[gimp] icons: Changes in color-scalable & scalable

commit bb4f42f151afe05b3ba5b6b2dea1d35743e2b142
Author: klausstaedtler <staedtler-przyborski web de>
Date:   Wed Feb 10 22:30:41 2016 +0100

    icons: Changes in color-scalable & scalable
    new in color-scalable:
    changed in scalable (to be in sync with color):
    Signed-off-by: klausstaedtler <staedtler-przyborski web de>

 icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-grayscale.png    |  Bin 287 -> 1084 bytes
 icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-indexed.png      |  Bin 381 -> 1181 bytes
 icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-rgb.png          |  Bin 625 -> 1176 bytes
 icons/Color/color-scalable.svg               |  706 +++++++++---------------
 icons/Symbolic/16/gimp-convert-grayscale.png |  Bin 806 -> 910 bytes
 icons/Symbolic/16/gimp-convert-indexed.png   |  Bin 835 -> 886 bytes
 icons/Symbolic/16/gimp-convert-rgb.png       |  Bin 738 -> 853 bytes
 icons/Symbolic/scalable.svg                  |  767 +++++++++-----------------
 8 files changed, 538 insertions(+), 935 deletions(-)
diff --git a/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-grayscale.png b/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-grayscale.png
index 8c48814..839c593 100644
Binary files a/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-grayscale.png and b/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-grayscale.png 
diff --git a/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-indexed.png b/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-indexed.png
index 568e6e1..084d42a 100644
Binary files a/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-indexed.png and b/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-indexed.png differ
diff --git a/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-rgb.png b/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-rgb.png
index 21047f3..2ab4ac9 100644
Binary files a/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-rgb.png and b/icons/Color/16/gimp-convert-rgb.png differ
diff --git a/icons/Color/color-scalable.svg b/icons/Color/color-scalable.svg
index a049389..0ef8559 100644
--- a/icons/Color/color-scalable.svg
+++ b/icons/Color/color-scalable.svg
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
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