[gtk+/wip/baedert/gtkimageview: 110/160] GtkImageView: Refactor fix_anchor
- From: Timm Bäder <baedert src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk+/wip/baedert/gtkimageview: 110/160] GtkImageView: Refactor fix_anchor
- Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 13:03:19 +0000 (UTC)
commit c6b264707379d3822ed4d7553c8fcb71b81b2020
Author: Timm Bäder <mail baedert org>
Date: Fri Jan 22 21:24:31 2016 +0100
GtkImageView: Refactor fix_anchor
gtk/gtkimageview.c | 144 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
1 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtk/gtkimageview.c b/gtk/gtkimageview.c
index ace5129..9941521 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkimageview.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkimageview.c
@@ -160,16 +160,6 @@ gtk_image_view_get_current_state (GtkImageView *image_view,
state->scale = priv->scale;
-static gchar *
-state_str (State *s)
- gchar *str = g_strdup_printf ("(Angle: %f, Scale: %f, hvalue: %f, vvalue: %f, hupper: %f, vupper: %f)",
- s->angle, s->scale, s->hvalue, s->vvalue, s->hupper, s->vupper);
- return str;
static void
free_load_task_data (LoadTaskData *data)
@@ -180,15 +170,10 @@ free_load_task_data (LoadTaskData *data)
static void
to_rotate_coords (GtkImageView *image_view,
- State *state,
+ State *state,
double in_x, double in_y,
double *out_x, double *out_y)
- GtkImageViewPrivate *priv = gtk_image_view_get_instance_private (image_view);
- g_message ("hupper: %f", gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->hadjustment));
- g_message ("hvalue: %f", gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->hadjustment));
double cx = state->hupper / 2.0 - state->hvalue;
double cy = state->vupper / 2.0 - state->vvalue;
@@ -204,8 +189,12 @@ gtk_image_view_fix_anchor (GtkImageView *image_view,
State *old_state)
GtkImageViewPrivate *priv = gtk_image_view_get_instance_private (image_view);
- double hupper_delta = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->hadjustment) - old_state->hupper;
- double vupper_delta = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->vadjustment) - old_state->vupper;
+ double hupper_delta = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->hadjustment)
+ - old_state->hupper;
+ double vupper_delta = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->vadjustment)
+ - old_state->vupper;
+ double hupper_delta_scale, vupper_delta_scale;
+ double hupper_delta_angle, vupper_delta_angle;
g_assert (priv->hadjustment);
@@ -216,38 +205,15 @@ gtk_image_view_fix_anchor (GtkImageView *image_view,
g_assert (anchor_x < gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (GTK_WIDGET (image_view)));
g_assert (anchor_y < gtk_widget_get_allocated_height (GTK_WIDGET (image_view)));
- g_message ("Old State: %s", state_str (old_state));
- g_message ("New angle: %f", priv->angle);
- g_message ("New scale: %f", priv->scale);
- g_message ("Anchor: %f/%f", priv->anchor_x, priv->anchor_y);
- g_message ("hupper_delta: %f", hupper_delta);
- g_message ("vupper_delta: %f", vupper_delta);
- double hupper = gtk_adjustment_get_upper (priv->hadjustment);
- double hdiff_scale = (old_state->hupper / old_state->scale) * priv->scale;
- double hd = hdiff_scale - old_state->hupper;
- g_message ("hupper diff: %f", (hupper - old_state->hupper));
- g_message ("scale_diff: %f", hd);
- g_message ("angle_diff: %f", hupper_delta - hd);
/* Amount of upper change caused by scale */
- double hupper_delta_scale = ((old_state->hupper / old_state->scale) * priv->scale)
- - old_state->hupper;
- double vupper_delta_scale = ((old_state->vupper / old_state->scale) * priv->scale)
- - old_state->vupper;
+ hupper_delta_scale = ((old_state->hupper / old_state->scale) * priv->scale)
+ - old_state->hupper;
+ vupper_delta_scale = ((old_state->vupper / old_state->scale) * priv->scale)
+ - old_state->vupper;
/* Amount of upper change caused by angle */
- double hupper_delta_angle = hupper_delta - hupper_delta_scale;
- double vupper_delta_angle = vupper_delta - vupper_delta_scale;
+ hupper_delta_angle = hupper_delta - hupper_delta_scale;
+ vupper_delta_angle = vupper_delta - vupper_delta_scale;
@@ -281,55 +247,45 @@ gtk_image_view_fix_anchor (GtkImageView *image_view,
+ {
+ double rotate_anchor_x = 0;
+ double rotate_anchor_y = 0;
+ double anchor_angle;
+ double anchor_length;
+ double new_anchor_x, new_anchor_y;
+ double delta_x, delta_y;
+ /* Calculate the angle of the given anchor point relative to the
+ * bounding box center and the OLD state */
+ to_rotate_coords (image_view, old_state,
+ anchor_x, anchor_y,
+ &rotate_anchor_x, &rotate_anchor_y);
+ anchor_angle = atan2 (rotate_anchor_y, rotate_anchor_x);
+ anchor_length = sqrt ((rotate_anchor_x * rotate_anchor_x) +
+ (rotate_anchor_y * rotate_anchor_y));
+ /* The angle of the anchor point NOW is the old angle plus
+ * the difference between old surface angle and new surface angle */
+ anchor_angle += DEG_TO_RAD (priv->angle - old_state->angle);
+ /* Calculate the position of the new anchor point, relative
+ * to the bounding box center */
+ new_anchor_x = cos (anchor_angle) * anchor_length;
+ new_anchor_y = sin (anchor_angle) * anchor_length;
+ /* The difference between old anchor and new anchor
+ * is what we care about... */
+ delta_x = rotate_anchor_x - new_anchor_x;
+ delta_y = rotate_anchor_y - new_anchor_y;
+ /* At last, make the old anchor match the new anchor */
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (priv->hadjustment,
+ gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->hadjustment) - delta_x);
+ gtk_adjustment_set_value (priv->vadjustment,
+ gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->vadjustment) - delta_y);
- double rotate_anchor_x = 0;
- double rotate_anchor_y = 0;
- to_rotate_coords (image_view, old_state,
- anchor_x, anchor_y,
- &rotate_anchor_x, &rotate_anchor_y);
- g_message ("Rotate anchor coords: %f/%f", rotate_anchor_x, rotate_anchor_y);
- /* 1) Calculate the angle of our anchor point. */
- double anchor_angle = atan2 (rotate_anchor_y, rotate_anchor_x);
- double anchor_length = sqrt ((rotate_anchor_x * rotate_anchor_x) +
- (rotate_anchor_y * rotate_anchor_y));
- g_message ("Anchor angle: %f", RAD_TO_DEG (anchor_angle));
- g_message ("Anchor length: %f", anchor_length);
- /* 2) Calculate the position of our anchor point with increased angle */
- double angle_diff = priv->angle - old_state->angle;
- anchor_angle += DEG_TO_RAD (angle_diff);
- g_message ("anchor angle after: %f", RAD_TO_DEG (anchor_angle));
- g_message ("Angle got increased by %f", angle_diff);
- double scale_diff = priv->scale - old_state->scale;
- g_message ("Scale got increased by %f", scale_diff);
- double new_anchor_x = cos (anchor_angle) * anchor_length;
- double new_anchor_y = sin (anchor_angle) * anchor_length;
- g_message ("New anchor: %f, %f", new_anchor_x, new_anchor_y);
- double diff_x = rotate_anchor_x - new_anchor_x;
- double diff_y = rotate_anchor_y - new_anchor_y;
- g_message ("Diff: %f/%f", diff_x, diff_y);
- gtk_adjustment_set_value (priv->hadjustment,
- gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->hadjustment) - diff_x);
- gtk_adjustment_set_value (priv->vadjustment,
- gtk_adjustment_get_value (priv->vadjustment) - diff_y);
+ }
- g_message ("-------------------------");
gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (image_view));
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