[vala/wip/glib-2.32: 3/4] glib-2.0: Add Version annotations and more new symbols

commit 6653c420c3c577ec7d5aa000f380ef26e56f5937
Author: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
Date:   Sat Feb 6 13:19:11 2016 +0100

    glib-2.0: Add Version annotations and more new symbols

 vapi/glib-2.0.vapi |   88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vapi/glib-2.0.vapi b/vapi/glib-2.0.vapi
index c68dd31..66d9752 100644
--- a/vapi/glib-2.0.vapi
+++ b/vapi/glib-2.0.vapi
@@ -1217,10 +1217,15 @@ public class string {
        [CCode (cname = "g_str_hash")]
        public uint hash ();
+       [Version (since = "2.40")]
        [CCode (cname = "g_str_is_ascii")]
        public bool is_ascii ();
+       [Version (since = "2.40")]
        [CCode (instance_pos = "1.5", cname = "g_str_match_string")]
        public bool match_string (string search_term, bool accept_alternates);
+       [Version (since = "2.40")]
+       [CCode (cname = "g_str_to_ascii")]
+       public string to_ascii (string? from_locale = null);
        [Version (replacement = "int.parse")]
        [CCode (cname = "atoi")]
        public int to_int ();
@@ -1240,6 +1245,7 @@ public class string {
        [CCode (cname = "g_ascii_strtoull")]
        public uint64 to_uint64 (out unowned string endptr = null, int _base = 0);
        [CCode (cname = "g_str_tokenize_and_fold", array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+       [Version (since = "2.40")]
        public string[] tokenize_and_fold (string transit_locale, [CCode (array_length = false, 
array_null_terminated = true)] out string[] ascii_alternates);
        [Version (replacement = "bool.parse")]
@@ -1764,9 +1770,13 @@ namespace GLib {
                public unowned MainContext get_context ();
                public void set_callback (owned SourceFunc func);
                public void set_callback_indirect (void* callback_data, SourceCallbackFuncs callback_funcs);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public void* add_unix_fd (int fd, IOCondition events);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public void remove_unix_fd (void* tag);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public void modify_unix_fd (void* tag, IOCondition new_events);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public IOCondition query_unix_fd (void* tag);
                public void add_poll (ref PollFD fd);
                public void remove_poll (ref PollFD fd);
@@ -1778,6 +1788,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public int64 get_time ();
                [Version (deprecated_since = "2.28", replacement = "get_time")]
                public void get_current_time (out TimeVal timeval);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public void set_ready_time (int64 ready_time);
                public int64 get_ready_time ();
                public static bool remove (uint id);
@@ -1891,6 +1902,13 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void unlock ();
+       [Version (since = "2.44")]
+       [CCode (destroy_function = "g_mutex_locker_free")]
+       public struct MutexLocker {
+               public MutexLocker (Mutex mutex);
+               public void free ();
+       }
        [Version (since = "2.32")]
        [CCode (destroy_function = "g_rec_mutex_clear")]
        public struct RecMutex {
@@ -2015,6 +2033,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void set_max_threads (int max_threads) throws ThreadError;
                public int get_max_threads ();
                public uint get_num_threads ();
+               [Version (since = "2.46")]
                public bool move_to_front (T data);
                public uint unprocessed ();
                [CCode (cname = "g_thread_pool_free")]
@@ -2059,13 +2078,17 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void unlock ();
                public void ref_unlocked ();
                public void unref_and_unlock ();
+               [Version (since = "2.46")]
                public void push_front (owned G data);
+               [Version (since = "2.46")]
                public void push_front_unlocked (owned G data);
                public void push_unlocked (owned G data);
                [Version (since = "2.10")]
                public void push_sorted_unlocked (owned G data, CompareDataFunc<G> func);
                public G pop_unlocked ();
+               [Version (since = "2.46")]
                public bool remove (G data);
+               [Version (since = "2.46")]
                public bool remove_unlocked (G data);
                public G? try_pop_unlocked ();
                public G? timed_pop_unlocked (ref TimeVal end_time);
@@ -2289,18 +2312,23 @@ namespace GLib {
        public static void assert (bool expr);
+       [Version (since = "2.46")]
        public static void assert_cmpmem (uint8[] m1, uint8[] m2);
        public static void assert_error (Error? error, Quark error_domain, int error_code);
+       [Version (since = "2.38")]
        public static void assert_false (bool expr);
+       [Version (since = "2.38")]
        public static void assert_true (bool expr);
+       [Version (since = "2.38")]
        public static void assert_null (void* expr);
        public static void assert_no_error (Error? error);
+       [Version (since = "2.40")]
        public static void assert_nonnull (void* expr);
        public static void assert_not_reached ();
@@ -2354,12 +2382,14 @@ namespace GLib {
        public void debug (string format, ...);
+       [Version (since = "2.40")]
        public void info (string format, ...);
        public delegate void LogFunc (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, string message);
        namespace Log {
                public static uint set_handler (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, LogFunc 
+               [Version (since = "2.46")]
                public static void set_handler_full (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_levels, owned 
LogFunc log_func);
                [Version (since = "2.6")]
                public static void set_default_handler (LogFunc log_func);
@@ -2384,9 +2414,14 @@ namespace GLib {
        /* String Utility Functions */
+       public string strdup (string str);
+       [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
+       public string[] strdupv ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] 
        public void strfreev (string** str_array);
        [Version (since = "2.6")]
        public uint strv_length ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] 
+       [Version (since = "2.44")]
        public bool strv_contains ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] 
str_array, string str);
        [CCode (cname = "errno", cheader_filename = "errno.h")]
@@ -2465,6 +2500,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public static string compute_for_data (ChecksumType checksum_type, uchar[] data);
                [CCode (cname = "g_compute_checksum_for_string")]
                public static string compute_for_string (ChecksumType checksum_type, string str, size_t 
length = -1);
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
                [CCode (cname = "g_compute_checksum_for_bytes")]
                public static string compute_for_bytes (ChecksumType checksum_type, Bytes data);
@@ -3415,6 +3451,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                [CCode (cname = "symlink", cheader_filename = "unistd.h")]
                public static int symlink (string oldpath, string newpath);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                [CCode (cname = "close", cheader_filename = "unistd.h")]
                public static int close (int fd);
@@ -3462,6 +3499,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public MappedFile (string filename, bool writable) throws FileError;
                public size_t get_length ();
                public unowned char* get_contents ();
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
                public Bytes get_bytes ();
@@ -3536,6 +3574,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                [Version (since = "2.12")]
                public void set_translation_domain (string domain);
                public bool parse ([CCode (array_length_pos = 0.9)] ref unowned string[] argv) throws 
+               [Version (since = "2.40")]
                public bool parse_strv ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] ref 
string[] argv) throws OptionError;
                public void set_help_enabled (bool help_enabled);
                public bool get_help_enabled ();
@@ -3547,7 +3586,9 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void add_group (owned OptionGroup group);
                public void set_main_group (owned OptionGroup group);
                public unowned OptionGroup get_main_group ();
+               [Version (since = "2.44")]
                public void set_strict_posix (bool strict_posix);
+               [Version (since = "2.44")]
                public bool get_strict_posix ();
@@ -3591,10 +3632,11 @@ namespace GLib {
-       [Version (since = "2.6")]
 #if GLIB_2_44
+       [Version (since = "2.44")]
        [CCode (ref_function = "g_option_group_ref", unref_function = "g_option_group_unref", type_id = 
+       [Version (since = "2.6")]
        [CCode (free_function = "g_option_group_free")]
        public class OptionGroup {
@@ -3726,9 +3768,12 @@ namespace GLib {
                public unowned string get_pattern ();
                [Version (since = "2.26")]
                public RegexCompileFlags get_compile_flags ();
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
+               public bool get_has_cr_or_lf ();
                [Version (since = "2.26")]
                public RegexMatchFlags get_match_flags ();
                public int get_max_backref ();
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public int get_max_lookbehind ();
                public int get_capture_count ();
                public int get_string_number (string name);
@@ -3915,6 +3960,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                [CCode (array_length_type = "gsize")]
                public double[] get_double_list (string group_name, string key) throws KeyFileError;
                public string get_comment (string? group_name, string? key) throws KeyFileError;
+               [Version (since = "2.40")]
                public bool save_to_file (string filename) throws GLib.FileError;
                public void set_value (string group_name, string key, string value);
                public void set_string (string group_name, string key, string str);
@@ -4066,18 +4112,34 @@ namespace GLib {
                public static void add_func (string testpath, TestFunc test_funcvoid);
                [Version (since = "2.16")]
                public static void add_data_func (string testpath, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 1.9)] 
TestDataFunc test_funcvoid);
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
+               public static void add_data_func_full (string testpath, [CCode (delegate_target_pos = 1.9)] 
owned TestDataFunc test_func);
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
+               public static void assert_expected_messages ();
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static string build_filename (GLib.Test.FileType file_type, params string[] 
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
+               public static void expect_message (string? log_domain, LogLevelFlags log_level, string 
                [Version (since = "2.30")]
                public static void fail ();
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static bool failed ();
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static unowned string get_dir (GLib.Test.FileType file_type);
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static unowned string get_filename (GLib.Test.FileType file_type, params string[] 
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static void incomplete (string msg);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
+               public static bool initialized ();
                [Version (since = "2.16")]
                public static void message (string format, ...);
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static void set_nonfatal_assertions ();
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static void skip (string msg);
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static bool subprocess ();
                [Version (since = "2.16")]
                public static void bug_base (string uri_pattern);
@@ -4095,6 +4157,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public static bool trap_has_passed ();
                [Version (since = "2.16")]
                public static bool trap_reached_timeout ();
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public static void trap_subprocess (string test_path, uint64 usec_timeout, 
TestSubprocessFlags test_flags);
                [Version (since = "2.16")]
                public static void trap_assert_passed ();
@@ -4201,6 +4264,8 @@ namespace GLib {
                public uint length ();
                public List<unowned G> copy ();
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
+               public List<G> copy_deep (CopyFunc<G> func);
                [ReturnsModifiedPointer ()]
                public void reverse ();
                [ReturnsModifiedPointer ()]
@@ -4261,6 +4326,8 @@ namespace GLib {
                public uint length ();
                public SList<unowned G> copy ();
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
+               public SList<G> copy_deep (CopyFunc<G> func);
                [ReturnsModifiedPointer ()]
                public void reverse ();
                [Version (since = "2.10")]
@@ -4299,6 +4366,8 @@ namespace GLib {
        [CCode (cname = "g_strcmp0")]
        public static GLib.CompareFunc<string> strcmp;
+       public delegate G CopyFunc<G> (G src);
        [CCode (cname = "GCompareFunc", has_target = false)]
        public delegate int SearchFunc<G,T> (G a, T b);
@@ -4377,6 +4446,8 @@ namespace GLib {
                public SequenceIter<G> append (owned G data);
                public SequenceIter<G> prepend (owned G data);
                public SequenceIter<G> insert_sorted (owned G data, CompareDataFunc<G> cmp_func);
+               [Version (since = "2.48")]
+               public bool is_empty ();
                public SequenceIter<G> insert_sorted_iter (owned G data, SequenceIterCompareFunc<G> iter_cmp);
                public SequenceIter<G> search (G data, CompareDataFunc<G> cmp_func);
                public SequenceIter<G> search_iter (G data, SequenceIterCompareFunc<G> iter_cmp);
@@ -4479,6 +4550,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                [Version (since = "2.14")]
                public List<unowned K> get_keys ();
 #if VALA_0_26
+               [Version (since = "2.40")]
                public (unowned K)[] get_keys_as_array ();
                [Version (since = "2.14")]
@@ -4636,6 +4708,7 @@ namespace GLib {
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
                public static Bytes free_to_bytes (owned StringBuilder str);
@@ -4696,6 +4769,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public void foreach (GLib.Func<G> func);
                [CCode (cname = "g_ptr_array_index")]
                public unowned G get (uint index);
+               [Version (since = "2.40")]
                public void insert (int index, owned G data);
                public bool remove (G data);
                public void remove_index (uint index);
@@ -4822,6 +4896,7 @@ namespace GLib {
        public class Node<G> {
                public Node(owned G? data = null);
                public Node<unowned G> copy ();
+               public Node<G> copy_deep (CopyFunc<G> copy_func);
                public unowned Node<G> insert (int position, owned Node<G> node);
                public unowned Node<G> insert_before (Node<G> sibling, owned Node<G> node);
                public unowned Node<G> insert_after (Node<G> sibling, owned Node<G> node);
@@ -5083,6 +5158,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public const uint @2_42;
                public const uint @2_44;
                public const uint @2_46;
+               public const uint @2_48;
                [CCode (cname = "glib_binary_age")]
                public const uint binary_age;
@@ -5099,6 +5175,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                        [CCode (cname = "G_WIN32_OS_SERVER")]
+               [Version (since = "2.44")]
                public bool check_windows_version (int major, int minor, int spver, GLib.Win32.OSType 
                public string error_message (int error);
@@ -5112,6 +5189,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public bool have_widechar_api ();
                [CCode (cname = "G_WIN32_IS_NT_BASED")]
                public bool is_nt_based ();
+               [Version (since = "2.40")]
                [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
                public string[] get_command_line ();
@@ -5312,6 +5390,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public Variant.variant (Variant value);
                public Variant.maybe (VariantType? child_type, Variant? child);
                public Variant.array (VariantType? child_type, Variant[] children);
+               [Version (since = "2.32")]
                [CCode (simple_generics = true)]
                public static Variant new_fixed_array<T> (VariantType? element_type, [CCode 
(array_length_type = "gsize")] T[] elements, size_t element_size);
                public Variant.tuple (Variant[] children);
@@ -5350,14 +5429,20 @@ namespace GLib {
                public static Variant parse (VariantType? type, string text, char *limit = null, char 
**endptr = null) throws GLib.VariantParseError;
                public Variant.parsed (string format_string, ...);
+               [Version (since = "2.34")]
                public bool check_format_string (string format_string, bool copy_only);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public Variant.from_bytes (VariantType type, Bytes bytes, bool trusted);
+               [Version (since = "2.36")]
                public Bytes get_data_as_bytes ();
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public Variant.printf (string format_string, ...);
+               [Version (since = "2.38")]
                public Variant.take_string (string str);
+               [Version (since = "2.40")]
                public static void parse_error_print_context (GLib.VariantParseError error, string 
@@ -5405,6 +5490,7 @@ namespace GLib {
                public Variant end ();
+       [Version (since = "2.40")]
        [Compact, CCode (ref_function = "g_variant_dict_ref", unref_function = "g_variant_dict_unref")]
        public class VariantDict {
                public VariantDict (GLib.Variant? from_asv = null);

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