[chronojump] NeuroMuscularProfile interpolation simplified

commit c6b3f321ed46ee22646fbae091e82b3bb67684ad
Author: Xavier Padullés <x padulles gmail com>
Date:   Thu Dec 22 16:40:30 2016 +0100

    NeuroMuscularProfile interpolation simplified

 encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R |   58 ++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R b/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
index 112d8b6..ca2b1d2 100644
--- a/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
+++ b/encoder/neuromuscularProfile.R
@@ -286,49 +286,33 @@ neuromuscularProfileGetData <- function(singleFile, displacement, curves, mass,
        return (npj)
-#implement the Excel Forecast in R
-cutreForecastInRDo <- function(table.points, table.values, value)
-       if(value > table.values[11])
-               return (table.points[11])
-       else if(value < table.values[1])
-               return (table.points[1])
-       else {
-               for(i in 1:10) {
-                       if(value >= table.values[i] && value < table.values[(i+1)]) {
-                               range.values = table.values[(i+1)] - table.values[i]
-                               distanceFromLow = value - table.values[i]
-                               percentFromLow = distanceFromLow / range.values
-                               range.points = table.points[(i+1)] - table.points[i]
-                               return (table.points[i] + (range.points * percentFromLow))
-                       }
-               }
-       }
+#Linear interpolation of the values
+interpolation <- function(variable, value){
+        if(variable == "load")
+                percent <- 100 * value / 20000 #Linear between 0..20000
+        else if(variable == "explode")
+                percent <- 100 * value / 250 #Linear between 0..250
+        else if(variable == "drive")
+                percent = 100 * (value - 3) / (8-3) #Linear between 3..8
+        else
+                print("Wrong variable name")
+        #Let's correct when negative or >100
+        if(percent < 0)
+                percent <- 0
+        else if(percent > 100)
+                percent <- 100
+        return(percent)
-cutreForecastInRPrepare <- function(variable, value)
-       table.points <- seq(0,100,length.out=11)
-       table.load <- seq(0,20000,length.out=11)
-       table.explode <- seq(0,250,length.out=11)
-       table.drive <- seq(3,8,length.out=11)
-       if(variable == "load")
-               return (cutreForecastInRDo(table.points, table.load, value))
-       else if(variable == "explode")
-               return (cutreForecastInRDo(table.points, table.explode, value))
-       else #(variable == "drive")
-               return (cutreForecastInRDo(table.points, table.drive, value))
 neuromuscularProfilePlotBars <- function(title, load, explode, drive)
        #print(c("load, explode, drive", load, explode, drive))
-       load100 = cutreForecastInRPrepare("load",load)
-       explode100 = cutreForecastInRPrepare("explode",explode)
-       drive100 = cutreForecastInRPrepare("drive",drive)
+       load100 = interpolation("load",load)
+       explode100 = interpolation("explode",explode)
+       drive100 = interpolation("drive",drive)
        #print(c("load100, explode100, drive100", load100, explode100, drive100))
        barplot(main=title, c(load100,explode100,drive100),col=topo.colors(3),ylim=c(0,100),

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