[gnome-builder] (9 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/cosimoc/flatpak-greeter

The branch 'wip/cosimoc/flatpak-greeter' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  cda7f78... Loading a project and set it up from a given flatpak manife
  47848e9... Add support for archive sources
  1355cfc... Make usage of the archive sources in the greeter
  0bd30dc... Add support for patch sources
  522ec0a... Refine work on patches
  7fa018b... Store strip_components centrally
  fd4cb4d... Apply the patches found for the module sources
  263f965... Rename of ide-flatpak-source-archive ide-flatpak-sources
  a00f587... greeter: don't add a toolbar button for addins with no titl

Commits added to the branch:

  91bbcf6... Loading a project and set it up from a given flatpak manife
  50000ba... Add support for archive sources
  bf37db8... Make usage of the archive sources in the greeter
  d2b6928... Add support for patch sources
  3c7c295... Refine work on patches
  66840be... Store strip_components centrally
  aef9163... Apply the patches found for the module sources
  739657c... Rename of ide-flatpak-source-archive ide-flatpak-sources
  2634657... greeter: don't add a toolbar button for addins with no titl

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