644
--- a/pitivi/clipproperties.py
+++ b/pitivi/clipproperties.py
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ class EffectProperties(Gtk.Expander, Loggable):
             # Nothing to remove.
-        self._effect_config_ui.resetKeyframeToggleButtons()
+        self._effect_config_ui.deactivate_keyframe_toggle_buttons()
         self._effect_config_ui = None
diff --git a/pitivi/effects.py b/pitivi/effects.py
index 42ce622..330e491 100644
--- a/pitivi/effects.py
+++ b/pitivi/effects.py
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ class EffectsPropertiesManager:
             # Here we should handle special effects configuration UI
             effect_widget = GstElementSettingsWidget()
             effect_widget.setElement(effect, ignore=PROPS_TO_IGNORE,
-                                     default_btn=True)
+                                     with_reset_button=True)
             self.cache_dict[effect] = effect_widget
             self._connectAllWidgetCallbacks(effect_widget, effect)
             self._postConfiguration(effect, effect_widget)
diff --git a/pitivi/render.py b/pitivi/render.py
index ebf342e..9908285 100644
--- a/pitivi/render.py
+++ b/pitivi/render.py
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ class RenderDialog(Loggable):
         properties = getattr(self.project, settings_attr)
         self.dialog = GstElementSettingsDialog(factory, properties=properties,
-                                               parent_window=self.window, isControllable=False)
+                                               parent_window=self.window)
             "clicked", self._okButtonClickedCb, settings_attr)
diff --git a/pitivi/utils/widgets.py b/pitivi/utils/widgets.py
index f46e608..34207bf 100644
--- a/pitivi/utils/widgets.py
+++ b/pitivi/utils/widgets.py
@@ -597,57 +597,51 @@ class FontWidget(Gtk.FontButton, DynamicWidget):
 class GstElementSettingsWidget(Gtk.Box, Loggable):
+    """Widget to modify the properties of a Gst.Element.
-    """
-    Widget to view/modify properties of a Gst.Element
+    Can be used to configure an effect or an encoder, etc.
+    Args:
+        controllable (bool): Whether the properties being controlled by
+            keyframes is allowed.
-    def __init__(self, isControllable=True):
+    def __init__(self, controllable=True):
         self.element = None
         self.ignore = []
         self.properties = {}
-        self.buttons = {}
-        self.isControllable = isControllable
+        self.__controllable = controllable
-    def resetKeyframeToggleButtons(self, widget=None):
-        """
-        Reset all the keyframe togglebuttons for all properties.
-        If a property widget is specified, reset only its keyframe togglebutton.
-        """
-        if widget:
-            # Use the dynamic widget (that has been provided as an argument)
-            # to find which of the togglebuttons is the related one.
-            self.log("Resetting one keyframe button")
-            for togglebutton in list(self.keyframeToggleButtons.keys()):
-                if self.keyframeToggleButtons[togglebutton] is widget:
-                    # The dynamic widget matches the one
-                    # related to the current to the current togglebutton
-                    togglebutton.set_label("◇")
-                    self._setKeyframeToggleButtonState(togglebutton, False)
-                    break  # Stop searching
-        else:
-            self.log("Resetting all keyframe buttons")
-            for togglebutton in list(self.keyframeToggleButtons.keys()):
-                togglebutton.set_label("◇")
-                self._setKeyframeToggleButtonState(togglebutton, False)
+    def deactivate_keyframe_toggle_buttons(self):
+        """Make sure the keyframe togglebuttons are deactivated."""
+        self.log("Deactivating all keyframe toggle buttons")
+        for keyframe_button in self.__widgets_by_keyframe_button.keys():
+            if keyframe_button.get_active():
+                # Deactivate the button. The only effect should be that
+                # the keyframe curve will control again the default property.
+                keyframe_button.set_active(False)
+                # There can be only one active keyframes button.
+                break
     def setElement(self, element, values={}, ignore=['name'],
-                   default_btn=False):
-        """
-        Set the element to be edited.
-        @param values: The values of the element properties.
-                       If empty, the default values will be used.
+                   with_reset_button=False):
+        """Set the element to be edited.
+        Args:
+            values (dict): The current values of the element props, by name.
+                If empty, the default values will be used.
+            with_reset_button (bool): Whether to show a reset button for each
+                property.
         self.info("element: %s, use values: %s", element, values)
         self.element = element
         self.ignore = ignore
-        self._addWidgets(values, default_btn)
+        self.__add_widgets(values, with_reset_button)
-    def _addWidgets(self, values, default_btn):
+    def __add_widgets(self, values, with_reset_button):
         Prepare a Gtk.Grid containing the property widgets of an element.
@@ -657,8 +651,8 @@ class GstElementSettingsWidget(Gtk.Box, Loggable):
         If there are no properties, returns a "No properties" label.
-        self.bindings = {}
-        self.keyframeToggleButtons = {}
+        self.__bindings_by_keyframe_button = {}
+        self.__widgets_by_keyframe_button = {}
         is_effect = isinstance(self.element, GES.Effect)
         if is_effect:
             props = [prop for prop in self.element.list_children_properties()
@@ -708,37 +702,31 @@ class GstElementSettingsWidget(Gtk.Box, Loggable):
                 grid.attach(label, 0, y, 1, 1)
                 grid.attach(widget, 1, y, 1, 1)
-            controllable = self.isControllable and \
-                not isinstance(widget, DefaultWidget)
-            if controllable and not isinstance(widget, (ToggleWidget,
-                                                        ChoiceWidget)):
+            if hasattr(prop, 'blurb'):
+                widget.set_tooltip_text(prop.blurb)
+            self.properties[prop] = widget
+            if not self.__controllable or isinstance(widget, DefaultWidget):
+                continue
+            keyframe_button = None
+            if not isinstance(widget, (ToggleWidget, ChoiceWidget)):
                 res, element, pspec = self.element.lookup_child(prop.name)
                 binding = GstController.DirectControlBinding.new(
                     element, prop.name,
                 if binding.pspec:
-                    keyframe_toggle_button = self._createKeyframeToggleButton(prop)
-                    self.keyframeToggleButtons[keyframe_toggle_button] = widget
-                    grid.attach(keyframe_toggle_button, 2, y, 1, 1)
-            if hasattr(prop, 'blurb'):
-                widget.set_tooltip_text(prop.blurb)
-            self.properties[prop] = widget
+                    # The prop can be controlled (keyframed).
+                    keyframe_button = self.__create_keyframe_toggle_button(prop, widget)
+                    grid.attach(keyframe_button, 2, y, 1, 1)
             # The "reset to default" button associated with this property
-            if controllable and default_btn:
-                # If this element is controlled, the value means nothing
-                # anymore.
-                binding = self.element.get_control_binding(prop.name)
-                if binding:
-                    widget.set_sensitive(False)
-                    self.bindings[widget] = binding
-                button = self._createResetToDefaultValueButton(prop, widget)
+            if with_reset_button:
+                button = self.__create_reset_to_default_button(prop, widget,
+                                                               keyframe_button)
                 grid.attach(button, 3, y, 1, 1)
-                self.buttons[button] = widget
         self.element.connect('deep-notify', self._propertyChangedCb)
         self.pack_start(grid, expand=False, fill=False, padding=0)
@@ -754,50 +742,61 @@ class GstElementSettingsWidget(Gtk.Box, Loggable):
-    def _createKeyframeToggleButton(self, prop):
-        button = Gtk.ToggleButton()
-        button.set_label("◇")
-        button.props.focus_on_click = False  # Avoid the ugly selection outline
-        button.set_tooltip_text(_("Show keyframes for this value"))
-        button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
-        button.connect('toggled', self._showKeyframesToggledCb, prop)
-        return button
-    def _createResetToDefaultValueButton(self, unused_prop, widget):
+    def __create_keyframe_toggle_button(self, prop, widget):
+        keyframe_button = Gtk.ToggleButton()
+        keyframe_button.props.focus_on_click = False  # Avoid the ugly selection outline
+        keyframe_button.set_tooltip_text(_("Show keyframes for this value"))
+        keyframe_button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
+        keyframe_button.connect('toggled', self.__keyframes_toggled_cb, prop)
+        self.__widgets_by_keyframe_button[keyframe_button] = widget
+        prop_binding = self.element.get_control_binding(prop.name)
+        self.__bindings_by_keyframe_button[keyframe_button] = prop_binding
+        self.__display_controlled(keyframe_button, bool(prop_binding))
+        return keyframe_button
+    def __create_reset_to_default_button(self, unused_prop, widget,
+                                         keyframe_button):
         icon = Gtk.Image()
         icon.set_from_icon_name("edit-clear-all-symbolic", Gtk.IconSize.MENU)
         button = Gtk.Button()
         button.set_tooltip_text(_("Reset to default value"))
-        button.connect('clicked', self._defaultBtnClickedCb, widget)
+        button.connect('clicked', self.__reset_to_default_clicked_cb, widget,
+                       keyframe_button)
         return button
-    def _setKeyframeToggleButtonState(self, button, active_state):
+    def __set_keyframe_active(self, button, active):
         This is meant for programmatically (un)pushing the provided keyframe
         togglebutton, without triggering its signals.
         self.log("Manually resetting the UI state of %s" % button)
-        button.handler_block_by_func(self._showKeyframesToggledCb)
-        button.set_active(active_state)
-        button.handler_unblock_by_func(self._showKeyframesToggledCb)
-    def _showKeyframesToggledCb(self, button, prop):
-        self.log("keyframes togglebutton clicked for %s" % prop)
-        active = button.get_active()
-        # Disable the related dynamic gst property widget
-        widget = self.keyframeToggleButtons[button]
-        widget.set_sensitive(False)
+        button.handler_block_by_func(self.__keyframes_toggled_cb)
+        button.set_active(active)
+        button.handler_unblock_by_func(self.__keyframes_toggled_cb)
+    def __display_controlled(self, toggle_button, controlled):
+        """Display whether the prop is keyframed."""
+        widget = self.__widgets_by_keyframe_button[toggle_button]
+        # The displayed value means nothing if the prop is controlled.
+        widget.set_sensitive(not controlled)
+        # The full disc label indicates the property is controlled (keyframed).
+        toggle_button.set_label("◆" if controlled else "◇")
+    def __keyframes_toggled_cb(self, keyframe_button, prop):
+        widget = self.__widgets_by_keyframe_button[keyframe_button]
+        self.log("keyframes togglebutton clicked for %s", prop)
+        active = keyframe_button.get_active()
         # Now change the state of the *other* togglebuttons.
-        for togglebutton in list(self.keyframeToggleButtons.keys()):
-            if togglebutton != button:
+        for toggle_keyframe_button in self.__widgets_by_keyframe_button.keys():
+            if toggle_keyframe_button != keyframe_button:
                 # Don't use set_active directly on the buttons; doing so will
                 # fire off signals that will toggle the others/confuse the UI
-                self._setKeyframeToggleButtonState(togglebutton, False)
-        # We always set this label, since the only way to *deactivate* keyframes
-        # (not just hide them temporarily) is to use the separate reset button.
-        button.set_label("◆")
+                self.__set_keyframe_active(toggle_keyframe_button, False)
+        # The only way to *deactivate* keyframes (not just hide them) is to use
+        # the separate reset button.
+        self.__display_controlled(keyframe_button, True)
         track_element = self.__get_track_element_of_same_type(self.element)
         if not track_element:
@@ -806,23 +805,23 @@ class GstElementSettingsWidget(Gtk.Box, Loggable):
         if active:
             track_element.ui_element.showKeyframes(self.element, prop)
             binding = self.element.get_control_binding(prop.name)
-            self.bindings[widget] = binding
+            self.__bindings_by_keyframe_button[keyframe_button] = binding
-    def _defaultBtnClickedCb(self, unused_button, widget):
-        try:
-            binding = self.bindings[widget]
-        except KeyError:
-            binding = None
+    def __reset_to_default_clicked_cb(self, unused_button, widget,
+                                      keyframe_button):
+        binding = self.__bindings_by_keyframe_button.get(keyframe_button)
         if binding:
-            track_element = self.__get_track_element_of_same_type(self.element)
-            if track_element:
-                binding.props.control_source.unset_all()
-        widget.set_sensitive(True)
+            # The prop is controllable (keyframmable).
+            binding.props.control_source.unset_all()
+            if keyframe_button.get_active():
+                track_element = self.__get_track_element_of_same_type(self.element)
+                if track_element:
+                    track_element.ui_element.showDefaultKeyframes()
+        self.__display_controlled(keyframe_button, False)
-        self.resetKeyframeToggleButtons(widget)
+        self.__set_keyframe_active(keyframe_button, False)
     def __get_track_element_of_same_type(self, effect):
         track_type = effect.get_track_type()
@@ -834,17 +833,15 @@ class GstElementSettingsWidget(Gtk.Box, Loggable):
         return None
     def getSettings(self, with_default=False):
-        """
-        returns the dictionnary of propertyname/propertyvalue
-        """
-        d = {}
+        """Get a name/value dict with the properties."""
+        values = {}
         for prop, widget in self.properties.items():
             if not prop.flags & GObject.PARAM_WRITABLE:
             value = widget.getWidgetValue()
             if value is not None and (value != prop.default_value or with_default):
-                d[prop.name] = value
-        return d
+                values[prop.name] = value
+        return values
     def _makePropertyWidget(self, prop, value=None):
         """ Creates a Widget for the specified element property """
@@ -883,12 +880,10 @@ class GstElementSettingsWidget(Gtk.Box, Loggable):
 class GstElementSettingsDialog(Loggable):
-    """
-    Dialog window for viewing/modifying properties of a Gst.Element
+    """Dialog window for viewing/modifying properties of a Gst.Element.
-    def __init__(self, elementfactory, properties, parent_window=None, isControllable=True):
+    def __init__(self, elementfactory, properties, parent_window=None):
         self.debug("factory: %s, properties: %s", elementfactory, properties)
@@ -906,7 +901,7 @@ class GstElementSettingsDialog(Loggable):
         self.ok_btn = self.builder.get_object("okbutton1")
         self.window = self.builder.get_object("dialog1")
-        self.elementsettings = GstElementSettingsWidget(isControllable)
+        self.elementsettings = GstElementSettingsWidget(controllable=False)
         # set title and frame label

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