[gtk+] gsk: Add GskInsetShadowNode
- From: Benjamin Otte <otte src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk+] gsk: Add GskInsetShadowNode
- Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 17:15:43 +0000 (UTC)
commit fcc1f554d6ae5169c6156ce33ea7d2a916992b2a
Author: Benjamin Otte <otte redhat com>
Date: Mon Dec 19 05:13:42 2016 +0100
gsk: Add GskInsetShadowNode
And again lots of shadow code gets copied to GSK. But we're now almost
at a stage where widget-factory does not use cairo nodes anymore.
docs/reference/gsk/gsk4-sections.txt | 1 +
gsk/gskenums.h | 2 +
gsk/gskrendernode.h | 8 +
gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c | 469 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
gtk/gtkcssshadowvalue.c | 26 +-
gtk/inspector/gtktreemodelrendernode.c | 1 +
gtk/inspector/recorder.c | 2 +
7 files changed, 499 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/reference/gsk/gsk4-sections.txt b/docs/reference/gsk/gsk4-sections.txt
index 8afc232..9ddf205 100644
--- a/docs/reference/gsk/gsk4-sections.txt
+++ b/docs/reference/gsk/gsk4-sections.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ gsk_linear_gradient_node_new
diff --git a/gsk/gskenums.h b/gsk/gskenums.h
index 9defa36..1653654 100644
--- a/gsk/gskenums.h
+++ b/gsk/gskenums.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
* linear gradient
* @GSK_BORDER_NODE: A node stroking a border around an area
* @GSK_TEXTURE_NODE: A node drawing a #GskTexture
+ * @GSK_INSET_SHADOW_NODE: A node drawing an inset shadow
* @GSK_TRANSFORM_NODE: A node that renders its child after applying a
* matrix transform
* @GSK_OPACITY_NODE: A node that changes the opacity of its child
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ typedef enum {
diff --git a/gsk/gskrendernode.h b/gsk/gskrendernode.h
index 1c46207..6fc8724 100644
--- a/gsk/gskrendernode.h
+++ b/gsk/gskrendernode.h
@@ -89,6 +89,14 @@ GskRenderNode * gsk_border_node_new (const GskRounde
const GdkRGBA border_color[4]);
+GskRenderNode * gsk_inset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline,
+ const GdkRGBA *color,
+ float dx,
+ float dy,
+ float spread,
+ float blur_radius);
GskRenderNode * gsk_cairo_node_new (const graphene_rect_t *bounds);
cairo_t * gsk_cairo_node_get_draw_context (GskRenderNode *node,
diff --git a/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c b/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
index a7453c6..9a9e6cd 100644
--- a/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
+++ b/gsk/gskrendernodeimpl.c
@@ -565,6 +565,475 @@ gsk_texture_node_new (GskTexture *texture,
return &self->render_node;
+typedef struct _GskInsetShadowNode GskInsetShadowNode;
+struct _GskInsetShadowNode
+ GskRenderNode render_node;
+ GskRoundedRect outline;
+ GdkRGBA color;
+ float dx;
+ float dy;
+ float spread;
+ float blur_radius;
+static void
+gsk_inset_shadow_node_finalize (GskRenderNode *node)
+static void
+gsk_inset_shadow_node_make_immutable (GskRenderNode *node)
+static gboolean
+has_empty_clip (cairo_t *cr)
+ double x1, y1, x2, y2;
+ cairo_clip_extents (cr, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ return x1 == x2 && y1 == y2;
+static void
+draw_shadow (cairo_t *cr,
+ gboolean inset,
+ GskRoundedRect *box,
+ GskRoundedRect *clip_box,
+ float radius,
+ const GdkRGBA *color,
+ GskBlurFlags blur_flags)
+ cairo_t *shadow_cr;
+ gboolean do_blur;
+ if (has_empty_clip (cr))
+ return;
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color);
+ do_blur = (blur_flags & (GSK_BLUR_X | GSK_BLUR_Y)) != 0;
+ if (do_blur)
+ shadow_cr = gsk_cairo_blur_start_drawing (cr, radius, blur_flags);
+ else
+ shadow_cr = cr;
+ cairo_set_fill_rule (shadow_cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_path (box, shadow_cr);
+ if (inset)
+ cairo_rectangle (cr,
+ clip_box->bounds.origin.x, clip_box->bounds.origin.y,
+ clip_box->bounds.size.width, clip_box->bounds.size.height);
+ cairo_fill (shadow_cr);
+ if (do_blur)
+ gsk_cairo_blur_finish_drawing (shadow_cr, radius, color, blur_flags);
+typedef struct {
+ float radius;
+ graphene_size_t corner;
+} CornerMask;
+typedef enum {
+ TOP,
+} Side;
+static guint
+corner_mask_hash (CornerMask *mask)
+ return ((guint)mask->radius << 24) ^
+ ((guint)(mask->corner.width*4)) << 12 ^
+ ((guint)(mask->corner.height*4)) << 0;
+static gboolean
+corner_mask_equal (CornerMask *mask1,
+ CornerMask *mask2)
+ return
+ mask1->radius == mask2->radius &&
+ mask1->corner.width == mask2->corner.width &&
+ mask1->corner.height == mask2->corner.height;
+static void
+draw_shadow_corner (cairo_t *cr,
+ gboolean inset,
+ GskRoundedRect *box,
+ GskRoundedRect *clip_box,
+ float radius,
+ const GdkRGBA *color,
+ GskCorner corner,
+ cairo_rectangle_int_t *drawn_rect)
+ float clip_radius;
+ int x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, x, y;
+ GskRoundedRect corner_box;
+ cairo_t *mask_cr;
+ cairo_surface_t *mask;
+ cairo_pattern_t *pattern;
+ cairo_matrix_t matrix;
+ float sx, sy;
+ static GHashTable *corner_mask_cache = NULL;
+ float max_other;
+ CornerMask key;
+ gboolean overlapped;
+ clip_radius = gsk_cairo_blur_compute_pixels (radius);
+ overlapped = FALSE;
+ if (corner == GSK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT || corner == GSK_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT)
+ {
+ x1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.x - clip_radius);
+ x2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.x + box->corner[corner].width + clip_radius);
+ x = x1;
+ sx = 1;
+ max_other = MAX(box->corner[GSK_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT].width, box->corner[GSK_CORNER_BOTTOM_RIGHT].width);
+ x3 = floor (box->bounds.origin.x + box->bounds.size.width - max_other - clip_radius);
+ if (x2 > x3)
+ overlapped = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.x + box->bounds.size.width - box->corner[corner].width - clip_radius);
+ x2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.x + box->bounds.size.width + clip_radius);
+ x = x2;
+ sx = -1;
+ max_other = MAX(box->corner[GSK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT].width, box->corner[GSK_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT].width);
+ x3 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.x + max_other + clip_radius);
+ if (x3 > x1)
+ overlapped = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (corner == GSK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT || corner == GSK_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT)
+ {
+ y1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.y - clip_radius);
+ y2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.y + box->corner[corner].height + clip_radius);
+ y = y1;
+ sy = 1;
+ max_other = MAX(box->corner[GSK_CORNER_BOTTOM_LEFT].height,
+ y3 = floor (box->bounds.origin.y + box->bounds.size.height - max_other - clip_radius);
+ if (y2 > y3)
+ overlapped = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ y1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.y + box->bounds.size.height - box->corner[corner].height - clip_radius);
+ y2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.y + box->bounds.size.height + clip_radius);
+ y = y2;
+ sy = -1;
+ max_other = MAX(box->corner[GSK_CORNER_TOP_LEFT].height, box->corner[GSK_CORNER_TOP_RIGHT].height);
+ y3 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.y + max_other + clip_radius);
+ if (y3 > y1)
+ overlapped = TRUE;
+ }
+ drawn_rect->x = x1;
+ drawn_rect->y = y1;
+ drawn_rect->width = x2 - x1;
+ drawn_rect->height = y2 - y1;
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ if (inset || overlapped)
+ {
+ /* Fall back to generic path if inset or if the corner radius
+ runs into each other */
+ draw_shadow (cr, inset, box, clip_box, radius, color, GSK_BLUR_X | GSK_BLUR_Y);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (has_empty_clip (cr))
+ return;
+ /* At this point we're drawing a blurred outset corner. The only
+ * things that affect the output of the blurred mask in this case
+ * is:
+ *
+ * What corner this is, which defines the orientation (sx,sy)
+ * and position (x,y)
+ *
+ * The blur radius (which also defines the clip_radius)
+ *
+ * The the horizontal and vertical corner radius
+ *
+ * We apply the first position and orientation when drawing the
+ * mask, so we cache rendered masks based on the blur radius and the
+ * corner radius.
+ */
+ if (corner_mask_cache == NULL)
+ corner_mask_cache = g_hash_table_new_full ((GHashFunc)corner_mask_hash,
+ (GEqualFunc)corner_mask_equal,
+ g_free, (GDestroyNotify)cairo_surface_destroy);
+ key.radius = radius;
+ key.corner = box->corner[corner];
+ mask = g_hash_table_lookup (corner_mask_cache, &key);
+ if (mask == NULL)
+ {
+ mask = cairo_surface_create_similar_image (cairo_get_target (cr), CAIRO_FORMAT_A8,
+ drawn_rect->width + clip_radius,
+ drawn_rect->height + clip_radius);
+ mask_cr = cairo_create (mask);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_init_from_rect (&corner_box, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (clip_radius, clip_radius,
2*drawn_rect->width, 2*drawn_rect->height), 0);
+ corner_box.corner[0] = box->corner[corner];
+ gsk_rounded_rect_path (&corner_box, mask_cr);
+ cairo_fill (mask_cr);
+ gsk_cairo_blur_surface (mask, radius, GSK_BLUR_X | GSK_BLUR_Y);
+ cairo_destroy (mask_cr);
+ g_hash_table_insert (corner_mask_cache, g_memdup (&key, sizeof (key)), mask);
+ }
+ gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color);
+ pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (mask);
+ cairo_matrix_init_identity (&matrix);
+ cairo_matrix_scale (&matrix, sx, sy);
+ cairo_matrix_translate (&matrix, -x, -y);
+ cairo_pattern_set_matrix (pattern, &matrix);
+ cairo_mask (cr, pattern);
+ cairo_pattern_destroy (pattern);
+static void
+draw_shadow_side (cairo_t *cr,
+ gboolean inset,
+ GskRoundedRect *box,
+ GskRoundedRect *clip_box,
+ float radius,
+ const GdkRGBA *color,
+ Side side,
+ cairo_rectangle_int_t *drawn_rect)
+ GskBlurFlags blur_flags = GSK_BLUR_REPEAT;
+ gdouble clip_radius;
+ int x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ clip_radius = gsk_cairo_blur_compute_pixels (radius);
+ if (side == TOP || side == BOTTOM)
+ {
+ blur_flags |= GSK_BLUR_Y;
+ x1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.x - clip_radius);
+ x2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.x + box->bounds.size.width + clip_radius);
+ }
+ else if (side == LEFT)
+ {
+ x1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.x -clip_radius);
+ x2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.x + clip_radius);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.x + box->bounds.size.width -clip_radius);
+ x2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.x + box->bounds.size.width + clip_radius);
+ }
+ if (side == LEFT || side == RIGHT)
+ {
+ blur_flags |= GSK_BLUR_X;
+ y1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.y - clip_radius);
+ y2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.y + box->bounds.size.height + clip_radius);
+ }
+ else if (side == TOP)
+ {
+ y1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.y -clip_radius);
+ y2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.y + clip_radius);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ y1 = floor (box->bounds.origin.y + box->bounds.size.height -clip_radius);
+ y2 = ceil (box->bounds.origin.y + box->bounds.size.height + clip_radius);
+ }
+ drawn_rect->x = x1;
+ drawn_rect->y = y1;
+ drawn_rect->width = x2 - x1;
+ drawn_rect->height = y2 - y1;
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ draw_shadow (cr, inset, box, clip_box, radius, color, blur_flags);
+static gboolean
+needs_blur (GskInsetShadowNode *self)
+ /* The code doesn't actually do any blurring for radius 1, as it
+ * ends up with box filter size 1 */
+ if (self->blur_radius <= 1.0)
+ return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+gsk_inset_shadow_node_draw (GskRenderNode *node,
+ cairo_t *cr)
+ GskInsetShadowNode *self = (GskInsetShadowNode *) node;
+ GskRoundedRect box, clip_box;
+ int clip_radius;
+ double x1c, y1c, x2c, y2c;
+ /* We don't need to draw invisible shadows */
+ if (gdk_rgba_is_clear (&self->color))
+ return;
+ cairo_clip_extents (cr, &x1c, &y1c, &x2c, &y2c);
+ if (!gsk_rounded_rect_intersects_rect (&self->outline, &GRAPHENE_RECT_INIT (x1c, y1c, x2c - x1c, y2c -
+ return;
+ clip_radius = gsk_cairo_blur_compute_pixels (self->blur_radius);
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_path (&self->outline, cr);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_init_copy (&box, &self->outline);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_offset (&box, self->dx, self->dy);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_shrink (&box, self->spread, self->spread, self->spread, self->spread);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_init_copy (&clip_box, &self->outline);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_shrink (&clip_box, -clip_radius, -clip_radius, -clip_radius, -clip_radius);
+ if (!needs_blur (self))
+ draw_shadow (cr, TRUE, &box, &clip_box, self->blur_radius, &self->color, GSK_BLUR_NONE);
+ else
+ {
+ cairo_region_t *remaining;
+ cairo_rectangle_int_t r;
+ int i;
+ /* For the blurred case we divide the rendering into 9 parts,
+ * 4 of the corners, 4 for the horizonat/vertical lines and
+ * one for the interior. We make the non-interior parts
+ * large enought to fit the full radius of the blur, so that
+ * the interior part can be drawn solidly.
+ */
+ /* In the inset case we want to paint the whole clip-box.
+ * We could remove the part of "box" where the blur doesn't
+ * reach, but computing that is a bit tricky since the
+ * rounded corners are on the "inside" of it. */
+ r.x = floor (clip_box.bounds.origin.x);
+ r.y = floor (clip_box.bounds.origin.y);
+ r.width = ceil (clip_box.bounds.origin.x + clip_box.bounds.size.width) - r.x;
+ r.height = ceil (clip_box.bounds.origin.y + clip_box.bounds.size.height) - r.y;
+ remaining = cairo_region_create_rectangle (&r);
+ /* First do the corners of box */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ /* Always clip with remaining to ensure we never draw any area twice */
+ gdk_cairo_region (cr, remaining);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ draw_shadow_corner (cr, TRUE, &box, &clip_box, self->blur_radius, &self->color, i, &r);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
+ /* We drew the region, remove it from remaining */
+ cairo_region_subtract_rectangle (remaining, &r);
+ }
+ /* Then the sides */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ /* Always clip with remaining to ensure we never draw any area twice */
+ gdk_cairo_region (cr, remaining);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ draw_shadow_side (cr, TRUE, &box, &clip_box, self->blur_radius, &self->color, i, &r);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
+ /* We drew the region, remove it from remaining */
+ cairo_region_subtract_rectangle (remaining, &r);
+ }
+ /* Then the rest, which needs no blurring */
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ gdk_cairo_region (cr, remaining);
+ cairo_clip (cr);
+ draw_shadow (cr, TRUE, &box, &clip_box, self->blur_radius, &self->color, GSK_BLUR_NONE);
+ cairo_restore (cr);
+ cairo_region_destroy (remaining);
+ }
+ cairo_restore (cr);
+static void
+gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_bounds (GskRenderNode *node,
+ graphene_rect_t *bounds)
+ GskInsetShadowNode *self = (GskInsetShadowNode *) node;
+ graphene_rect_init_from_rect (bounds, &self->outline.bounds);
+static const GskRenderNodeClass GSK_INSET_SHADOW_NODE_CLASS = {
+ sizeof (GskInsetShadowNode),
+ "GskInsetShadowNode",
+ gsk_inset_shadow_node_finalize,
+ gsk_inset_shadow_node_make_immutable,
+ gsk_inset_shadow_node_draw,
+ gsk_inset_shadow_node_get_bounds
+ * gsk_inset_shadow_node_new:
+ * @outline: outline of the region containing the shadow
+ * @color: color of the shadow
+ * @dx: horizontal offset of shadow
+ * @dy: vertical offset of shadow
+ * @spread: how far the shadow spreads towards the inside
+ * @blur_radius: how much blur to apply to the shadow
+ *
+ * Creates a #GskRenderNode that will render an inset shadow
+ * into the box given by @outline.
+ *
+ * Returns: A new #GskRenderNode
+ *
+ * Since: 3.90
+ */
+GskRenderNode *
+gsk_inset_shadow_node_new (const GskRoundedRect *outline,
+ const GdkRGBA *color,
+ float dx,
+ float dy,
+ float spread,
+ float blur_radius)
+ GskInsetShadowNode *self;
+ g_return_val_if_fail (outline != NULL, NULL);
+ g_return_val_if_fail (color != NULL, NULL);
+ self = (GskInsetShadowNode *) gsk_render_node_new (&GSK_INSET_SHADOW_NODE_CLASS);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_init_copy (&self->outline, outline);
+ self->color = *color;
+ self->dx = dx;
+ self->dy = dy;
+ self->spread = spread;
+ self->blur_radius = blur_radius;
+ return &self->render_node;
/*** GSK_CAIRO_NODE ***/
typedef struct _GskCairoNode GskCairoNode;
diff --git a/gtk/gtkcssshadowvalue.c b/gtk/gtkcssshadowvalue.c
index f132bfc..91b24bf 100644
--- a/gtk/gtkcssshadowvalue.c
+++ b/gtk/gtkcssshadowvalue.c
@@ -1066,7 +1066,9 @@ gtk_css_shadow_value_snapshot_inset (const GtkCssValue *shadow,
GtkSnapshot *snapshot,
const GskRoundedRect*padding_box)
- cairo_t *cr;
+ GskRoundedRect outline;
+ GskRenderNode *node;
+ double off_x, off_y;
g_return_if_fail (shadow->class == >K_CSS_VALUE_SHADOW);
@@ -1074,14 +1076,18 @@ gtk_css_shadow_value_snapshot_inset (const GtkCssValue *shadow,
if (gdk_rgba_is_clear (_gtk_css_rgba_value_get_rgba (shadow->color)))
- cr = gtk_snapshot_append_cairo_node (snapshot,
- padding_box->bounds.origin.x,
- padding_box->bounds.origin.y,
- padding_box->bounds.size.width,
- padding_box->bounds.size.height),
- "Inset Shadow");
- _gtk_css_shadow_value_paint_box (shadow, cr, padding_box);
- cairo_destroy (cr);
+ gtk_snapshot_get_offset (snapshot, &off_x, &off_y);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_init_copy (&outline, padding_box);
+ gsk_rounded_rect_offset (&outline, off_x, off_y);
+ node = gsk_inset_shadow_node_new (&outline,
+ _gtk_css_rgba_value_get_rgba (shadow->color),
+ _gtk_css_number_value_get (shadow->hoffset, 0),
+ _gtk_css_number_value_get (shadow->voffset, 0),
+ _gtk_css_number_value_get (shadow->spread, 0),
+ _gtk_css_number_value_get (shadow->radius, 0));
+ gsk_render_node_set_name (node, "Inset Shadow");
+ gtk_snapshot_append_node (snapshot, node);
+ gsk_render_node_unref (node);
diff --git a/gtk/inspector/gtktreemodelrendernode.c b/gtk/inspector/gtktreemodelrendernode.c
index 6064f9c..32177fa 100644
--- a/gtk/inspector/gtktreemodelrendernode.c
+++ b/gtk/inspector/gtktreemodelrendernode.c
@@ -528,6 +528,7 @@ append_node (GtkTreeModelRenderNode *nodemodel,
/* no children */
diff --git a/gtk/inspector/recorder.c b/gtk/inspector/recorder.c
index d1b4117..23f6d86 100644
--- a/gtk/inspector/recorder.c
+++ b/gtk/inspector/recorder.c
@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ node_type_name (GskRenderNodeType type)
return "Border";
return "Texture";
+ return "Inset Shadow";
return "Transform";
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